# redbot/discord from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import * from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands, modlog, bank from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path from redbot.core.utils.mod import is_mod_or_superior from redbot.core.utils.predicates import MessagePredicate import discord from .utils import * from datetime import datetime, timedelta from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from dateutil.tz import tzlocal import time import os import asyncio import glob import io import functools from typing import Literal # plotting from bisect import bisect_left import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.dates import AutoDateLocator, AutoDateFormatter import pandas as pd import numpy as np import networkx as nx __version__ = "3.1.0" TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %X" # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS # 0 is Message object AUTHOR_TEMPLATE = "@{0.author.name}#{0.author.discriminator}(id:{0.author.id})" MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = AUTHOR_TEMPLATE + ": {0.clean_content}" # 0 is Message object, 1 is the message replied too REPLY_TEMPLATE = ( AUTHOR_TEMPLATE + " replied to @{1.author.name}#{1.author.discriminator}(id:{1.author.id}): {1.clean_content} [with]: {0.clean_content}" ) # 0 is Message object, 1 is attachment URL ATTACHMENT_TEMPLATE = AUTHOR_TEMPLATE + ": {0.clean_content} (attachment url(s): {1})" # 0 is Message object, 1 is sticker URL STICKER_TEMPLATE = AUTHOR_TEMPLATE + ": {0.clean_content} (sticker url(s): {1})" # 0 is Message object, 1 is attachment path DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE = AUTHOR_TEMPLATE + ": {0.clean_content} (attachment(s) saved to {1})" # 0 is before, 1 is after, 2 is formatted timestamp EDIT_TEMPLATE = AUTHOR_TEMPLATE + " edited message from {2} ({0.clean_content}) to read: {1.clean_content}" # 0 is deleted message, 1 is formatted timestamp DELETE_TEMPLATE = AUTHOR_TEMPLATE + " deleted message from {1} ({0.clean_content})" # 0 is member who deleted the message, 1 is message, 2 is the user who authored the message # 3 is formatted timestamp DELETE_AUDIT_TEMPLATE = "@{0.name}#{0.discriminator}(id:{0.id}) deleted message from {3} @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): ({1.clean_content})" MAX_LINES = 50000 CORR_MSG_DELTA = timedelta(minutes=15) VOICE_TIME_LIMIT = timedelta(hours=24) class ActivityLogger(commands.Cog): """Log activity seen by bot""" def __init__(self, bot): super().__init__() global PATH PATH = cog_data_path(cog_instance=self) self.bot = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9584736583, force_registration=True) default_global = { "attrs": { "attachments": False, "default": False, "direct": False, "everything": False, "rotation": "m", "check_audit": True, } } self.default_guild = { "all_s": False, "voice": False, "events": False, "prefixes": [], "corr_weights": { "reply": 1, "messages": [1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1], # in order of closest to farthest "vc_per_minute": 1, "vc_people_multiplier": 0.5, }, } self.default_channel = {"enabled": False} default_user = {"past_names": []} default_member = { "stats": {"total_msg": 0, "bot_cmd": 0, "avg_len": 0.0, "vc_time_sec": 0.0, "last_vc_time": None} } self.config.register_global(**default_global) self.config.register_guild(**self.default_guild) self.config.register_channel(**self.default_channel) self.config.register_user(**default_user) self.config.register_member(**default_member) self.handles = {} self.lock = False self.cache = {} # remove userinfo since we are replacing it self.badge_emojis = { "staff": 848556248832016384, "early_supporter": 706198530837970998, "hypesquad_balance": 706198531538550886, "hypesquad_bravery": 706198532998299779, "hypesquad_brilliance": 706198535846101092, "hypesquad": 706198537049866261, "verified_bot_developer": 706198727953612901, "bug_hunter": 848556247632052225, "bug_hunter_level_2": 706199712402898985, "partner": 848556249192202247, "verified_bot": 848561838974697532, "verified_bot2": 848561839260434482, } self.bot.remove_command("userinfo") self.load_task = asyncio.create_task(self.initialize()) self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() def cog_unload(self): self.lock = True for h in self.handles.values(): h.close() if self.load_task: self.load_task.cancel() async def initialize(self): await self.bot.wait_until_ready() guild_data = await self.config.all_guilds() channel_data = await self.config.all_channels() self.cache = await self.config.attrs() # key ids for these should be ints for guild_id, data in guild_data.items(): self.cache[guild_id] = data for channel_id, data in channel_data.items(): self.cache[channel_id] = data if not guild_data: guilds = self.bot.guilds for guild in guilds: self.cache[guild.id] = self.default_guild.copy() guilds = self.bot.guilds for guild in guilds: for channel in guild.channels: if not channel.id in self.cache.keys(): self.cache[channel.id] = self.default_channel.copy() for guild in self.bot.guilds: async with self.config.guild(guild).prefixes() as prefixes: if not prefixes: curr = await self.bot.get_valid_prefixes() prefixes.extend(curr) self.cache[guild.id]["prefixes"] = curr @commands.command(aliases=["uinfo"]) @commands.guild_only() @commands.cooldown(rate=1, per=5, type=commands.BucketType.user) async def userinfo(self, ctx, *, user: discord.Member = None): """ Show information about a user. """ author = ctx.author guild = ctx.guild is_mod = await is_mod_or_superior(self.bot, author) if not user or not is_mod: user = author async with ctx.typing(): if is_mod: roles = [x for x in user.roles if x.name != "@everyone"] else: roles = [x.name for x in sorted(user.roles, reverse=True) if x.name != "@everyone"] joined_at = user.joined_at since_created = (ctx.message.created_at - user.created_at).days if joined_at is not None: since_joined = (ctx.message.created_at - joined_at).days user_joined = f"" else: since_joined = "?" user_joined = "Unknown" user_created = f"" member_number = sorted(guild.members, key=lambda m: m.joined_at or ctx.message.created_at).index(user) + 1 created_on = "{}\n({} days ago)".format(user_created, since_created) joined_on = "{}\n({} days ago)".format(user_joined, since_joined) if user.is_on_mobile(): statusemoji = "\N{MOBILE PHONE}" elif any(a.type is discord.ActivityType.streaming for a in user.activities): statusemoji = "\N{LARGE PURPLE CIRCLE}" elif user.status.name == "online": statusemoji = "\N{LARGE GREEN CIRCLE}" elif user.status.name == "offline": statusemoji = "\N{MEDIUM WHITE CIRCLE}" elif user.status.name == "dnd": statusemoji = "\N{LARGE RED CIRCLE}" elif user.status.name == "idle": statusemoji = "\N{LARGE ORANGE CIRCLE}" else: statusemoji = "\N{MEDIUM BLACK CIRCLE}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16}" if user.activity is None: # Default status activity = "No Status" elif user.activity.type == discord.ActivityType.playing: activity = "Playing {}".format(user.activity.name) elif user.activity.type == discord.ActivityType.streaming: activity = "Streaming [{}]({})".format(user.activity.name, user.activity.url) elif user.activity.type == discord.ActivityType.listening: activity = "Listening to {}".format(user.activity.name) elif user.activity.type == discord.ActivityType.watching: activity = "Watching {}".format(user.activity.name) else: activity = "No Status" if roles and is_mod: roles = " ".join([x.mention for x in sorted(roles, reverse=True)]) elif roles: roles = ", ".join(roles) else: roles = "None" if user.id != self.bot.user.id: stats, names = await self.userstats(guild, user) if is_mod: # also add notes moreadmin = self.bot.get_cog("MoreAdmin") if moreadmin: num_notes = len(await moreadmin.config.member(user).notes()) stats += f", Notes: `{num_notes}`" else: stats = "Stats are unavailable for this account." names = None title = guild.name data = discord.Embed(title=title, description=f"{statusemoji} {activity}", colour=user.colour) data.add_field(name="Joined Discord on", value=created_on) data.add_field(name="Joined this server on", value=joined_on) if roles != "None": roles = pagify(roles, page_length=1000, delims=[" "]) for r in roles: data.add_field(name="Roles", value=r, inline=False) data.add_field(name="Stats", value=stats) if names: names = pagify(names, page_length=1000) for name in names: data.add_field(name="Also known as:", value=name, inline=False) data.set_footer(text="Member #{} | User ID: {}" "".format(member_number, user.id)) name = str(user) name = " ~ ".join((name, user.nick)) if user.nick else name if user.avatar: avatar = user.avatar_url_as(static_format="png") data.set_author(name=name, url=avatar) data.set_thumbnail(url=avatar) else: data.set_author(name=name) flags = [f.name for f in user.public_flags.all()] badges = "" badge_count = 0 if flags: for badge in sorted(flags): if badge == "verified_bot": emoji1 = self.badge_emojis["verified_bot"] emoji2 = self.badge_emojis["verified_bot2"] if emoji1: emoji = f"{emoji1}{emoji2}" else: emoji = None else: emoji = self.badge_emojis[badge] if emoji: badges += f"{emoji} {badge.replace('_', ' ').title()}\n" else: badges += f"\N{BLACK QUESTION MARK ORNAMENT}\N{VARIATION SELECTOR-16} {badge.replace('_', ' ').title()}\n" badge_count += 1 if badges: data.add_field(name="Badges" if badge_count > 1 else "Badge", value=badges) if "Economy" in self.bot.cogs: balance_count = 1 bankstat = f"**Bank**: {str(humanize_number(await bank.get_balance(user)))} {await bank.get_currency_name(ctx.guild)}\n" data.add_field(name="Balance", value=bankstat) if is_mod: try: await ctx.send(embed=data, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.all()) except discord.HTTPException: await ctx.send("I need the `Embed links` permission to send this") else: try: await author.send(embed=data) except discord.HTTPException: await ctx.send("Please allow messages from server members to get your info.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error in userinfo: {e}") async def userstats(self, guild, user): """ Get stats on a user about how active they are in the guild """ stats = await self.config.member(user).stats() async with self.config.user(user).past_names() as past_names: if not past_names: guild_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, "usernames", "*.log"))) names = get_all_names(guild_files, user) else: names = past_names num_messages = stats["total_msg"] num_bot_commands = stats["bot_cmd"] avg_len = stats["avg_len"] total_voice_time = stats["vc_time_sec"] minutes = total_voice_time // 60 hours = (total_voice_time / 60) // 60 cases = await modlog.get_cases_for_member(guild, self.bot, member=user) bans = 0 kicks = 0 mutes = 0 warns = 0 for case in cases: if "mute" in case.action_type.lower(): mutes += 1 elif "ban" in case.action_type.lower(): bans += 1 elif "kick" in case.action_type.lower(): kicks += 1 elif "warning" in case.action_type.lower(): warns += 1 msg = "Total Number of Messages: `{}`\n".format(num_messages) msg += "Number of bot commands: `{}`\n".format(num_bot_commands) msg += "Number of non-bot commands: `{}`\n".format(num_messages - num_bot_commands) try: msg += "Average message length: `{:.2f}` words\n".format(avg_len / (num_messages - num_bot_commands)) except ZeroDivisionError: msg += "Average message length: `{:.2f}` words\n".format(0) msg += "Time spent in voice chat: `{:.0f}` {}.