updated admin and welcome cogs with some fixes

This commit is contained in:
brandons209 2019-09-22 01:55:45 -04:00
parent 66c1a7aec6
commit 19e629492c
37 changed files with 6605 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -2,3 +2,9 @@
## Cogs for discord's [Red-Bot](https://github.com/Cog-Creators/Red-DiscordBot) ## Cogs for discord's [Red-Bot](https://github.com/Cog-Creators/Red-DiscordBot)
This repo contains cogs I made for Red-Bot V2. Check out the V3 branch for V3 cogs. This repo contains cogs I made for Red-Bot V2. Check out the V3 branch for V3 cogs.
#### Welcome
Modified from https://github.com/tmercswims/tmerc-cogs , allowing a new whisper type to send a message in the server on failed DM. Feature submitted to the repo.
#### Admin
Modifed core Admin cog with more commands and features, plus a few fixes.

admincustom/__init__.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .admin import Admin
def setup(bot):

admincustom/admin.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
import logging
from typing import Tuple
import discord
from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
from redbot.core.i18n import Translator, cog_i18n
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box
from .announcer import Announcer
from .converters import MemberDefaultAuthor, SelfRole
log = logging.getLogger("red.admin")
T_ = Translator("Admin", __file__)
_ = lambda s: s
"I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for."
" Your command failed to successfully complete."
"I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role"
" is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was"
" unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and "
"try again."
"I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role"
" is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was"
" unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and "
"try again."
"I tried to edit {role.name} but that role"
" is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was"
" unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and "
"try again."
"I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a"
" different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel`"
" first."
_ = T_
class Admin(commands.Cog):
"""A collection of server administration utilities."""
def __init__(self, config=Config):
self.conf = config.get_conf(self, 8237492837454039, force_registration=True)
announce_channel=None, # Integer ID
selfroles=[], # List of integer ID's
self.__current_announcer = None
def cog_unload(self):
except AttributeError:
async def complain(ctx: commands.Context, message: str, **kwargs):
await ctx.send(message.format(**kwargs))
def is_announcing(self) -> bool:
Is the bot currently announcing something?
if self.__current_announcer is None:
return False
return self.__current_announcer.active or False
def pass_hierarchy_check(ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role) -> bool:
Determines if the bot has a higher role than the given one.
:param ctx:
:param role: Role object.
return ctx.guild.me.top_role > role
def pass_user_hierarchy_check(ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role) -> bool:
Determines if a user is allowed to add/remove/edit the given role.
:param ctx:
:param role:
return ctx.author.top_role > role
async def _addrole(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member, role: discord.Role):
if role in member.roles:
await ctx.send("You already have that role.")
await member.add_roles(role)
except discord.Forbidden:
if not self.pass_hierarchy_check(ctx, role):
await self.complain(
ctx, T_(HIERARCHY_ISSUE), role=role, member=member, verb=_("add")
await self.complain(ctx, T_(GENERIC_FORBIDDEN))
await ctx.send(
_("I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}").format(
role=role, member=member
async def _removerole(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member, role: discord.Role):
if role not in member.roles:
await ctx.send("You don't have that role.")
await member.remove_roles(role)
except discord.Forbidden:
if not self.pass_hierarchy_check(ctx, role):
await self.complain(
ctx, T_(HIERARCHY_ISSUE), role=role, member=member, verb=_("remove")
await self.complain(ctx, T_(GENERIC_FORBIDDEN))
await ctx.send(
_("I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}").format(
role=role, member=member
async def addrole(
self, ctx: commands.Context, rolename: discord.Role, *, user: MemberDefaultAuthor = None
"""Add a role to a user.
If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.
if user is None:
user = ctx.author
if self.pass_user_hierarchy_check(ctx, rolename):
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
await self._addrole(ctx, user, rolename)
await self.complain(
ctx, T_(USER_HIERARCHY_ISSUE), member=user, role=rolename, verb=_("add")
async def removerole(
self, ctx: commands.Context, rolename: discord.Role, *, user: MemberDefaultAuthor = None
"""Remove a role from a user.
If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.
if user is None:
user = ctx.author
if self.pass_user_hierarchy_check(ctx, rolename):
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
await self._removerole(ctx, user, rolename)
await self.complain(
ctx, T_(USER_HIERARCHY_ISSUE), member=user, role=rolename, verb=_("remove")
async def editrole(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Edit role settings."""
@editrole.command(name="colour", aliases=["color"])
async def editrole_colour(
self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role, value: discord.Colour
"""Edit a role's colour.
Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.
Colour must be in hexadecimal format.
[Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)
`[p]editrole colour "The Transistor" #ff0000`
`[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`
author = ctx.author
reason = "{}({}) changed the colour of role '{}'".format(author.name, author.id, role.name)
if not self.pass_user_hierarchy_check(ctx, role):
await self.complain(ctx, T_(ROLE_USER_HIERARCHY_ISSUE), role=role)
await role.edit(reason=reason, color=value)
except discord.Forbidden:
await self.complain(ctx, T_(GENERIC_FORBIDDEN))
await ctx.send(_("Done."))
async def edit_role_name(self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role, *, name: str):
"""Edit a role's name.
Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.
