# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re from redbot.core import checks, Config import discord from redbot.core import commands from redbot.core.data_manager import bundled_data_path from redbot.core.utils.menus import menu, DEFAULT_CONTROLS import asyncio import datetime from .userprofile import UserProfile from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from math import floor, ceil import os import aiohttp from redbot.core.i18n import Translator, cog_i18n from io import BytesIO import functools import textwrap _ = Translator("Leveler", __file__) @cog_i18n(_) class Leveler(commands.Cog): """A leveler cog !""" def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot self.profiles = UserProfile() self.loop = asyncio.create_task(self.start()) self.restart = True self.defaultrole = _("New") self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession() __version__ = "1.0.0" __author__ = "Malarne#1418" __info__ = { "bot_version": "3.0.0rc2", "description": ( "A leveler cog for Red V3\n", "Inspired by Stevy's v2 leveler cog\n", "Please consult the docs at ayrobot.netlify.com for setup informations.\n", "Thanks for using my cog !", ), "hidden": False, "install_msg": ( "Thank you for installing this leveler !\n", "Please consult the docs at ayrobot.netlify.com for setup informations.", ), "required_cogs": [], "requirements": ["pillow"], "short": "Leveler tool, better than MEE6", "tags": ["leveler", "pillow", "fun"], } def cog_unload(self): self.bot.remove_listener(self.listener) asyncio.create_task(self._session.close()) self.loop.cancel() async def start(self): await self.bot.wait_until_ready() while True: if not self.restart: guilds = self.bot.guilds for i in guilds: profils = await self.profiles.data.all_members(i) for j in profils.keys(): member = i.get_member(j) if member is None: await self._reset_member(i, j) else: await self.profiles.data.member(member).today.set(0) self.restart = True if datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M") in [ "05:00", "05:01", "05:02", "05:03", "05:04", "05:05", ]: self.restart = False await asyncio.sleep(30) async def _reset_member(self, guild, memberid): try: base = self.profiles.data._get_base_group(self.profiles.data.MEMBER) await base.clear_raw(str(guild.id), memberid) except: pass @commands.command(hidden=True) @checks.is_owner() async def testreset(self, ctx): self.restart = False await ctx.send(_("Resets in 30 seconds max"), delete_after=30) async def get_avatar(self, user): try: res = BytesIO() await user.avatar_url_as(format="png", size=1024).save(res, seek_begin=True) return res except: async with self._session.get(user.avatar_url_as(format="png", size=1024)) as r: img = await r.content.read() return BytesIO(img) async def get_background(self, url): async with self._session.get(url) as f: data = await f.read() return Image.open(BytesIO(data)) def round_corner(self, radius): """Draw a round corner""" corner = Image.new("L", (radius, radius), 0) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(corner) draw.pieslice((0, 0, radius * 2, radius * 2), 180, 270, fill=255) return corner def add_corners(self, im, rad): # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7787375/python-imaging-library-pil-drawing-rounded-rectangle-with-gradient width, height = im.size alpha = Image.new("L", im.size, 255) origCorner = self.round_corner(rad) corner = origCorner alpha.paste(corner, (0, 0)) corner = origCorner.rotate(90) alpha.paste(corner, (0, height - rad)) corner = origCorner.rotate(180) alpha.paste(corner, (width - rad, height - rad)) corner = origCorner.rotate(270) alpha.paste(corner, (width - rad, 0)) im.putalpha(alpha) return im def make_full_profile(self, avatar_data, user, xp, nxp, lvl, minone, elo, ldb, desc, bg=None): img = Image.new("RGBA", (340, 390), (17, 17, 17, 255)) if bg is not None: bg_width, bg_height = bg.size ratio = bg_height / 390 bg = bg.resize((int(bg_width / (ratio)), int(bg_height / ratio))) if bg.size[0] < 340: ratio = bg_width / 340 bg = bg.resize((int(bg_width / (ratio)), int(bg_height / ratio))) bg = bg.convert("RGBA") bg.putalpha(128) offset = 0 if bg.size[0] >= 340: offset = (int((-(bg.size[0] - 340) / 2)), 0) if bg.size[0] < 340: offset = (0, int((-(bg.size[1] - 390) / 2))) img.paste(bg, offset, bg) img = self.add_corners(img, 10) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) usercolor = (255, 255, 0) # user.color.to_rgb() aviholder = self.add_corners(Image.new("RGBA", (140, 140), (255, 255, 255, 255)), 10) nameplate = self.add_corners(Image.new("RGBA", (180, 60), (0, 0, 0, 255)), 10) xptot = self.add_corners(Image.new("RGBA", (310, 20), (215, 215, 215, 255)), 10) img.paste(aviholder, (10, 10), aviholder) img.paste(nameplate, (155, 10), nameplate) img.paste(xptot, (15, 340), xptot) fontpath = str(bundled_data_path(self) / "cambria.ttc") font1 = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath, 18) font2 = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath, 22) font3 = ImageFont.truetype(fontpath, 32) avatar = Image.open(avatar_data) avatar_size = 130, 130 avatar.thumbnail(avatar_size) img.paste(avatar, (15, 15)) lxp = xp - minone lnxp = nxp - minone lprc = ceil(lxp / (lnxp / 100)) b_offset = floor(lprc * 3.1) xpbar = self.add_corners(Image.new("RGBA", (b_offset, 20), usercolor), 10) img.paste(xpbar, (12, 340), xpbar) lvl_str = _("Level:") ldb_str = _("Ranking:") rank_str = _("Role:") prog_str = _("Progress:") draw.text((10, 180), lvl_str, fill="white", font=font3) draw.text((10, 220), ldb_str, fill="white", font=font3) draw.text((10, 260), rank_str, fill="white", font=font3) nick = user.display_name if font2.getsize(nick)[0] > 150: nick = nick[:15] + "..." draw.text((154, 316), f"{lprc}%", fill=usercolor, font=font1) draw.text((100, 360), (prog_str + f" {xp}/{nxp}"), fill=usercolor, font=font1) draw.text(((font3.getsize(lvl_str)[0] + 20), 180), f"{lvl}", fill=usercolor, font=font3) draw.text(((font3.getsize(ldb_str)[0] + 20), 220), f"{ldb}", fill=usercolor, font=font3) draw.text(((font3.getsize(rank_str)[0] + 20), 260), f"{elo}", fill=usercolor, font=font3) draw.text((162, 14), f"{nick}", fill=usercolor, font=font2) draw.text((162, 40), f"{user.name}#{user.discriminator}", fill=usercolor, font=font1) margin = 162 offset = 70 count = 0 for line in textwrap.wrap(desc, width=20): count += 1 if count == 6: draw.text((margin, offset), f"{line}...", fill=usercolor, font=font1) break draw.text((margin, offset), f"{line}", fill=usercolor, font=font1) offset += font1.getsize(line)[1] temp = BytesIO() img.save(temp, format="PNG") temp.name = "profile.png" return temp async def profile_data(self, user): """Async get user profile data to pass to image creator""" avatar = await self.get_avatar(user) try: bg = await self.get_background(await self.profiles._get_background(user)) except: bg = None default = await self.profiles.data.guild(user.guild).defaultrole() data = { "avatar_data": avatar, "user": user, "xp": 0, "nxp": 100, "lvl": 1, "minone": 0, "elo": default if default else _("New"), "ldb": 0, "desc": "", "bg": bg, } if not await self.profiles._is_registered(user): return data else: data["xp"] = await self.profiles._get_exp(user) data["nxp"] = await self.profiles._get_level_exp(user) data["lvl"] = lvl = await self.profiles._get_level(user) data["ldb"] = await self.profiles._get_leaderboard_pos(user.guild, user) data["desc"] = await self.profiles._get_description(user) if data["lvl"] != 1: data["minone"] = self.profiles.level_func(lvl - 1) else: data["minone"] = 0 roles = await self.profiles._get_guild_roles(user.guild) if len(roles) == 0: default = await self.profiles.data.guild(user.guild).defaultrole() data["elo"] = default if default else self.defaultrole else: if str(lvl) in roles.keys(): data["elo"] = discord.utils.get(user.guild.roles, id=roles[str(lvl)]).name else: tmp = 0 levels = sorted([int(k) for k in roles.keys()]) for k in levels: if k < lvl: tmp = int(roles[str(k)]) pass if tmp == 0: data["elo"] = default if default else self.defaultrole else: rl = discord.utils.get(user.guild.roles, id=tmp) data["elo"] = rl.name return data @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() async def profile(self, ctx, user: discord.Member = None): """Show your leveler progress. Default to yourself.""" if user is None: user = ctx.author data = await