\n".format( minutes if minutes <= 120 else hours, "minutes" if minutes <= 120 else "hours" ) msg += f"Bans: `{bans}`, Kicks: `{kicks}`, Mutes: `{mutes}`, Warnings: `{warns}`" if len(names) > 1: return msg, humanize_list(names) return msg, None @commands.group(name="graphstats") @checks.mod() @commands.guild_only() async def graphstats(self, ctx): """ Generate graphs for users and guild. """ pass @graphstats.command(name="voice") async def graphstats_voice(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, *, till: str): """ Create a graph of user activity in voice channels. `till` can be a date or interval **Times in graph are all in UTC** Dates/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*.log")) # remove audit log entries log_files = [log for log in log_files if "guild" not in log] if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date async with ctx.channel.typing(): # get messages split by channel messages = await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( self.log_handler, log_files, end_time, split_channels=True, ), ) ### set up data dictionary voice_minutes = {} to_delete = [] # make sure to include only voice channels for ch_id in messages.keys(): channel = guild.get_channel(ch_id) # channel may be deleted, but still want to include message data if not isinstance(channel, discord.VoiceChannel): to_delete.append(ch_id) continue voice_minutes[ch_id] = 0 # delete text channels for ch_id in to_delete: del messages[ch_id] def process_messages(): # calculate number of messages for the user for every split for ch_id, msgs in messages.items(): join_at = None for message in msgs: if f"(id {str(user.id)})" not in message: continue if "Voice channel join:" in message: join_at = parse_time_naive(message[:19]) elif "Voice channel leave:" in message and join_at is not None: leave = parse_time_naive(message[:19]) voice_minutes[ch_id] += int((leave - join_at).total_seconds() / 60) join_at = None await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( process_messages, ), ) # voice channels and minutes spent in channel per channel df = pd.DataFrame(index=voice_minutes.keys(), data=voice_minutes.values(), columns=["voice_minutes"]) # change channel ids to real names, or leave as delete channel names = {} for i, ch_id in enumerate(voice_minutes.keys()): channel = guild.get_channel(ch_id) names[ch_id] = channel.name if channel else f"Deleted Channel {i+1}" df = df.rename(index=names) df.index.name = "channel" # drop channels with no data (all zeros) and check if theres still data df = df.loc[df["voice_minutes"] != 0] if len(df) < 1: await ctx.send(warning("There is no messages from that user in the time period you specified.")) return # make graph and send it fontsize = 30 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(50, 30)) ax = plt.axes() # define graph and table save paths save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_{ctx.message.id}.png") table_save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_data_{ctx.message.id}.txt") plt.bar(["\n".join(str(s).split(" ")) for s in df.index], df["voice_minutes"], width=0.5, align="center") # make graph look nice plt.title( f"{user} voice history from {end_time} to now, Total: {int(df['voice_minutes'].sum())} minutes", fontsize=fontsize, ) plt.xlabel("Channel", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("Time spent in voice chat (minutes)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.grid(True) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=fig.dpi) plt.close() df.to_csv(table_save_path, index=True) with open(save_path, "rb") as f, open(table_save_path, "r") as t: files = (discord.File(f, filename="graph.png"), discord.File(t, filename="graph_data.csv")) await ctx.send(files=files) os.remove(save_path) os.remove(table_save_path) @graphstats.command(name="text") async def user_stats_graph(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, split: str, *, till: str): """ Create a graph of a users activity over time for text channels. `split` is how to split the data on the graph, like per hour, per day, etc. Possible values are: "h" for hourly "d" for daily "w" for weekly "m" for monthly "y" for yearly `till` can be a date or interval **Times in graph are all in UTC** Dates/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return split = split.lower() if split not in ["h", "d", "w", "m", "y"]: await ctx.send("Invalid split! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*.log")) # remove audit log entries log_files = [log for log in log_files if "guild" not in log] if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date async with ctx.channel.typing(): # get messages split by channel messages = await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( self.log_handler, log_files, end_time, split_channels=True, ), ) ### set up data dictionary num_messages = {} to_delete = [] # make sure to include only text channels for ch_id in messages.keys(): channel = guild.get_channel(ch_id) # channel may be deleted, but still want to include message data if isinstance(channel, discord.VoiceChannel): to_delete.append(ch_id) continue num_messages[ch_id] = 0 # delete voice channels for ch_id in to_delete: del messages[ch_id] data = {"times": [], "num_messages": []} # add all the possible times based on the split # first for each one zero out now time to the minute, day, etc # then go through and add all possible times to get data for now = datetime.utcnow() if split == "h": now -= relativedelta(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["num_messages"].append(num_messages.copy()) now = now - relativedelta(hours=1) elif split == "d": now -= relativedelta(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["num_messages"].append(num_messages.copy()) now = now - relativedelta(days=1) elif split == "w": now -= relativedelta(days=now.weekday(), hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(days=end_time.weekday(), hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["num_messages"].append(num_messages.copy()) now = now - relativedelta(weeks=1) elif split == "m": now -= relativedelta(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["num_messages"].append(num_messages.copy()) now = now - relativedelta(months=1) elif split == "y": now -= relativedelta(month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["num_messages"].append(num_messages.copy()) now = now - relativedelta(years=1) if not data["times"]: await ctx.send( error("Your split is too large for the time provided, try a smaller split or longer time.") ) return data["times"].reverse() def process_messages(): # calculate number of messages for the user for every split for ch_id, msgs in messages.items(): for message in msgs: if f"(id:{str(user.id)})" not in message: continue # grab time of the message current_time = parse_time_naive(message[:19]) # find what time to put it in using binary search index = bisect_left(data["times"], current_time) - 1 # add message to channel data["num_messages"][index][ch_id] += 1 await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( process_messages, ), ) df = pd.DataFrame(data) # make dict of num_messages into columns for every channel df = pd.concat([df.drop("num_messages", axis=1), df["num_messages"].apply(pd.Series)], axis=1) # calculate total messages for each time. df["Total"] = df.drop("times", axis=1).sum(axis=1) # change channel ids to real names, or leave as delete channel names = {} for i, ch_id in enumerate(data["num_messages"][0].keys()): channel = guild.get_channel(ch_id) names[ch_id] = channel.name if channel else f"Deleted Channel {i+1}" df = df.rename(columns=names) # set index df = df.set_index("times") # drop channels with no data (all zeros) and check if theres still data df = df.loc[:, (df != 0).any(axis=0)] if len(df.columns) < 2: await ctx.send(warning("There is no messages from that user in the time period you specified.")) return top_n = len(df.columns) - 1 if len(df.columns) > 2: user_input = True while user_input: await ctx.send( info( f"There are {len(df.columns) - 1} channels, how many would you like displayed on the graph? (If there are alot of channels the graph may be harder to read).\n\nIf you want all channels to be displayed type `all`, else type the number of channels you want displayed. The channels with the highest number of messages will be chosen." ), delete_after=120, ) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=pred, timeout=121) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling graph!"), delete_after=30) return if msg.content.lower().strip() != "all": try: top_n = int(msg.content.strip()) if top_n < 1 or top_n > len(df.columns) - 1: raise ValueError() user_input = False except: await ctx.send( error( f"Invalid number, please enter a positive number greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to {len(df.columns) - 1}!" ), delete_after=30, ) continue else: user_input = False # make graph and send it fontsize = 30 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(50, 30)) ax = plt.axes() # set date formater for x axis xtick_locator = AutoDateLocator() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xtick_locator) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(AutoDateFormatter(xtick_locator)) # define graph and table save paths save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_{ctx.message.id}.png") table_save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_data_{ctx.message.id}.txt") # get columns to drop for graphing only sums = df.sum().sort_values(ascending=False) if top_n != len(df.columns) - 1: graph_cols = sums[: top_n + 1] else: graph_cols = sums # plot each column for col_name, col_data in df.iteritems(): if col_name == "times" or col_name not in graph_cols.index: continue plt.plot(df.index, col_name, data=df, linewidth=3, marker="o", markersize=8) # make graph look nice plt.title(f"{user} message history from {end_time} to now", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xlabel("dates (UTC)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("messages", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.grid(True) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.00, 1.0), loc="upper left", prop={"size": 30}) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=fig.dpi) plt.close() df.to_csv(table_save_path, index=True) with open(save_path, "rb") as f, open(table_save_path, "r") as t: files = (discord.File(f, filename="graph.png"), discord.File(t, filename="graph_data.csv")) await ctx.send(files=files) os.remove(save_path) os.remove(table_save_path) @graphstats.command(name="leaves") async def graphstats_leaves(self, ctx, split: str, *, till: str): """ Plot server joins and leaves for time period. `split` is how to split the data on the graph, like per hour, per day, etc. Possible values are: "h" for hourly "d" for daily "w" for weekly "m" for monthly "y" for yearly `till` can be a date or interval **Times in graph are all in UTC** Dates/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return split = split.lower() if split not in ["h", "d", "w", "m", "y"]: await ctx.send("Invalid split! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*guild*.log")) if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date async with ctx.channel.typing(): # get messages split by channel audit_messages = await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( self.log_handler, log_files, end_time, ), ) # filter out unneeded messages audit_messages = [m for m in audit_messages if "Member leave:" in m or "Member join:" in m] data = {"times": [], "joins": [], "leaves": []} # add all the possible times based on the split # first for each one zero out now time to the minute, day, etc # then go through and add all possible times to get data for now = datetime.utcnow() if split == "h": now -= relativedelta(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["joins"].append(0) data["leaves"].append(0) now = now - relativedelta(hours=1) elif split == "d": now -= relativedelta(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["joins"].append(0) data["leaves"].append(0) now = now - relativedelta(days=1) elif split == "w": now -= relativedelta(days=now.weekday(), hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(days=end_time.weekday(), hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["joins"].append(0) data["leaves"].append(0) now = now - relativedelta(weeks=1) elif split == "m": now -= relativedelta(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["joins"].append(0) data["leaves"].append(0) now = now - relativedelta(months=1) elif split == "y": now -= relativedelta(month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["joins"].append(0) data["leaves"].append(0) now = now - relativedelta(years=1) if not data["times"]: await ctx.send( error("Your split is too large for the time provided, try a smaller split or longer time.") ) return data["times"].reverse() def process_messages(): # calculate number of messages for the user for every split for message in audit_messages: # grab time of the message current_time = parse_time_naive(message[:19]) # find what time to put it in using binary search index = bisect_left(data["times"], current_time) - 1 if "Member leave:" in message: data["leaves"][index] += 1 else: data["joins"][index] += 1 await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( process_messages, ), ) df = pd.DataFrame(data) # set index df = df.set_index("times") # make graph and send it fontsize = 30 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(50, 30)) ax = plt.axes() # set date formater for x axis xtick_locator = AutoDateLocator() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xtick_locator) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(AutoDateFormatter(xtick_locator)) # define graph and table save paths save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_{ctx.message.id}.png") table_save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_data_{ctx.message.id}.txt") # plot each column for col_name, _ in df.iteritems(): plt.plot(df.index, col_name, data=df, linewidth=3, marker="o", markersize=8) # make graph look nice plt.title(f"{guild} leaves and joins from {end_time} to now", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xlabel("dates (UTC)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("# of people", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.grid(True) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.00, 1.0), loc="upper left", prop={"size": 30}) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=fig.dpi) plt.close() df.to_csv(table_save_path, index=True) with