upload scheduler cog from sinbad to maintain

This commit is contained in:
brandons209 2020-08-21 20:33:13 -04:00
parent 774c2283e9
commit 51e487fd48
8 changed files with 1346 additions and 0 deletions

scheduler/__init__.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import discord
from .message import replacement_delete_messages
from .scheduler import Scheduler
__red_end_user_data_statement__ = (
"This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. "
"It does store commands provided for intended later use along "
"with the user ID of the person who scheduled it.\n"
"Users may delete their own data with or without making a data request."
async def setup(bot):
# Next line *does* work as intended. Mypy just hates it (see __slots__ use for why)
discord.TextChannel.delete_messages = replacement_delete_messages # type: ignore
cog = Scheduler(bot)

scheduler/checks.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from redbot.core import commands
def can_run_command(command_name: str):
async def predicate(ctx):
command = ctx.bot.get_command(command_name)
if not command:
return False
can_run = await command.can_run(
ctx, check_all_parents=True, change_permission_state=False
except commands.CommandError:
can_run = False
return can_run
return commands.check(predicate)

scheduler/converters.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
import dataclasses
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple
from redbot.core.commands import BadArgument, Context
from .time_utils import parse_time, parse_timedelta
class NonNumeric(NamedTuple):
parsed: str
async def convert(cls, context: Context, argument: str):
if argument.isdigit():
raise BadArgument("Event names must contain at least 1 non-numeric value")
return cls(argument)
class NoExitParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
def error(self, message):
raise BadArgument()
class Schedule:
start: datetime
command: str
recur: Optional[timedelta] = None
quiet: bool = False
def to_tuple(self) -> Tuple[str, datetime, Optional[timedelta]]:
return self.command, self.start, self.recur
async def convert(cls, ctx: Context, argument: str):
start: datetime
command: Optional[str] = None
recur: Optional[timedelta] = None
command, *arguments = argument.split(" -- ")
if arguments:
argument = " -- ".join(arguments)
command = None
parser = NoExitParser(description="Scheduler event parsing", add_help=False)
"-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False
parser.add_argument("--every", nargs="*", dest="every", default=[])
if not command:
parser.add_argument("command", nargs="*")
at_or_in = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
at_or_in.add_argument("--start-at", nargs="*", dest="at", default=[])
at_or_in.add_argument("--start-in", nargs="*", dest="in", default=[])
vals = vars(parser.parse_args(argument.split(" ")))
except Exception as exc:
raise BadArgument() from exc
if not (vals["at"] or vals["in"]):
raise BadArgument("You must provide one of `--start-in` or `--start-at`")
if not command and not vals["command"]:
raise BadArgument("You have to provide a command to run")
command = command or " ".join(vals["command"])
for delta in ("in", "every"):
if vals[delta]:
parsed = parse_timedelta(" ".join(vals[delta]))
if not parsed:
raise BadArgument("I couldn't understand that time interval")
if delta == "in":
start = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + parsed
recur = parsed
if recur.total_seconds() < 60:
raise BadArgument(
"You can't schedule something to happen that frequently, "
"I'll get ratelimited."
if vals["at"]:
start = parse_time(" ".join(vals["at"]))
except Exception:
raise BadArgument("I couldn't understand that starting time.") from None
return cls(command=command, start=start, recur=recur, quiet=vals["quiet"])
class TempMute(NamedTuple):
reason: Optional[str]
start: datetime
async def convert(cls, ctx: Context, argument: str):
start: datetime
reason: str
parser = NoExitParser(description="Scheduler event parsing", add_help=False)
parser.add_argument("reason", nargs="*")
at_or_in = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
at_or_in.add_argument("--until", nargs="*", dest="until", default=[])
at_or_in.add_argument("--for", nargs="*", dest="for", default=[])
vals = vars(parser.parse_args(argument.split()))
except Exception as exc:
raise BadArgument() from exc
if not (vals["until"] or vals["for"]):
raise BadArgument("You must provide one of `--until` or `--for`")
reason = " ".join(vals["reason"])
if vals["for"]:
parsed = parse_timedelta(" ".join(vals["for"]))
if not parsed:
raise BadArgument("I couldn't understand that time interval")
start = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + parsed
if vals["until"]:
start = parse_time(" ".join(vals["at"]))
except Exception:
raise BadArgument("I couldn't understand that unmute time.") from None
return cls(reason, start)

scheduler/info.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"author": [
"name": "Scheduler",
"disabled": false,
"short": "A semi-timezone aware scheduler cog",
"description": "A semi-timezone aware scheduler cog",
"tags": [
"hidden": false,
"requirements": [
"min_bot_version": "3.4.0",
"end_user_data_statement": "This cog does not persistently store data or metadata about users. It does store commands provided for intended later use along with the user ID of the person who scheduled it.\nUsers may delete their own data with or without making a data request."

