from redbot.core import commands, checks, Config from redbot.core.utils.menus import menu, DEFAULT_CONTROLS from redbot.core.utils.predicates import MessagePredicate from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import * from typing import Union import time # user must be inactive for an hour in a channel before message is sent, in seconds # TODO: maybe make this customizable? INACTIVITY_DELAY = 3600 class Follower(commands.Cog): """ Twitter style following system """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=478564389756438, force_registration=True) # followers/following maps channel_ids -> users # last_active_time maps channel_ids -> last time talked (for user) default_user = { "followers": {}, "following": {}, "opt_out": False, "blocked": [], "last_active_time": {}, } # TODO: this can be modified to track a user in all channels, but # i feel that can be abused too easily for someone to stalk another user # TODO: maybe add economy credits to follow users? # only for global or per guild basis? self.config.register_user(**default_user) async def get_user(self, id: int): """ Trys to get a user from cache, if not found uses API call """ user = if not user: user = await return user async def unfollow( self, author: int, user: int, channel: int = None, ): """ Unfollows user, by author channel is optional, if not provided unfollows user from every channel """ followers = await self.config.user_from_id(user).followers() following = await self.config.user_from_id(author).following() last_active_time = await self.config.user_from_id(user).last_active_time() if not channel: to_delete = [] for channel_id in following.keys(): try: following[channel_id].remove(user) # if no other users in channel, clear channel from config if not following[channel_id]: to_delete.append(channel_id) except ValueError: pass except KeyError: pass for channel_id in to_delete: del following[channel_id] to_delete = [] for channel_id in followers.keys(): try: followers[channel_id].remove(author) # if no other users in channel, clear channel from config if not followers[channel_id]: to_delete.append(channel_id) except ValueError: pass except KeyError: pass for channel_id in to_delete: del followers[channel_id] del last_active_time[channel_id] else: try: following[str(channel)].remove(user) if not following[str(channel)]: del following[str(channel)] except ValueError: pass except KeyError: pass try: followers[str(channel)].remove(author) if not followers[str(channel)]: del followers[str(channel)] del last_active_time[str(channel)] except ValueError: pass except KeyError: pass await self.config.user_from_id(user).followers.set(followers) await self.config.user_from_id(user).last_active_time.set(last_active_time) await self.config.user_from_id(author).following.set(following)"follower", aliases=["fol"]) async def followers(self, ctx): """ Manage your followers (from DMs)! Followers allows others to get notified when you talk in a specific channel or join a voice chat. Its easiest to use the IDs of users, channels, etc when running these commands Follow this link to learn how to get IDs: """ pass"list") async def followers_list(self, ctx): """ List followers or those you are following """ pass @followers_list.command(name="followers") async def followers_list_followers(self, ctx): """ List who is following you """ followers = await self.config.user_from_id( if not followers: await ctx.send("You have no followers!") return users_list = {} for channel_id, users in followers.items(): channel = if not channel: # clean out guilds no longer in for user_id in users: await self.unfollow(user_id,, channel=channel_id) continue else: guild = channel = for user_id in users: user = await self.get_user(user_id) if not user: # user is deleted or something, remove await self.unfollow(user_id, continue else: user = str(user) if not users_list.get(user, None): users_list[user] = {} if not users_list[user].get(guild): users_list[user][guild] = [] users_list[user][guild].append(channel) msg = "" for user, guild_data in users_list.items(): msg += f"{user}:\n" for guild, channels in guild_data.items(): msg += f"\t- {guild}: {humanize_list(channels)}\n" msg += "\n\n" pages = list(pagify(msg, priority=True, page_length=1970)) for i in range(len(pages)): pages[i] += f"\nPage {i+1} out of {len(pages)}" pages[i] = box(pages[i]) await menu(ctx, pages, DEFAULT_CONTROLS) @followers_list.command(name="following") async def followers_list_following(self, ctx): """ List who you are following """ following = await self.config.user_from_id( if not following: await ctx.send("You aren't