open(save_path, "rb") as f, open(table_save_path, "r") as t: files = (discord.File(f, filename="graph.png"), discord.File(t, filename="graph_data.csv")) await ctx.send(files=files) os.remove(save_path) os.remove(table_save_path) @graphstats.command(name="activity") async def graphstats_activity(self, ctx, split: str, *, till: str): """ Create a graph that shows per channel activity `split` is how to split the data on the graph, like per hour, per day, etc. Possible values are: "h" for hourly "d" for daily "w" for weekly "m" for monthly "y" for yearly `till` can be a date or interval **Times in graph are all in UTC** Dates/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None guild = ctx.guild if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return split = split.lower() if split not in ["h", "d", "w", "m", "y"]: await ctx.send("Invalid split! Try again.") return # select channels to graph await ctx.send( info( f"Please list all the channels you wish to graph activity for. They must be **text channels**. Seperate each channel with a `,` (comma). You can use channel mentions, channel IDs, or their name." ), delete_after=240, ) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=pred, timeout=241) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling graph!"), delete_after=30) return channels = [m.strip().strip("<").strip(">").strip("#") for m in msg.content.split(",")] channel_objs = [] for ch in channels: try: channel = guild.get_channel(int(ch)) except: channel = discord.utils.find(lambda c: c.name == ch, guild.text_channels) if channel is None: await ctx.send(error(f"Unknown channel: `{ch}`, please run the command again.")) return channel_objs.append(channel) # get logs for specified channels log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*.log")) # remove audit log entries log_files = [log for log in log_files if "guild" not in log] # remove non-specified channels to_remove = [] for l in log_files: found = False for ch in channel_objs: if str(ch.id) not in l: continue found = True break if not found: to_remove.append(l) log_files = [log for log in log_files if log not in to_remove] if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date async with ctx.channel.typing(): # get messages split by channel messages = await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( self.log_handler, log_files, end_time, split_channels=True, ), ) ### set up data dictionary num_messages = {} # make sure to include only text channels for ch_id in messages.keys(): num_messages[ch_id] = 0 data = {"times": [], "num_messages": []} # add all the possible times based on the split # first for each one zero out now time to the minute, day, etc # then go through and add all possible times to get data for now = datetime.utcnow() if split == "h": now -= relativedelta(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["num_messages"].append(num_messages.copy()) now = now - relativedelta(hours=1) elif split == "d": now -= relativedelta(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["num_messages"].append(num_messages.copy()) now = now - relativedelta(days=1) elif split == "w": now -= relativedelta(days=now.weekday(), hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(days=end_time.weekday(), hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["num_messages"].append(num_messages.copy()) now = now - relativedelta(weeks=1) elif split == "m": now -= relativedelta(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["num_messages"].append(num_messages.copy()) now = now - relativedelta(months=1) elif split == "y": now -= relativedelta(month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time -= relativedelta(month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) while now >= end_time: data["times"].append(now) data["num_messages"].append(num_messages.copy()) now = now - relativedelta(years=1) if not data["times"]: await ctx.send( error("Your split is too large for the time provided, try a smaller split or longer time.") ) return data["times"].reverse() def process_messages(): # calculate number of messages for the user for every split for ch_id, msgs in messages.items(): for message in msgs: # grab time of the message try: current_time = parse_time_naive(message[:19]) except: continue # find what time to put it in using binary search index = bisect_left(data["times"], current_time) - 1 # add message to channel data["num_messages"][index][ch_id] += 1 await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( process_messages, ), ) df = pd.DataFrame(data) # make dict of num_messages into columns for every channel df = pd.concat([df.drop("num_messages", axis=1), df["num_messages"].apply(pd.Series)], axis=1) # change channel ids to real names, or leave as delete channel names = {} for i, ch_id in enumerate(data["num_messages"][0].keys()): channel = guild.get_channel(ch_id) names[ch_id] = channel.name if channel else f"Deleted Channel {i+1}" df = df.rename(columns=names) # set index df = df.set_index("times") # make graph and send it fontsize = 30 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(50, 30)) ax = plt.axes() # set date formater for x axis xtick_locator = AutoDateLocator() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xtick_locator) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(AutoDateFormatter(xtick_locator)) # define graph and table save paths save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_{ctx.message.id}.png") table_save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_data_{ctx.message.id}.txt") # plot each column for col_name, col_data in df.iteritems(): plt.plot(df.index, col_name, data=df, linewidth=3, marker="o", markersize=8) # make graph look nice plt.title(f"{guild} message history from {end_time} to now", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xlabel("dates (UTC)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("messages", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.grid(True) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.00, 1.0), loc="upper left", prop={"size": 30}) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=fig.dpi) plt.close() df.to_csv(table_save_path, index=True) with open(save_path, "rb") as f, open(table_save_path, "r") as t: files = (discord.File(f, filename="graph.png"), discord.File(t, filename="graph_data.csv")) await ctx.send(files=files) os.remove(save_path) os.remove(table_save_path) @graphstats.group(name="users") async def graphstats_users(self, ctx): """ Graph most active users for channel and entire guild """ pass @graphstats_users.command(name="channel") async def graphstats_users_channel(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, *, till: str): """ Create a graph of the most active users in a channel `till` can be a date or interval **Times in graph are all in UTC** Dates/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None guild = ctx.guild if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return # get logs for specified channels log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*.log")) # remove audit log entries log_files = [log for log in log_files if "guild" not in log and str(channel.id) in log] if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date async with ctx.channel.typing(): # get messages split by channel messages = await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( self.log_handler, log_files, end_time, ), ) data = {} def process_messages(): for message in messages: # get user id: try: user_id = int(message.split("(id:")[1].split(")")[0].strip()) except: continue user = self.bot.get_user(user_id) user = user if user is not None else user_id if str(user) not in data: data[str(user)] = 0 data[str(user)] += 1 await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( process_messages, ), ) df = pd.DataFrame(index=data.keys(), data=data.values(), columns=["num_messages"]) df.index.name = "user" df = df.sort_values("num_messages", ascending=False) # make graph and send it fontsize = 30 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(50, 30)) ax = plt.axes() # define graph and table save paths save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_{ctx.message.id}.png") table_save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_data_{ctx.message.id}.txt") graph_data = df.head(10) plt.bar(graph_data.index, graph_data["num_messages"], width=0.5) # make graph look nice plt.title( f"Top 10 active users in {channel} from {end_time} till now", fontsize=fontsize, ) plt.xlabel("user", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("# messages", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(graph_data.index, fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.grid(True) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=fig.dpi) plt.close() df.to_csv(table_save_path, index=True) with open(save_path, "rb") as f, open(table_save_path, "r") as t: files = (discord.File(f, filename="graph.png"), discord.File(t, filename="graph_data.csv")) await ctx.send(files=files) os.remove(save_path) os.remove(table_save_path) @graphstats_users.command(name="guild") async def graphstats_users_guild(self, ctx, *, till: str): """ Create a bar graph of most active users in the guild `till` can be a date or interval **Times in graph are all in UTC** Dates/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None guild = ctx.guild if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return # get logs for specified channels log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*.log")) # remove audit log entries log_files = [log for log in log_files if "guild" not in log] # remove voice channels text_channel_ids = [str(c.id) for c in guild.text_channels] to_remove = [] for l in log_files: found = False for c in text_channel_ids: if c not in l: continue found = True break if not found: to_remove.append(l) log_files = [log for log in log_files if log not in to_remove] if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date async with ctx.channel.typing(): # get messages split by channel messages = await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( self.log_handler, log_files, end_time, ), ) data = {} def process_messages(): for message in messages: # get user id: try: user_id = int(message.split("(id:")[1].split(")")[0].strip()) except: continue user = self.bot.get_user(user_id) user = user if user is not None else user_id if str(user) not in data: data[str(user)] = 0 data[str(user)] += 1 await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( process_messages, ), ) df = pd.DataFrame(index=data.keys(), data=data.values(), columns=["num_messages"]) df.index.name = "user" df = df.sort_values("num_messages", ascending=False) # make graph and send it fontsize = 30 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(50, 30)) ax = plt.axes() # define graph and table save paths save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_{ctx.message.id}.png") table_save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_data_{ctx.message.id}.txt") graph_data = df.head(10) plt.bar(graph_data.index, graph_data["num_messages"], width=0.5) # make graph look nice plt.title( f"Top 10 active users in {guild} from {end_time} till now", fontsize=fontsize, ) plt.xlabel("user", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("# messages", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(graph_data.index, fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.grid(True) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=fig.dpi) plt.close() df.to_csv(table_save_path, index=True) with open(save_path, "rb") as f, open(table_save_path, "r") as t: files = (discord.File(f, filename="graph.png"), discord.File(t, filename="graph_data.csv")) await ctx.send(files=files) os.remove(save_path) os.remove(table_save_path) @graphstats.group(name="hours") async def graphstats_hours(self, ctx): """ Show activate hours for a channel or entire guild. """ pass @graphstats_hours.command(name="channel") async def graphstats_hours_channel(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, *, till: str): """ Show activate hours for specific text channel. `till` can be a date or interval **Times in graph are all in UTC** Dates/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None guild = ctx.guild if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return # get logs for specified channels log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*.log")) # remove audit log entries log_files = [log for log in log_files if "guild" not in log and str(channel.id) in log] if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date async with ctx.channel.typing(): # get messages split by channel messages = await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( self.log_handler, log_files, end_time, ), ) # 24 hours, calculate # of messages for each hour of the day data = {"times": [i for i in range(0, 24)], "num_messages": [0 for _ in range(0, 