scheduler/message.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import re
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Union
import discord
EVERYONE_REGEX = re.compile(r"@here|@everyone")
async def dummy_awaitable(*args, **kwargs):
def neuter_coroutines(klass):
# I might forget to modify this with discord.py updates, so lets automate it.
for attr in dir(klass):
_ = getattr(klass, attr, None)
if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(_):
def dummy(self):
return dummy_awaitable
prop = property(fget=dummy)
setattr(klass, attr, prop)
return klass
async def replacement_delete_messages(self, messages):
message_ids = list(
{m.id for m in messages if m.__class__.__name__ != "SchedulerMessage"}
if not message_ids:
if len(message_ids) == 1:
await self._state.http.delete_message(self.id, message_ids[0])
if len(message_ids) > 100:
raise discord.ClientException(
"Can only bulk delete messages up to 100 messages"
await self._state.http.delete_messages(self.id, message_ids)
# This entire below block is such an awful hack. Don't look at it too closely.
class SchedulerMessage(discord.Message):
Subclassed discord message with neutered coroutines.
Extremely butchered class for a specific use case.
Be careful when using this in other use cases.
def __init__(
self, *, content: str, author: discord.Member, channel: discord.TextChannel
) -> None:
# auto current time
self.id = discord.utils.time_snowflake(datetime.utcnow())
# important properties for even being processed
self.author = author
self.channel = channel
self.content = content
self.guild = channel.guild # type: ignore
# this attribute being in almost everything (and needing to be) is a pain
self._state = self.guild._state # type: ignore
# sane values below, fresh messages which are commands should exhibit these.
self.call = None
self.type = discord.MessageType.default
self.tts = False
self.pinned = False
# suport for attachments somehow later maybe?
self.attachments: List[discord.Attachment] = []
# mentions
self.mention_everyone = self.channel.permissions_for(
).mention_everyone and bool(EVERYONE_REGEX.match(self.content))
# pylint: disable=E1133
# pylint improperly detects the inherited properties here as not being iterable
# This should be fixed with typehint support added to upstream lib later
self.mentions: List[Union[discord.User, discord.Member]] = list(
filter(None, [self.guild.get_member(idx) for idx in self.raw_mentions])
self.channel_mentions: List[discord.TextChannel] = list(
self.guild.get_channel(idx) # type: ignore
for idx in self.raw_channel_mentions
self.role_mentions: List[discord.Role] = list(
filter(None, [self.guild.get_role(idx) for idx in self.raw_role_mentions])

scheduler/scheduler.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import contextlib
import functools
import logging
import uuid
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional
import discord
from redbot.core import checks, commands
from redbot.core.config import Config
from redbot.core.utils.menus import DEFAULT_CONTROLS, menu
from .checks import can_run_command
from .converters import NonNumeric, Schedule, TempMute
from .tasks import Task
To anyone that comes to this later to improve it, the number one improvement
which can be made is to stop storing just a unix timestamp.
Store a naive time tuple(limited granularity to seconds) with timezone code instead.
The scheduling logic itself is solid, even if not the easiest to reason about.
The patching of discord.TextChannel and fake discord.Message objects is *messy* but works.
SUSPICIOUS_COMMANDS = ("restart", "shutdown", "reload")
class Scheduler(commands.Cog):
A somewhat sane scheduler cog.
This cog has a known issue with timezone transtions
__author__ = "mikeshardmind(Sinbad), DiscordLiz"
__version__ = "340.0.5"
__external_api_version__ = 1
__external_supported_api__ = ("api_schedule", "api_unschedule")
async def api_schedule(
calling_cog: commands.Cog,
command: str,
author: discord.Member,
channel: discord.TextChannel,
initial: datetime,
recur: Optional[timedelta] = None,
) -> str:
Schedule a command safely from another cog
.. warning::
This method should not be used except by those who verify for a matching API version
.. warning::
This cog does not currently handle DST transitions but may in the future
.. note::
Users may unschedule things your cog schedules on their behalf. This is intentional.
calling_cog: commands.Cog
The cog you are scheduling from
command: str
The command the user will run, as text, without a prefix and with any needed arguments.
