import asyncio import discord import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from typing import Optional, Literal from io import BytesIO from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import * from redbot.core.utils.predicates import MessagePredicate from .discord_thread_feature import send_thread_message, create_thread from .time_utils import parse_time, parse_timedelta from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta class ThreadRotate(commands.Cog): """ Rotate threads for events, roleplay, etc """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=45612361654894681623, force_registration=True) self.methods = ["replacement", "unique"] default_channel = { "topics": {}, "topic_threads": {}, "ping_roles": [], "rotation_interval": 10080, "rotate_on": None, "method": "replacement", "prev_topics": [], "last_topic": None, } self.config.register_channel(**default_channel) self.task = asyncio.create_task(self.thread_rotation_task()) def cog_unload(self): if self.task is not None: self.task.cancel() return super().cog_unload()() async def thread_rotation_task(self): await while True: for guild in for channel in guild.text_channels: topics = await if not topics: continue rotate_on = datetime.fromtimestamp(await if > rotate_on: await self.rotate_thread(channel) await asyncio.sleep(1) await asyncio.sleep(60) async def rotate_thread(self, channel: discord.TextChannel): topics = await topic_threads = await ping_roles = await rotation = timedelta(seconds=await rotate_on = last_topic = await method = await prev_topics = await # choose new topic # don't want to choose the last topic, so set it's weight to 0 so it is not choosen if last_topic is not None: topics[last_topic] = 0 # select without replacement if method is "unique" if method == "unique": # first check if the list of topics have been exhausted topic_names = list(topics.keys()) cnt = 0 for t in topic_names: if t in prev_topics: cnt += 1 # reset list if cnt == len(topic_names): prev_topics = [] for t in prev_topics: topics[t] = 0 new_topic = random.choices(list(topics.keys()), weights=list(topics.values()), k=1)[0] # rotate the thread, create new thread, ping roles, etc # ping roles roles = [channel.guild.get_role(r) for r in ping_roles] roles = [r for r in roles if r is not None] role_msg = " ".join([r.mention for r in roles]) role_msg += f"\n\nHello, a new topic has been set for {channel.mention}: `{new_topic}`" # if a thread already exists for the topic, try to send a message to it to unarchive it new_thread_id = None if new_topic in topic_threads: try: await send_thread_message(, topic_threads[new_topic], role_msg, mention_roles=ping_roles) new_thread_id = topic_threads[new_topic] except ( discord.HTTPException ): # may occur if bot cant unarchive manually archived threads or thread is deleted try: new_thread_id = await create_thread(, channel, new_topic, archive=10080) except discord.HTTPException: return await send_thread_message(, new_thread_id, role_msg, mention_roles=ping_roles) else: try: new_thread_id = await create_thread(, channel, new_topic, archive=10080) except discord.HTTPException: return await send_thread_message(, new_thread_id, role_msg, mention_roles=ping_roles) # update next rotation async with as topic_threads: topic_threads[new_topic] = new_thread_id await + rotation).timestamp())) await if method == "unique": prev_topics.append(new_topic) await"rotate") @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin() async def thread_rotate(self, ctx): """ Manage thread rotations per channel """ pass @thread_rotate.command(name="simulation") async def thread_rotate_simulation(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel): """ Run a simulation using the settings for the channel to see how often topics are chosen. """ topics = await if not topics: await ctx.send(error("That channel has not been setup for thread rotation!"), delete_after=30) return topic_names = [k + f": {v}" for k, v in topics.items()] dist = random.choices(topic_names, weights=list(topics.values()), k=10000 * len(topics)) # make graph and send it fontsize = 30 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(50, 20 + 10 * (len(topics) % 10))) # define graph and table save paths save_path = BytesIO() pd.Series(dist).value_counts(sort=False).plot(kind="barh") # make graph look nice plt.title( f"Simulation for {channel} with {len(topics)} unique topics and {10000 * len(topics)} rotations", fontsize=fontsize, ) plt.xlabel("# of times chosen", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("Topics and Weights", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.grid(True) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(save_path, dpi=fig.dpi) plt.close() files = [discord.File(save_path, filename="graph.png")] await ctx.send(files=files) save_path.close() @thread_rotate.command(name="manual") async def thread_rotate_manual(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel): """ Manually rotate a thread topic """ current = await if not current: await ctx.send(error("That channel has not been setup for thread rotation!"), delete_after=30) return await self.rotate_thread(channel) await ctx.tick() @thread_rotate.command(name="method") async def thread_rotate_method(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, method: str): """ Set the method for random selection of topics. Possible methods are: - replacement: select a channel with replacement, meaning the same channel can be selected again for every