24)]} def process_messages(): for message in messages: # get hour: try: hour = int(message[11:13]) except: continue data["num_messages"][hour] += 1 await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( process_messages, ), ) # voice channels and minutes spent in channel per channel df = pd.DataFrame(data) df = df.set_index("times") # make graph and send it fontsize = 30 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(50, 30)) ax = plt.axes() # define graph and table save paths save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_{ctx.message.id}.png") table_save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_data_{ctx.message.id}.txt") plt.bar(df.index, df["num_messages"], width=0.5) # make graph look nice plt.title( f"Active hours for {channel} from {end_time} till now", fontsize=fontsize, ) plt.xlabel("hour", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("# messages", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(df.index, fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.grid(True) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=fig.dpi) plt.close() df.to_csv(table_save_path, index=True) with open(save_path, "rb") as f, open(table_save_path, "r") as t: files = (discord.File(f, filename="graph.png"), discord.File(t, filename="graph_data.csv")) await ctx.send(files=files) os.remove(save_path) os.remove(table_save_path) @graphstats_hours.command(name="guild") async def graphstats_hours_guild(self, ctx, *, till: str): """ Show activate hours for entire guild. `till` can be a date or interval **Times in graph are all in UTC** Dates/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None guild = ctx.guild if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return # get logs for specified channels log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*.log")) # remove audit log entries log_files = [log for log in log_files if "guild" not in log] # remove voice channels text_channel_ids = [str(c.id) for c in guild.text_channels] to_remove = [] for l in log_files: found = False for c in text_channel_ids: if c not in l: continue found = True break if not found: to_remove.append(l) log_files = [log for log in log_files if log not in to_remove] if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date async with ctx.channel.typing(): # get messages split by channel messages = await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( self.log_handler, log_files, end_time, ), ) # 24 hours, calculate # of messages for each hour of the day data = {"times": [i for i in range(0, 24)], "num_messages": [0 for _ in range(0, 24)]} def process_messages(): for message in messages: # get hour: try: hour = int(message[11:13]) except: continue data["num_messages"][hour] += 1 await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( process_messages, ), ) df = pd.DataFrame(data) df = df.set_index("times") # make graph and send it fontsize = 30 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(50, 30)) # define graph and table save paths save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_{ctx.message.id}.png") table_save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_data_{ctx.message.id}.txt") plt.bar(df.index, df["num_messages"], width=0.5) # make graph look nice plt.title( f"Active hours for {guild} from {end_time} till now", fontsize=fontsize, ) plt.xlabel("hour", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("# messages", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(df.index, fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.grid(True) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=fig.dpi) plt.close() df.to_csv(table_save_path, index=True) with open(save_path, "rb") as f, open(table_save_path, "r") as t: files = (discord.File(f, filename="graph.png"), discord.File(t, filename="graph_data.csv")) await ctx.send(files=files) os.remove(save_path) os.remove(table_save_path) @graphstats.command(name="retention") async def graphstats_retention(self, ctx): """ Graph a histogram of how long members have been in the guild """ guild = ctx.guild data = {} for member in guild.members: since_joined = (ctx.message.created_at - member.joined_at).days data[str(member)] = since_joined df = pd.DataFrame(index=data.keys(), data=data.values(), columns=["days in server"]) # make graph and send it fontsize = 30 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(50, 30)) ax = plt.axes() # define graph and table save paths save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_{ctx.message.id}.png") table_save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_data_{ctx.message.id}.txt") # split into 20 bins bins = np.linspace(df["days in server"].min(), df["days in server"].max(), num=20) hist = ax.hist(df["days in server"], bins=bins, rwidth=0.5) for i in range(len(bins) - 1): ax.text(hist[1][i], hist[0][i], str(int(hist[0][i])), fontsize=fontsize) # make graph look nice plt.title( f"Member retention of all members in {guild}", fontsize=fontsize, ) plt.xlabel("days", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("# of members", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(bins, fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.grid(True) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=fig.dpi) plt.close() df.to_csv(table_save_path, index=True) with open(save_path, "rb") as f, open(table_save_path, "r") as t: files = (discord.File(f, filename="graph.png"), discord.File(t, filename="graph_data.csv")) await ctx.send(files=files) os.remove(save_path) os.remove(table_save_path) @graphstats.group(name="correlation") async def graphstats_corr(self, ctx): """ Graph correlation graphs between users """ pass @graphstats_corr.command(name="weights") async def graphstats_correlation_weights(self, ctx): """ Set weights for correlation calculation """ corr_weights = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).corr_weights() corr_weights_msg = "\n".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in corr_weights.items()]) await ctx.send( info( f"Current weights:\n{box(corr_weights_msg)}\nPlease define the new weight that is greater than or equal to zero for `replying`." ), delete_after=300, ) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=pred, timeout=121) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling weight change!"), delete_after=30) return try: reply = float(msg.content) except: await ctx.send( error( "Weight could not be parsed, please make sure it is a decimal value greater than or equal to zero." ), delete_after=30, ) return await ctx.send(info("Please define the new weight for being in VC per minute."), delete_after=300) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=pred, timeout=121) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling weight change!"), delete_after=30) return try: vc_per_minute = float(msg.content) except: await ctx.send( error( "Weight could not be parsed, please make sure it is a decimal value greater than or equal to zero." ), delete_after=30, ) return await ctx.send( info( "Please define the the multiplier per person in VC for the VC per minute weight. Values between 0 and 1 will reduce the correlation weight between people the more people that are in VC, while values greater than 1 will increase the weight per person in VC." ), delete_after=300, ) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=pred, timeout=121) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling weight change!"), delete_after=30) return try: vc_people_multiplier = float(msg.content) except: await ctx.send( error( "Weight could not be parsed, please make sure it is a decimal value greater than or equal to zero." ), delete_after=30, ) return await ctx.send( info( "Lastly, please define the weights for correlation between messages sent in a text channel. It should be a comma seperated list of decimal values, with the first value being the weight of the message closest, and the last weight being the weight of the farthest message. Max of 5 weights" ), delete_after=300, ) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=pred, timeout=121) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling weight change!"), delete_after=30) return try: messages = [float(f.strip()) for f in msg.content.split(",")][:5] except: await ctx.send( error( "Weights could not be parsed, please make sure each one is a decimal value greater than or equal to zero and values are seperated by a comma." ), delete_after=30, ) return new_corr_weights = { "reply": reply, "messages": [1] + messages, # in order of closest to farthest "vc_per_minute": vc_per_minute, "vc_people_multiplier": vc_people_multiplier, } await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).corr_weights.set(new_corr_weights) await ctx.send(info("New correlation weights saved."), delete_after=30) @graphstats_corr.command(name="guild") async def graphstats_correlation_guild(self, ctx): """ Create a table of how all members correlate with each other. Because of the nature of drawing graphs, this will only output a csv file. Please use the generated file with Gephi. """ # build adjency matrix for graph # edge weight is how many times someone replied with or has been in vc with someone else # each node is a person guild = ctx.guild members = {m: i for i, m in enumerate(guild.members)} adj_matrix = np.zeros((len(members), len(members))) adj_matrix_voice = np.zeros((len(members), len(members))) corr_weights = await self.config.guild(guild).corr_weights() # remove audit log entries log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*.log")) log_files = [log for log in log_files if "guild" not in log] async with ctx.channel.typing(): # get messages split by channel messages = await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( self.log_handler, log_files, guild.created_at, split_channels=True, ), ) def process_messages(): for ch_id, data in messages.items(): channel = guild.get_channel(ch_id) # channel may be deleted, but still want to include message data if isinstance(channel, discord.VoiceChannel): joined_at = {} # ignore for now, need to figure out how to filter out when the bot fails to log a user leaving for message in data: try: user_id = int(message.split("(id")[-1].split(")")[0].strip()) user = guild.get_member(user_id) if not user: continue if "Voice channel join:" in message: join_time = parse_time_naive(message[:19]) if join_time is None: continue joined_at[user] = join_time # check others in VC to make sure a leave wasnt missed, 24 hours should be a fine time to_delete = [] for other_user, join_time in joined_at.items(): time_in_vc = datetime.utcnow() - joined_at[user] if time_in_vc > VOICE_TIME_LIMIT: to_delete.append(other_user) for u in to_delete: del joined_at[u] elif "Voice channel leave:" in message and user in joined_at: leave_time = parse_time_naive(message[:19]) if leave_time is None: continue time_in_vc = leave_time - joined_at[user] minutes = np.floor(time_in_vc.total_seconds() / 60) if len(joined_at) > 2: corr_weight = ( corr_weights["vc_per_minute"] * corr_weights["vc_people_multiplier"] / (len(joined_at) - 2) ) * minutes else: corr_weight = corr_weights["vc_per_minute"] * minutes # add correlation data to everyone in the vc when someone leaves for other_user, join_time in joined_at.items(): if user == other_user: continue adj_matrix_voice[members[user], members[other_user]] += corr_weight adj_matrix_voice[members[other_user], members[user]] += corr_weight del joined_at[user] except IndexError: pass except KeyError: # not sure why this happens... TODO figure it out pass else: to_delete = [] for message in data: # delete things like message edits if "edited message from" in message and "to read:" in message: to_delete.append(message) elif " deleted message from " in message: to_delete.append(message) for msg in to_delete: data.remove(msg) for i, message in enumerate(data): try: user1_id = int(message.split("(id:")[1].split(")")[0]) user1 = guild.get_member(user1_id) except IndexError: pass except KeyError: pass if user1 is None: continue curr_msg_time = parse_time_naive(message[:19]) if curr_msg_time is None: continue try: if "replied to" in message.split("(id:")[1].split("):")[0]: # add correlation to matrix user2_id = int(message.split("(id:")[2].split("):")[0]) user2 = guild.get_member(user2_id) # don't care about people who arent in the server if not (user2 is None or user1 == user2): adj_matrix[members[user1], members[user2]] += corr_weights["reply"] adj_matrix[members[user2], members[user1]] += corr_weights["reply"] continue except IndexError: pass except KeyError: # not sure why this happens... TODO figure it out pass # get messages around current message and add weights for j in range(max(i - 5, 0), i): try: prev_message = data[j] user2 = int(prev_message.split("(id:")[1].split(")")[0]) user2 = guild.get_member(user2) if user2 is None: continue if user1 == user2: continue # filter out messages being too far away time wise prev_msg_time = parse_time_naive(prev_message[:19]) if prev_msg_time is None or curr_msg_time - prev_msg_time > CORR_MSG_DELTA: continue adj_matrix[members[user1], members[user2]] += corr_weights["messages"][j - i] except IndexError: pass await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( process_messages, ), ) # define table save paths table_save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_data_{ctx.message.id}") member_names = [m.name for m in members.keys()] adj_matrix = pd.DataFrame(data=adj_matrix, index=member_names, columns=member_names) adj_matrix_voice = pd.DataFrame(data=adj_matrix_voice, index=member_names, columns=member_names) adj_matrix_all = adj_matrix + adj_matrix_voice adj_matrix.to_csv(table_save_path + "_text.txt", index=True) adj_matrix_voice.to_csv(table_save_path + "_voice.txt", index=True) adj_matrix_all.to_csv(table_save_path + "_all.txt", index=True) with open(table_save_path + "_text.txt", "r") as t, open(table_save_path + "_voice.txt", "r") as v, open( table_save_path + "_all.txt", "r" ) as a: files = ( discord.File(t, filename="graph_data_text.csv"), discord.File(v, filename="graph_data_voice.csv"), discord.File(a, filename="graph_data_all.csv"), ) await ctx.send(files=files) os.remove(table_save_path + "_text.txt") os.remove(table_save_path + "_voice.txt") os.remove(table_save_path + "_all.txt") # extra info await ctx.send( info( "It is impossible to display the graph properly with large numbers of users, which would apply for most servers even with a handful of members. If you want to see the entire graph and interactively analyze it, please download the csv file and this software: https://gephi.org/\n\nThis software is available on all platforms and easy to visualize the entire graph.