No attempt is made to verify the validity of the command or it's usage here.
author: discord.Member
The member this task will run as.
channel: discord.TextChannel
The channel to schedule the command in.
initial: datetime
When the first instance should happen. If this is a naive datetime, UTC will be assumed.
recur: Optional[timedelta]
If provided, how frequently this will run. This must be at least a minute if provided.
A string which is needed to unschedule the task
# explain: mypy assumes this is always true, but other CCs using this API may not be using mypy.
if not (isinstance(author, discord.Member) and isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel)): # type: ignore
raise TypeError(
"Must provide guild specific discord.py models for both author and channel"
if recur is not None and recur.total_seconds() < 60:
raise ValueError("Recuring events must be at least a minute apart.")
uid = uuid.uuid4().hex
t = Task(
nicename=f"Task scheduled by another cog: {calling_cog.qualified_name} | {uid}",
async with self._iter_lock:
async with self.config.channel(channel).tasks(acquire_lock=False) as tsks:
return uid
async def api_unschedule(self, calling_cog: commands.Cog, uid: str):
Unschedule a command which was scheduled through the API
This method will fail silently on already unscheduled or otherwise
removed tasks to make it easier to safely work with the fact that
users may also unschedule things, and non recurring tasks may get
removed automatically.
.. warning::
This method should not be used except by those who verify for a matching API version
calling_cog: commands.Cog
The cog you are scheduling from
uid: str
A string which is needed to unschedule the task
tasks = await self.fetch_task_by_attrs_exact(
extern_cog=calling_cog.qualified_name, uid=uid
if tasks:
await self._remove_tasks(*tasks)
def format_help_for_context(self, ctx):
pre_processed = super().format_help_for_context(ctx)
return f"{pre_processed}\nCog Version: {self.__version__}"
def __init__(self, bot, *args, **kwargs):
self.bot = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(
self, identifier=78631113035100160, force_registration=True
self.config.register_channel(tasks={}) # Serialized Tasks go in here.
self.log = logging.getLogger("red.sinbadcogs.scheduler")
self.bg_loop_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None
self.scheduled: Dict[
str, asyncio.Task
] = {} # Might change this to a list later.
self.tasks: List[Task] = []
self._iter_lock = asyncio.Lock()
def init(self):
self.bg_loop_task = asyncio.create_task(self.bg_loop())
def cog_unload(self):
if self.bg_loop_task:
for task in self.scheduled.values():
async def red_delete_data_for_user(
requester: Literal["discord_deleted_user", "owner", "user", "user_strict"],
user_id: int,
loaded_tasks = await self.fetch_task_by_attrs_exact(author=user_id)
if loaded_tasks:
await self._remove_tasks(*loaded_tasks)
chan_dict = await self.config.all_channels()
c = 0
for channel_id, channel_data in chan_dict.items():
c += 1
if not c % 100:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
collected = []
if chan_tasks := channel_data.get("tasks"):
for task_id, task in chan_tasks.items():
c += 1
if not c % 100:
await asyncio.sleep(0)
if task.get("author", 0) == user_id:
if collected:
async with self._iter_lock:
async with self.config.channel_from_id(channel_id).tasks() as tsks:
for task_id in collected:
tsks.pop(task_id, None)
async def _load_tasks(self):
chan_dict = await self.config.all_channels()
for channel_id, channel_data in chan_dict.items():
channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id)
if (
not channel
or not channel.permissions_for(channel.guild.me).read_messages
tasks_dict = channel_data.get("tasks", {})
for t in Task.bulk_from_config(bot=self.bot, **tasks_dict):
async def _remove_tasks(self, *tasks: Task):
async with self._iter_lock:
for task in tasks:
await self.config.channel(task.channel).clear_raw("tasks", task.uid)
async def bg_loop(self):
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
await asyncio.sleep(2)
_guilds = [
g for g in self.bot.guilds if g.large and not (g.chunked or g.unavailable)
await self.bot.request_offline_members(*_guilds)
async with self._iter_lock:
await self._load_tasks()
while True:
sleep_for = await self.schedule_upcoming()
await asyncio.sleep(sleep_for)
async def delayed_wrap_and_invoke(self, task: Task, delay: float):
await asyncio.sleep(delay)
chan = task.channel
if not chan.permissions_for(chan.guild.me).read_messages:
message = await task.get_message(self.bot)
context = await self.bot.get_context(message)
context.assume_yes = True
if (
and context.command
and context.command.qualified_name in SUSPICIOUS_COMMANDS
f"Handling scheduled {context.command.qualified_name} "
"if you are using this to avoid an issue with another cog, "
"go get the other cog fixed. This use won't be supported."
