import discord import logging from typing import Optional, Union from discord.ext.commands.errors import BadArgument from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands, version_info, VersionInfo from redbot.core.i18n import Translator, cog_i18n from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import humanize_list, error from .api import FlagTranslation, GoogleTranslateAPI from .converters import ChannelUserRole from .errors import GoogleTranslateAPIError """ Translator cog Cog credit to aziz#5919 for the idea and Links Wiki GitHub Support the developer Invite the bot to your guild Join the official development guild """ BASE_URL = "" _ = Translator("Translate", __file__) log = logging.getLogger("red.trusty-cogs.Translate") @cog_i18n(_) class Translate(GoogleTranslateAPI, commands.Cog): """ Translate messages using Google Translate """ __author__ = ["Aziz", "TrustyJAID"] __version__ = "2.3.7" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, 156434873547585, force_registration=True) default_guild = { "reaction": False, "text": False, "whitelist": [], "blacklist": [], "count": {"characters": 0, "requests": 0, "detect": 0}, "autosend": {}, } default = { "cooldown": {"past_flags": [], "timeout": 0, "multiple": False}, "count": {"characters": 0, "requests": 0, "detect": 0}, } self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.config.register_global(**default) self.cache = { "translations": [], "cooldown_translations": {}, "guild_messages": [], "guild_reactions": [], "cooldown": {}, "guild_blacklist": {}, "guild_whitelist": {}, "autolangs": {}, } self._key: Optional[str] = None self._clear_cache = self._save_loop = self._guild_counter = {} self._global_counter = {} def format_help_for_context(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> str: """ Thanks Sinbad! """ pre_processed = super().format_help_for_context(ctx) return f"{pre_processed}\n\nCog Version: {self.__version__}" async def red_delete_data_for_user(self, **kwargs): """ Nothing to delete """ return async def init(self) -> None: try: key = await self.config.api_key() except AttributeError: return try: central_key = await"google_translate") except AttributeError: # Red 3.1 support central_key = await"google_translate", default={}) if not central_key: try: await"google_translate", api_key=key) except AttributeError: await"google_translate", value={"api_key": key}) await self.config.api_key.clear() self._global_counter = await self.config.count() all_guilds = await self.config.all_guilds() for g_id, data in all_guilds.items(): self._guild_counter[g_id] = data["count"] @commands.command() async def translate( self, ctx: commands.Context, to_language: FlagTranslation, *, message: Union[discord.Message, str], ) -> None: """ Translate messages with Google Translate `` is the language you would like to translate `` is the message to translate, this can be words you want to translate, a channelID-messageID from SHIFT + clicking a message and copying ID, a message ID from the current channel, or message link """ if not await self._get_google_api_key(): msg = _("The bot owner needs to set an api key first!") await ctx.send(msg) return author = requestor = msg = ctx.message if isinstance(message, discord.Message): msg = message author = message = message.clean_content try: detected_lang = await self.detect_language(message) await self.add_detect(ctx.guild) except GoogleTranslateAPIError as e: await ctx.send(str(e)) return original_lang = detected_lang[0][0]["language"] embeds = None msg_trans = f"**{original_lang}:** {message}\n" # can only do up to 25 sections for embed for to_lang in to_language[:24]: if to_lang == original_lang: if len(to_language) == 1: return await ctx.send( _("I cannot translate `{from_lang}` to `{to}`").format(from_lang=original_lang, to=to_lang) ) else: continue try: translated_text = await self.translate_text(original_lang, to_lang, message) await self.add_requests(ctx.guild, message) except GoogleTranslateAPIError as e: await ctx.send(str(e)) return if translation = (translated_text, original_lang, to_lang) if embeds is None: embeds = discord.Embed(colour=author.colour, description=f"**FROM:** {original_lang}") embeds.set_author(name=author.display_name + _(" said:"), icon_url=str(author.avatar_url)) embeds.set_footer(text=f"Requested by {author}") embeds.add_field(name=original_lang, value=message, inline=False) # inline is false for horizontal spacing instead 3 at once in a line embeds.add_field(name=to_lang, value=translated_text, inline=False) else: embeds.add_field(name=to_lang, value=translated_text, inline=False) else: msg_trans += f"**{to_lang}**: {translated_text}\n" if embeds is not None: if version_info >= VersionInfo.from_str("3.4.6") and == await ctx.send(embed=embeds, reference=msg, mention_author=False) else: await ctx.send(embed=embeds) else: if version_info >= VersionInfo.from_str("3.4.6") and == await ctx.send(msg_trans, reference=msg, mention_author=False) else: await ctx.send(msg_trans) async def translateset(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: """ Toggle the bot auto translating """ pass @translateset.command(name="auto") async def translate_auto(self, ctx: commands.Context, languages: str, *links: discord.TextChannel) -> None: """ Set channels to auto translate messages from and to All channels will be linked together, that is every channel's messages will be translated to every other channel. Languages should be the **receive language** that every message sent to it should be translated to. **languages** should be a comma seperated list of languages with no spaces matching the links! """ langs = [l.strip() for l in languages.strip().split(",")] if len(langs) != len(links): return await ctx.send(error("The number of lanuages and link channels don't match!"), delete_after=30) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).autosend.set({ lang for l, lang in zip(links, langs)}) await ctx.tick() @translateset.command(name="stats") async def translate_stats(self, ctx: commands.Context, guild_id: Optional[int]): """ Shows translation usage """ if guild_id and not await return await ctx.send(_("That is only available for the bot owner.")) elif guild_id and await if not (guild := return await ctx.send(_("Guild `{guild_id}` not found.").format(guild_id=guild_id)) else: guild = ctx.guild tr_keys = { "requests": _("API Requests:"), "detect": _("API Detect Language:"), "characters": _("Characters requested:"), } count = ( self._guild_counter[] if in self._guild_counter else await self.config.guild(guild).count() ) gl_count = self._global_counter if self._global_counter else await