`[p]editrole name \"The Transistor\" Test`
author = ctx.message.author
old_name = role.name
reason = "{}({}) changed the name of role '{}' to '{}'".format(
author.name, author.id, old_name, name
if not self.pass_user_hierarchy_check(ctx, role):
await self.complain(ctx, T_(ROLE_USER_HIERARCHY_ISSUE), role=role)
await role.edit(reason=reason, name=name)
except discord.Forbidden:
await self.complain(ctx, T_(GENERIC_FORBIDDEN))
await ctx.send(_("Done."))
async def announce(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, message: str):
"""Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."""
if not self.is_announcing():
announcer = Announcer(ctx, message, config=self.conf)
self.__current_announcer = announcer
await ctx.send(_("The announcement has begun."))
prefix = ctx.prefix
await self.complain(ctx, T_(RUNNING_ANNOUNCEMENT), prefix=prefix)
async def announce_cancel(self, ctx):
"""Cancel a running announce."""
except AttributeError:
await ctx.send(_("The current announcement has been cancelled."))
async def announce_channel(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.TextChannel = None):
"""Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."""
if channel is None:
channel = ctx.channel
await self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).announce_channel.set(channel.id)
await ctx.send(
_("The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}").format(channel=channel)
async def announce_ignore(self, ctx):
"""Toggle announcements being enabled this server."""
ignored = await self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).announce_ignore()
await self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).announce_ignore.set(not ignored)
if ignored: # Keeping original logic....
await ctx.send(
_("The server {guild.name} will receive announcements.").format(guild=ctx.guild)
await ctx.send(
_("The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements.").format(
async def _valid_selfroles(self, guild: discord.Guild) -> Tuple[discord.Role]:
Returns a list of valid selfroles
:param guild:
selfrole_ids = set(await self.conf.guild(guild).selfroles())
guild_roles = guild.roles
valid_roles = tuple(r for r in guild_roles if r.id in selfrole_ids)
valid_role_ids = set(r.id for r in valid_roles)
if selfrole_ids != valid_role_ids:
await self.conf.guild(guild).selfroles.set(list(valid_role_ids))
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
return valid_roles
async def selfrole(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, selfrole: SelfRole):
"""Add a role to yourself.
Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.
NOTE: The role is case sensitive!
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
await self._addrole(ctx, ctx.author, selfrole)
async def selfrole_remove(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, selfrole: SelfRole):
"""Remove a selfrole from yourself.
NOTE: The role is case sensitive!
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
await self._removerole(ctx, ctx.author, selfrole)
async def selfrole_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, role: discord.Role):
"""Add a role to the list of available selfroles.
NOTE: The role is case sensitive!
async with self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).selfroles() as curr_selfroles:
if role.id not in curr_selfroles:
await ctx.send(_("The selfroles list has been successfully modified."))
async def selfrole_delete(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, role: SelfRole):
"""Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.
NOTE: The role is case sensitive!
async with self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).selfroles() as curr_selfroles:
await ctx.send(_("The selfroles list has been successfully modified."))
async def selfrole_list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Lists all available selfroles.
selfroles = await self._valid_selfroles(ctx.guild)
fmt_selfroles = "\n".join(["+ " + r.name for r in selfroles])
msg = _("Available Selfroles:\n{selfroles}").format(selfroles=fmt_selfroles)
await ctx.send(box(msg, "diff"))
async def _serverlock_check(self, guild: discord.Guild) -> bool:
Checks if serverlocked is enabled.
:param guild:
:return: True if locked and left server
if await self.conf.serverlocked():
await guild.leave()
return True
return False
async def serverlock(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Lock a bot to its current servers only."""
serverlocked = await self.conf.serverlocked()
await self.conf.serverlocked.set(not serverlocked)
if serverlocked:
await ctx.send(_("The bot is no longer serverlocked."))
await ctx.send(_("The bot is now serverlocked."))
# region Event Handlers
async def on_guild_join(self, guild: discord.Guild):
if await self._serverlock_check(guild):
# endregion

admincustom/announcer.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
import asyncio
import discord
from redbot.core import commands
from redbot.core.i18n import Translator
_ = Translator("Announcer", __file__)
class Announcer:
def __init__(self, ctx: commands.Context, message: str, config=None):
:param ctx:
:param message:
:param config: Used to determine channel overrides
self.ctx = ctx
self.message = message
self.config = config
self.active = None
def start(self):
Starts an announcement.
if self.active is None:
self.active = True
def cancel(self):
Cancels a running announcement.
self.active = False
async def _get_announce_channel(self, guild: discord.Guild) -> discord.TextChannel:
channel_id = await self.config.guild(guild).announce_channel()
channel = None
if channel_id is not None:
channel = guild.get_channel(channel_id)
if channel is None:
channel = guild.system_channel
if channel is None:
channel = guild.text_channels[0]
return channel
async def announcer(self):
guild_list = self.ctx.bot.guilds
bot_owner = (await self.ctx.bot.application_info()).owner
for g in guild_list:
if not self.active:
if await self.config.guild(g).announce_ignore():
channel = await self._get_announce_channel(g)
await channel.send(self.message)
except discord.Forbidden:
await bot_owner.send(
_("I could not announce to server: {server.id}").format(server=g)
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
self.active = False

admincustom/converters.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import discord
from redbot.core import commands
from redbot.core.i18n import Translator
_ = Translator("AdminConverters", __file__)
class MemberDefaultAuthor(commands.Converter):
async def convert(self, ctx: commands.Context, arg: str) -> discord.Member:
member_converter = commands.MemberConverter()
member = await member_converter.convert(ctx, arg)
except commands.BadArgument:
if arg.strip() != "":
member = ctx.author
return member
class SelfRole(commands.Converter):
async def convert(self, ctx: commands.Context, arg: str) -> discord.Role:
admin = ctx.command.cog
if admin is None:
raise commands.BadArgument(_("The Admin cog is not loaded."))