\n\nWhen you open gephi, go to `File > Import from spreadsheet` and select the `graph_data.csv` file generated. Then under the `Layout` panel on the left side, select the `Fruchterman Reingold` algorithm which will format the graph with the selected user in the middle and everyone else around them. You can then edit the labels and size of the graph using the icons on the bottom bar to visualize it." ) ) @graphstats_corr.command(name="user") async def graphstats_correlation_user(self, ctx, member: discord.Member): """ Create a graph of how much a user interacts with others """ # build adjency matrix for graph # edge weight is how many times someone replied with or has been in vc with someone else # each node is a person guild = ctx.guild members = {m: i for i, m in enumerate(guild.members)} adj_matrix = np.zeros((len(members), len(members))) adj_matrix_voice = np.zeros((len(members), len(members))) corr_weights = await self.config.guild(guild).corr_weights() # remove audit log entries log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*.log")) log_files = [log for log in log_files if "guild" not in log] async with ctx.channel.typing(): # get messages split by channel messages = await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( self.log_handler, log_files, guild.created_at, split_channels=True, ), ) def process_messages(): for ch_id, data in messages.items(): channel = guild.get_channel(ch_id) # channel may be deleted, but still want to include message data if isinstance(channel, discord.VoiceChannel): joined_at = {} # ignore for now, need to figure out how to filter out when the bot fails to log a user leaving for message in data: try: user_id = int(message.split("(id")[-1].split(")")[0].strip()) user = guild.get_member(user_id) if not user: continue if "Voice channel join:" in message: join_time = parse_time_naive(message[:19]) if join_time is None: continue joined_at[user] = join_time # check others in VC to make sure a leave wasnt missed, 24 hours should be a fine time to_delete = [] for other_user, join_time in joined_at.items(): time_in_vc = datetime.utcnow() - joined_at[user] if time_in_vc > VOICE_TIME_LIMIT: to_delete.append(other_user) for u in to_delete: del joined_at[u] elif "Voice channel leave:" in message and user in joined_at: leave_time = parse_time_naive(message[:19]) if leave_time is None: continue time_in_vc = leave_time - joined_at[user] minutes = np.floor(time_in_vc.total_seconds() / 60) if len(joined_at) > 2: corr_weight = ( corr_weights["vc_per_minute"] * corr_weights["vc_people_multiplier"] / (len(joined_at) - 2) ) * minutes else: corr_weight = corr_weights["vc_per_minute"] * minutes # add correlation data to everyone in the vc when someone leaves if user == member: for other_user, join_time in joined_at.items(): if user == other_user: continue adj_matrix_voice[members[user], members[other_user]] += corr_weight adj_matrix_voice[members[other_user], members[user]] += corr_weight else: for other_user, join_time in joined_at.items(): if user == other_user or other_user != member: continue adj_matrix_voice[members[user], members[other_user]] += corr_weight adj_matrix_voice[members[other_user], members[user]] += corr_weight del joined_at[user] except IndexError: pass except KeyError: # not sure why this happens... TODO figure it out pass else: to_delete = [] for message in data: # delete things like message edits if "edited message from" in message and "to read:" in message: to_delete.append(message) elif " deleted message from " in message: to_delete.append(message) for msg in to_delete: data.remove(msg) for i, message in enumerate(data): user1_id = int(message.split("(id:")[1].split(")")[0]) user1 = guild.get_member(user1_id) if user1 is None: continue curr_msg_time = parse_time_naive(message[:19]) if curr_msg_time is None: continue try: if "replied to" in message.split("(id:")[1].split("):")[0]: # add correlation to matrix user2_id = int(message.split("(id:")[2].split("):")[0]) user2 = guild.get_member(user2_id) # don't care about people who arent in the server if not (user2 is None or user1 == user2) and (user1 == member or user2 == member): adj_matrix[members[user1], members[user2]] += corr_weights["reply"] adj_matrix[members[user2], members[user1]] += corr_weights["reply"] continue except IndexError: pass except KeyError: # not sure why this happens... TODO figure it out pass # get messages around current message and add weights for j in range(max(i - 5, 0), i): try: prev_message = data[j] user2 = int(prev_message.split("(id:")[1].split(")")[0]) user2 = guild.get_member(user2) if user2 is None: continue if user1 == user2: continue if user1 != member and user2 != member: continue # filter out messages being too far away time wise prev_msg_time = parse_time_naive(prev_message[:19]) if prev_msg_time is None or curr_msg_time - prev_msg_time > CORR_MSG_DELTA: continue adj_matrix[members[user1], members[user2]] += corr_weights["messages"][j - i] except IndexError: pass await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( process_messages, ), ) member_names = [m.name for m in members.keys()] adj_matrix = pd.DataFrame(data=adj_matrix, index=member_names, columns=member_names) adj_matrix_voice = pd.DataFrame(data=adj_matrix_voice, index=member_names, columns=member_names) adj_matrix_all = ( adj_matrix + adj_matrix_voice ) # have to add first otherwise tables dont line up for addition # drop users who do not correlate to anyone else for column in adj_matrix.columns: try: if (adj_matrix.loc[member.name, column] == 0).all() and column != member.name: adj_matrix = adj_matrix.drop(columns=column) adj_matrix = adj_matrix.drop(index=column) if (adj_matrix_voice.loc[member.name, column] == 0).all() and column != member.name: adj_matrix_voice = adj_matrix_voice.drop(columns=column) adj_matrix_voice = adj_matrix_voice.drop(index=column) if (adj_matrix_all.loc[member.name, column] == 0).all() and column != member.name: adj_matrix_all = adj_matrix_all.drop(columns=column) adj_matrix_all = adj_matrix_all.drop(index=column) except KeyError: # not sure why this happens... TODO figure it out continue # only graph the most correlated people, since otherwise the graph is unreadable sums = adj_matrix_all.sum().sort_values(ascending=False) graph_cols = sums[:20] # fix because networkx is dumb, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69349516/using-a-square-matrix-with-networkx-but-keep-getting-adjacency-matrix-not-square stack = adj_matrix_all.loc[graph_cols.index, graph_cols.index].stack() stack = stack[stack >= 1].rename_axis(("source", "target")).reset_index(name="weight") graph = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(stack, edge_attr=True) # make graph and send it fontsize = 30 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30, 30)) plt.axis("off") # define graph and table save paths save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_{ctx.message.id}.png") table_save_path = str(PATH / f"plot_data_{ctx.message.id}") widths = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, "weight") widths = np.array(list(widths.values())) # clamp widths widths = np.clip(widths, 1, 15) pos = nx.spring_layout(graph, k=4) nx.draw(graph, pos=pos, with_labels=True, width=widths, font_size=fontsize, node_size=fontsize * 2500) # make graph look nice plt.title( f"Member correlation for {member} in {guild}", fontsize=fontsize, ) fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=fig.dpi) plt.close() adj_matrix.to_csv(table_save_path + "_text.txt", index=True) adj_matrix_voice.to_csv(table_save_path + "_voice.txt", index=True) adj_matrix_all.to_csv(table_save_path + "_all.txt", index=True) with open(table_save_path + "_text.txt", "r") as t, open(table_save_path + "_voice.txt", "r") as v, open( table_save_path + "_all.txt", "r" ) as a, open(save_path, "rb") as f: files = ( discord.File(t, filename="graph_data_text.csv"), discord.File(v, filename="graph_data_voice.csv"), discord.File(a, filename="graph_data_all.csv"), discord.File(f, filename="graph.png"), ) await ctx.send(files=files) os.remove(table_save_path + "_text.txt") os.remove(table_save_path + "_voice.txt") os.remove(table_save_path + "_all.txt") os.remove(save_path) # extra info await ctx.send( info( "The following graph is only shows the most correlated people, as for most servers it is impossible to display the graph properly with large numbers of users. If you want to see the entire graph and interactively analyze it, please download the csv file and this software: https://gephi.org/\n\nThis software is available on all platforms and easy to visualize the entire graph.\n\nWhen you open gephi, go to `File > Import from spreadsheet` and select the `graph_data.csv` file generated. Then under the `Layout` panel on the left side, select the `Fruchterman Reingold` algorithm which will format the graph with the selected user in the middle and everyone else around them. You can then edit the labels and size of the graph using the icons on the bottom bar to visualize it." ) ) @staticmethod def log_handler(log_files: list, end_time: datetime, start: datetime = None, split_channels: bool = False): """ gets messages up to a specified end time, with optional start time. returns a list of messages. if the split_channels is true, returns a dictionary of channel ids -> messages """ if split_channels: messages = {} else: messages = [] parsed_logs = [] log_files.sort(reverse=True) for log in log_files: if split_channels: channel_id = int(log.split("_")[-1].strip(".log")) if channel_id not in messages: messages[channel_id] = [] with open(log, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() # binary search to find where the cutoff for messages is index = bisect_left(lines, end_time.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)) lines = lines[index:] lines.reverse() if split_channels: messages[channel_id].extend(lines) else: messages.extend(lines) # reverse messages to get correct order if split_channels: for ch_id in messages.keys(): messages[ch_id].reverse() else: messages.reverse() return messages async def log_sender(self, ctx, log_files, end_time, user=None, start=None): log_path = os.path.join(PATH, str(ctx.guild.id)) await ctx.send(warning("**__Generating logs, please wait...__**")) # runs in descending order, with most recent log file first messages = await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( self.log_handler, log_files, end_time, start=start, ), ) if user: messages = [message for message in messages if str(user.id) in message] message_chunks = [ messages[i * MAX_LINES : (i + 1) * MAX_LINES] for i in range((len(messages) + MAX_LINES - 1) // MAX_LINES) ] if not message_chunks: await ctx.send(error("No logs found for the specified location and time period!")) return for msgs in message_chunks: temp_file = os.path.join(log_path, datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%X").replace(":", "") + ".txt") with open(temp_file, encoding="utf-8", mode="w") as f: f.writelines(msgs) await ctx.channel.send(file=discord.File(temp_file)) os.remove(temp_file) @commands.group(aliases=["log"]) @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def logs(self, ctx): pass # log rotation independent @logs.command(name="from") async def logs_channel_interval(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, *, till: str): """ Logs for an entire channel going back to a specific interval or date/time. Dates/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*{}*.log".format(channel.id))) if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end_time) @logs.command(name="in") async def logs_channel_in(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, *, date: str): """ Logs for an entire channel in between the specified dates Seperate dates with a **__semicolon__**. times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. """ try: dates = date.split(";") dates = [dates[0].strip(), dates[1].strip()] # only use 2 dates start, end = [parse_time(date).replace(tzinfo=None) for date in dates] # order doesnt matter, so check which date is older than the other # end time should be the newest date since logs are processed in reverse if start < end: # start is before end date start, end = end, start # swap order except: await ctx.send("Invalid dates! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*{}*.log".format(channel.id))) await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end, start=start) @logs.group(name="user") async def logs_users(self, ctx): """Gets messages from a user""" pass @logs_users.command(name="from") async def logs_users_channel_interval(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, *, till: str): """ User's messages accross the guild going back to a specific interval or date/time. Dates/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*.log")) log_files = [log for log in log_files if "guild" not in log] if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end_time, user=user) @logs_users.command(name="in") async def logs_users_channel_in(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, *, date: str): """ User's messages accross the guild in between the specified dates Seperate dates with a **__semicolon__**. times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. """ try: dates = date.split(";") dates = [dates[0].strip(), dates[1].strip()] # only use 2 dates start, end = [parse_time(date).replace(tzinfo=None) for date in dates] # order doesnt matter, so check which date is older than the other # end time should be the newest date since logs are processed in reverse if start < end: # start is before end date start, end = end, start # swap order except: await ctx.send("Invalid dates! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*.log")) log_files = [log for log in log_files if "guild" not in log] await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end, start=start, user=user) @logs.group(name="audit") async def logs_audit(self, ctx): """Gets audit logs""" pass @logs_audit.command(name="from") async def logs_audit_from(self, ctx, *, till: str): """ Audit logs for server going back a time or to a specific data. Gets all role and name changes, mutes, etc. Also gets audit actions (deleting messages, bans, etc) Date/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*guild*.log")) if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end_time) @logs_audit.command(name="in") async def logs_audit_in(self, ctx, *, date: str): """ Audit logs for server in between specified dates. Gets all role and name changes, mutes, etc. Also gets audit actions (deleting messages, bans, etc) Seperate dates with a **semicolon**. Date/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. """ try: dates = date.split(";") dates = [dates[0].strip(), dates[1].strip()] # only use 2 dates start, end = [parse_time(date).replace(tzinfo=None) for date in dates] # order doesnt matter, so check which date is older than the other # end time should be the newest date since logs are processed in reverse if start < end: # start is before end date start, end = end, start # swap order except: await ctx.send("Invalid dates! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*guild*.log")) await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end, start=start) @logs_audit.group(name="user") async def logs_audit_user(self, ctx): """Audit logs pertaining a user.""" pass @logs_audit_user.command(name="from") async def logs_audit_user_from(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, *, till: str): """ Audit logs for server from user going back a time or to a specified date. Gets all role and name changes, mutes, etc. Also gets audit actions (deleting messages, bans, etc) Date/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*guild*.log")) if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end_time, user=user) @logs_audit_user.command(name="in") async def logs_audit_user_in(self, ctx, user: discord.Member = None, *, date: str): """ Audit logs for server from user in between dates. Gets all role and name changes, mutes, etc. Also gets audit actions (deleting messages, bans, etc) Seperate dates with a **semicolon**. times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. """ try: dates = date.split(";") dates = [dates[0].strip(), dates[1].strip()] # only use 2 dates start, end = [parse_time(date).replace(tzinfo=None) for date in dates] # order doesnt matter, so check which date is older than the other # end time should be the newest date since logs are processed in reverse if start < end: # start is before end date start, end = end, start # swap order except: await ctx.send("Invalid dates! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*guild*.log")) await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end, start=start, user=user) @logs.group(name="voice") async def logs_voice(self, ctx): """Gets voice chat logs (leave, join, mutes, etc)""" pass @logs_voice.command(name="from") async def logs_voice_from(self, ctx, channel_id: int, *, till: str): """ Logs for a voice channel going back the specified interval. Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id) if not channel: await ctx.send("Invalid channel!") return log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*{}*.log".format(channel.id))) if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end_time) @logs_voice.command(name="in") async def logs_voice_in(self, ctx, channel_id: int, *, date: str): """ Logs for an entire channel in between the specified dates Seperate dates with a **semicolon**. times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. """ try: dates = date.split(";") dates = [dates[0].strip(), dates[1].strip()] # only use 2 dates start, end = [parse_time(date).replace(tzinfo=None) for date in dates] # order doesnt matter, so check which date is older than the other # end time should be the newest date since logs are processed in reverse if start < end: # start is before end date start, end = end, start # swap order except: await ctx.send("Invalid dates! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id) if not channel: await ctx.send("Invalid channel!") return log_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*{}*.log".format(channel.id))) await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end, start=start) @commands.group() @checks.is_owner() async def logset(self, ctx): """ Change activity logging settings """ pass @logset.command(name="check-audit") async def set_audit_check(self, ctx, on_off: bool = None): """ Set whether to access audit logs to get who does what audit action Turning this off means audit actions are saved but who did those actions are not saved. This should be turned off for bots in large amount of servers since you will hit global ratelimits very quickly. """ if on_off is not None: async with self.config.attrs() as attrs: attrs["check_audit"] = on_off self.cache["check_audit"] = on_off status = self.cache["check_audit"] if status: await ctx.send("Checking audit logs is enabled.") else: await ctx.send("Checking audit logs is disabled.") @logset.command(name="everything", aliases=["global"]) async def set_everything(self, ctx, on_off: bool = None): """ Global override for all logging """ if on_off is not None: async with self.config.attrs() as attrs: attrs["everything"] = on_off self.cache["everything"] = on_off status = self.cache["everything"] if status: await ctx.send("Global logging override is enabled.") else: await ctx.send("Global logging override is disabled.") @logset.command(name="default") async def set_default(self, ctx, on_off: bool = None): """ Sets whether logging is on or off where unset guild overrides, global override, and attachments don't use this. """ if on_off is not None: async with self.config.attrs() as attrs: attrs["default"] = on_off self.cache["default"] = on_off status = self.cache["default"] if status: await ctx.send("Logging is enabled by default.") else: await ctx.send("Logging is disabled by default.") @logset.command(name="dm") async def set_direct(self, ctx, on_off: bool = None): """ Log direct messages? """ if on_off is not None: async with self.config.attrs() as attrs: attrs["direct"] = on_off self.cache["direct"] = on_off status = self.cache["direct"] if status: await ctx.send("Logging of direct messages is enabled.") else: await ctx.send("Logging of direct messages is disabled.") @logset.command(name="attachments") async def set_attachments(self, ctx, on_off: bool = None): """ Download message attachments? """ if on_off is not None: async with self.config.attrs() as attrs: attrs["attachments"] = on_off self.cache["attachments"] = on_off status = self.cache["attachments"] if status: await ctx.send("Downloading of attachments is enabled.") else: await ctx.send("Downloading of attachments is disabled.") @logset.command(name="channel") @commands.guild_only() async def set_channel(self, ctx, on_off: bool, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Sets channel logging on or off (channel optional) To enable or disable all channels at once, use `logset server`. """ if channel is None: channel = ctx.channel guild = channel.guild self.cache[channel.id]["enabled"] = on_off await self.config.channel(channel).enabled.set(on_off) if on_off: await ctx.send("Logging enabled for %s" % channel.mention) else: await ctx.send("Logging disabled for %s" % channel.mention) @logset.command(name="server") @commands.guild_only() async def set_guild(self, ctx, on_off: bool): """ Sets logging on or off for all channels and server events """ guild = ctx.guild self.cache[guild.id]["all_s"] = on_off await self.config.guild(guild).all_s.set(on_off) if on_off: await ctx.send("Logging enabled for %s" % guild) else: await ctx.send("Logging disabled for %s" % guild) @logset.command(name="voice") @commands.guild_only() async def set_voice(self, ctx, on_off: bool): """ Sets logging on or off for ALL voice channel events """ guild = ctx.guild self.cache[guild.id]["voice"] = on_off await self.config.guild(guild).voice.set(on_off) if on_off: await ctx.send("Voice event logging enabled for %s" % guild) else: await ctx.send("Voice event logging disabled for %s" % guild) @logset.command(name="events") @commands.guild_only() async def set_events(self, ctx, on_off: bool): """ Sets logging on or off for guild events """ guild = ctx.guild self.cache[guild.id]["events"] = on_off await self.config.guild(guild).events.set(on_off) if on_off: await ctx.send("Logging enabled for guild events in %s" % guild) else: await ctx.send("Logging disabled for guild events in %s" % guild) @logset.command(name="prefixes") @commands.guild_only() async def set_prefixes(self, ctx, *, prefixes: str = None): """Set list of prefixes to mark messages as bot commands for user stats. Seperate prefixes with spaces """ if not prefixes: curr = [f"`{p}`" for p in self.cache[ctx.guild.id]["prefixes"]] if not curr: await ctx.send("No prefixes set, setting this bot's prefix.") await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).prefixes.set([ctx.clean_prefix]) self.cache[ctx.guild.id]["prefixes"] = [ctx.clean_prefix] return await ctx.send("Current Prefixes: " + humanize_list(curr)) return prefixes = [p for p in prefixes.split(" ")] await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).prefixes.set(prefixes) self.cache[ctx.guild.id]["prefixes"] = prefixes prefixes = [f"`{p}`" for p in prefixes] await ctx.send("Prefixes set to: " + humanize_list(prefixes)) @logset.command(name="rotation") async def set_rotation(self, ctx, freq: str = None): """ Show, disable, or set the log rotation period Days start at 00:00 UTC. Attachment folders are still shared. When enabled, log filenames will be prepended with their ISO 8601 date and period. Example: if monthly, logs for July in channel ID 1234 would be in 20180701--P1M_1234.log Valid options are: - none: disable rotation - d: one log file per day (starts 00:00Z each day) - w: one log file per week (starts 00:00Z each Monday) - m: one log file per month (starts 00:00Z on first day of month) - y: one log file per year (starts 00:00Z Jan 1) """ if freq: freq = freq.lower().strip("\"'` ") if freq in ("d", "w", "m", "y", "none", "disable"): adj = "now" if freq in ("none", "disable"): freq = None async with self.config.attrs() as attrs: attrs["rotation"] = freq self.cache["rotation"] = freq