from redbot.core import Config, commands import re class Memeify(commands.Cog): """Makes things memey.""" def __init__(self, bot): super().__init__() self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=2934875294) = bot @commands.command() async def b(self, ctx, *, content: str = None): """Replaces all B's with :b:'s""" if not content: # gets above message msg = (await[1].clean_content if msg: await ctx.send(self.__bify(msg, False)) else: await ctx.send("Where's the :b:essage?") else: await ctx.send(self.__bify(ctx.message.clean_content, True)) # takes a clean discord message and replaces all B's and # first characters with :b:, unless the word is 1 # character long, a custon emoji, or a ping. unicode # emojis are a bit fucked tho def __bify(self, bify_str, cmd) -> str: mention = re.compile("^@|^#|^&") bify = bify_str.split() # remove first letter if it bifys the command message itself if cmd: bify.pop(0) b = [] for i in bify: # no code blocks >:( i = i.replace("`", "") # special cases for custom emojis and mentions if i[0] == ":" and i[-1] == ":": b.append(i + " ") continue elif mention.match(i): b.append(i[0] + self.__bify_f(i[1:]) + " ") continue # adds the result to the list b.append(self.__bify_f(i) + " ") return "".join(b) def __bify_f(self, bif) -> str: vowel = re.compile("^[aeiouAEIOU]") if vowel.match(bif) and len(bif) > 1: # adds b in front of the word bif = "b" + bif elif len(bif) > 1: # replaces first letter with b bif = "b" + bif[1:] return bif.replace("b", ":b:")