self.profile_data(user) task = functools.partial(self.make_full_profile, **data) task = self.bot.loop.run_in_executor(None, task) try: img = await asyncio.wait_for(task, timeout=60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: return img.seek(0) await ctx.send(file=discord.File(img)) async def listener(self, message): if type(message.author) != discord.Member: # throws an error when webhooks talk, this fixes it return if type(message.channel) != discord.channel.TextChannel: return if message.author.bot: return if await self.profiles.data.guild(message.guild).whitelist(): if message.channel.id not in await self.profiles._get_guild_channels(message.author.guild): return elif await self.profiles.data.guild(message.guild).blacklist(): if message.channel.id in await self.profiles._get_guild_blchannels(message.author.guild): return if not await self.profiles._is_registered(message.author): if await self.profiles._get_auto_register(message.guild): await self.profiles._register_user(message.author) return elif await self.profiles._is_registered(message.author): if message.content: pre = await self.bot.get_valid_prefixes(message.guild) for p in pre: if message.content[: len(p)] == p: return timenow = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() lastmessage = await self.profiles._get_user_lastmessage(message.author) cooldown = await self.profiles._get_cooldown(message.guild) if timenow - lastmessage < cooldown: # check if we've passed the cooldown # return None if messages are sent too soon return mots = len(message.content.split(" ")) if mots <= 10: xp = 1 elif mots > 10: xp = 2 oldlvl = await self.profiles._get_level(message.author) await self.profiles._today_addone(message.author) await self.profiles._give_exp(message.author, xp) await self.profiles._set_user_lastmessage(message.author, timenow) lvl = await self.profiles._get_level(message.author) if lvl == oldlvl + 1 and await self.profiles.data.guild(message.guild).lvlup_announce(): await message.channel.send(_("{} is now level {} !".format(message.author.mention, lvl))) await self.profiles._check_exp(message.author) await self.profiles._check_role_member(message.author) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() async def register(self, ctx): """Allow you to start earning experience !""" if await self.profiles._is_registered(ctx.author): await ctx.send(_("You are already registered !")) return else: await self.profiles._register_user(ctx.author) await ctx.send(_("You have been successfully registered !")) return @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() async def toplevel(self, ctx): """Show the server leaderboard !""" ld = await self.profiles._get_leaderboard(ctx.guild) emb = discord.Embed(title=_("Ranking")) for i in range(len(ld)): cur = ld[i] user = ctx.guild.get_member(cur["id"]) if user is None: await self._reset_member(ctx.guild, cur["id"]) else: txt = ( _("Level:") + " {} | {} XP | {} ".format(cur["lvl"], cur["xp"], cur["today"]) + _("Messages Today!") ) emb.add_field(name="{}".format(user.display_name), value=txt) await ctx.send(embed=emb) @commands.group() @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def levelerset(self, ctx): """Configuration commands.""" pass @levelerset.group() @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def channel(self, ctx): """Configure channels whitelist/blacklist.""" pass @channel.group() @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def whitelist(self, ctx): """Whitelist configuration.""" pass @channel.group() @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def blacklist(self, ctx): """Blacklist configuration.""" pass @levelerset.group() @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def roles(self, ctx): """Configuration of roles obtainable from experience.""" pass @commands.group() @commands.guild_only() async def profileset(self, ctx): """Change settings of your profile.""" pass @profileset.command() @commands.guild_only() async def background(self, ctx, *, link: str = None): """Change background image of your profile.""" await self.profiles._set_background(ctx.author, link) await ctx.send(_("Background image is