conf = admin.conf
selfroles = await conf.guild(ctx.guild).selfroles()
role_converter = commands.RoleConverter()
role = await role_converter.convert(ctx, arg)
if role.id not in selfroles:
raise commands.BadArgument(_("The provided role is not a valid selfrole."))
return role

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:12\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Arabic\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=(n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: ar\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: ar_SA\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "حاولت القيام بشيء لا أملك تصريح من ديسكورد لفعله. فشل أمرك في إكمال نجاحه."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr "أنا بالفعل أُعلن شيئاً. إذا كنت ترغب في إصدار إعلان مختلف الرجاء إستخدام `{prefix}announce cancel` أولاً."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr "مجموعة من أدوات إدارة السيرفر."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr "لقد قمت بنجاح بإضافة {role.name} إلى {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr "لقد قمت بنجاح بإزالة {role.name} من {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr "تعديل إعدادات الرتبة."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "تم."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr "الإعلان عن رسالة إلى جميع السيرفرات المتواجد بها البوت."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr "تم البدء في الإعلان."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr "إلغاء إعلان جارٍ."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr "تم إلغاء الإعلان الحالي."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr "تعديل القناة التي يستخدمها البوت للإعلانات."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr "تم تحديث قناة الإعلانات إلى {channel.mention}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr "تم تمكين الإعلانات في السيرفر."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr "سيرفر {guild.name} سيتلقى إعلانات الآن."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr "سيرفر {guild.name} لن يتلقى إعلانات."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr "تم تحديث/تعديل قائمة الرتب الذاتية بنجاح."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr "قفل البوت للسيرفر الحالي فقط."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr "لم يعد البوت مقفول للسيرفر الحالي فقط."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr "لقد تم قفل البوت للسيرفر الحالي فقط."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr "لم أتمكن من الإعلان في السيرفر: {server.id}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr "لم يتم تحميل وحدة الأدمن cog."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr "الرتبة المذكورة ليست على قائمة الرتب الذاتية."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:12\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Bulgarian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: bg\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: bg_BG\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Завършено."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-14 02:15\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Czech\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 3;\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: cs\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: cs_CZ\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "Pokusil jsem se udělat něco, co mi Discord odepřel. Tvůj příkaz se nepodažilo úspěšně dokončit."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr "Už něco oznamuji. Pokud bys rád provedl jiné oznámení, nejdříve použij `{prefix}announce cancel`."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr "Kolekce nástrojů pro správu serveru."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Úspěšně jsem přidal {role.name} k {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Úspěšně jsem odstranil {role.name} od {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr "Upraví nastavení role."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Hotovo."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:12\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Danish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: da\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: da_DK\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:12\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: German\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: de\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: de_DE\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "Ich habe versucht etwas zu tun, für das mir Discord die Befugnis verweigerte. Dein Befehl konnte nicht erfolgreich ausgeführt werden."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Ich habe versucht {member.display_name} er Rolle: {role.name} {verb}, aber diese Rolle hat höhere Rechte als ich. Also war es nicht möglich die Rolle erfolgreich hinzuzufügen. Bitte geb mir eine höhere Rolle und versuche es erneut."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Ich habe versucht die Rolle {role.name} an {member.display_name} zu {verb}, aber die Rolle ist höher als meine Rolle in der Discord Hierarchie, daher war es mir nicht möglich sie hinzuzufügen. Bitte gib mir eine höhere Rolle und versuche es erneut."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Ich habe versucht {role.name} zu bearbeiten, aber die Rolle ist höher als deine höhste Rolle im Discord. Also konnte ich dies nicht erfolgreich hinzufügen. Versuche es mit einer höheren Rolle erneut."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr "Ich kündige bereits etwas an. Wenn du eine andere Ankündigung machen willst, benutze bitte zuerst `{prefix}announce cancel`."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr "Eine Sammlung von administrativen Server-Verwaltungsprogramme."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr "hinzuzufügen"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Ich habe erfolgreich {role.name} zu {member.display_name} hinzugefügt"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr "entfernen"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Ich habe erfolgreich {role.name} von {member.display_name} entfernt"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr "Bearbeiten der Rollen Einstellungen."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Erledigt."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr "Mache eine Ankündigung auf allen Servern auf denen der Bot ist."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr "Die Ankündigung hat begonnen."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr "Breche eine laufende Ankündigung ab."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr "Die aktuelle Ankündigung wurde abgebrochen."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr "Ändere den Kanal in dem der Bot Ankündigungen macht."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr "Der für Ankündigungen gewählte Kanal wurde festgelegt auf {channel.mention}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr "Schaltet Ankündigungen auf diesem Server ein oder aus."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr "Der Server {guild.name} wird Ankündigunen erhalten."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr "Der Server {guild.name} wird keine Ankündigunen erhalten."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr "Die Liste selbst auswählbarer Rollen wurde erfolgreich bearbeitet."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr "Sperrt den Bot neuen Servern beizutreten."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr "Der Bot ist nicht länger gesperrt neuen Servern beizutreten."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr "Der Bot ist jetzt gesperrt neuen Servern beizutreten."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr "Ich konnte keine Ankündigung auf diesem Server machen: {server.id}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr "Das Admin-Cog ist nicht geladen."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr "Die vorausgesetzte Rolle ist keine berechtigte selbst auswählbare Rolle."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:12\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Greek\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: el\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: el_GR\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-14 02:15\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Pirate English\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: en-PT\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: en_PT\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Done."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-14 02:14\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: es-ES\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: es_ES\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "Intenté hacer algo que Discord me ha negado el permiso. Su comando no se pudo completar."