import asyncio import contextlib from datetime import timezone from collections import namedtuple from copy import copy from typing import Union, Optional, Literal import discord from redbot.cogs.warnings.helpers import ( warning_points_add_check, get_command_for_exceeded_points, get_command_for_dropping_points, warning_points_remove_check, ) from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands, modlog from import Red from redbot.core.commands import UserInputOptional from redbot.core.i18n import Translator, cog_i18n from redbot.core.utils import AsyncIter from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import warning, pagify, error from redbot.core.utils.menus import menu, DEFAULT_CONTROLS, start_adding_reactions from redbot.core.utils.predicates import MessagePredicate, ReactionPredicate _ = Translator("Warnings", __file__) @cog_i18n(_) class Warnings_Custom(commands.Cog): """Warn misbehaving users and take automated actions.""" default_guild = { "actions": [], "reasons": {}, "allow_custom_reasons": False, "allow_context": False, "toggle_dm": True, "show_mod": False, "warn_channel": None, "toggle_channel": False, } default_member = {"total_points": 0, "status": "", "warnings": {}} def __init__(self, bot: Red): super().__init__() self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=5757575755) self.config.register_guild(**self.default_guild) self.config.register_member(**self.default_member) = bot self.registration_task = async def red_delete_data_for_user( self, *, requester: Literal["discord_deleted_user", "owner", "user", "user_strict"], user_id: int, ): if requester != "discord_deleted_user": return all_members = await self.config.all_members() c = 0 for guild_id, guild_data in all_members.items(): c += 1 if not c % 100: await asyncio.sleep(0) if user_id in guild_data: await self.config.member_from_ids(guild_id, user_id).clear() for remaining_user, user_warns in guild_data.items(): c += 1 if not c % 100: await asyncio.sleep(0) for warn_id, warning in user_warns.get("warnings", {}).items(): c += 1 if not c % 100: await asyncio.sleep(0) if warning.get("mod", 0) == user_id: grp = self.config.member_from_ids(guild_id, remaining_user) await grp.set_raw("warnings", warn_id, "mod", value=0xDE1) # We're not utilising modlog yet - no need to register a casetype @staticmethod async def register_warningtype(): casetypes_to_register = [ { "name": "warning", "default_setting": True, "image": "\N{WARNING SIGN}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", "case_str": "Warning", }, { "name": "unwarned", "default_setting": True, "image": "\N{WARNING SIGN}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}", "case_str": "Unwarned", }, ] try: await modlog.register_casetypes(casetypes_to_register) except RuntimeError: pass @commands.guild_only() @checks.guildowner_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def warningset(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Manage settings for Warnings.""" pass @warningset.command() @commands.guild_only() async def allowcustomreasons(self, ctx: commands.Context, allowed: bool): """Enable or disable custom reasons for a warning.""" guild = ctx.guild await self.config.guild(guild).allow_custom_reasons.set(allowed) if allowed: await ctx.send(_("Custom reasons have been enabled.")) else: await ctx.send(_("Custom reasons have been disabled.")) @warningset.command() @commands.guild_only() async def allowcontext(self, ctx: commands.Context, allowed: bool): """Enable or disable adding context to warnings.""" guild = ctx.guild await self.config.guild(guild).allow_context.set(allowed) if allowed: await ctx.send(_("Context has been enabled.")) else: await ctx.send(_("Context has been disabled.")) @warningset.command() @commands.guild_only() async def senddm(self, ctx: commands.Context, true_or_false: bool): """Set whether warnings should be sent to users in DMs.""" await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).toggle_dm.set(true_or_false) if true_or_false: await ctx.send(_("I will now try to send warnings to users DMs.")) else: await ctx.send(_("Warnings will no longer be sent to users DMs.")) @warningset.command() @commands.guild_only() async def showmoderator(self, ctx, true_or_false: bool): """Decide whether the name of the moderator warning a user should be included in the DM to that user.""" await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).show_mod.set(true_or_false) if true_or_false: await ctx.send( _("I will include the name of the moderator who issued the warning when sending a DM to a user.") ) else: await ctx.send( _("I will not include the name of the moderator who issued the warning when sending a DM to a user.") ) @warningset.command() @commands.guild_only() async def warnchannel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """Set the channel where warnings should be sent to. Leave empty to use the channel `[p]warn` command was called in. """ guild = ctx.guild if channel: await self.config.guild(guild).warn_channel.set( await ctx.send(_("The warn channel has been set to {channel}.").format(channel=channel.mention)) else: await self.config.guild(guild).warn_channel.set(channel) await ctx.send(_("Warnings will now be sent in the channel command was used in.")) @warningset.command() @commands.guild_only() async def usewarnchannel(self, ctx: commands.Context, true_or_false: bool): """ Set if warnings should be sent to a channel set with `[p]warningset warnchannel`. """ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).toggle_channel.set(true_or_false) channel = self.config.guild(ctx.guild).warn_channel()) if true_or_false: if channel: await ctx.send(_("Warnings will now be sent to {channel}.").format(channel=channel.mention)) else: await ctx.send(_("Warnings will now be sent in the channel command was used in.")) else: await ctx.send(_("Toggle channel has been disabled.")) @commands.guild_only() @checks.guildowner_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def warnaction(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Manage automated actions for Warnings. Actions are essentially command macros. Any command can be run when the action is initially triggered, and/or when the action is lifted. Actions must be given a name and a points threshold. When a user is warned enough so that their points go over this threshold, the action will be executed. """ pass @warnaction.command(name="add") @commands.guild_only() async def action_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, name: str, points: int): """Create an automated action. Duplicate action names are not allowed. """ guild = ctx.guild exceed_command = await get_command_for_exceeded_points(ctx) drop_command = await get_command_for_dropping_points(ctx) to_add = { "action_name": name, "points": points, "exceed_command": exceed_command, "drop_command": drop_command, } # Have all details for the action, now save the action guild_settings = self.config.guild(guild) async with guild_settings.actions() as registered_actions: for act in registered_actions: if act["action_name"] == to_add["action_name"]: await ctx.send(_("Duplicate action name found!")) break else: registered_actions.append(to_add) # Sort in descending order by point count for ease in # finding the highest possible action to take registered_actions.sort(key=lambda a: a["points"], reverse=True) await ctx.send(_("Action {name} has been added.").format(name=name)) @warnaction.command(name="delete", aliases=["del", "remove"]) @commands.guild_only() async def action_del(self, ctx: commands.Context, action_name: str): """Delete the action with the specified name.""" guild = ctx.guild guild_settings = self.config.guild(guild) async with guild_settings.actions() as registered_actions: to_remove = None for act in registered_actions: if act["action_name"] == action_name: to_remove = act break if to_remove: registered_actions.remove(to_remove) await ctx.tick() else: await ctx.send(_("No action named {name} exists!").format(name=action_name)) @commands.guild_only() @checks.guildowner_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def warnreason(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Manage warning reasons. Reasons must be given a name, description and points value. The name of the reason must be given when a user is warned. """ pass @warnreason.command(name="create", aliases=["add"]) @commands.guild_only() async def reason_create(self, ctx: commands.Context, name: str, points: int, *, description: str): """Create a warning reason.""" guild = ctx.guild if name.lower() == "custom": await ctx.send(_("*Custom* cannot be used as a reason name!")) return to_add = {"points": points, "description": description} completed = {name.lower(): to_add} guild_settings = self.config.guild(guild) async with guild_settings.reasons() as registered_reasons: registered_reasons.update(completed) await ctx.send(_("The new reason has been registered.")) @warnreason.command(name="delete", aliases=["remove", "del"]) @commands.guild_only() async def reason_del(self, ctx: commands.Context, reason_name: str): """Delete a warning reason.""" guild = ctx.guild guild_settings = self.config.guild(guild) async with guild_settings.reasons() as registered_reasons: if registered_reasons.pop(reason_name.lower(), None): await ctx.tick() else: await ctx.send(_("That is not a registered reason name.")) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(ban_members=True) async def reasonlist(self, ctx: commands.Context): """List all configured reasons for Warnings.""" guild = ctx.guild guild_settings = self.config.guild(guild) msg_list = [] async with guild_settings.reasons() as registered_reasons: for r, v in registered_reasons.items(): if await ctx.embed_requested(): em = discord.Embed( title=_("Reason: {name}").format(name=r), description=v["description"], ) em.add_field(name=_("Points"), value=str(v["points"])) msg_list.append(em) else: msg_list.append( _("Name: {reason_name}\nPoints: {points}\nDescription: {description}").format( reason_name=r, **v ) ) if msg_list: await menu(ctx, msg_list, DEFAULT_CONTROLS) else: await ctx.send(_("There are no reasons configured!")) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(ban_members=True) async def actionlist(self, ctx: commands.Context): """List all configured automated actions for Warnings.""" guild = ctx.guild guild_settings = self.config.guild(guild) msg_list = [] async with guild_settings.actions() as registered_actions: for r in registered_actions: if await ctx.embed_requested(): em = discord.Embed(title=_("Action: {name}").format(name=r["action_name"])) em.add_field(name=_("Points"), value="{}".format(r["points"]), inline=False) em.add_field( name=_("Exceed command"), value=r["exceed_command"], inline=False, ) em.add_field(name=_("Drop command"), value=r["drop_command"], inline=False) msg_list.append(em) else: msg_list.append( _( "Name: {action_name}\nPoints: {points}\n" "Exceed command: {exceed_command}\nDrop command: {drop_command}" ).format(**r) ) if msg_list: await menu(ctx, msg_list, DEFAULT_CONTROLS) else: await ctx.send(_("There are no actions configured!")) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(ban_members=True) async def warn( self, ctx: commands.Context, user: discord.Member, points: UserInputOptional[int] = 1, *, reason: str, ): """Warn the user for the specified reason. Context can be provided after running command `` number of points the warning should be for. If no number is supplied 1 point will be given. Pre-set warnings disregard this. `` can be a registered reason if it exists or a custom one is created by default. """ guild = ctx.guild if user == return await ctx.send(_("You cannot warn yourself.")) if return await ctx.send(_("You cannot warn other bots.")) if user == ctx.guild.owner: return await ctx.send(_("You cannot warn the server owner.")) if user.top_role >= and != ctx.guild.owner: return await ctx.send( _( "The person you're trying to warn is equal or higher than you in the discord hierarchy, you cannot warn them." ) ) guild_settings = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).all() custom_allowed = guild_settings["allow_custom_reasons"] reason_type = None async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).reasons() as registered_reasons: if (reason_type := registered_reasons.get(reason.lower())) is None: msg = _("That is not a registered reason!") if custom_allowed: reason_type = {"description": reason, "points": points} else: # logic taken from `[p]permissions canrun` fake_message = copy(ctx.message) fake_message.content = f"{ctx.prefix}warningset allowcustomreasons" fake_context = await try: can = await self.allowcustomreasons.can_run( fake_context, check_all_parents=True, change_permission_state=False ) except commands.CommandError: can = False if can: msg += " " + _( "Do `{prefix}warningset allowcustomreasons true` to enable custom " "reasons." ).format(prefix=ctx.clean_prefix) return await ctx.send(msg) if reason_type is None: return # get context of reason, if provided context = "" if await self.config.guild(guild).allow_context(): msg = await ctx.send("Would you like to provide more context to the warning? (react with yes or no)") start_adding_reactions(msg, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS) pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(msg, try: await"reaction_add", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling warning!")) return if pred.result: done = False while not done: await ctx.send("Please provide context as text and/or an attachment.") pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await"message", check=pred, timeout=240) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling warning!")) return yes_or_no = await ctx.send("Continue with provided context? React no to redo.") start_adding_reactions(yes_or_no, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS) pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(yes_or_no, try: await"reaction_add", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling warning!")) return done = pred.result if len(msg.attachments): urls = "\n".join([a.url for a in msg.attachments]) context = f"{msg.content}\n**urls**: {urls}" else: context = msg.content member_settings = self.config.member(user) current_point_count = await member_settings.total_points() current_point_count += reason_type["points"] await member_settings.total_points.set(current_point_count) await warning_points_add_check(self.config, ctx, user, current_point_count) dm = guild_settings["toggle_dm"] showmod = guild_settings["show_mod"] dm_failed = False if dm: if showmod: title = _("Warning from {user}").format( else: title = _("Warning") em = discord.Embed( title=title, description=reason_type["description"], ) em.add_field(name=_("Points"), value=str(reason_type["points"])) try: await user.send( _("You have received a warning in {guild_name}.").format(, embed=em, ) except discord.HTTPException: dm_failed = True if dm_failed: await ctx.send( _("A warning for {user} has been issued," " but I wasn't able to send them a warn message.").format( user=user.mention ) ) toggle_channel = guild_settings["toggle_channel"] if toggle_channel: if showmod: title = _("Warning from {user}").format( else: title = _("Warning") em = discord.Embed( title=title, description=reason_type["description"], ) em.add_field(name=_("Points"), value=str(reason_type["points"])) warn_channel =["warn_channel"]) if warn_channel: if warn_channel.permissions_for( with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException): await warn_channel.send( _("{user} has been warned.").format(user=user.mention), embed=em, ) if not dm_failed: if warn_channel: await ctx.tick() else: await ctx.send(_("{user} has been warned.").format(user=user.mention), embed=em) else: if not dm_failed: await ctx.tick() reason_msg = _("{reason}\n\nUse `{prefix}unwarn {user} {message}` to remove this warning.