import logging import hashlib import asyncio import contextlib from dateutil import parser import datetime import discord import itertools from typing import ( Any, Dict, ) from redbot.core import commands, Config, checks from import Red from redbot.core.config import _ValueCtxManager, Group, Value from redbot.core.i18n import Translator, cog_i18n from redbot.core.commands import Context, Cog T_ = Translator("Birthdays", __file__) def _(s): def func(*args, **kwargs): real_args = list(args) real_args.pop(0) return T_(s).format(*real_args, **kwargs) return func @cog_i18n(T_) class Birthdays(Cog): """Announces people's birthdays and gives them a birthday role for the whole day""" __author__ = "PancakeSparkle#8243" # Just some constants DATE_GROUP = "DATE" GUILD_DATE_GROUP = "GUILD_DATE" # More constants BDAY_LIST_TITLE = _("Birthday List") # Even more constants BDAY_WITH_YEAR = _( "<@!{}> is now **{} years old**. <:aureliahappy:548738609763713035>" ) BDAY_WITHOUT_YEAR = _( "Everypony say Happy Hirthday to <@!{}>! <:aureliahappy:548738609763713035>" ) ROLE_SET = _( "<:aureliaagree:616091883013144586> The birthday role on **{g}** has been set to: **{r}**." ) BDAY_INVALID = _(":x: The birthday date you entered is invalid.") BDAY_SET = _( "<:aureliaagree:616091883013144586> Your birthday has been set to: **{}**." ) CHANNEL_SET = _( "<:aureliaagree:616091883013144586> " "The channel for announcing birthdays on **{g}** has been set to: **{c}**." ) BDAY_REMOVED = _(":put_litter_in_its_place: Your birthday has been removed.") BDAY_DM = _(":tada: Aurelia wishes you a very happy birthday! :tada:") def __init__(self, bot): super().__init__() = bot self.logger = logging.getLogger("aurelia.cogs.birthdays") unique_id = int( hashlib.sha512( (self.__author__ + "@" + self.__class__.__name__).encode() ).hexdigest(), 16, ) self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=unique_id) self.config.init_custom(self.DATE_GROUP, 1) self.config.init_custom(self.GUILD_DATE_GROUP, 2) self.config.register_guild(channel=None, role=None, yesterdays=[]) self.bday_loop = asyncio.ensure_future(self.initialise()) asyncio.ensure_future(self.check_breaking_change()) # Events async def initialise(self): await with contextlib.suppress(RuntimeError): while self == now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() tomorrow = (now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).replace( hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0 ) await self.clean_yesterday_bdays() await self.do_today_bdays() await asyncio.sleep((tomorrow - now).total_seconds()) def cog_unload(self): self.bday_loop.cancel() # Commands @commands.guild_only() async def bday(self, ctx: Context): """Birthday settings""" pass @bday.command(name="channel") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def bday_channel(self, ctx: Context, channel: discord.TextChannel): """Sets the birthday announcement channel""" message = ctx.message guild = message.guild await self.config.guild(channel.guild).channel.set( await, @bday.command(name="role") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def bday_role(self, ctx: Context, *, role: discord.Role): """Sets the birthday role""" message = ctx.message guild = message.guild await self.config.guild(role.guild).role.set( await, @bday.command(name="remove", aliases=["del", "clear", "rm"]) async def bday_remove(self, ctx: Context): """Unsets your birthday date""" message = ctx.message await self.remove_user_bday(, await @bday.command(name="set") async def bday_set(self, ctx: Context, *, date: str): """Sets your birthday date The given date can either be month day, or day month Year is optional. If not given, the age won't be displayed.""" message = ctx.message channel = author = year = None birthday = self.parse_date(date) # An Invalid date was entered. if birthday is None: print(self.BDAY_INVALID()) await channel.send(self.BDAY_INVALID()) else: print(type(birthday)) if datetime.datetime.utcnow().year != birthday.year: year = birthday.year birthday =, birthday.month, await self.remove_user_bday(, await self.get_date_config(, birthday.toordinal()).get_attr( ).set(year) bday_month_str = birthday.strftime("%B") bday_day_str = birthday.strftime("%d").lstrip("0") await channel.send(self.BDAY_SET(bday_month_str + " " + bday_day_str)) @bday.command(name="list") async def bday_list(self, ctx: Context): """Lists birthdays If a user has their year set, it will display the age they'll get after their birthday this year""" message = ctx.message await self.clean_bdays() bdays = await self.get_guild_date_configs( this_year = embed = discord.Embed( title=self.BDAY_LIST_TITLE(), color=discord.Colour.lighter_grey() ) for k, g in itertools.groupby( sorted(datetime.datetime.fromordinal(int(o)) for o in bdays.keys()), lambda i: i.month, ): value = "\n".join( date.strftime("%d").lstrip("0") + ": " + ", ".join( "<@!