import aiohttp, discord from redbot.core import Config, commands from wand.image import Image from io import BytesIO from typing import Optional, Tuple, Literal import asyncio, functools, urllib from PIL import Image as PILImage MAX_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024 # by Flame442 class ImageFindError(Exception): """Generic error for the __get_image function.""" pass class ImageMagic(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): super().__init__() self.config = Config.get_conf( self, identifier=4928034571, force_registration=True ) = bot async def _get_image(self, ctx, link: str = None) -> Image: if ctx.guild: max_filesize = ctx.guild.filesize_limit else: max_filesize = MAX_SIZE # original by Flame442, edited for Wand by ScriptPony if not ctx.message.attachments and not link: # first check for reply message if ctx.message.reference: msg = ctx.message.reference.resolved if msg is None: msg = await ctx.message.reference.message_id ) if msg and msg.attachments: for a in msg.attachments: path = urllib.parse.urlparse(a.url).path link = a.url break if not link: async for msg in for a in msg.attachments: path = urllib.parse.urlparse(a.url).path link = a.url break if link: break if not link: raise ImageFindError("Please provide an attachment.") if link: # linked image path = urllib.parse.urlparse(link).path async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: try: async with session.get(link) as response: r = await try: img = Image(file=BytesIO(r)) except: raise ImageFindError("Invalid filetype") except (OSError, aiohttp.ClientError): raise ImageFindError( "An image could not be found. Make sure you provide a direct link." ) else: # attached image path = urllib.parse.urlparse(ctx.message.attachments[0].url).path if ctx.message.attachments[0].size > max_filesize: raise ImageFindError("That image is too large.") temp_orig = BytesIO() await ctx.message.attachments[0].save(temp_orig) try: img = Image(file=temp_orig) except: raise ImageFindError("Invalid filetype") return img @staticmethod def _intensity(intensity: float) -> float: if intensity < 0: intensity = 0 elif intensity > 10: intensity = 10 intensity /= 10 return intensity def _jpeg_compress(self, img: Image, quality: int) -> Image: # save image to temp variable to load it as a PIL image temp_file = BytesIO(), adjoin=True if img.animation else False) # load as PIL image img = # if its gif, compress each image temp_files = [BytesIO() for _ in range(getattr(img, "n_frames", 1))] duration = [] for temp_file in temp_files: try: duration += [["duration"]] except KeyError: pass # compress img.convert("RGB").save(temp_file, "JPEG", quality=(1 - quality)) try: + 1) except: pass # combine pil images back into a single object and save as gif images = [ for f in temp_files] final_file = BytesIO() if len(images) > 1: images[0].save( final_file, "GIF", save_all=True, append_images=images[1:], optimize=False, loop=0, duration=duration, ) else: images[0].save(final_file, "JPEG") # return as wand image img = Image(file=final_file) return img, "jpeg.jpeg" if len(images) == 1 else "jpeg.gif" def _distortion(self, img: Image, func: str, args: Tuple) -> Tuple[Image, str]: # distort img.iterator_reset() function = getattr(img, func, None) if function is None: return function(*args) if img.animation: while img.iterator_next(): function(*args) # image object and filename return img, (f"{func}." + img.mimetype[img.mimetype.find("/") + 1 :]) async def _command_body(self, ctx, args: Tuple): task = functools.partial(*args) task =, task) try: img, name = await asyncio.wait_for(task, timeout=60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.reply("The image took too long to process.", mention_author=False) return try: await ctx.reply( file=discord.File(BytesIO(img.make_blob()), name), mention_author=False ) except discord.errors.HTTPException: await ctx.reply("That image is too large.", mention_author=False) return @commands.bot_has_permissions(attach_files=True) async def distort(self, ctx): """ Distorts an image from a direct link, attatchment, or from recent chat messages `[p]distort ` """ pass @distort.command() async def jpeg(self, ctx, intensity: Optional[float] = 10, *, link: str = None): """ Applies JPEG compression to image """ # we want to flip the quality range so it matches the intentsity of other commands. quality = int(self._intensity(intensity) * 100) async with ctx.typing(): try: img = await self._get_image(ctx, link) except ImageFindError as e: return await ctx.reply(e, mention_author=False) await self._command_body(ctx, args=(self._jpeg_compress, img, quality)) @distort.command() async def barrel(self, ctx, intensity: Optional[float] = 10, *, link: str = None): """ Bulges the center of the image outward """ intensity = self._intensity(intensity) amount = 0.3 async with ctx.typing(): try: img = await self._get_image(ctx, link) except ImageFindError as e: return await ctx.reply(e, mention_author=False) await self._command_body( ctx, args=( self._distortion, img, "distort", ( "barrel", (amount * intensity, amount * intensity, amount * intensity, 0), ), ), ) @distort.command() async def implode(self, ctx, intensity: Optional[float] = 10, *, link: str = None): """ Pinches in the center of the image """ intensity = self._intensity(intensity) amount = 0.6 async with ctx.typing(): try: img = await self._get_image(ctx, link) except ImageFindError as e: return await ctx.reply(e, mention_author=False) await self._command_body( ctx, args=(self._distortion, img, "implode", (amount * intensity,)) ) @distort.command() async def swirl(self, ctx, intensity: Optional[float] = 10, *, link: str = None): """ Swirls the center of the image """ switch = { 0: 0, 1: 18, 2: 36, 3: 54, 4: 72, 5: 90, 6: 108, 7: 126, 8: 144, 9: 162, 10: 180, } intensity = float(switch.get(round(intensity), 180)) async with ctx.typing(): try: img = await self._get_image(ctx, link) except ImageFindError as e: return await ctx.reply(e, mention_author=False) await self._command_body( ctx, args=(self._distortion, img, "swirl", (intensity,)) ) @distort.command() async def charcoal(self, ctx, intensity: Optional[float], *, link: str = None): """ Makes the image look somewhat like it was drawn with charcoal """ async with ctx.typing(): try: img = await self._get_image(ctx, link) except ImageFindError as e: return await ctx.reply(e, mention_author=False) await self._command_body( ctx, args=(self._distortion, img, "charcoal", (1.5, 0.5)) ) @distort.command() async def sketch(self, ctx, intensity: Optional[float], *, link: str = None): """ Makes the image look like it is a sketch """ async with ctx.typing(): try: img = await self._get_image(ctx, link) except ImageFindError as e: return await ctx.reply(e, mention_author=False) await self._command_body( ctx, args=(self._distortion, img, "sketch", (0.5, 0.0, 98.0)) ) @distort.command() async def zoom(self, ctx, intensity: Optional[float], *, link: str = None): """ Zooms in on the center of an image """ async with ctx.typing(): try: img = await self._get_image(ctx, link) except ImageFindError as e: return await ctx.reply(e, mention_author=False) h = img.height w = img.width img = self._distortion(img, "transform", (f"{w}x{h}", "150%"))[0] await self._command_body( ctx, args=( self._distortion, img, "transform", (f"{w/1.5}x{h/1.5}+{w/2}+{h/2}",), ), ) async def red_delete_data_for_user( self, *, requester: Literal["discord_deleted_user", "owner", "user", "user_strict"], user_id: int, ): pass