import asyncio import discord import datetime from tabulate import tabulate from typing import Optional, Literal, Union from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import * from redbot.core.utils.menus import menu, DEFAULT_CONTROLS class WatchlistUser: """ Maintains watchlist user data and provides functions for modification """ def __init__( self, bot, user_id: int, watchlist_number: int, reason: str, added_by: int, message: discord.Message = None, amended_by: int = None, amended_time: int = None, ): """ Create a new user on a watchlist Args: bot (Red): Bot instance user_id (int): ID of the user on the watchlist watchlist_number (int): The watchlist number this user represents reason (str): Reason for being on the watchlist added_by (int): Moderator/Administrator that added this user to the watchlist message (discord.Message, optional): Message object on the watchlist. Defaults to None. amended_by (int, optional): User ID of user who edited this watchlist user. Defaults to None. amended_time (int, optional): When changes were last made to this watchlist user. Defaults to None. """ self.user_id = user_id self.message = message self.watchlist_number = watchlist_number self.reason = reason self.added_by = added_by self.amended_by = amended_by self.amended_time = amended_time = bot async def create_embed(self, amended_by: discord.Member = None): """ Create a discord Embed that represents this user on the watchlist Args: amended_by (discord.Member, optional): User who amended this watchlist user. Defaults to None. Returns: discord.Embed: The embed representing this user """ user = if not user: user = await added_by = if not added_by: added_by = await if not user: title = f"#{self.watchlist_number} Unknown / not found user ({self.user_id})" avatar = None else: title = f"#{self.watchlist_number} {user} ({})" avatar = user.avatar_url_as(static_format="png") embed = discord.Embed(, title=title, description=self.reason) if avatar: embed.set_thumbnail(url=avatar) embed.add_field( name="Added by", value=f"{added_by if added_by is not None else 'Unknown / not found user ({self.added_by})'}", ) if amended_by is not None: self.amended_by = self.amended_time = int( embed.add_field(name="Amended by", value=f"{amended_by} at ") else: amended_by = if not amended_by and self.amended_by is not None: amended_by = await if amended_by is not None: embed.add_field(name="Amended by", value=f"{amended_by} at ") return embed async def send_watchlist_message(self, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Send (or resend) watchlist message Args: channel (discord.TextChannel, optional): The channel to send the message to Raises: AttributeError: If there is no channel provided and internal message is not set """ if channel: message = await channel.send(embed=(await self.create_embed())) self.message = message elif self.message is not None: channel = try: await self.message.delete() except: pass message = await channel.send(embed=(await self.create_embed())) self.message = message else: raise AttributeError("Must provide a channel if there is no message for this user on watchlist.") async def delete_watchlist_message(self): """ Deletes message on the watchlist Returns: bool: True if successful, False otherwise """ if self.message is None: return False try: await self.message.delete() return True except: return False async def update_reason(self, member: discord.Member, reason: str): """ Update the reason for this user Args: member (discord.Member): The user that requested this update. reason (str): The new reason Returns: bool: True if successful, False otherwise """ self.reason = reason new_embed = await self.create_embed(member) try: await self.message.edit(embed=new_embed) return True except: return False async def update_embed(self): """ Update embeds with new user information Returns: bool: True if successful, False otherwise """ new_embed = await self.create_embed() try: await self.message.edit(embed=new_embed) return True except: return False def to_dict(self): """ Converts data for this object into dictionary Returns: dict: The object data as a dictionary """ data = { "user_id": self.user_id, "added_by": self.added_by, "channel_id": if self.message else None, "message_id": if self.message else None, "watchlist_number": self.watchlist_number, "reason": self.reason, "amended_by": self.amended_by, "amended_time": self.amended_time, } return data @staticmethod async def from_dict(bot, data: dict): """ Create a new WatchlistUser object from data dictionary Args: bot (Red): Bot instance data (dict): Data for watchlist user Raises: AttributeError: If there is a missing key in the data