await self.bot.invoke(context)
if context.valid:
return # only check alias/CC when we didn't have a "real" command
# No longer interested in extending this,
# ideally the whole ephemeral commands idea
# lets this be removed completely
for cog_name in ("CustomCommands", "Alias"):
if cog := self.bot.get_cog(cog_name):
for handler_name in ("on_message", "on_message_without_command"):
if msg_handler := getattr(cog, handler_name, None):
await msg_handler(message)
async def schedule_upcoming(self) -> int:
Schedules some upcoming things as tasks.
async with self._iter_lock:
to_pop = []
for k, v in self.scheduled.items():
if v.done():
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Dead task ", exc_info=True)
for k in to_pop:
self.scheduled.pop(k, None)
to_remove: list = []
for task in self.tasks:
delay = task.next_call_delay
if delay < 30 and task.uid not in self.scheduled:
self.scheduled[task.uid] = asyncio.create_task(
self.delayed_wrap_and_invoke(task, delay)
if not task.recur:
await self._remove_tasks(*to_remove)
return 15
async def fetch_task_by_attrs_exact(self, **kwargs) -> List[Task]:
def pred(item):
return kwargs and all(getattr(item, k) == v for k, v in kwargs.items())
except AttributeError:
return False
async with self._iter_lock:
return [t for t in self.tasks if pred(t)]
async def fetch_task_by_attrs_lax(
self, lax: Optional[dict] = None, strict: Optional[dict] = None
) -> List[Task]:
def pred(item):
if strict and not all(getattr(item, k) == v for k, v in strict.items()):
return False
except AttributeError:
return False
if lax:
return any(getattr(item, k, None) == v for k, v in lax.items())
return True
async with self._iter_lock:
return [t for t in self.tasks if pred(t)]
async def fetch_tasks_by_guild(self, guild: discord.Guild) -> List[Task]:
async with self._iter_lock:
return [t for t in self.tasks if t.channel in guild.text_channels]
# Commands go here
@commands.check(lambda ctx: not ctx.assume_yes)
@commands.command(usage="<eventname> <command> <args>")
async def schedule(
self, ctx: commands.GuildContext, event_name: NonNumeric, *, schedule: Schedule
Schedule something
[p]schedule eventname command args
you must provide one of:
--start-in interval
--start-at time
you may also provide:
--every interval
for recurring tasks
intervals look like:
5 minutes
1 minute 30 seconds
1 hour
2 days
30 days
times look like:
February 14 at 6pm EDT
times default to UTC if no timezone provided.
Example use:
[p]schedule autosync bansync True --start-at 12AM --every 1 day
Example use with other parsed commands:
[p]schedule autosyndicate syndicatebans --sources 133049272517001216 --auto-destinations -- --start-at 12AM --every 1 hour
This can also execute aliases.
command, start, recur = schedule.to_tuple()
t = Task(
quiet: bool = schedule.quiet
if await self.fetch_task_by_attrs_exact(
author=ctx.author, channel=ctx.channel, nicename=event_name.parsed
if not quiet:
return await ctx.send("You already have an event by that name here.")
async with self._iter_lock:
async with self.config.channel(ctx.channel).tasks(
) as tsks:
if quiet:
ret = (
f"Task Scheduled. You can cancel this task with "
f"`{ctx.clean_prefix}unschedule {ctx.message.id}` "
f"or with `{ctx.clean_prefix}unschedule {event_name.parsed}`"
if recur and t.next_call_delay < 60:
ret += (
"\nWith the initial start being set so soon, "
"you might have missed an initial use being scheduled by the loop. "
"You may find the very first expected run of this was missed or otherwise seems late. "
"Future runs will be on time." # fractions of a second in terms of accuracy.