elif freq: await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx) return else: adj = "currently" freq = self.cache["rotation"] if not freq: await ctx.send("Log rotation is %s disabled." % adj) else: desc = {"d": "daily", "w": "weekly", "m": "monthly", "y": "yearly"}[freq] await ctx.send("Log rotation period is %s %s." % (adj, desc)) @staticmethod def format_rotation_string(timestamp, rotation_code, filename=None): kwargs = dict(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) if not rotation_code: return filename or "" if rotation_code == "y": kwargs.update(day=1, month=1) start = timestamp.replace(**kwargs) elif rotation_code == "m": kwargs.update(day=1) start = timestamp.replace(**kwargs) elif rotation_code == "w": start = timestamp - relativedelta(days=timestamp.weekday()) spec = start.strftime("%Y%m%d") if rotation_code == "w": spec += "--P7D" else: spec += "--P1%c" % rotation_code.upper() if filename: return "%s_%s" % (spec, filename) else: return spec @staticmethod def get_voice_flags(voice_state): flags = [] for f in ("deaf", "mute", "self_deaf", "self_mute", "self_stream", "self_video"): if getattr(voice_state, f, None): flags.append(f) return flags @staticmethod def format_overwrite(target, channel, before, after, user=None): if user: target_str = "Channel overwrites by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): {0.name} ({0.id}): ".format( channel, user ) else: target_str = "Channel overwrites: {0.name} ({0.id}): ".format(channel) target_str += "role" if isinstance(target, discord.Role) else "member" target_str += " {0.name} ({0.id})".format(target) if before: bpair = [x.value for x in before.pair()] if after: apair = [x.value for x in after.pair()] if before and after: fmt = " updated to values %i, %i (was %i, %i)" return target_str + fmt % tuple(apair + bpair) elif after: return target_str + " added with values %i, %i" % tuple(apair) elif before: return target_str + " removed (was %i, %i)" % tuple(bpair) def gethandle(self, path, mode="a"): """Manages logfile handles, culling stale ones and creating folders""" if path in self.handles: if os.path.exists(path): return self.handles[path] else: # file was deleted? try: # try to close, no guarantees tho self.handles[path].close() except Exception: pass del self.handles[path] return self.gethandle(path, mode) else: # Clean up excess handles before creating a new one if len(self.handles) >= 256: chrono = sorted(self.handles.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].time) oldest_path, oldest_handle = chrono[0] oldest_handle.close() del self.handles[oldest_path] dirname, _ = os.path.split(path) try: if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) handle = LogHandle(path, mode=mode) except Exception: raise self.handles[path] = handle return handle def should_log(self, location): if not self.cache: # cache is empty, still booting return False if self.cache.get("everything", False): return True default = self.cache.get("default", False) if type(location) is discord.Guild: loc = self.cache[location.id] return loc.get("all_s", False) or loc.get("events", default) elif type(location) is discord.TextChannel: loc = self.cache[location.guild.id] opts = [loc.get("all_s", False), self.cache[location.id].get("enabled", default)] return any(opts) elif type(location) is discord.VoiceChannel: loc = self.cache[location.guild.id] opts = [loc.get("all_s", False), loc.get("voice", False)] return any(opts) elif isinstance(location, discord.abc.PrivateChannel): return self.cache.get("direct", default) else: # can't log other types return False def should_download(self, msg): return self.should_log(msg.channel) and self.cache.get("attachments", False) def process_attachment(self, message, a): aid = a.id aname = a.filename url = a.url channel = message.channel path = str(PATH) if type(channel) is discord.TextChannel: guildid = channel.guild.id elif isinstance(channel, discord.abc.PrivateChannel): guildid = "direct" path = os.path.join(path, str(guildid), str(channel.id) + "_attachments") filename = str(aid) + "_" + aname if len(filename) > 255: target_len = 255 - len(aid) - 4 part_a = target_len // 2 part_b = target_len - part_a filename = aid + "_" + aname[:part_a] + "..." + aname[-part_b:] truncated = True else: truncated = False return aid, url, path, filename, truncated async def log(self, location, text, timestamp=None, force=False, subfolder=None, mode="a"): if not timestamp: timestamp = datetime.utcnow() if self.lock or not (force or self.should_log(location)): return path = [] entry = [timestamp.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)] rotation = self.cache["rotation"] if type(location) is discord.Guild: path += [str(location.id), "guild.log"] elif type(location) is discord.TextChannel or type(location) is discord.VoiceChannel: guildid = str(location.guild.id) entry.append("#" + location.name) path += [guildid, str(location.id) + ".log"] elif isinstance(location, discord.abc.PrivateChannel): path += ["direct", str(location.id) + ".log"] elif type(location) is discord.User or type(location) is discord.Member: path += ["usernames", "usernames.log"] else: return if subfolder: path.insert(-1, str(subfolder)) text = text.replace("\n", "\\n") entry.append(text) if rotation: path[-1] = self.format_rotation_string(timestamp, rotation, path[-1]) fname = os.path.join(PATH, *path) handle = self.gethandle(fname, mode=mode) await handle.write(" ".join(entry) + "\n") async def message_handler(self, message, *args, force_attachments=None, **kwargs): dl_attachment = self.should_download(message) attachments = [] if force_attachments is not None: dl_attachment = force_attachments if message.attachments and dl_attachment: for a in message.attachments: attachments += [self.process_attachment(message, a)] entry = DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE.format( message, [a[3] + " (filename truncated)" if a[4] else a[3] for a in attachments] ) elif message.attachments: urls = ",".join(a.url for a in message.attachments) entry = ATTACHMENT_TEMPLATE.format(message, urls) else: if message.reference: ref_channel = message.guild.get_channel(message.reference.channel_id) ref_message = None if ref_channel: ref_message = await ref_channel.fetch_message(message.reference.message_id) if ref_message: entry = REPLY_TEMPLATE.format(message, ref_message) else: entry = MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(message) else: entry = MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(message) # don't calculate bot stats and make sure this isnt dm message if message.author.id != self.bot.user.id and isinstance(message.author, discord.Member): is_bot_msg = False async with self.config.member(message.author).stats() as stats: stats["total_msg"] += 1 if len(message.content) > 0: for prefix in self.cache[message.guild.id]["prefixes"]: if prefix == message.content[: len(prefix)]: stats["bot_cmd"] += 1 is_bot_msg = True break if not is_bot_msg: stats["avg_len"] += len(message.content.split(" ")) if message.attachments and dl_attachment: for i, data in enumerate(attachments): aid, url, path, filename, truncated = data if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) dl_path = os.path.join(path, filename) if not os.path.exists(dl_path): try: await message.attachments[i].save(dl_path) except: entry += f" (file: {filename} failed to save)" await self.log(message.channel, entry, message.created_at, *args, **kwargs) # Listeners @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, message): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, message.guild): return await self.message_handler(message) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message_edit(self, before, after): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, after.guild): return timestamp = before.created_at.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) entry = EDIT_TEMPLATE.format(before, after, timestamp) await self.log(after.channel, entry, after.edited_at) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message_delete(self, message): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, message.guild): return if not self.should_log(message.channel): return entry_s = None timestamp = message.created_at.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) if self.cache["check_audit"]: try: async for entry in message.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): # target is user who had message deleted if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.message_delete: if ( entry.target.id == message.author.id and entry.extra.channel.id == message.channel.id and entry.created_at.timestamp() > time.time() - 3000 and entry.extra.count >= 1 ): entry_s = DELETE_AUDIT_TEMPLATE.format(entry.user, message, message.author, timestamp) break except: pass if not entry_s: entry_s = DELETE_TEMPLATE.format(message, timestamp) await self.log(message.channel, entry_s) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_join(self, guild): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, guild): return entry = "this bot joined the guild" await self.log(guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_remove(self, guild): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, guild): return entry = "this bot left the guild" await self.log(guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_update(self, before, after): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, after): return if not self.should_log(before): return entries = [] user = None if self.cache["check_audit"]: try: async for entry in after.audit_logs(limit=1): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.guild_update: user = entry.user except: pass if before.owner != after.owner: if user: entries.append( "guild owner changed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}), from {0.owner} (id {0.owner.id}) to {1.owner} (id {1.owner.id})" ) else: entries.append("guild owner changed from {0.owner} (id {0.owner.id}) to {1.owner} (id {1.owner.id})") if before.region != after.region: if user: entries.append( "guild region changed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}), from {0.region} to {1.region}" ) else: entries.append("guild region changed from {0.region} to {1.region}") if before.name != after.name: if user: entries.append( 'guild name changed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}), from "{0.name}" to "{1.name}"' ) else: entries.append('guild name changed from "{0.name}" to "{1.name}"') if before.icon_url != after.icon_url: if user: entries.append( "guild icon changed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}), from {0.icon_url} to {1.icon_url}" ) else: entries.append("guild icon changed from {0.icon_url} to {1.icon_url}") if before.splash != after.splash: if user: entries.append( "guild splash changed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}), from {0.splash} to {1.splash}" ) else: entries.append("guild splash changed from {0.splash} to {1.splash}") for e in entries: if user: await self.log(before, e.format(before, after, user)) else: await self.log(before, e.format(before, after)) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_role_create(self, role): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, role.guild): return if not self.should_log(role.guild): return user = None if self.cache["check_audit"]: try: async for entry in role.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.role_create: if entry.target.id == role.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = "Role created by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): '{0}' (id {0.id})".format(role, user) else: entry = "Role created: '{0}' (id {0.id})".format(role) await self.log(role.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_role_delete(self, role): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, role.guild): return if not self.should_log(role.guild): return user = None if self.cache["check_audit"]: try: async for entry in role.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.role_delete: if entry.target.id == role.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = "Role deleted by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): '{0}' (id {0.id})".format(role, user) else: entry = "Role deleted: '{0}' (id {0.id})".format(role) await self.log(role.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_role_update(self, before, after): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, after.guild): return if not self.should_log(before.guild): return entries = [] user = None if self.cache["check_audit"]: try: async for entry in after.