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr "He intentado agregar {verb} {role.name} a {member.display_name} pero ese rol es más alto que mi rol en la jerarquía de Discord, por lo que no he podido añadirlo con éxito. Por favor dame un rol más alto y vuelva a intentarlo."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "He intentado agregar {verb} {role.name} a {member.display_name} pero ese rol es más alto que mi rol en la jerarquía de Discord, por lo que no he podido añadirlo con éxito. Por favor dame un rol más alto y vuelva a intentarlo."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "He intentado agregar {role.name} a pero ese rol es más alto que mi rol en la jerarquía de Discord, por lo que no he podido añadirlo con éxito. Por favor dame un rol más alto y vuelva a intentarlo."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr "Ya estoy anunciando algo. Si quieres hacer un anuncio diferente, por favor usa `{prefix}announce cancel` primero."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr "Una colección de utilidades de administración de servidores."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr "añadir"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr "He añadido con éxito {role.name} a {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr "eliminar"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr "He retirado con éxito {role.name} de {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr "Añadir un rol a un usuario.\\n\\n Si el usuario se deja en blanco, por defecto se convierte en autor del comando.\\n "
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr "Eliminar un rol de un usuario.\\n\\n Si el usuario se deja en blanco, por defecto se convierte en autor del comando.\\n "
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr "Editar configuración de rol."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Listo."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr "Anunciar un mensaje a todos los servidores en que el bot está."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr "El bot está bloqueado por el servidor."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr "No pude anunciar en servidor: {server.id}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr "El cog Admin no está cargado."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr "El rol proporcionado no es un selfrole válido."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-14 02:15\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: fi\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: fi_FI\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "Yritin tehdä jotain, jonka Discord kielsi minulle luvat. Komento epäonnistui onnistuneesti."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Yritin {verb} {role.name} kohtaan {member.display_name}, mutta tämä rooli on suurempi kuin korkein roolini Discord-hierarkiassa, joten en voinut lisätä sitä onnistuneesti. Anna minulle suurempi rooli ja yritä uudelleen."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Yritin {verb} {role.name} kohtaan {member.display_name}, mutta tämä rooli on korkeampi kuin korkein rooli Discord-hierarkiassa, joten en voinut lisätä sitä onnistuneesti. Hanki suurempi rooli ja yritä uudelleen."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Yritin muokata {role.name}, mutta tämä rooli on korkeampi kuin korkein rooli Discord-hierarkiassa, joten en voinut lisätä sitä onnistuneesti. Hanki suurempi rooli ja yritä uudelleen."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr "Olen jo ilmoittanut jotain. Jos haluat tehdä toisen ilmoituksen, käytä ensin \"{prefix} announce cancel\"."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr "Kokoelma palvelinhallintaohjelmia."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr "lisätä"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Lisäsin {role.name} onnistuneesti {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr "poistaa"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Olen poistanut {role.name} onnistuneesti {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr "Muokkaa rooliasetuksia."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Tehty."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr "Ilmoita viesti kaikille palvelimille, joihin botti on."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:11\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: French\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: fr\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: fr_FR\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "J'ai tenté de faire quelque chose que pour lequel Discord m'a refusé les permissions. La commande a échoué."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr "J'ai essayé de {verb} {role.name} à {member.display_name} mais ce rôle est plus élevé que mon rôle le plus élevé dans la hiérarchie Discord, je n'ai donc pas réussi à l'ajouter. Donnez-moi un rôle plus élevé et réessayez."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "J'ai essayé de {verb} {role.name} à {member.display_name} mais ce rôle est plus élevé que votre rôle le plus élevé dans la hiérarchie Discord donc je n'ai pas réussi à l'ajouter. Essayez à nouveau avec un rôle plus élevé."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "J'ai essayé d'éditer {role.name} mais ce rôle est plus élevé que votre rôle le plus élevé dans la hiérarchie Discord et je n'ai donc pas réussi à l'ajouter. Essayez à nouveau avec un rôle plus élevé."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr "Je suis déjà en train d'annoncer quelque chose. Si tu souhaites faire une annonce différente, tu dois d'abord utiliser la commande `{prefix}announce cancel`."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr "Un ensemble d'utilitaires d'administration du serveur."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr "ajouter"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr "J'ai bien ajouté le rôle {role.name} à {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr "supprimer"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr "J'ai bien retiré le rôle {role.name} de {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr "Ajouter un rôle à un utilisateur.\\n\\n Si aucun utilisateur n'est mentionné dans la commande, celui-ci fera effet sur l'auteur.\\n "
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr "Retirer un rôle à un utilisateur.\\n\\n Si aucun utilisateur n'est mentionné dans la commande, celui-ci fera effet sur l'auteur.\\n "
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr "Modifier les paramètres d'un rôle."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr "Modifier la couleur d'un rôle.\\n\\n Utilise des guillemets si le nom du rôle contient des espaces.\\n La couleur doit être au format hexadécimal\\n [Sélecteur de couleur en ligne](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Exemples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Fait."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr "Modifier le nom d'un rôle.\\n\\n Utilise des guillemets si le nom du rôle contient des espaces.\\n\\n Exemples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr "Faire une annonce à tous les serveurs dans lesquels le bot se trouve."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr "Lannonce a commencé."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr "Interrompre une annonce en cours."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr "L'annonce actuelle a été interrompue."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr "Changer le salon dans lequel le bot fait des annonces."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr "Les annonces seront maintenant faites dans {channel.mention}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr "Activer ou désactiver les annonces sur ce serveur."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr "Le serveur {guild.name} recevra maintenant les annonces."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr "Le serveur {guild.name} ne recevra plus les annonces."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr "S'ajouter un rôle à soi-même.\\n\\n Les administrateurs du serveur doivent avoir configuré le rôle en tant qu'ajoutable par les utilisateurs.\\n\\n NOTE : Le nom du rôle est sensible aux majuscules et minuscules !\\n "
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr "Se supprimer un auto-rôle.\\n\\n NOTE : Le rôle est sensible aux majuscules et minuscules !\\n "
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr "Ajouter un rôle à la liste des auto-rôles disponibles.\\n\\n NOTE : Le nom du rôle est sensible aux majuscules et minuscules !\\n "
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr "La liste des auto-rôles a été modifiée avec succès."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr "Supprimer un rôle de la liste des auto-rôles.\\n\\n NOTE : Le nom du rôle est sensible aux majuscules et minuscules !\\n "
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr "\\n Liste de tous les auto-rôles disponibles.\\n "
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr "Auto-rôles disponibles :\\n{selfroles}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr "Verrouiller un bot sur ses serveurs actuels uniquement."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr "Le bot n'est plus verrouillé sur ses serveurs actuels."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr "Le bot est maintenant verrouillé sur ses serveurs actuels."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr "Je n'ai pas pu faire d'annonce dans le serveur: {server.id}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr "Le cog Admin n'est pas chargé."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr "Le rôle fourni n'est pas un auto-rôle valide."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:13\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: hu\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: hu_HU\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Kész."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:14\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: id\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: id_ID\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr "menambahkan"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr "menghapus"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Selesai."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:13\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Italian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: it\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: it_IT\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "Ho cercato di fare qualcosa ma Discord mi ha negato i permessi per farla. Il tuo comando non è stato completato con successo."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Ho cercato di {verb} {role.name} al gruppo {member.display_name} ma quel ruolo è più elevato del mio livello nella gerarchia di Discord quindi non sono stato in grado di aggiungerlo. prova a darmi un ruolo più alto e riprova."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Ho cercato di {verb} {role.name} al gruppo {member.display_name} ma quel ruolo è più elevato del tuo livello nella gerarchia di Discord quindi non sono stato in grado di aggiungerlo. Raggiungi un ruolo più alto e riprova."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Ho cercato di modificare {role.name} ma quel ruolo è più elevato del tuo livello nella gerarchia di Discord quindi non sono stato in grado di aggiungerlo. Raggiungi un ruolo più alto e riprova."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr "Sto già annunciando qualcosa. Se desideri fare un annuncio diverso, usa prima `{prefix}announce cancel`."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr "Una collezione di servizi di amministrazione del server."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr "aggiungere"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Ho aggiunto con successo {role.name} al gruppo {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr "rimuovere"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Ho rimosso con successo {role.name} dal gruppo {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr "Modifica impostazioni ruolo."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Fatto."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr "Invia un annuncio a tutti i server in cui si trova il bot."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr "L'annuncio è partito."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr "Cancella un annuncio in corso."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr "L'annuncio in corso è stato cancellato."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr "Modifica il canale in cui il bot invia gli annunci."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr "Il canale per gli annunci è stato impostato su {channel.mention}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr "Attiva/disattiva gli annunci in questo server."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr "Il server {guild.name} riceverà gli annunci."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr "Il server {guild.name} non riceverà gli annunci."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr "La lista dei ruoli autoassegnabili e stata modificata."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr "Blocca un bot ai suoi server attuali."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr "Il bot non è più bloccato ai server."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr "Il bot è bloccato ai server."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr "Non ho potuto annunciare al server: {server.id}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr "Il cog Admin non è caricato."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr "Il ruolo fornito non è un ruolo autoassegnabile valido."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:13\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: ja\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: ja_JP\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "私は不和が私に権限を拒否した何かをしようとしました。コマンドを正常に完了できませんでした。"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:13\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Korean\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: ko\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: ko_KR\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "다 했어요."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:14\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: LOLCAT\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: lol\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: lol_US\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "Discord sayed I can't do sometingz. Ur command faild 2 complete."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:13\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: nl\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: nl_NL\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "Ik probeerde iets te doen, maar Discord weigerde mij toestemming te geven. Je command is geslaagd te mislukken."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr "Ik ben al iets aan het aankondigen. Als je iets anders wilt aankondigen, voer dan eerst deze command uit: '{prefix}announce cancel'."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr "Een collectie van de server administratie voorzieningen."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Ik heb succesvol {role.name} toegevoegd aan {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Ik heb succesvol {role.name} verwijderd van {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr "Rol instellingen bewerken."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Klaar."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr "Kondig een bericht aan in alle servers."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr "De aankondiging is begonnen."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr "Annuleer een huidige aankondiging."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr "De huidige aankondiging is geannuleerd."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr "Bewerk het kanaal waar de bot aankondigingen maakt."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr "Het aankondigingskanaal is aangepast naar {channel.mention}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr "Aankondigingen zijn geactiveerd in deze server."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr "De server {guild.name} ontvangt aankondigingen."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr "De server {guild.name} ontvangt geen aankondigingen."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr "De selfroles lijst is succesvol aangepast."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr "Vergrendel de bot voor alleen deze server."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr "De bot is niet langer vergrendeld."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr "De bot is vergrendeld."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr "Ik kan geen bericht aankondigen in: {server.id}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr "De admin cog is niet geladen."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr "De ingevulde rol is geen beschikbare selfrole."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:13\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: no\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: no_NO\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Ferdig."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:13\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Polish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: pl\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: pl_PL\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Spróbowałam {verb} {role.name} na {member.display_name}, ale ta rola jest wyższa niż moja najwyższa rola w hierarchii Discorda, więc nie mogłam jej dodać. Daj mi proszę wyższą rolę i spróbuj ponownie."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Spróbowałam {verb} {role.name} na {member.display_name}, ale ta rola jest wyższa niż twoja najwyższa rola w hierarchii Discorda, więc nie mogłam jej dodać. Uzyskaj proszę wyższą rolę i spróbuj ponownie."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Spróbowałam zmienić {role.name}, ale ta rola jest wyższa niż twoja najwyższa rola w hierarchii Discorda, więc nie mogłam jej dodać. Uzyskaj proszę wyższą rolę i spróbuj ponownie."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr "dodać"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr "usunąć"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Gotowe."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr "Moduł Admin nie jest załadowany."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:14\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese, Brazilian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: pt-BR\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "Eu tentei fazer algo que o Discord me negou as permissões. Seu comando falhou em ser completado com sucesso."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr "Eu já estou anunciando algo. Se quer fazer um anúncio diferente, por favor use `{prefix}announce cancel` primeiro."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr "Uma coleção de ferramentas de administração para o servidor."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Eu adicionei com sucesso {role.name} de {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Eu removi com sucesso {role.name} de {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr "Edite as configurações de cargo."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Concluído."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:13\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: pt-PT\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: pt_PT\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "Tentei fazer uma coisa que o Discord negou permissão para fazer. O comando não foi concluído."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr "Já estou a anunciar algo. Se queres fazer um anúncio diferente usa `{prefix}announce cancel` antes de usares este comando."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr "Uma coleção de utilidades para administração de servidores."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Adicionei com sucesso {role.name} a {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Removi com sucesso {role.name} de {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Concluído."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr "Anuncia uma mensagem para todos os servidores em que o bot está."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr "O anúncio foi iniciado."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr "Cancelar um anúncio em curso."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr "O anúncio atual foi cancelado."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr "Mude o canal para o qual o bot faz os anúncios."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr "O canal de anúncio foi definido para {channel.mention}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr "Ativar ou Desativar os anúncios neste servidor."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr "O servidor {guild.name} vai receber anúncios."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr "O servidor {guild.name} não vai receber anúncios."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr "A lista de cargos definíveis foi modificada com sucesso."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr "Bloquear o bot aos servidores atuais."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr "O bot já não está bloqueado aos servidores atuais."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr "O bot está agora bloqueado aos servidores atuais."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr "Não me foi possível anunciar no servidor: {server.id}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr "O cog 'Admin' não está carregado."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr "O cargo indicado não é um cargo definível válido."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-14 02:09\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Romanian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100>0 && n%100<20)) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: ro\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: ro_RO\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:13\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Russian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=((n%10==1 && n%100!=11) ? 0 : ((n%10 >= 2 && n%10 <=4 && (n%100 < 12 || n%100 > 14)) ? 1 : ((n%10 == 0 || (n%10 >= 5 && n%10 <=9)) || (n%100 >= 11 && n%100 <= 14)) ? 2 : 3));\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: ru\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: ru_RU\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "Я попыталась сделать что-то, в чем Discord отказал мне в разрешениях. Ваша команда не была выполнена успешно."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr "Я попытался изменить {role.name}, но эта роль выше Вашей в иерархии Discord, поэтому я не смог добавить её. Повысьте роль и попробуйте еще раз."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr "Я уже что-то объявляю. Если вы хотите сделать другое объявление, сначала используйте `{prefix}announce cancel`."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr "Набор утилит администрирования сервера."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr "добавить"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Я успешно добавила роль {role.name} пользователю {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr "удалить"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr "Я успешно забрала роль {role.name} у пользователя {member.display_name}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr "Изменение параметров роли."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Готово."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr "Объявить сообщение на всех серверах, к которым подключен бот."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr "Объявление началось."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr "Отменить текущее объявление."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr "Текущее объявление было отменено."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr "Изменить канал, на котором бот делает объявления."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr "Канал объявления был установлен на {channel.mention}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr "Переключить объявления, когда этот сервер включен."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr "Сервер {guild.name} будет получать объявления."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr "Сервер {guild.name} не будет получать объявления."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr "Список ролей был изменен успешно."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr "Зафиксировать бота только на его текущих серверах."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr "Бот больше не зафиксирован на сервере."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr "Бот теперь зафиксирован на сервере."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr "Я не могу объявить на сервере: {server.id}"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr "Модуль Admin не загружен."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr "Предоставленная роль не является допустимой ролью."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:14\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 3;\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: sk\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: sk_SK\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:14\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: sv-SE\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: sv_SE\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr "Jag försökte göra något som Discord nekade mig behörighet till. Ditt kommando kunde inte slutföras."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr "En samling administrationsverktyg för servern."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr "Redigera rollinställningar."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Klart."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:14\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: tr\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: tr_TR\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Tamamdır."
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-06 16:14\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese Simplified\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: zh-CN\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr "完成。"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-05 22:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-14 02:15\n"
"Last-Translator: Robert Jansen (Kowlin)\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese Traditional\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: crowdin.com\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: zh-TW\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /cogs/admin/locales/messages.pot\n"
"Language: zh_TW\n"
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:17
msgid "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for. Your command failed to successfully complete."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:22
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:29
msgid "I tried to {verb} {role.name} to {member.display_name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:36
msgid "I tried to edit {role.name} but that role is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and try again."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:43
msgid "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel` first."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:53
#, docstring
msgid "A collection of server administration utilities."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:115 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:160
msgid "add"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:121
msgid "I successfully added {role.name} to {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:132 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:180
msgid "remove"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:138
msgid "I successfully removed {role.name} from {member.display_name}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:149
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:169
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from a user.\\n\\n If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:187
#, docstring
msgid "Edit role settings."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:194
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's colour.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role contains spaces.\\n Colour must be in hexadecimal format.\\n [Online colour picker](http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp)\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole colour \\\"The Transistor\\\" #ff0000`\\n `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:217 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:245
msgid "Done."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:222
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a role's name.\\n\\n Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces.\\n\\n Examples:\\n `[p]editrole name \\\"The Transistor\\\" Test`\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:250
#, docstring
msgid "Announce a message to all servers the bot is in."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:257
msgid "The announcement has begun."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:265
#, docstring
msgid "Cancel a running announce."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:271
msgid "The current announcement has been cancelled."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:277
#, docstring
msgid "Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:283
msgid "The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:290
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle announcements being enabled this server."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:296
msgid "The server {guild.name} will receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:300
msgid "The server {guild.name} will not receive announcements."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:326
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to yourself.\\n\\n Server admins must have configured the role as user settable.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:337
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a selfrole from yourself.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:347
#, docstring
msgid "Add a role to the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:355 redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:367
msgid "The selfroles list has been successfully modified."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:360
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a role from the list of available selfroles.\\n\\n NOTE: The role is case sensitive!\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:371
#, docstring
msgid "\\n Lists all available selfroles.\\n "
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:377
msgid "Available Selfroles:\\n{selfroles}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:394
#, docstring
msgid "Lock a bot to its current servers only."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:399
msgid "The bot is no longer serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/admin.py:401
msgid "The bot is now serverlocked."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/announcer.py:70
msgid "I could not announce to server: {server.id}"
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:25
msgid "The Admin cog is not loaded."
msgstr ""
#: redbot/cogs/admin/converters.py:34
msgid "The provided role is not a valid selfrole."
msgstr ""

welcome/__init__.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
from redbot.core.bot import Red
from .welcome import Welcome
def setup(bot: Red):

welcome/enums.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
from enum import Enum
class WhisperType(Enum):
OFF = 'off'
ONLY = 'only'
BOTH = 'both'
FALLBACK = 'fall'

welcome/info.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"author" : ["tmerc"],
"install_msg" : "Thanks for installing!",
"name" : "Welcome",
"short" : "Announces membership events.",
"description" : "Announces members joining, leaving, getting banned, and getting unbanned, in a customizable text channel and with customizable messages.",
"requirements" : [],
"tags": ["welcome", "greetings", "leave", "ban", "utility"]

welcome/welcome.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,838 @@
import asyncio
import logging
import random
from datetime import date
from typing import Union
import discord
from redbot.core import Config, commands, checks
from redbot.core.bot import Red
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box, pagify
from .enums import WhisperType
__author__ = "tmerc"
log = logging.getLogger('red.tmerc.welcome')
ENABLED = 'enabled'
DISABLED = 'disabled'
class WhisperError(Exception):
class Welcome(getattr(commands, "Cog", object)):
"""Announce when users join or leave a server."""
default_join = "Welcome {member.mention} to {server.name}!"
default_leave = "{member.name} has left {server.name}!"
default_ban = "{member.name} has been banned from {server.name}!"
default_unban = "{member.name} has been unbanned from {server.name}!"
default_whisper = "Hey there {member.name}, welcome to {server.name}!"
guild_defaults = {
'enabled': False,
'channel': None,
'date': None,
'join': {
'enabled': True,
'delete': False,
'last': None,
'counter': 0,
'whisper': {
'state': 'off',
'message': default_whisper
'messages': [default_join],
'bot': None
'leave': {
'enabled': True,
'delete': False,
'last': None,
'messages': [default_leave],
'ban': {
'enabled': True,
'delete': False,
'last': None,
'messages': [default_ban],
'unban': {
'enabled': True,
'delete': False,
'last': None,
'messages': [default_unban],
def __init__(self, bot: Red):
self.bot = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, 86345009)
async def welcomeset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Change Welcome settings."""