{}>".format(u_id) + ("" if year is None else " ({})".format(this_year - int(year))) for u_id, year in bdays.get(str(date.toordinal()), {}).items() ) for date in g if len(bdays.get(str(date.toordinal()))) > 0 ) if not value.isspace(): embed.add_field( name=datetime.datetime(year=1, month=k, day=1).strftime("%B"), value=value, ) await async def clean_bday(self, guild_id: int, guild_config: dict, user_id: int): guild = if guild is not None: role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=guild_config.get("role")) await self.maybe_update_guild(guild) member = guild.get_member(user_id) if member is not None and role is not None and role in member.roles: await member.remove_roles(role) async def handle_bday(self, user_id: int, year: str): embed = discord.Embed( if year is not None: age = - int(year) embed.description = self.BDAY_WITH_YEAR(user_id, age) else: embed.description = self.BDAY_WITHOUT_YEAR(user_id) all_guild_configs = await self.config.all_guilds() for guild_id, guild_config in all_guild_configs.items(): guild = if guild is not None: member = guild.get_member(user_id) if member is not None: role_id = guild_config.get("role") if role_id is not None: role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=role_id) if role is not None: try: await member.add_roles(role) except (discord.Forbidden, discord.HTTPException): pass else: async with self.config.guild( guild ).yesterdays() as yesterdays: yesterdays.append( channel = guild.get_channel(guild_config.get("channel")) if channel is not None: await channel.send(embed=embed) await member.send(self.BDAY_DM()) async def clean_bdays(self): birthdays = await self.get_all_date_configs() for guild_id, guild_bdays in birthdays.items(): for date, bdays in guild_bdays.items(): for user_id, year in bdays.items(): if not any( g.get_member(int(user_id)) is not None for g in ): async with self.get_date_config( guild_id, date )() as config_bdays: del config_bdays[user_id] config_bdays = await self.get_date_config(guild_id, date)() if len(config_bdays) == 0: await self.get_date_config(guild_id, date).clear() async def remove_user_bday(self, guild_id: int, user_id: int): user_id = str(user_id) birthdays = await self.get_guild_date_configs(guild_id) for date, user_ids in birthdays.items(): if user_id in user_ids: await self.get_date_config(guild_id, date).get_attr(user_id).clear() async def clean_yesterday_bdays(self): all_guild_configs = await self.config.all_guilds() for guild_id, guild_config in all_guild_configs.items(): for user_id in guild_config.get("yesterdays", []): asyncio.ensure_future(self.clean_bday(guild_id, guild_config, user_id)) await self.config.guild( discord.Guild(data={"id": guild_id}, state=None) ).yesterdays.clear() async def do_today_bdays(self): guild_configs = await self.get_all_date_configs() for guild_id, guild_config in guild_configs.items(): this_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date().replace(year=1) todays_bday_config = guild_config.get(str(this_date.toordinal()), {}) for user_id, year in todays_bday_config.items(): asyncio.ensure_future(self.handle_bday(int(user_id), year)) async def maybe_update_guild(self, guild: discord.Guild): if not guild.unavailable and guild.large: if not guild.chunked or any(m.joined_at is None for m in guild.members): await def parse_date(self, date: str): result = None try: result = parser.parse(date) except ValueError: pass return result async def check_breaking_change(self): await previous = await self.config.custom(self.DATE_GROUP).all() if len(previous) > 0: await self.config.custom(self.DATE_GROUP).clear() owner = if len( == 1: await self.get_guild_date_config([0].id).set_raw( value=previous ) "Birthdays are now per-guild. Previous birthdays have been copied." ) else: await self.config.custom(self.GUILD_DATE_GROUP, "backup").set_raw( value=previous ) "Previous birthdays have been backed up in the config file." ) def get_date_config(self, guild_id: int, date: int): return self.config.custom(self.GUILD_DATE_GROUP, str(guild_id), str(date)) def get_guild_date_config(self, guild_id: int): return self.config.custom(self.GUILD_DATE_GROUP, str(guild_id)) async def get_guild_date_configs( self, guild_id: int ) -> _ValueCtxManager[Dict[str, Any]]: return await self.get_guild_date_config(guild_id).all() def get_all_date_configs(self): return self.config.custom(self.GUILD_DATE_GROUP).all()