following anyone!") return users_list = {} for channel_id, users in following.items(): channel = if not channel: # clean out guilds no longer in for user_id in users: await self.unfollow(user_id,, channel=channel_id) continue else: guild = channel = for user_id in users: user = await self.get_user(user_id) if not user: # user is deleted or something, remove await self.unfollow(user_id, continue else: user = str(user) if not users_list.get(user, None): users_list[user] = {} if not users_list[user].get(guild): users_list[user][guild] = [] users_list[user][guild].append(channel) msg = "" for user, guild_data in users_list.items(): msg += f"{user}:\n" for guild, channels in guild_data.items(): msg += f"\t- {guild}: {humanize_list(channels)}\n" msg += "\n\n" pages = list(pagify(msg, priority=True, page_length=1970)) for i in range(len(pages)): pages[i] += f"\nPage {i+1} out of {len(pages)}" pages[i] = box(pages[i]) await menu(ctx, pages, DEFAULT_CONTROLS) @followers_list.command(name="blocked") async def followers_list_blocked(self, ctx): """ List who you have blocked """ blocked = await self.config.user_from_id( if not blocked: await ctx.send("You haven't blocked anyone!") return for i in range(len(blocked)): b = await self.get_user(blocked[i]) blocked[i] = str(b) if b else f"Unkown user (id: {blocked[i]})" msg = "\n".join(blocked) pages = list(pagify(msg, priority=True, page_length=1970)) for i in range(len(pages)): pages[i] += f"\n\nPage {i+1} out of {len(pages)}" pages[i] = box(pages[i]) await menu(ctx, pages, DEFAULT_CONTROLS) @followers.command(name="opt-out") async def followers_opt_out(self, ctx, on_off: bool): """ Opt out of followers This will stop anyone from following you You can still follow others """ current = await self.config.user_from_id( if not current and on_off: await ctx.send(warning("**Are you sure? This will remove ALL of your followers!** (y/n)")) pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling!")) return if pred.result: await self.config.user_from_id( await self.config.user_from_id( await self.config.user_from_id( await ctx.send("All followers removed, and no one will be able to follow you until you turn this off!") else: await ctx.send(warning("Cancelled.")) elif current and not on_off: await self.config.user_from_id( await ctx.send(warning("You have opted back in, users will be able to follow you again!")) elif current and on_off: await ctx.send(warning("You already opted out!")) elif not current and not on_off: await ctx.send(warning("You already are opted in!")) @followers.command(name="block") async def followers_block(self, ctx, *, user: discord.User): """ Block a user from following you If using the command in DMs, its easier to use the user's ID """ if == await ctx.send(error("Sorry, you can't block yourself!")) return async with self.config.user_from_id( as blocked: if in blocked: await ctx.send(error(f"You already blocked {user.mention}!")) return blocked.append( await self.unfollow(, # also unfollow yourself from them await self.unfollow(, await ctx.tick() @followers.command(name="unblock") async def followers_unblock(self, ctx, *, user: discord.User): """ Unblock a user from following you If using the command in DMs, its easier to use the user's ID """ if == await ctx.send(error("Sorry, you can't unblock yourself!")) return async with self.config.user_from_id( as blocked: try: blocked.remove( await ctx.tick() except ValueError: await ctx.send(error(f"You haven't blocked {user.mention}!")) @followers.command(name="unfollow") async def followers_unfollow( self, ctx, user: discord.User, *, channel: Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel] = None, ): """ Unfollow a user. Channel is optional, if no channel is provided this will unfollow the user from ALL channels """ if not channel: await ctx.send( warning(f"**Are you sure? This will remove ALL channels you are following {user.mention} in!** (y/n)") ) pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(error("Took too long, cancelling!")) return if pred.result: await self.unfollow(, else: await self.unfollow(,, await ctx.tick() @followers.command(name="follow") async def followers_follow( self, ctx, user: discord.User, *, channel: Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel], ): """ Follow a user in a text or voice channel For voice channels, its best to use the channel's ID If in DMs, it is easier to use the user's ID and the channel's ID **Make sure to turn on allow DMs from me so I can notify you!