await ctx.send(ret)
@commands.check(lambda ctx: not ctx.assume_yes)
async def unschedule(self, ctx: commands.GuildContext, info: str):
Unschedule something.
tasks = await self.fetch_task_by_attrs_lax(
lax={"uid": info, "nicename": info},
strict={"author": ctx.author, "channel": ctx.channel},
if not tasks:
await ctx.send(
f"Hmm, I couldn't find that task. (try `{ctx.clean_prefix}showscheduled`)"
elif len(tasks) > 1:
f"Mutiple tasks where should be unique. Task data: {tasks}"
await ctx.send(
"There seems to have been breakage here. "
"Cleaning up and logging incident."
await self._remove_tasks(*tasks)
await ctx.tick()
@checks.bot_has_permissions(add_reactions=True, embed_links=True)
async def showscheduled(
self, ctx: commands.GuildContext, all_channels: bool = False
Shows your scheduled tasks in this, or all channels.
if all_channels:
tasks = await self.fetch_tasks_by_guild(ctx.guild)
tasks = [t for t in tasks if t.author == ctx.author]
tasks = await self.fetch_task_by_attrs_exact(
author=ctx.author, channel=ctx.channel
if not tasks:
return await ctx.send("No scheduled tasks")
await self.task_menu(ctx, tasks)
async def task_menu(
ctx: commands.GuildContext,
tasks: List[Task],
message: Optional[discord.Message] = None,
color = await ctx.embed_color()
async def task_killer(
cog: "Scheduler",
page_mapping: dict,
ctx: commands.GuildContext,
pages: list,
controls: dict,
message: discord.Message,
page: int,
timeout: float,
emoji: str,
to_cancel = page_mapping.pop(page)
await cog._remove_tasks(to_cancel)
if page_mapping:
tasks = list(page_mapping.values())
if ctx.channel.permissions_for(ctx.me).manage_messages:
with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException):
await message.remove_reaction("\N{NO ENTRY SIGN}", ctx.author)
await cog.task_menu(ctx, tasks, message)
with contextlib.suppress(discord.NotFound):
await message.delete()
count = len(tasks)
embeds = [
t.to_embed(index=i, page_count=count, color=color)
for i, t in enumerate(tasks, 1)
controls = DEFAULT_CONTROLS.copy()
page_mapping = {i: t for i, t in enumerate(tasks)}
actual_task_killer = functools.partial(task_killer, self, page_mapping)
controls.update({"\N{NO ENTRY SIGN}": actual_task_killer})
await menu(ctx, embeds, controls, message=message)
@commands.check(lambda ctx: not ctx.assume_yes)
@commands.command(name="remindme", usage="<what to be reminded of> <args>")
async def reminder(self, ctx: commands.GuildContext, *, reminder: Schedule):
Schedule a reminder DM from the bot
[p]remindme to do something [args]
you must provide one of:
--start-in interval
--start-at time
you may also provide:
--every interval
for recurring reminders
intervals look like:
5 minutes
1 minute 30 seconds
1 hour
2 days
30 days
times look like:
February 14 at 6pm EDT
times default to UTC if no timezone provided.
example usage:
`[p]remindme get some fresh air --start-in 4 hours`
command, start, recur = reminder.to_tuple()
t = Task(
content=f"schedhelpers selfwhisper {command}",
async with self._iter_lock:
async with self.config.channel(ctx.channel).tasks(
) as tsks:
await ctx.tick()
@commands.check(lambda ctx: ctx.message.__class__.__name__ == "SchedulerMessage")
@commands.group(hidden=True, name="schedhelpers")
async def helpers(self, ctx: commands.GuildContext):
Helper commands for scheduler use.
async def say(self, ctx: commands.GuildContext, *, content: str):
await ctx.send(content)
async def swhisp(self, ctx: commands.GuildContext, *, content: str):
with contextlib.suppress(discord.HTTPException):
await ctx.author.send(content)
@commands.check(lambda ctx: not ctx.assume_yes)
async def scheduleradmin(self, ctx: commands.GuildContext):
Administrative commands for scheduler.
async def deleteallbyuser(self, ctx: commands.Context, user_id: int):
Destructive, use with care.
