import asyncio import discord from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands, modlog from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import * from typing import Union from datetime import datetime class ChannelControl(commands.Cog): """ Functions for managing channels in a guild """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=4896413516576857, force_registration=True) default_guild = {"locked": False, "text_channels": {}, "voice_channels": {}} self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.task = asyncio.create_task(self.init()) def cog_unload(self): if self.task is not None: self.task.cancel() return super().cog_unload() async def init(self): await # register mod case lock_case = { "name": "Channel Position Locked", "default_setting": True, "image": "↕", "case_str": "Channel Position Locked", } unlock_case = { "name": "Channel Position Unlocked", "default_setting": True, "image": "↕", "case_str": "Channel Position Unlocked", } try: await modlog.register_casetypes([lock_case, unlock_case]) except RuntimeError: pass # update channel positions if channels are locked: while True: for guild in locked = await self.config.guild(guild).locked() if not locked: continue await self.set_channel_positions(guild) await asyncio.sleep(1) await asyncio.sleep(120) def get_channel_positions(self, guild: discord.Guild): text_channels = {} voice_channels = {} for cat in guild.categories: text_channels[str(] = {} voice_channels[str(] = {} for channel in cat.text_channels: text_channels[str(][str(] = channel.position for channel in cat.voice_channels: voice_channels[str(][str(] = channel.position # make sure they are sorted for cat in guild.categories: text_channels[str(] = { k: v for k, v in sorted(text_channels[str(].items(), key=lambda i: i[1]) } voice_channels[str(] = { k: v for k, v in sorted(voice_channels[str(].items(), key=lambda i: i[1]) } return text_channels, voice_channels async def set_channel_positions(self, guild: discord.Guild): # these are in sorted order text_channels = await self.config.guild(guild).text_channels() voice_channels = await self.config.guild(guild).voice_channels() for cat_id in text_channels.keys(): cat = guild.get_channel(int(cat_id)) if not cat: continue for ch_id, pos in text_channels[cat_id].items(): channel = guild.get_channel(int(ch_id)) if not channel: continue # first check if channel is in right category if channel.category_id != int(cat_id): try: await channel.edit(category=cat, position=pos) except: pass elif channel.position != pos: try: await channel.edit(position=pos) except: pass for ch_id, pos in voice_channels[cat_id].items(): channel = guild.get_channel(int(ch_id)) if not channel: continue # first check if channel is in right category if channel.category_id != int(cat_id): try: await channel.edit(category=cat, position=pos) except: pass elif channel.position != pos: try: await channel.edit(position=pos) except: pass async def create_case( self, channel: Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel], type: str, reason: str, user: discord.Member, moderator: discord.Member = None, ): try: case = await modlog.create_case(, channel.guild,, type, user, moderator=moderator if moderator is not None else user, reason=reason, ) except: case = None return case"chpos") @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin() @checks.bot_has_permissions(manage_channels=True) async def channel_control(self, ctx): """ Manage channel control settings """ pass @channel_control.command(name="lock") async def channel_control_lock(self, ctx, toggle: bool): """ Lock or unlock channel positions to their current positions """ locked = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).locked() if toggle and not locked: await ctx.send(info("Channels are now locked to their current positions."), delete_after=30) await self.create_case(, type="Channel Position Locked", reason=f"Channel positions locked.",,, ) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).locked.set(toggle) text_channels, voice_channels = self.get_channel_positions(ctx.guild) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).text_channels.set(text_channels) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).voice_channels.set(voice_channels) elif not toggle and locked: await ctx.send(info("Channels are unlocked and can be moved."), delete_after=30) await self.create_case(, type="Channel Position Unlocked", reason=f"Channel positions unlocked.",,, ) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).locked.set(toggle) elif toggle and locked: await ctx.send(info("Channel positions are already locked!"), delete_after=30) else: await ctx.send(info("Channel positions are already unlocked!"), delete_after=30)