dictionary Returns: WatchlistUser: The watchlist user object """ needed_keys = [ "user_id", "added_by", "channel_id", "message_id", "watchlist_number", "reason", "amended_by", "amended_time", ] for k in needed_keys: if k not in data: raise AttributeError(f"{k} missing from dictionary!") channel = bot.get_channel(data["channel_id"]) if not channel: message = None else: message = await channel.fetch_message(data["message_id"]) return WatchlistUser( bot, data["user_id"], data["watchlist_number"], data["reason"], data["added_by"], message=message, amended_by=data["amended_by"], amended_time=data["amended_time"], ) class Watchlist(commands.Cog): """ Watchlist of persons of interest """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=8946115618891655613, force_registration=True) # watchlist user data will contain list of dictionaries that cna be converted to a watchlistuser class object default_guild = { "watchlist_users": [], "removed_users": [], "channel": None, "alert_channel": None, "watchlist_num": 0, } self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) # store cached watchlist for each guild self.watchlist = {} self.task = asyncio.create_task(self.init()) def cog_unload(self): if self.task: self.task.cancel() async def init(self): await for guild in watch_list = await self.config.guild(guild).watchlist_users() self.watchlist[] = [] for w in watch_list: try: self.watchlist[].append(await WatchlistUser.from_dict(, w)) except AttributeError as e: print(e) while True: for guild in if not in self.watchlist: self.watchlist[] = [] for watchlist_user in self.watchlist[]: await watchlist_user.update_embed() await asyncio.sleep(28800) # update every 8 hours"watchlist") @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def watchlist(self, ctx): """ Manage guild watchlist """ pass @watchlist.command(name="channel") async def watchlist_channel(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Change the watchlist channel """ if not channel: await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).channel.clear() await ctx.send(info("Watchlist channel cleared.")) else: await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).channel.set( await ctx.tick() @watchlist.command(name="alert") async def watchlist_alert(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Change the watchlist alert channel """ if not channel: await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).alert_channel.clear() await ctx.send(info("Watchlist channel cleared.")) else: await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).alert_channel.set( await ctx.tick() @watchlist.command(name="add") async def watchlist_add(self, ctx, user_id: int, *, reason: str = None): """ Add a user to the watchlist, Reason is optional Must use their user id! """ if not in self.watchlist: self.watchlist[] = [] user = if not user: user = await watch_list_ids = [w.user_id for w in self.watchlist[]] if not user: await ctx.send(error(f"Could not find user with id `{user_id}`!")) return elif user_id in watch_list_ids: await ctx.send(error(f"User {user} already in the watchlist!")) return if reason is None: reason = "Use `[p]watchlist reason ` to add a reason." watchlist_num = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).watchlist_num() channel_id = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).channel() channel = ctx.guild.get_channel(channel_id) alert_channel = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).alert_channel() alert_channel = ctx.guild.get_channel(alert_channel) if not channel: await ctx.send(error(f"Could not find watchlist channel, please set it using `[p]watchlist channel` !")) return if not alert_channel: await ctx.send( warning( "No alert channel set, you will not get alerts if this user joins! Please set it using `[p]watchlist alert`" ) ) watchlist_user = WatchlistUser(,, watchlist_num, reason, await watchlist_user.send_watchlist_message(channel) self.watchlist[].append(watchlist_user) async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).watchlist_users() as watchlist_users: watchlist_users.append(watchlist_user.to_dict()) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).watchlist_num.set(watchlist_num + 1) await ctx.tick() @watchlist.command(name="remove") async def watchlist_remove(self, ctx, watchlist_num: int, *, reason: str = None): """ Remove a user from the watchlist. Reason is optional """ if not in self.watchlist: self.watchlist[] = [] watch_list_ids = [w.watchlist_number for w in self.watchlist[]] if watchlist_num not in watch_list_ids: await ctx.send(error("Unknown watchlist number!")) return idx = watch_list_ids.index(watchlist_num) watchlist_user = self.watchlist[][idx] if reason: watchlist_user.reason = f"Removed from watchlist by {} (id: {}) because: {reason}\nOriginal reason: {watchlist_user.reason}" else: watchlist_user.reason = f"Removed from watchlist by {} (id: {})\nOriginal reason: {watchlist_user.reason}" async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).removed_users() as removed_users: removed_users.append(watchlist_user.to_dict()) # delete message from watchlist channel status = await watchlist_user.delete_watchlist_message() if not status: await ctx.send(warning("There was an issue removing the message from the watchlist channel for this user!")) del self.watchlist[][idx] async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).watchlist_users() as watchlist_users: ids = [w["watchlist_number"] for w in watchlist_users] idx = ids.index(watchlist_num) del watchlist_users[idx] await ctx.tick() @watchlist.command(name="reason") async def watchlist_reason(self, ctx, watchlist_num: int, *, reason): """ Change the reason for a watchlist user Use the watchlist number to specify the user to change the reason for """ if not in self.watchlist: self.watchlist[] = [] watchlist_numbers = [w.watchlist_number for w in self.watchlist[]] if watchlist_num not in watchlist_numbers: await ctx.send(error("Unknown watchlist number!")) return idx = watchlist_numbers.index(watchlist_num) watchlist_user = self.watchlist[][idx] status = await watchlist_user.update_reason(, reason) if not status: await ctx.send(error("There was an issue updating the reason!")) else: await ctx.tick() @watchlist.command(name="list") async def watchlist_list(self, ctx): """ List removed users """ removed_users = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).removed_users() if len(removed_users) < 1: await ctx.send(info("No one has been removed from the watchlist in your guild.")) return msg = "" for data in removed_users: user =["user_id"]) if not user: user = await["user_id"]) if user is None: msg += f"Unknown user (id: {data['user_id']})\n" else: msg += f"{user.mention} (id: {})\n" msg += f"{data['reason']}\n" msg += ("=" * 10) + "\n" raw = list( pagify( msg, page_length=1700, delims=["\n"], priority=True, ) ) pages = [] for i, page in enumerate(raw): pages.append(f"{page}\n\n-----------------\nPage {i+1} of {len(raw)}") if not pages: await ctx.send("No one has their birthday set in your server!") else: await menu(ctx, pages, DEFAULT_CONTROLS) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_join(self, member: discord.Member): guild = member.guild if not in self.watchlist: self.watchlist[] = [] watchlist_ids = [w.user_id for w in self.watchlist[]] if not in watchlist_ids: return idx = watchlist_ids.index( watchlist_user = self.watchlist[][idx] alert_channel = await self.config.guild(guild).alert_channel() channel = guild.get_channel(alert_channel) if not channel: return admin_roles = " ".join([r.mention for r in (await]) mod_roles = " ".join([r.mention for r in (await]) if not admin_roles or not mod_roles: await channel.send( f"**__Watchlist Alert for #{watchlist_user.watchlist_number}__**\n@everyone\n\nUser {member.mention} has joined!\n\n**Watchlist reason:** `{watchlist_user.reason}`", allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=True), ) else: await channel.send( f"**__Watchlist Alert for #{watchlist_user.watchlist_number}__**\n{admin_roles} {mod_roles}\n\nUser {member.mention} has joined!\n\n**Watchlist reason:** `{watchlist_user.reason}`", allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(roles=True), ) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_remove(self, member: discord.Member): guild = member.guild if not in self.watchlist: self.watchlist[] = [] watchlist_ids = [w.user_id for w in self.watchlist[]] if not in watchlist_ids: return idx = watchlist_ids.index( watchlist_user = self.watchlist[][idx] alert_channel = await self.config.guild(guild).alert_channel() channel = guild.get_channel(alert_channel) if not channel: return admin_roles = " ".join([r.mention for r in (await]) mod_roles = " ".join([r.mention for r in (await]) if not admin_roles or not mod_roles: await channel.send( f"**__Watchlist Alert for #{watchlist_user.watchlist_number}__**\n@everyone\n\nUser {member.mention} has left!\n\n**Watchlist reason:** `{watchlist_user.reason}`", allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=True), ) else: await channel.send( f"**__Watchlist Alert for #{watchlist_user.watchlist_number}__**\n{admin_roles} {mod_roles}\n\nUser {member.mention} has left!\n\n**Watchlist reason:** `{watchlist_user.reason}`", allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(roles=True), )