await self.red_delete_data_for_user(requester="owner", user_id=user_id)
await ctx.tick()
@checks.bot_has_permissions(add_reactions=True, embed_links=True)
async def viewall(self, ctx: commands.GuildContext):
View all scheduled events in a guild.
tasks = await self.fetch_tasks_by_guild(ctx.guild)
if not tasks:
return await ctx.send("No scheduled tasks")
await self.task_menu(ctx, tasks)
@commands.check(lambda ctx: not ctx.assume_yes)
async def kill(self, ctx: commands.GuildContext, *, task_id: str):
Kill another user's task. (id only)
tasks = await self.fetch_task_by_attrs_exact(uid=task_id)
if not tasks:
await ctx.send(
f"Hmm, I couldn't find that task. (try `{ctx.clean_prefix}showscheduled`)"
elif len(tasks) > 1:
f"Mutiple tasks where should be unique. Task data: {tasks}"
return await ctx.send(
"There seems to have been breakage here. Cleaning up and logging incident."
await self._remove_tasks(*tasks)
await ctx.tick()
@commands.check(lambda ctx: not ctx.assume_yes)
async def killchannel(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel):
Kill all tasks scheduled in a specified channel.
tasks = await self.fetch_task_by_attrs_exact(channel=channel)
if not tasks:
return await ctx.send("No scheduled tasks in that channel.")
await self._remove_tasks(*tasks)
await ctx.tick()
@commands.check(lambda ctx: not ctx.assume_yes)
async def tempmute(self, ctx):
A binding for mute + scheduled unmute.
This exists only until it is added to core red.
This relies on core commands for mute/unmute.
This *may* show up in help for people who cannot use it.
This does not support voice mutes, sorry.
@can_run_command("mute channel")
@tempmute.command(usage="<user> [reason] [args]")
async def channel(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, *, mute: TempMute):
A binding for mute + scheduled unmute.
This exists only until it is added to core red.
args can be
--until time
--for interval
intervals look like:
5 minutes
1 minute 30 seconds
1 hour
2 days
30 days
times look like:
February 14 at 6pm EDT
times default to UTC if no timezone provided.
reason, unmute_time = mute
now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
mute_task = Task(
content=f"mute channel {user.id} {reason}",
unmute_task = Task(
content=f"unmute channel {user.id} Scheduler: Scheduled Unmute",
async with self._iter_lock:
self.scheduled[mute_task.uid] = asyncio.create_task(
self.delayed_wrap_and_invoke(mute_task, 0)
async with self.config.channel(ctx.channel).tasks(
) as tsks:
@can_run_command("mute server")
@tempmute.command(usage="<user> [reason] [args]", aliases=["guild"])
async def server(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, *, mute: TempMute):
A binding for mute + scheduled unmute.
This exists only until it is added to core red.
args can be
--until time
--for interval
intervals look like:
5 minutes
1 minute 30 seconds
1 hour
2 days
30 days
times look like:
February 14 at 6pm EDT
times default to UTC if no timezone provided.