now:") + str(link)) @profileset.command() @commands.guild_only() async def description(self, ctx, *, description: str = ""): """Change your profile description""" await self.profiles._set_description(ctx.author, description) if description == "": await ctx.send(_("Cleared profile description!")) else: await ctx.send(_("Profile description set to: ") + str(description)) @roles.command() @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def add(self, ctx, level: int, role: discord.Role): """Add a role to be given at chosen level.""" await self.profiles._add_guild_role(ctx.guild, level, role.id) await ctx.send(_("Role configured")) @roles.command() @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def remove(self, ctx, role: discord.Role): """Remove a role from the config.""" if role.id in (await self.profiles._get_guild_roles(ctx.guild)).values(): await self.profiles._remove_guild_role(ctx.guild, role) await ctx.send(_("Role deleted.")) else: await ctx.send(_("Remove a role from the list.")) @roles.command() @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def show(self, ctx): """Show the list of roles in the order which you get them from experience.""" emb = discord.Embed() emb.title = _("List of roles configured for this server.") emb.description = _("Guaranteed 100% almost no bugs.") tmp = 0 emblist = [] roles = await self.profiles._get_guild_roles(ctx.guild) if len(roles) == 0: await ctx.send(_("No roles yet configured for this guild !")) return for k, v in roles.items(): try: emb.add_field(name=str(k), value=discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, id=v).name) tmp += 1 if tmp == 25: emblist.append(emb) emb = discord.Embed() tmp = 0 except: # role no longer exists pass emblist.append(emb) if emb else emblist await menu(ctx, emblist, DEFAULT_CONTROLS) @whitelist.command(name="add") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def _add(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """Add a channel to the whitelist.""" if channel is None: channel = ctx.channel if channel.id not in await self.profiles._get_guild_channels(ctx.guild): await self.profiles._add_guild_channel(ctx.guild, channel.id) await ctx.send(_("Channel added")) else: await ctx.send(_("Channel already whitelisted")) @whitelist.command(name="toggle") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def toggle(self, ctx): """Toggle whitelist on/off.""" new = await self.profiles._toggle_whitelist(ctx.guild) verb = _("activated.") if new else _("deactivated.") await ctx.send(_("Whitelist is {verb}").format(verb=verb)) @whitelist.command(name="remove") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def _remove(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """Delete a channel from the whitelist.""" if channel is None: channel = ctx.channel if channel.id not in await self.profiles._get_guild_channels(ctx.guild): await ctx.send(_("This channel isn't whitelisted.")) else: await self.profiles._remove_guild_channel(ctx.guild, channel.id) await ctx.send(_("Channel deleted")) @whitelist.command(name="show") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def _show(self, ctx): """Show the list of channels configured to allow earning experience.""" emb = discord.Embed() emb.title = _("List of channels configured to allow earning experience on this server.") emb.description = _("More or less, it's not an exact science") channels = await self.profiles._get_guild_channels(ctx.guild) if not len(channels): return await ctx.send(_("No channels configured")) emb.add_field(name="Channels:", value="\n".join([ctx.guild.get_channel(x).mention for x in channels])) await ctx.send(embed=emb) @blacklist.command(name="add") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def __add(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """Add a channel to the blacklist.""" if channel is None: channel = ctx.channel if channel.id not in await self.profiles._get_guild_blchannels(ctx.guild): await self.profiles._add_guild_blacklist(ctx.guild, channel.id) await ctx.send(_("Channel blacklisted")) else: await ctx.send(_("Channel already blacklisted")) @blacklist.command(name="toggle") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def _toggle(self, ctx): """Toggle blacklist on/off.""" new = await self.profiles._toggle_blacklist(ctx.guild) verb = _("activated.") if new else _("deactivated.") await ctx.send(_("Blacklist is {verb}").format(verb=verb)) @blacklist.command(name="remove") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def __remove(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """Remove a channel from the blacklist.""" if channel is None: channel = ctx.channel if channel.id not in await self.profiles._get_guild_blchannels(ctx.guild): await ctx.send(_("This channel isn't whitelisted.")) else: await self.profiles._remove_guild_blacklist(ctx.guild, channel.id) await ctx.send(_("Channel deleted")) @blacklist.command(name="show") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def __show(self, ctx): """Show the list of blacklisted channels.""" emb = discord.Embed() emb.title = _("List of blacklisted channels on this server.") emb.description = _("More or less, it's not an exact science") channels = await self.profiles._get_guild_blchannels(ctx.guild) if not len(channels): return await ctx.send(_("No channels configured")) emb.add_field(name="Channels:", value="\n".join([ctx.guild.get_channel(x).mention for x in channels])) await ctx.send(embed=emb) @levelerset.command() @commands.guild_only() async def autoregister(self, ctx): """Toggle auto register of users""" if await self.profiles._get_auto_register(ctx.guild): await self.profiles._set_auto_register(ctx.guild, False) await ctx.send(_("Auto register turned off")) else: await self.profiles._set_auto_register(ctx.guild, True) await ctx.send(_("Auto register turned on")) @levelerset.command() @commands.guild_only() async def cooldown(self, ctx, cooldown: float): """Modify the cooldown of xp gain, default to 60 seconds""" await self.profiles._set_cooldown(ctx.guild, cooldown) await ctx.send(_("Cooldown is now: ") + str(cooldown)) @levelerset.command() @checks.is_owner() @commands.guild_only() async def setlevel(self, ctx, level: int, member: discord.Member = None): """Modify an user's level""" if member is None: member = ctx.message.author if await self.profiles._is_registered(member): await self.profiles._set_exp(member, 5 * ((level - 1) ** 2) + (50 * (level - 1)) + 100) else: await ctx.send(_("That user is not registered.")) await ctx.send(member.name + _(" Level set to ") + str(level)) @levelerset.command() @checks.is_owner() @commands.guild_only() async def setxp(self, ctx, xp: int, member: discord.Member = None): """Modify an user's xp.""" if member is None: member = ctx.message.author if await self.profiles._is_registered(member): await self.profiles._set_exp(member, xp) else: await ctx.send(_("That user is not registered.")) await ctx.send(member.name + _("'s XP set to ") + str(xp)) @levelerset.command() @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def defaultbackground(self, ctx, url): """Allow you to set a default background for your server members.""" bg = re.findall(r"(?:http\:|https\:)?\/\/.*\.(?:png|jpg|gif)", url) if not bg: await ctx.send(_("Please give a direct link to an image on format png, jpg or gif !")) else: background = bg[0] await self.profiles._set_guild_background(ctx.guild, background) await ctx.send(f"Default background set to {background}.") @roles.command(name="defaultrole") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def default_role(self, ctx, *, name): """Allow you to rename default role for your guild.""" await self.profiles.data.guild(ctx.author.guild).defaultrole.set(name) await ctx.send(_(f"Default role name set to {name}")) @levelerset.command() @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_messages=True) @commands.guild_only() async def announce(self, ctx, status: bool): """Toggle whether the bot will announce levelups. args are True/False.""" await self.profiles.data.guild(ctx.guild).lvlup_announce.set(status) await ctx.send(_("Levelup announce is now {}.").format(_("enabled") if status else _("disabled"))) # Listeners @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_remove(self, member): # reset level stats on leave. await self.profiles.data.member(member).clear()