from __future__ import annotations import re from typing import List from datetime import timedelta import discord from .abc import MixinMeta from .exceptions import ( ConflictingRoleException, MissingRequirementsException, PermissionOrHierarchyException, ) variation_stripper_re = re.compile(r"[\ufe00-\ufe0f]") TIME_RE_STRING = r"\s?".join( [ r"((?P\d+?)\s?(weeks?|w))?", r"((?P\d+?)\s?(days?|d))?", r"((?P\d+?)\s?(hours?|hrs|hr?))?", r"((?P\d+?)\s?(minutes?|mins?|m(?!o)))?", # prevent matching "months" r"((?P\d+?)\s?(seconds?|secs?|s))?", ] ) TIME_RE = re.compile(TIME_RE_STRING, re.I) def parse_timedelta(argument: str) -> timedelta: """ Parses a string that contains a time interval and converts it to a timedelta object. """ matches = TIME_RE.match(argument) if matches: params = {k: int(v) for k, v in matches.groupdict().items() if v} if params: return timedelta(**params) return None def parse_seconds(seconds) -> str: """ Take seconds and converts it to larger units Returns parsed message string """ minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) days, hours = divmod(hours, 24) weeks, days = divmod(days, 7) months, weeks = divmod(weeks, 4) msg = [] if months: msg.append(f"{int(months)} {'months' if months > 1 else 'month'}") if weeks: msg.append(f"{int(weeks)} {'weeks' if weeks > 1 else 'week'}") if days: msg.append(f"{int(days)} {'days' if days > 1 else 'day'}") if hours: msg.append(f"{int(hours)} {'hours' if hours > 1 else 'hour'}") if minutes: msg.append(f"{int(minutes)} {'minutes' if minutes > 1 else 'minute'}") if seconds: msg.append(f"{int(seconds)} {'seconds' if seconds > 1 else 'second'}") return ", ".join(msg) class UtilMixin(MixinMeta): """ Mixin for utils, some of which need things stored in the class """ def strip_variations(self, s: str) -> str: """ Normalizes emoji, removing variation selectors """ return variation_stripper_re.sub("", s) async def update_roles_atomically( self, *, who: discord.Member, give: List[discord.Role] = None, remove: List[discord.Role] = None, ): """ Give and remove roles as a single op with some slight sanity wrapping """ me = give = give or [] remove = remove or [] heirarchy_testing = give + remove roles = [r for r in who.roles if r not in remove] roles.extend([r for r in give if r not in roles]) if sorted(roles) == sorted(who.roles): return if any(r >= me.top_role for r in heirarchy_testing) or not me.guild_permissions.manage_roles: raise PermissionOrHierarchyException("Can't do that.") await who.edit(roles=roles) async def all_are_valid_roles(self, ctx, *roles: discord.Role) -> bool: """ Quick heirarchy check on a role set in syntax returned """ author = guild = ctx.guild # Author allowed if not ( (guild.owner == author) or all(author.top_role > role for role in roles) or await ): return False # Bot allowed if not ( and ( == guild.owner or all( > role for role in roles)) ): return False # Sanity check on managed roles if any(role.managed for role in roles): return False return True async def is_self_assign_eligible(self, who: discord.Member, role: discord.Role) -> List[discord.Role]: """ Returns a list of roles to be removed if this one is added, or raises an exception """ await self.check_required(who, role) ret: List[discord.Role] = await self.check_exclusivity(who, role) forbidden = await self.config.member(who).forbidden() if in forbidden: raise PermissionOrHierarchyException() guild = who.guild if not or role > raise PermissionOrHierarchyException() return ret async def check_required(self, who: discord.Member, role: discord.Role) -> None: """ Raises an error on missing reqs """ req_any = await self.config.role(role).requires_any() req_any_fail = req_any[:] if req_any: for idx in req_any: if who._roles.has(idx): req_any_fail = [] break req_all_fail = [idx for idx in await self.config.role(role).requires_all() if not who._roles.has(idx)] if req_any_fail or req_all_fail: raise MissingRequirementsException(miss_all=req_all_fail, miss_any=req_any_fail) return None async def check_exclusivity(self, who: discord.Member, role: discord.Role) -> List[discord.Role]: """ Returns a list of roles to remove, or raises an error """ data = await self.config.all_roles() ex_data = data.get(, {}).get("exclusive_to", {}).values() ex = [] for ex_roles in ex_data: ex.extend(ex_roles) conflicts: List[int] = [ for r in who.roles if in ex] for r in conflicts: if not data.get(r, {}).get("self_removable", False): raise ConflictingRoleException(conflicts=conflicts) return conflicts async def maybe_update_guilds(self, *guilds: discord.Guild): _guilds = [g for g in guilds if not g.unavailable and g.large and not g.chunked] if _guilds: await*_guilds)