{context}").format( reason=_("{description}\nPoints: {points}").format( description=reason_type["description"], points=reason_type["points"] ), prefix=ctx.clean_prefix,,, context=f"\n\n**Context**:\n{context}" if context else "", ) case = await modlog.create_case(, ctx.guild, ctx.message.created_at.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc), "warning", user,, reason_msg, until=None, channel=None, ) warning_to_add = { str( { "points": reason_type["points"], "description": reason_type["description"], "mod":, "date": ctx.message.created_at.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC"), "caseno": case.case_number, } } async with member_settings.warnings() as user_warnings: user_warnings.update(warning_to_add) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin() async def warnings(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: Union[discord.Member, int]): """List the warnings for the specified user.""" try: userid: int = except AttributeError: userid: int = user user = ctx.guild.get_member(userid) user = user or namedtuple("Member", "id guild")(userid, ctx.guild) msg = "" member_settings = self.config.member(user) async with member_settings.warnings() as user_warnings: if not user_warnings.keys(): # no warnings for the user await ctx.send(_("That user has no warnings!")) else: for key in user_warnings.keys(): mod_id = user_warnings[key]["mod"] if mod_id == 0xDE1: mod = _("Deleted Moderator") else: bot = mod = bot.get_user(mod_id) or _("Unknown Moderator ({})").format(mod_id) date = user_warnings[key].get( "date", None ) # not all warnings may have date if switched from using warnings cog by red num = user_warnings[key].get("caseno", None) # same as above msg += _( "{num}{num_points} point warning {reason_name} issued by {user} for " "{description}{date}\n" ).format( num_points=user_warnings[key]["points"], reason_name=key, user=mod, description=user_warnings[key]["description"], date=" at {}".format(date) if date else "", num=f"Case #{num}: " if num else "", ) await ctx.send_interactive( pagify(msg, shorten_by=58), box_lang=_("Warnings for {user}").format(user=user), ) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() async def mywarnings(self, ctx: commands.Context): """List warnings for yourself.""" user = msg = "" member_settings = self.config.member(user) async with member_settings.warnings() as user_warnings: if not user_warnings.keys(): # no warnings for the user await ctx.send(_("You have no warnings!")) else: for key in user_warnings.keys(): mod_id = user_warnings[key]["mod"] if mod_id == 0xDE1: mod = _("Deleted Moderator") else: bot = mod = bot.get_user(mod_id) or _("Unknown Moderator ({})").format(mod_id) date = user_warnings[key].get( "date", None ) # not all warnings may have date if switched from using warnings cog by red msg += _( "{num_points} point warning {reason_name} issued by {user} for " "{description}{date}\n" ).format( num_points=user_warnings[key]["points"], reason_name=key, user=mod, description=user_warnings[key]["description"], date=" at {}".format(date) if date else "", ) await ctx.send_interactive( pagify(msg, shorten_by=58), box_lang=_("Warnings for {user}").format(user=user), ) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(ban_members=True) async def unwarn( self, ctx: commands.Context, user: Union[discord.Member, int], warn_id: str, *, reason: str = None, ): """Remove a warning from a user.""" guild = ctx.guild try: user_id = member = user except AttributeError: user_id = user member = guild.get_member(user_id) member = member or namedtuple("Member", "guild id")(guild, user_id) if user_id == return await ctx.send(_("You cannot remove warnings from yourself.")) member_settings = self.config.member(member) current_point_count = await member_settings.total_points() await warning_points_remove_check(self.config, ctx, member, current_point_count) async with member_settings.warnings() as user_warnings: if warn_id not in user_warnings.keys(): return await ctx.send(_("That warning doesn't exist!")) else: current_point_count -= user_warnings[warn_id]["points"] await member_settings.total_points.set(current_point_count) user_warnings.pop(warn_id) await modlog.create_case(, ctx.guild, ctx.message.created_at.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc), "unwarned", member,, reason, until=None, channel=None, ) await ctx.tick()