overhauled structure, saving data, and integrated economy cog

This commit is contained in:
brandons209 2019-03-09 18:22:17 -05:00
parent f8ac9cfe69
commit b05034cb07

View file

@ -12,11 +12,13 @@ import pickle
import time
import asyncio
from .utils.dataIO import dataIO
from .utils.chat_formatting import warning
#loads dictionary from file
def _load_dict(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as file:
dict = pickle.load(file)
dict = pickle.load(file)
return dict
#dictionaries for tokenizing puncuation and converting it back
@ -59,15 +61,35 @@ def _sample(prediction, temp=0):
probabilities = np.random.multinomial(1, prediction, 1)
return np.argmax(probabilities)
def _resolve_role_list(server: discord.Server, roles: list) -> list:
gen = (_role_from_string(server, name) for name in roles)
return list(filter(None, gen))
def _role_from_string(server, rolename, roles=None):
if roles is None:
roles = server.roles
roles = [r for r in roles if r is not None]
role = discord.utils.find(lambda r: r.name.lower() == rolename.lower(), roles)
# if couldnt find by role name, try to find by role id
if role is None:
role = discord.utils.find(lambda r: r.id == rolename, roles)
return role
def format_list(*items, join='and', delim=', '):
if len(items) > 1:
return (' %s ' % join).join((delim.join(items[:-1]), items[-1]))
elif items:
return items[0]
return ''
"""This cog generates scripts based on imported model, I used a keras model. """
class ScriptCog:
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
os.makedirs("data/scriptcog/", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs("data/scriptcog/dicts", exist_ok=True)
self.model_path = "data/scriptcog/model.h5"
self.dict_path = "data/scriptcog/dicts/"
@ -78,19 +100,13 @@ class ScriptCog:
self.model = None
if os.path.isfile("data/scriptcog/config.txt"):
with open("data/scriptcog/config.txt", "r") as f:
content = f.read()
content = content.split()
self.word_limit = int(content[0])
self.cooldown_limit = int(content[1])
self.tv_show = content[2]
with open("data/scriptcog/config.txt", "w") as f:
f.write("100 30 MLP")
self.word_limit = 100
self.cooldown_limit = 30
self.tv_show = "MLP"
self.settings_path = "data/scriptcog/settings.json"
self.settings = dataIO.load_json(self.settings_path)
self.default_word_limit = 300
self.default_cooldown_limit = 30
self.default_tv_show = "My Little Pony"
self.default_price = 0
self.word_to_int = _load_dict(self.dict_path + 'word_to_int.pkl')
@ -101,41 +117,178 @@ class ScriptCog:
self.int_to_word = None
self.sequence_length = None
def _write_config(self):
with open("data/scriptcog/config.txt", "w") as f:
f.write("{} {} {}".format(self.word_limit, self.cooldown_limit, self.tv_show))
@commands.group(pass_context=True, invoke_without_command=True, no_pm=True)
async def genscriptset(self, ctx):
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
@genscriptset.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True, name="word-limit")
async def setwordlimit(self, ctx, num_words : int = 100):
#if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
# await self.bot.say("Usage: setwordlimit limit")
# return
self.word_limit = num_words
await self.bot.say("Maximum number of words is now {}".format(self.word_limit))
async def genscriptset_set_word_limit(self, ctx, num_words : int):
Set the word limit for generating scripts.
self.settings[ctx.message.server.id]["WORD_LIMIT"] = num_words
self.settings[ctx.message.server.id] = {}
self.settings[ctx.message.server.id]["WORD_LIMIT"] = num_words
dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings)
await self.bot.say("Maximum number of words is now {}".format(num_words))
@genscriptset.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True, name="tv-show")
async def genscriptset_set_tv_show(self, ctx, *, show):
Sets the TV show the scripts are generated from.
self.settings[ctx.message.server.id]["TV_SHOW"] = show
self.settings[ctx.message.server.id] = {}
self.settings[ctx.message.server.id]["TV_SHOW"] = show
dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings)
await self.bot.say("TV show is now {}.".format(show))
@genscriptset.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True, name="cooldown")
async def genscriptset_set_cooldown(self, ctx, cooldown : int):
Sets the cooldown period between generating scripts in seconds.
self.settings[ctx.message.server.id]["COOLDOWN"] = cooldown
self.settings[ctx.message.server.id] = {}
self.settings[ctx.message.server.id]["COOLDOWN"] = cooldown
dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings)
await self.bot.say("Script cooldown is now {}.".format(cooldown))
@genscriptset.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True, name="price")
async def genscriptset_set_price(self, ctx, price : int):
Sets the price for generating scripts.
self.settings[ctx.message.server.id]["PRICE"] = price
self.settings[ctx.message.server.id] = {}
self.settings[ctx.message.server.id]["PRICE"] = price
dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings)
await self.bot.say("Price is now {}.".format(price))
@genscriptset.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True, name="free-roles")
async def genscriptset_free_roles(self, ctx, *, rolelist=None):
"""Set roles that do not have to pay to generate scripts.
