bug fix in smart react, more changes to come

This commit is contained in:
brandons209 2020-02-14 12:37:26 -05:00
parent 9cffe6571f
commit 566530db81
3 changed files with 140 additions and 0 deletions

smartreact/__init__.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .smartreact import SmartReact
def setup(bot):

smartreact/info.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"NAME" : "SmartReact",
"AUTHOR" : "FlapJack",
"SHORT" : "Create automatic reactions when trigger words are typed in chat",
"DESCRIPTION" : "Create automatic reactions when trigger words are typed in chat.\n\nDependencies: None",
"INSTALL_MSG" : "Thanks for installing SmartReact.",
"TAGS" : ["reaction", "smart", "auto"],
"DISABLED" : false

smartreact/smartreact.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
import copy
import discord
from redbot.core import Config, commands, checks
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify
class SmartReact(commands.Cog):
"""Create automatic reactions when trigger words are typed in chat"""
default_guild_settings = {
"reactions": {}
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.conf = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=964952632)
async def addreact(self, ctx, word, emoji):
"""Add an auto reaction to a word"""
guild = ctx.message.guild
message = ctx.message
emoji = self.fix_custom_emoji(emoji)
await self.create_smart_reaction(guild, word, emoji, message)
async def delreact(self, ctx, word, emoji):
"""Delete an auto reaction to a word"""
guild = ctx.message.guild
message = ctx.message
emoji = self.fix_custom_emoji(emoji)
await self.remove_smart_reaction(guild, word, emoji, message)
def fix_custom_emoji(self, emoji):
if emoji[:2] not in ["<:", "<a"]:
return emoji
for guild in self.bot.guilds:
for e in guild.emojis:
if str(e.id) == emoji.split(':')[2][:-1]:
return e
return None
async def listreact(self, ctx):
"""List reactions for this server"""
emojis = await self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).reactions()
msg = f"Smart Reactions for {ctx.guild.name}:\n"
for emoji in emojis:
for command in emojis[emoji]:
msg += f"{emoji}: {command}\n"
for page in pagify(msg, delims=["\n"]):
await ctx.send(page)
async def create_smart_reaction(self, guild, word, emoji, message):
# Use the reaction to see if it's valid
await message.add_reaction(emoji)
emoji = str(emoji)
reactions = await self.conf.guild(guild).reactions()
if emoji in reactions:
if word.lower() in reactions[emoji]:
await message.channel.send("This smart reaction already exists.")
reactions[emoji] = [word.lower()]
await self.conf.guild(guild).reactions.set(reactions)
await message.channel.send("Successfully added this reaction.")
except (discord.errors.HTTPException, discord.errors.InvalidArgument):
await message.channel.send("That's not an emoji I recognize. "
"(might be custom!)")
async def remove_smart_reaction(self, guild, word, emoji, message):
# Use the reaction to see if it's valid
await message.add_reaction(emoji)
emoji = str(emoji)
reactions = await self.conf.guild(guild).reactions()
if emoji in reactions:
if word.lower() in reactions[emoji]:
await self.conf.guild(guild).reactions.set(reactions)
await message.channel.send("Removed this smart reaction.")
await message.channel.send("That emoji is not used as a reaction "
"for that word.")
await message.channel.send("There are no smart reactions which use "
"this emoji.")
except (discord.errors.HTTPException, discord.errors.InvalidArgument):
await message.channel.send("That's not an emoji I recognize. "
"(might be custom!)")
# Thanks irdumb#1229 for the help making this "more Pythonic"
async def on_message(self, message):
if not message.guild:
if message.author == self.bot.user:
guild = message.guild
reacts = copy.deepcopy(await self.conf.guild(guild).reactions())
if reacts is None:
words = message.content.lower().split()
for emoji in reacts:
if set(w.lower() for w in reacts[emoji]).intersection(words):
emoji = self.fix_custom_emoji(emoji)
await message.add_reaction(emoji)
except discord.errors.Forbidden:
except discord.errors.InvalidArgument: