import asyncio import discord import random from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Optional, Literal from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import * from redbot.core.utils.predicates import MessagePredicate from .discord_thread_feature import * from .time_utils import * class ThreadRotate(commands.Cog): """ Rotate threads for events, roleplay, etc """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=45612361654894681623, force_registration=True) default_channel = { "topics": {}, "ping_roles": [], "rotation_interval": 10080, "rotate_on": None, "last_topic": None, } self.config.register_channel(**default_channel)"rotate") @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin() async def thread_rotate(self, ctx): """ Manage thread rotations per channel """ pass @thread_rotate.command(name="setup") async def thread_rotate_setup(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel): """ Interactively setup a thread rotation for a channel """ guild = ctx.guild await ctx.send( info( "Welcome to the thread rotation setup wizard!\n\nFirst, please specifiy the rotation interval. Rotation intervals can be formatted as follows:\n\t5 minutes\n\t1 minute 30 seconds\n\t1 hour\n\t2 days\n\t30 days\n\t5h30m\n\t(etc)" ) ) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await"message", check=pred, timeout=121) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling setup!"), delete_after=30) return interval = parse_timedelta(msg.content.strip()) if interval is None: await ctx.send(error("Invalid time interval, please run setup again!"), delete_after=60) return await ctx.send( info( "Thank you.\n\nNow, please specify the date and time to start rotation. You can say `now` to start rotation as soon as setup is complete.\n\nValid date formats are:\n\tFebruary 14 at 6pm EDT\n\t2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST\n\t01/20/18 at 21:00:43\n\t(etc)" ) ) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await"message", check=pred, timeout=121) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling setup!"), delete_after=30) return date = parse_time(msg.content.strip()) if date is None: await ctx.send(error("Invalid date, please run setup again!"), delete_after=60) return await ctx.send( info( "Great, next step is to list all roles that should be pinged and added to each thread when it rotates.\n\nList each role **seperated by a comma `,`**.\nYou can use role IDs, role mentions, or role names." ) ) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await"message", check=pred, timeout=241) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling setup!"), delete_after=30) return roles = [m.strip().strip("<").strip(">").strip("@").strip("&") for m in msg.content.split(",")] role_objs = [] for r in roles: try: role = guild.get_role(int(r)) except: role = discord.utils.find(lambda c: == r, guild.roles) if role is None: await ctx.send(error(f"Unknown channel: `{r}`, please run the command again.")) return role_objs.append(channel) await ctx.send( info( "Final step is to list the thread topics and their selection weights.\nThe weight is how likely the topic will be choosen.\nA weight of `1` means it will not be choosen more or less than other topics.\nA weight between 0 and 1 means it is that weight times less likely to be choosen, with a weight of 0 meaning it will never be choosen.\nA weight greater than 1 means it will be that times more likely to be choosen.\n\nFor example, a weight of 1.5 means that topic is 1.5 more likely to be choose over the others. A weight of 0.5 means that topic is half as likely to be choosen by others.\n\nPlease use this format for listing the weights:\n" ) ) await ctx.send(box("topic name: weight_value\ntopic 2 name: weight_value\ntopic 3 name: weight_value")) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await"message", check=pred, timeout=301) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling setup!"), delete_after=30) return topics = msg.content.split("\n") parsed_topics = {} # TODO error checking for topic in topics: topic = topic.split(":") parsed_topics[topic[0]] = float(topic[1]) await ctx.send(info(f"Please review the settings for thread rotation on channel {channel.mention}"))