self.config.count() msg = _("__Global Usage__:\n") for key, value in gl_count.items(): msg += tr_keys[key] + f" **{value}**\n" msg += _("__{guild} Usage__:\n").format( for key, value in count.items(): msg += tr_keys[key] + f" **{value}**\n" await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)["blocklist"]) @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def blacklist(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: """ Set blacklist options for translations blacklisting supports channels, users, or roles """ pass["allowlist"]) @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def whitelist(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: """ Set whitelist options for translations whitelisting supports channels, users, or roles """ pass @whitelist.command(name="add") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def whitelist_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, *channel_user_role: ChannelUserRole) -> None: """ Add a channel, user, or role to translation whitelist """ if len(channel_user_role) < 1: return await ctx.send(_("You must supply 1 or more channels users or roles to be whitelisted.")) for obj in channel_user_role: if not in await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).whitelist(): async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).whitelist() as whitelist: whitelist.append( await self._bw_list_cache_update(ctx.guild) msg = _("`{list_type}` added to translation whitelist.") list_type = humanize_list([ for c in channel_user_role]) await ctx.send(msg.format(list_type=list_type)) @whitelist.command(name="remove", aliases=["rem", "del"]) @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def whitelist_remove(self, ctx: commands.Context, *channel_user_role: ChannelUserRole) -> None: """ Remove a channel, user, or role from translation whitelist """ if len(channel_user_role) < 1: return await ctx.send( _("You must supply 1 or more channels, users, " "or roles to be removed from the whitelist") ) for obj in channel_user_role: if in await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).whitelist(): async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).whitelist() as whitelist: whitelist.remove( await self._bw_list_cache_update(ctx.guild) msg = _("`{list_type}` removed from translation whitelist.") list_type = humanize_list([ for c in channel_user_role]) await ctx.send(msg.format(list_type=list_type)) @whitelist.command(name="list") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def whitelist_list(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: """ List Channels, Users, and Roles in the servers translation whitelist. """ whitelist = [] for _id in await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).whitelist(): try: whitelist.append(await ChannelUserRole().convert(ctx, str(_id))) except BadArgument: continue whitelist_s = ", ".join( for x in whitelist) await ctx.send(_("`{whitelisted}` are currently whitelisted.").format(whitelisted=whitelist_s)) @blacklist.command(name="add") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def blacklist_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, *channel_user_role: ChannelUserRole) -> None: """ Add a channel, user, or role to translation blacklist """ if len(channel_user_role) < 1: return await ctx.send(_("You must supply 1 or more channels users or roles to be blacklisted.")) for obj in channel_user_role: if not in await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).blacklist(): async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).blacklist() as blacklist: blacklist.append( await self._bw_list_cache_update(ctx.guild) msg = _("`{list_type}` added to translation blacklist.") list_type = humanize_list([ for c in channel_user_role]) await ctx.send(msg.format(list_type=list_type)) @blacklist.command(name="remove", aliases=["rem", "del"]) @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def blacklist_remove(self, ctx: commands.Context, *channel_user_role: ChannelUserRole) -> None: """ Remove a channel, user, or role from translation blacklist """ if len(channel_user_role) < 1: return await ctx.send( _("You must supply 1 or more channels, users, " "or roles to be removed from the blacklist") ) for obj in channel_user_role: if in await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).blacklist(): async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).blacklist() as blacklist: blacklist.remove( await self._bw_list_cache_update(ctx.guild) msg = _("`{list_type}` removed from translation blacklist.") list_type = humanize_list([ for c in channel_user_role]) await ctx.send(msg.format(list_type=list_type)) @blacklist.command(name="list") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def blacklist_list(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: """ List Channels, Users, and Roles in the servers translation blacklist. """ blacklist = [] for _id in await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).blacklist(): try: blacklist.append(await ChannelUserRole().convert(ctx, str(_id))) except BadArgument: continue blacklist_s = ", ".join( for x in blacklist) await ctx.send(_("`{blacklisted}` are currently blacklisted.").format(blacklisted=blacklist_s)) @translateset.command(aliases=["reaction", "reactions"]) @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_channels=True) @commands.guild_only() async def react(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: """ Toggle translations to flag emoji reactions """ guild = ctx.message.guild toggle = not await self.config.guild(guild).reaction() if toggle: verb = _("on") else: verb = _("off") if in self.cache["guild_reactions"]: self.cache["guild_reactions"].remove( await self.config.guild(guild).reaction.set(toggle) msg = _("Reaction translations have been turned ") await ctx.send(msg + verb) @translateset.command(aliases=["multi"]) @checks.is_owner() @commands.guild_only() async def multiple(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None: """ Toggle multiple translations for the same message This will also ignore the translated message from being translated into another language """ toggle = not await self.config.cooldown.multiple() if toggle: verb = _("on") else: verb = _("off") await self.config.cooldown.multiple.set(toggle) self.cache["cooldown"] = await self.config.cooldown() msg = _("Multiple translations have been turned ") await ctx.send(msg + verb) @translateset.command(aliases=["cooldown"]) @checks.is_owner() @commands.guild_only() async def timeout(self, ctx: commands.Context, time: int) -> None: """ Set the cooldown before a message can be reacted to again for translation `