** """ blocked = await self.config.user(user).blocked() opt_out = await self.config.user(user).opt_out() if opt_out or in blocked: await ctx.send( error( "Sorry, you cannot follow this user because they blocked you or have turn off follower (opted-out)." ) ) return if == await ctx.send(error("Sorry, you can't follow yourself!")) return member = channel.guild.get_member( if not member: await ctx.send( error( f"You don't appear to be in the server {}\n\nIf this is a mistake, contact the bot owner." ) ) return perms = channel.permissions_for(member) if not perms.read_messages: await ctx.send(error("You don't have access to that channel!")) return async with self.config.user_from_id( as following: if not following.get(str(, None): following[str(] = [] following[str(].append( async with self.config.user(user).followers() as followers: if not followers.get(str(, None): followers[str(] = [] followers[str(].append( try: await user.send( f"**__Follower:__**\n**{} has followed you in {channel.mention if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel) else inline(} on the server `{}`**!\n\nIf you want this user to stop following you, block them using `{ctx.clean_prefix}follower block {}`\n\nYou can also opt-out to stop anyone from following you using `{ctx.clean_prefix}follower opt-out on`\nYou can view your followers using `{ctx.clean_prefix}follower list followers`" ) except discord.HTTPException: # cant notify user, so pass pass await ctx.tick() @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, message): if await, message.guild): return guild = message.guild channel = author = user_followers = await self.config.user_from_id( # check to see if anyone is following this user in the channel if not user_followers.get(str(, None): return # check to see last active time is within threshold last_active_time = (await self.config.user_from_id(, 0) now = time.time() # update new last active time async with self.config.user_from_id( as l: l[str(] = now if not now > last_active_time + INACTIVITY_DELAY: # within inactivity threshold return # notify followers of message for follower in user_followers[str(]: user = await self.get_user(follower) # need to make sure the follower is in the same guild # if not, no need to notify. instead unfollow them automatically member = guild.get_member(follower) if not user: # afaik this should never happen with the API fetch user continue if not member: # clean member since they aren't in the same guild anymore await self.unfollow(follower,, continue # make sure they have access to the channel perms = channel.permissions_for(member) if not perms.read_messages: # if they no longer have access, silently unfollow them await self.unfollow(follower,, continue try: # i send to user object since i think this will work so long as # in one of the shared guilds the user has dm from server members # turned on, when used in multiple guilds, compared to sending to # member object of a specific guild preview = message.content[:200] if message.content else "*No preview available*" await user.send( f"**__Follower:__**\n**{author.mention} sent a message in {channel.mention} on the server `{}`**\n\n**Message Preview:**\n{preview}\n\n{message.jump_url}" ) except discord.HTTPException: # couldn't dm user, pass pass @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_voice_state_update(self, member, before, after): if (await, member.guild)) or not return guild = member.guild channel = user_followers = await self.config.user_from_id( # check to see if anyone is following this user in the channel if not user_followers.get(str(, None): return # check to see last active time is within threshold last_active_time = (await self.config.user_from_id(, 0) now = time.time() # update new last active time async with self.config.user_from_id( as l: l[str(] = now if not now > last_active_time + INACTIVITY_DELAY: # within inactivity threshold return # notify followers of message for follower in user_followers[str(]: user = await self.get_user(follower) # need to make sure the follower is in the same guild # if not, no need to notify. instead unfollow them automatically member = guild.get_member(follower) if not user: # afaik this should never happen with the API fetch user continue if not member: # clean member since they aren't in the same guild anymore await self.unfollow(follower,, continue # make sure they have access to the channel perms = channel.permissions_for(member) if not perms.read_messages: # if they no longer have access, silently unfollow them await self.unfollow(follower,, continue try: await user.send( f"**__Follower:__**\n**{member.mention} joined the VC `{}` on the server `{}`**" ) except discord.HTTPException: # couldn't dm user, pass pass