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.role_update: if entry.target.id == after.id: user = entry.user except: pass if before.name != after.name: if user: entries.append('Role renamed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{0.name}" to "{1.name}"') else: entries.append('Role renamed: "{0.name}" to "{1.name}"') if before.color != after.color: if user: entries.append( 'Role color by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{0}" (id {0.id}) changed from {0.color} to {1.color}' ) else: entries.append('Role color: "{0}" (id {0.id}) changed from {0.color} to {1.color}') if before.mentionable != after.mentionable: if after.mentionable: if user: entries.append( 'Role mentionable by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is now mentionable' ) else: entries.append('Role mentionable: "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is now mentionable') else: if user: entries.append( 'Role mentionable by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is no longer mentionable' ) else: entries.append('Role mentionable: "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is no longer mentionable') if before.hoist != after.hoist: if after.hoist: if user: entries.append( 'Role hoist by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is now shown seperately' ) else: entries.append('Role hoist: "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is now shown seperately') else: if user: entries.append( 'Role hoist by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is no longer shown seperately' ) else: entries.append('Role hoist: "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is no longer shown seperately') if before.permissions != after.permissions: if user: entries.append( 'Role permissions by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) changed from {0.permissions.value} ' "to {1.permissions.value}" ) else: entries.append( 'Role permissions: "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) changed from {0.permissions.value} ' "to {1.permissions.value}" ) if before.position != after.position: if user: entries.append( 'Role position by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{0}" changed from {0.position} to {1.position}' ) else: entries.append('Role position: "{0}" changed from {0.position} to {1.position}') for e in entries: if user: await self.log(before.guild, e.format(before, after, user)) else: await self.log(before.guild, e.format(before, after)) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_join(self, member): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, member.guild): return entry = "Member join: @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member) async with self.config.user(member).past_names() as past_names: if str(member) not in past_names: past_names.append(str(member)) await self.log(member.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_remove(self, member): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, member.guild): return if not self.should_log(member.guild): await self.config.member(member).clear() return user = None if self.cache["check_audit"]: try: async for entry in member.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.kick: if entry.target.id == member.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = "Member kicked by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member, user) else: entry = "Member leave: @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member) # don't clear stats right away if welcome cog is install so it can pull user stats if self.bot.get_cog("Welcome"): await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.config.member(member).clear() await self.log(member.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_ban(self, guild, member): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, guild): return if not self.should_log(guild): return user = None if self.cache["check_audit"]: try: async for entry in guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.ban: if entry.target.id == member.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = "Member banned by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member, user) else: entry = "Member ban: @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member) await self.log(guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_unban(self, guild, member): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, guild): return if not self.should_log(guild): return user = None if self.cache["check_audit"]: try: async for entry in guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.unban: if entry.target.id == member.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = "Member unbanned by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member, user) else: entry = "Member unban: @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member) await self.log(guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_update(self, before, after): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, after.guild): return if not self.should_log(before.guild): return entries = [] user = None if self.cache["check_audit"]: try: async for entry in after.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if ( entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.member_update or entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.member_role_update ): if entry.target.id == after.id: user = entry.user except: pass if before.nick != after.nick: if user: entries.append( 'Member nickname changed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "@{0}" (id {0.id}) nickname change from "{0.nick}" to "{1.nick}"' ) else: entries.append('Member nickname: "@{0}" (id {0.id}) changed nickname from "{0.nick}" to "{1.nick}"') if before.roles != after.roles: broles = set(before.roles) aroles = set(after.roles) added = aroles - broles removed = broles - aroles for r in added: if user: entries.append( 'Member role added by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): "{0}" (id {0.id}) role ' 'was added to "@{{0}}" (id {{0.id}})'.format(r, user) ) else: entries.append( 'Member role add: "{0}" (id {0.id}) role ' 'was added to "@{{0}}" (id {{0.id}})'.format(r) ) for r in removed: if user: entries.append( 'Member role removed by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): "{0}" (id {0.id}) role was removed from "@{{0}}" (id {{0.id}})'.format( r, user ) ) else: entries.append( 'Member role remove: "{0}" (id {0.id}) role ' 'was removed from "@{{0}}" (id {{0.id}})'.format(r) ) for e in entries: await self.log(before.guild, e.format(before, after, user)) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_user_update(self, before, after): entries = [] if before.name != after.name: entries.append('Member username: "@{0}" (id {0.id}) changed username from "{0.name}" to "{1.name}"') async with self.config.user(after).past_names() as past_names: if str(after) not in past_names: past_names.append(str(after)) if before.discriminator != after.discriminator: entries.append('Member discriminator: "@{0}" (id {0.id}) changed discriminator from "{0}" to "{1}"') async with self.config.user(after).past_names() as past_names: if str(after) not in past_names: past_names.append(str(after)) for e in entries: await self.log(after, e.format(before, after)) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_channel_create(self, channel): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, channel.guild): return if not self.should_log(channel.guild): return user = None if self.cache["check_audit"]: try: async for entry in channel.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.channel_create: if entry.target.id == after.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = 'Channel created by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): "{0.name}" (id {0.id})'.format( channel, user ) else: entry = 'Channel created: "{0.name}" (id {0.id})'.format(channel) await self.log(channel.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_channel_delete(self, channel): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, channel.guild): return if not self.should_log(channel.guild): return user = None if self.cache["check_audit"]: try: async for entry in channel.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.channel_delete: if entry.target.id == after.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = 'Channel deleted by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): "{0.name}" (id {0.id})'.format( channel, user ) else: entry = 'Channel deleted: "{0.name}" (id {0.id})'.format(channel) await self.log(channel.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_channel_update(self, before, after): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, after.guild): return if not self.should_log(before.guild): return user = None if self.cache["check_audit"]: try: async for entry in after.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.channel_update: if entry.target.id == after.id: user = entry.user except: pass entries = [] if before.name != after.name: if user: entries.append( 'Channel rename by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{0.name}" (id {0.id}) renamed to "{1.name}"' ) else: entries.append('Channel rename: "{0.name}" (id {0.id}) renamed to "{1.name}"') if isinstance(before, discord.TextChannel): if before.topic != after.topic: if user: entries.append( 'Channel topic by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{0.name}" (id {0.id}) topic was set to "{1.topic}"' ) else: entries.append('Channel topic: "{0.name}" (id {0.id}) topic was set to "{1.topic}"') if before.position != after.position: if user: entries.append( 'Channel position by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{0.name}" (id {0.id}) moved from {0.position} to {1.position}' ) else: entries.append('Channel position: "{0.name}" (id {0.id}) moved from {0.position} to {1.position}') before_ow = dict(before.overwrites) after_ow = dict(after.overwrites) before_ow_set = set(before_ow) after_ow_set = set(after_ow) for old_ow in before_ow_set - after_ow_set: entries.append(self.format_overwrite(old_ow, before, before_ow[old_ow], None, user=user)) for new_ow in after_ow_set - before_ow_set: entries.append(self.format_overwrite(new_ow, before, None, after_ow[new_ow], user=user)) for isect_ow in after_ow_set & before_ow_set: if before_ow[isect_ow].pair() == after_ow[isect_ow].pair(): continue entries.append(self.format_overwrite(isect_ow, before, before_ow[isect_ow], after_ow[isect_ow], user=user)) for e in entries: if user: await self.log(before.guild, e.format(before, after, user)) else: await self.log(before.guild, e.format(before, after)) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_voice_state_update(self, member, before, after): if await self.bot.cog_disabled_in_guild(self, member.guild): return if not self.should_log(before.channel): return # will add audit logging later, just a pain trying to figure it out here if before.channel != after.channel: if before.channel: msg = "Voice channel leave: {0} (id {0.id})" async with self.config.member(member).stats() as stats: if stats["last_vc_time"]: # incase someone joins when bot is offline stats["vc_time_sec"] += time.time() - stats["last_vc_time"] stats["last_vc_time"] = None if after.channel: msg += " moving to {1.channel}" await self.log(before.channel, msg.format(member, after)) if after.channel: msg = "Voice channel join: {0} (id {0.id})" async with self.config.member(member).stats() as stats: stats["last_vc_time"] = time.time() if before.channel: msg += ", moved from {1.channel}" flags = self.get_voice_flags(after) if flags: msg += ", flags: %s" % ",".join(flags) await self.log(after.channel, msg.format(member, before)) if before.deaf != after.deaf: verb = "deafen" if after.deaf else "undeafen" await self.log(before.channel, "guild {0}: {1} (id {1.id})".format(verb, member)) if before.mute != after.mute: verb = "mute" if after.mute else "unmute" await self.log(before.channel, "guild {0}: {1} (id {1.id})".format(verb, member)) if before.self_deaf != after.self_deaf: verb = "deafen" if after.self_deaf else "undeafen" await self.log(before.channel, "guild self-{0}: {1} (id {1.id})".format(verb, member)) if before.self_mute != after.self_mute: verb = "mute" if after.self_mute else "unmute" await self.log(before.channel, "guild self-{0}: {1} (id {1.id})".format(verb, member)) if before.self_stream != after.self_stream: verb = "stop-stream" if not after.self_stream else "start-stream" await self.log(before.channel, "guild self-{0}: {1} (id {1.id})".format(verb, member)) if before.self_video != after.self_video: verb = "start-video" if after.self_video else "stop-video" await self.log(before.channel, "guild self-{0}: {1} (id {1.id})".format(verb, member)) # async def red_get_data_for_user(self, user_id: int): # default_user = {"past_names": []} # default_member = { # "stats": {"total_msg": 0, "bot_cmd": 0, "avg_len": 0.0, "vc_time_sec": 0.0, "last_vc_time": None} # } # past_names = await self.config.user_from_id(user_id).past_names() # data = {"past_names": past_names} # for guild in self.bot.guilds: # member = guild.get_member(user_id) # if member: # data[guild.name] = await self.config.member(member).stats() async def red_delete_data_for_user( self, *, requester: Literal["discord_deleted_user", "owner", "user", "user_strict"], user_id: int, ): pass