COMMA SEPARATED LIST (e.g. Admin,Staff,Mod), Can also use role IDs as well.
To get current list, run command with no roles.
Add role_list_clear as the role to clear the server\'s free role list.
server = ctx.message.server
current_roles = _resolve_role_list(server, self.settings[server.id].get("FREE_ROLE_LIST", []))
if rolelist is None:
if current_roles:
names_list = format_list(*(r.name for r in current_roles))
await self.bot.say("Current list of roles that do not have to pay: {}".format(names_list))
await self.bot.say("No roles defined.")
elif "role_list_clear" in rolelist.lower():
await self.bot.say("Free role list cleared.")
self.settings[server.id]["FREE_ROLE_LIST"] = []
dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings)
found_roles = set()
notfound_names = set()
for lookup in rolelist.split(","):
lookup = lookup.strip()
role = _role_from_string(server, lookup)
if role:
if notfound_names:
fmt_list = format_list(*("`{}`".format(x) for x in notfound_names))
await self.bot.say(warning("These roles were not found: {}\n\nPlease try again.".format(fmt_list)))
elif server.default_role in found_roles:
await self.bot.say(warning("The everyone role cannot be added.\n\nPlease try again."))
elif found_roles == set(current_roles):
await self.bot.say("No changes to make.")
if server.id not in self.settings:
self.settings[server.id] = {}
extra = ""
self.settings[server.id]["FREE_ROLE_LIST"] = [r.id for r in found_roles]
dataIO.save_json(self.settings_path, self.settings)
fmt_list = format_list(*(r.name for r in found_roles))
await self.bot.say("These roles will not have to pay for scripts: {}.{}".format(fmt_list, extra))
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def genscriptinfo(self, ctx):
await self.bot.say("Word Limit: {}, Cooldown Time: {}, Show: {}".format(self.word_limit, self.cooldown_limit, self.tv_show))
server_id = ctx.message.server.id
word_limit = self.settings.get(server_id, {}).get("WORD_LIMIT", self.default_word_limit)
cooldown = self.settings.get(server_id, {}).get("COOLDOWN", self.default_cooldown_limit)
tv_show = self.settings.get(server_id, {}).get("TV_SHOW", self.default_tv_show)
price = self.settings.get(server_id, {}).get("PRICE", self.default_price)
await self.bot.say("Word Limit: {}, Cooldown Time: {}, Show: {}, Price: {}".format(word_limit, cooldown, tv_show, price))
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def genscripthelp(self, ctx):
await self.bot.say("--------------------\nGenerate original TV scripts for {} using Neural Networks!\nUsage: `genscript number_of_words_to_generate word_variance starting_text`\nUse starting texts such as:\n`\"pinkie pie::\"`\n`fluttershy::`\n`\"twilight sparkle::\"`\nor other names of characters in the show. Otherwise, you can use any words said in the show.\n\n**If your starting text has spaces, enclose it with quotes: \"\"**\nWord variance helps gives the script better results. A variance of 0 will mean that with the same starting text, it will always have the same output. Variance up to 1.0 will give more variety to words, however going closer to 1 can introduce more grammar and spelling mistakes.\n-------------------".format(self.tv_show))
await self.bot.say("--------------------\nGenerate original TV scripts for {} using Neural Networks!\nUsage: `genscript <number of words to generate> <word variance> <starting text>`\nUse starting texts such as:\n`pinkie pie::`\n`fluttershy::`\n`twilight sparkle::`\nor other names of characters in the show. Otherwise, you can use any words said in the show.\n\nWord variance helps gives the script better results. A variance of 0 will mean that with the same starting text, it will always have the same output. Variance up to 1.0 will give more variety to words, however going closer to 1 can introduce more grammar and spelling mistakes.\n-------------------".format(self.settings.get(ctx.message.server.id, {}).get("TV_SHOW", self.default_tv_show)))
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def settvshow(self, ctx, show : str = "MLP"):
self.tv_show = show
await self.bot.say("TV show is now {}.".format(self.tv_show))
async def genscript(self, ctx, num_words_to_generate : int, variance : float, *, seed):
Generate a script using the power of Neural Networks!
Please use the genscripthelp command to get a complete explaination of how to use the command.
server_id = ctx.message.server.id
word_limit = self.settings.get(server_id, {}).get("WORD_LIMIT", self.default_word_limit)
cooldown = self.settings.get(server_id, {}).get("COOLDOWN", self.default_cooldown_limit)
price = self.settings.get(server_id, {}).get("PRICE", self.default_price)
user = ctx.message.author
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def setcooldown(self, ctx, cooldown : int = 30):
self.cooldown_limit = cooldown
await self.bot.say("Script cooldown is now {}.".format(self.cooldown_limit))
if num_words_to_generate > word_limit:
await self.bot.say("Please keep script sizes to {} words or less.".format(word_limit))
elif time.time() - self.cooldown < cooldown:
await self.bot.say("Sorry, I am cooling down, please wait {:.0f} seconds.".format(cooldown - (time.time() - self.cooldown)))
if not self.check_free_role(user):
return_val = self.charge_user(user, price)
if return_val == 1: #if this worked, dont need to check when getting econ cog
balance = self.bot.get_cog('Economy').bank.get_balance(user)
await self.bot.say("Charged: {}, Balance: {}".format(price, balance))
await self.charge_user_check(return_val, price, user)
self.cooldown = time.time()
if variance > 1.0:
variance = 1.0
elif variance < 0:
variance = 0
await self.bot.say("Generating script, please wait...")
await self.get_model_output(num_words_to_generate, variance, seed)
async def get_model_output(self, num_words, temp, seed):
input_text = seed
@ -162,27 +315,58 @@ class ScriptCog:
await self.bot.say(result)
await self.bot.say("------------------------")
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def genscript(self, ctx, num_words_to_generate : int = 100, variance : float = 0.5, seed : str = "pinkie pie::"):
#if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
# await self.bot.say("Usage: genscript num_words randomness(between 0 and 1) seed_text")
# return
if num_words_to_generate > self.word_limit:
await self.bot.say("Please keep script sizes to {} words or less.".format(self.word_limit))
elif time.time() - self.cooldown < self.cooldown_limit:
await self.bot.say("Sorry, I am cooling down, please wait {:.0f} seconds.".format(self.cooldown_limit - (time.time() - self.cooldown)))
def charge_user(self, user, amount):
Takes a user and a amount and charges the user. Returns 1 on success, 0 if economy cog cannot be loaded, -1 if the user does not have a bank account, and -2 if the user doesn't have enough credits.
econ_cog = self.bot.get_cog('Economy')
if not econ_cog:
return 0
if not econ_cog.bank.account_exists(user):
return -1
if not econ_cog.bank.can_spend(user, amount):
return -2
econ_cog.bank.withdraw_credits(user, amount)
return 1
async def charge_user_check(self, return_val, amount, user):
takes in return vals from charge_user and gives apporiate response
econ_cog = self.bot.get_cog('Economy')
if not econ_cog:
await self.bot.say("Error loading economy cog!")
if return_val == 0:
await self.bot.say("Economy cog not found! Please check to make sure the economy cog is loaded.")
elif return_val == -1:
await self.bot.say("You appear to not have a bank account. Use [p]bank register to open an account.")
elif return_val == -2:
await self.bot.say("You do not have enough credits. The sound command costs {} and you have {} credits in your bank account.".format(amount, econ_cog.bank.get_balance(user)))
self.cooldown = time.time()
def check_free_role(self, user):
Checks if the user has a role that grants them free sounds. Returns 1 if the user does have one of these roles, zero otherwise.
server = user.server
free_roles = self.settings.get(server.id, {}).get("FREE_ROLE_LIST", [])
if not free_roles:
return 0
user_roles = [r.id for r in user.roles]
if variance > 1.0:
variance = 1.0
elif variance < 0:
variance = 0
for role in free_roles:
if role in user_roles:
return 1
await self.bot.say("Generating script, please wait...")
await self.get_model_output(num_words_to_generate, variance, seed)
return 0
def check_folders():
os.makedirs("data/scriptcog", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs("data/scriptcog/dicts", exist_ok=True)
f = "data/scriptcog/settings.json"
if not dataIO.is_valid_json(f):
dataIO.save_json(f, {})
def setup(bot):