reason, unmute_time = mute
now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
mute_task = Task(
content=f"mute server {user.id} {reason}",
unmute_task = Task(
content=f"unmute server {user.id} Scheduler: Scheduled Unmute",
async with self._iter_lock:
self.scheduled[mute_task.uid] = asyncio.create_task(
self.delayed_wrap_and_invoke(mute_task, 0)
async with self.config.channel(ctx.channel).tasks(
) as tsks:

scheduler/tasks.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import Optional, cast
import attr
import discord
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import humanize_timedelta
from .message import SchedulerMessage
@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True)
class Task:
nicename: str
uid: str
author: discord.Member
content: str
channel: discord.TextChannel
initial: datetime
recur: Optional[timedelta] = None
extern_cog: Optional[str] = None
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
if self.initial.tzinfo is None:
self.initial = self.initial.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.uid)
async def get_message(self, bot):
pfx = (await bot.get_prefix(self.channel))[0]
content = f"{pfx}{self.content}"
return SchedulerMessage(
content=content, author=self.author, channel=self.channel
def to_config(self):
return {
self.uid: {
"nicename": self.nicename,
"author": self.author.id,
"content": self.content,
"channel": self.channel.id,
"initial": self.initial.timestamp(),
"recur": self.recur.total_seconds() if self.recur else None,
"extern_cog": self.extern_cog,
def bulk_from_config(cls, bot: discord.Client, **entries):
for uid, data in entries.items():
cid = data.pop("channel", 0)
aid = data.pop("author", 0)
initial_ts = data.pop("initial", 0)
initial = datetime.fromtimestamp(initial_ts, tz=timezone.utc)
recur_raw = data.pop("recur", None)
recur = timedelta(seconds=recur_raw) if recur_raw else None
channel = cast(Optional[discord.TextChannel], bot.get_channel(cid))
if not channel:
author = channel.guild.get_member(aid)
if not author:
with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError, ValueError):
yield cls(
def next_call_delay(self) -> float:
now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
if self.recur and now >= self.initial:
raw_interval = self.recur.total_seconds()
return raw_interval - ((now - self.initial).total_seconds() % raw_interval)
return (self.initial - now).total_seconds()
def to_embed(self, index: int, page_count: int, color: discord.Color):
now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
next_run_at = now + timedelta(seconds=self.next_call_delay)
embed = discord.Embed(color=color, timestamp=next_run_at)
embed.title = f"Now viewing {index} of {page_count} selected tasks"
embed.add_field(name="Command", value=f"[p]{self.content}")
embed.add_field(name="Channel", value=self.channel.mention)
embed.add_field(name="Creator", value=self.author.mention)
embed.add_field(name="Task ID", value=self.uid)
fmt_date = self.initial.strftime("%A %B %-d, %Y at %-I%p %Z")
except ValueError: # Windows
# This looks less natural, but I'm not doing this piecemeal to emulate.
fmt_date = self.initial.strftime("%A %B %d, %Y at %I%p %Z")
if self.recur:
fmt_date = self.initial.strftime("%A %B %-d, %Y at %-I%p %Z")
except ValueError: # Windows
# This looks less natural, but I'm not doing this piecemeal to emulate.
fmt_date = self.initial.strftime("%A %B %d, %Y at %I%p %Z")
if self.initial > now:
description = (
f"{self.nicename} starts running on {fmt_date}."
f"\nIt repeats every {humanize_timedelta(timedelta=self.recur)}"
description = (
f"{self.nicename} started running on {fmt_date}."
f"\nIt repeats every {humanize_timedelta(timedelta=self.recur)}"
footer = "Next runtime:"
fmt_date = next_run_at.strftime("%A %B %-d, %Y at %-I%p %Z")
except ValueError: # Windows
# This looks less natural, but I'm not doing this piecemeal to emulate.
fmt_date = next_run_at.strftime("%A %B %d, %Y at %I%p %Z")
description = f"{self.nicename} will run at {fmt_date}."
footer = "Runtime:"
embed.description = description
return embed
def update_objects(self, bot):
""" Updates objects or throws an AttributeError """
guild_id = self.author.guild.id
author_id = self.author.id
channel_id = self.channel.id
guild = bot.get_guild(guild_id)
self.author = guild.get_member(author_id)
self.channel = guild.get_channel(channel_id)
if not hasattr(self.channel, "id"):
raise AttributeError()
# Yes, this is slower than an inline `self.channel.id`
# It's also not slow anywhere important, and I prefer the clear intent

scheduler/time_utils.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import re
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Optional
import pytz
from dateutil import parser
from dateutil.tz import gettz
TIME_RE_STRING = r"\s?".join(
r"((?P<minutes>\d+?)\s?(minutes?|mins?|m(?!o)))?", # prevent matching "months"
TIME_RE = re.compile(TIME_RE_STRING, re.I)
def gen_tzinfos():
for zone in pytz.common_timezones:
tzdate = pytz.timezone(zone).localize(dt.utcnow(), is_dst=None)
except pytz.NonExistentTimeError:
tzinfo = gettz(zone)
if tzinfo:
yield tzdate.tzname(), tzinfo
def parse_time(datetimestring: str):
ret = parser.parse(datetimestring, tzinfos=dict(gen_tzinfos()))
ret = ret.astimezone(pytz.utc)
return ret
def parse_timedelta(argument: str) -> Optional[timedelta]:
matches = TIME_RE.match(argument)
if matches:
params = {k: int(v) for k, v in matches.groupdict().items() if v}
if params:
return timedelta(**params)
return None