rotation. - unique: select a channel without replacement, meaning for each rotation a new topic will be selected that was not selected previously, until all topics are exhausted. """ current = await if not current: await ctx.send(error("That channel has not been setup for thread rotation!"), delete_after=30) return method = method.lower() if method not in self.methods: await ctx.send( error(f"Unknown method {method}, please choose from this list: {humanize_list(self.methods)}."), delete_after=60, ) return prev_method = await if method == prev_method: await ctx.send(info(f"Selection method for {channel.mention} is already set to {method}!"), delete_after=60) return if prev_method == "replacement": await await await ctx.tick() @thread_rotate.command(name="interval") async def thread_rotate_interval(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, interval: str): """ Modify the rotation interval for a thread rotation The channel must of already been setup for thread rotation This will apply on the next thread rotation for the channel! """ current = await if not current: await ctx.send(error("That channel has not been setup for thread rotation!"), delete_after=30) return interval = parse_timedelta(interval.strip()) if interval is None: await ctx.send(error("Invalid time interval, please try again!"), delete_after=60) return await await ctx.tick() @thread_rotate.command(name="roles") async def thread_rotate_roles(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, *roles: discord.Role): """ Modify the ping roles for a thread rotation The channel must of already been setup for thread rotation """ current = await if not current: await ctx.send(error("That channel has not been setup for thread rotation!"), delete_after=30) return await[ for r in roles]) await ctx.tick() @thread_rotate.command(name="topics") async def thread_rotate_topics(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel): """ Modify topics for thread rotation. The channel must of already been setup for thread rotation """ current = await if not current: await ctx.send(error("That channel has not been setup for thread rotation!"), delete_after=30) return await ctx.send(info(f"{channel.mention}'s topics:")) topic_msg = "Topics:\n" for topic, weight in current.items(): topic_msg += f"{topic}: {weight}\n" for page in pagify(topic_msg): await ctx.send(box(page), delete_after=300) await ctx.send( info( "Please list the thread topics and their selection weights.\nThe weight is how likely the topic will be choosen.\nA weight of `1` means it will not be choosen more or less than other topics.\nA weight between 0 and 1 means it is that weight times less likely to be choosen, with a weight of 0 meaning it will never be choosen.\nA weight greater than 1 means it will be that times more likely to be choosen.\n\nFor example, a weight of 1.5 means that topic is 1.5 more likely to be choose over the others. A weight of 0.5 means that topic is half as likely to be choosen over others.\n\nPlease use this format for listing the weights:\n" ), delete_after=300, ) msg = await ctx.send( box("topic name: weight_value\ntopic 2 name: weight_value\ntopic 3 name: weight_value") + "\n\nYou can send as many messages as needed, when you are done, type `done`." ) topic_msg = "" while msg.content.lower() != "done": pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await"message", check=pred, timeout=301) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling setup!"), delete_after=30) return topic_msg += msg.content + "\n" topics = topic_msg.strip().split("\n")[:-1] # remove done from end parsed_topics = {} for topic in topics: topic = topic.split(":") try: if len(topic) > 2: parsed_topics[":".join(topic[0:-1])] = float(topic[-1]) else: parsed_topics[topic[0]] = float(topic[-1]) if float(topic[-1]) < 0: raise ValueError() except: await ctx.send( error( "Please make sure to use the correct format, every topic and weight should be split by a `:` and the weight should be a single decimal value greater than or equal to 0. Topic {topic} caused this error." ), delete_after=60, ) return await await ctx.send(info("Topics changed successfully!"), delete_after=60) @thread_rotate.command(name="clear") async def thread_rotate_clear(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel): """ Clear a channel's thread rotation settings """ await ctx.send( warning(f"Are you sure you want to delete all settings for {channel.mention}? This cannot be reversed."), delete_after=31, ) pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling clear!"), delete_after=30) return if not pred.result: await ctx.send(info("Cancelling clear."), delete_after=30) return await await ctx.send(info(f"Settings for {channel.mention} cleared."), delete_after=30) @thread_rotate.command(name="setup") async def thread_rotate_setup(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel): """ Interactively setup a thread rotation for a channel """ guild = ctx.guild now = await ctx.send( info( "Welcome to the thread rotation setup wizard!\n\nFirst, please specifiy the rotation interval. Rotation intervals can be formatted as follows:\n\t5 minutes\n\t1 minute 30 seconds\n\t1 hour\n\t2 days\n\t30 days\n\t5h30m\n\t(etc)" ), delete_after=300, ) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await"message", check=pred, timeout=121) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling setup!"), delete_after=30) return interval = parse_timedelta(msg.content.strip()) if interval is None: await ctx.send(error("Invalid time interval, please run setup again!"), delete_after=60) return await ctx.send( info( "Thank you.\n\nNow, please specify the date and time to start rotation. You can say `now` to start rotation as soon as setup is complete.\n\nValid date formats are:\n\tFebruary 14 at 6pm EDT\n\t2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST\n\t01/20/18 at 21:00:43\n\t(etc)" ), delete_after=300, ) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await"message", check=pred, timeout=121) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling setup!"), delete_after=30) return if msg.content.strip().lower() == "now": date = else: date = parse_time(msg.content.strip()) if date is None: await ctx.send(error("Invalid date, please run setup again!"), delete_after=60) return if date < now: await ctx.send( error("Invalid date, the date must be in the future! Please run the setup again."), delete_after=60 ) await ctx.send( info( "Great, next step is to list all roles that should be pinged and added to each thread when it rotates.\n\nList each role **seperated by a comma `,`**.\nYou can use role IDs, role mentions, or role names. If you do not want to ping any roles type `next` or `no`." ), delete_after=300, ) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await"message", check=pred, timeout=241) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling setup!"), delete_after=30) return if msg.content.strip().lower() != "no" and msg.content.strip().lower() != "next": roles = [m.strip().strip("<").strip(">").strip("@").strip("&") for m in msg.content.split(",")] role_objs = [] for r in roles: try: role = guild.get_role(int(r)) except: role = discord.utils.find(lambda c: == r, guild.roles) if role is None: await ctx.send( error( f"Unknown role: `{r}`, please run the command again. (make sure to seperate roles by commas!)" ), delete_after=60, ) return role_objs.append(role) else: role_objs = [] await ctx.send( info( "Next step: select the method I will use to rotate topics with.\nAvailable methods are:\n\t- `replacement`: the same channel can be selected again for every rotation.\n\t- `unique`: for each rotation a new topic will be selected that was not selected previously, until all topics are exhausted." ), delete_after=300, ) pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await"message", check=pred, timeout=241) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling setup!"), delete_after=30) return method = msg.content.lower().strip() if method not in self.methods: await ctx.send( error(f"Unknown method {method}, please choose from this list: {humanize_list(self.methods)}."), delete_after=30, ) return await ctx.send( info( "Final step is to list the thread topics and their selection weights.\nThe weight is how likely the topic will be choosen.\nA weight of `1` means it will not be choosen more or less than other topics.\nA weight between 0 and 1 means it is that weight times less likely to be choosen, with a weight of 0 meaning it will never be choosen.\nA weight greater than 1 means it will be that times more likely to be choosen.\n\nFor example, a weight of 1.5 means that topic is 1.5 more likely to be choose over the others. A weight of 0.5 means that topic is half as likely to be choosen over others.\n\nPlease use this format for listing the weights:\n" ), delete_after=300, ) msg = await ctx.send( box("topic name: weight_value\ntopic 2 name: weight_value\ntopic 3 name: weight_value") + "\n\nYou can send as many messages as needed, when you are done, type `done`." ) topic_msg = "" while msg.content.lower() != "done": pred = MessagePredicate.same_context(ctx) try: msg = await"message", check=pred, timeout=301) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling setup!"), delete_after=30) return topic_msg += msg.content + "\n" topics = topic_msg.strip().split("\n")[:-1] # remove done from end parsed_topics = {} for topic in topics: topic = topic.split(":") try: if len(topic) > 2: parsed_topics[":".join(topic[0:-1])] = float(topic[-1]) else: parsed_topics[topic[0]] = float(topic[-1]) if float(topic[-1]) < 0: raise ValueError() except: await ctx.send( error( "Please make sure to use the correct format, every topic and weight should be split by a `:` and the weight should be a single decimal value greater than or equal to 0. Topic {topic} caused this error." ), delete_after=60, ) return topic_msg = "Topics:\n" for topic, weight in parsed_topics.items(): topic_msg += f"{topic}: {weight}\n" await ctx.send( info(f"Please review the settings for thread rotation on channel {channel.mention}:"), delete_after=300, ) await ctx.send( box( f"Rotation interval: {humanize_timedelta(seconds=interval.total_seconds())}\n\nRotation Start: {date}\n\nRotation Method: `{method}`\n\nPing roles: {humanize_list([ for r in role_objs])}" ), delete_after=300, ) for page in pagify(topic_msg): await ctx.send( box(page), delete_after=300, ) await ctx.send("Type yes to confirm the thread rotation, type no to cancel thread rotation setup.") pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) try: msg = await"message", check=pred, timeout=240) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling setup!"), delete_after=30) return if not pred.result: await ctx.send(info("Cancelled setup."), delete_after=60) return # setup the channel await await[ for r in role_objs]) await await await await ctx.send( info(f"Thread rotation setup! The first rotation will start at "), delete_after=60, )