await ctx.trigger_typing()
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
guild = ctx.guild
c = await self.config.guild(guild).all()
channel = await self.__get_channel(ctx.guild)
j = c['join']
jw = j['whisper']
v = c['leave']
b = c['ban']
u = c['unban']
if await ctx.embed_requested():
emb = discord.Embed(color=await ctx.embed_color(), title="Current Welcome Settings")
emb.add_field(name="General", value=(
"**Enabled:** {}\n"
"**Channel:** #{}\n"
).format(c['enabled'], channel))
emb.add_field(name="Join", value=(
"**Enabled:** {}\n"
"**Delete previous:** {}\n"
"**Whisper state:** {}\n"
"**Whisper message:** {}\n"
"**Messages:** {}; do `{prefix}welcomeset join msg list` for a list\n"
"**Bot message:** {}"
).format(j['enabled'], j['delete'], jw['state'], jw['message'], len(j['messages']), j['bot'],
emb.add_field(name="Leave", value=(
"**Enabled:** {}\n"
"**Delete previous:** {}\n"
"**Messages:** {}; do `{prefix}welcomeset leave msg list` for a list\n"
).format(v['enabled'], v['delete'], len(v['messages']), prefix=ctx.prefix))
emb.add_field(name="Ban", value=(
"**Enabled:** {}\n"
"**Delete previous:** {}\n"
"**Messages:** {}; do `{prefix}welcomeset ban msg list` for a list\n"
).format(b['enabled'], b['delete'], len(b['messages']), prefix=ctx.prefix))
emb.add_field(name="Unban", value=(
"**Enabled:** {}\n"
"**Delete previous:** {}\n"
"**Messages:** {}; do `{prefix}welcomeset unban msg list` for a list\n"
).format(u['enabled'], u['delete'], len(u['messages']), prefix=ctx.prefix))
await ctx.send(embed=emb)
msg = box(
(" Enabled: {}\n"
" Channel: {}\n"
" Join:\n"
" Enabled: {}\n"
" Delete previous: {}\n"
" Whisper:\n"
" State: {}\n"
" Message: {}\n"
" Messages: {}; do '{prefix}welcomeset join msg list' for a list\n"
" Bot message: {}\n"
" Leave:\n"
" Enabled: {}\n"
" Delete previous: {}\n"
" Messages: {}; do '{prefix}welcomeset leave msg list' for a list\n"
" Ban:\n"
" Enabled: {}\n"
" Delete previous: {}\n"
" Messages: {}; do '{prefix}welcomeset ban msg list' for a list\n"
" Unban:\n"
" Enabled: {}\n"
" Delete previous: {}\n"
" Messages: {}; do '{prefix}welcomeset unban msg list' for a list\n"
"").format(c['enabled'], channel,
j['enabled'], j['delete'], jw['state'], jw['message'], len(j['messages']), j['bot'],
v['enabled'], v['delete'], len(v['messages']),
b['enabled'], b['delete'], len(b['messages']),
u['enabled'], u['delete'], len(u['messages']),
"Current Welcome settings:"
await ctx.send(msg)
async def welcomeset_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None):
"""Turns Welcome on or off.
If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped.
guild = ctx.guild
target_state = on_off if on_off is not None else not (await self.config.guild(guild).enabled())
await self.config.guild(guild).enabled.set(target_state)
await ctx.send(
("Welcome is now {}."
"").format(ENABLED if target_state else DISABLED)
async def welcomeset_channel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel):
"""Sets the channel to be used for event notices."""
if not self.__can_speak_in(channel):
await ctx.send(
("I do not have permission to send messages in {0.mention}. Check your permission settings and try again."
guild = ctx.guild
await self.config.guild(guild).channel.set(channel.id)
await ctx.send(
("I will now send event notices to {0.mention}."
async def welcomeset_join(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Change settings for join notices."""
async def welcomeset_join_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None):
"""Turns join notices on or off.
If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped.
await self.__toggle(ctx, on_off, 'join')
async def welcomeset_join_toggledelete(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None):
"""Turns deletion of previous join notice on or off.
If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped.
await self.__toggledelete(ctx, on_off, 'join')
async def welcomeset_join_whisper(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Change settings for join whispers."""
async def welcomeset_join_whisper_type(self, ctx: commands.Context, choice: WhisperType):
"""Set if a DM is sent to the new member.
off - no DM is sent
only - only send a DM to the member, do not send a message to the channel
both - send a DM to the member and a message to the channel
fall - send a DM to the member, if it fails send the whisper message to the channel instead
guild = ctx.guild
whisper_type = choice.value
channel = await self.__get_channel(ctx.guild)
await self.config.guild(guild).join.whisper.state.set(whisper_type)
if choice == WhisperType.OFF:
await ctx.send(
("I will no longer DM new members, and will send a notice to {0.mention}."
elif choice == WhisperType.ONLY:
await ctx.send(
("I will now only DM new members, and will not send a notice to {0.mention}."
elif choice == WhisperType.BOTH:
await ctx.send(
("I will now send a DM to new members, as well as send a notice to {0.mention}."
elif choice == WhisperType.FALLBACK:
await ctx.send(
("I will now send a DM to new members, and if that fails I will send the message to {0.mention}."
async def welcomeset_join_whisper_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg_format: str):
"""Set the message DM'd to new members when they join.
Allows for the following customizations:
`{member}` is the member who joined
`{server}` is the server
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).join.whisper.message.set(msg_format)
await ctx.send(
("I will now use that message format when whispering new members, if whisper is enabled."
async def welcomeset_join_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Manage join message formats."""
async def welcomeset_join_msg_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg_format: str):
"""Add a new join message format to be chosen.
Allows for the following customizations:
`{member}` is the new member
`{server}` is the server
`{count}` is the number of members who have joined today
`{plural}` is an 's' if `count` is not 1, and nothing if it is
For example:
{member.mention}... What are you doing here???
{server.name} has a new member! {member.name}#{member.discriminator} - {member.id}
Someone new has joined! Who is it?! D: IS HE HERE TO HURT US?!
await self.__msg_add(ctx, msg_format, 'join')
async def welcomeset_join_msg_del(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Delete an existing join message format from the list."""
await self.__msg_del(ctx, 'join')
async def welcomeset_join_msg_list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Lists the available join message formats."""
await self.__msg_list(ctx, 'join')
async def welcomeset_join_botmsg(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg_format: str=None):
"""Sets the message format to use for join notices for bots.
Supply no format to use normal join message formats for bots.
Allows for the following customizations:
`{bot}` is the bot
`{server}` is the server
`{count}` is the number of members who have joined today
`{plural}` is an 's' if `count` is not 1, and nothing if it is
For example:
{bot.mention} beep boop.
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).join.bot.set(msg_format)
if msg_format is not None:
await ctx.send(
("Bot join message format set. I will now greet bots with that message."
await ctx.send(
("Bot join message format removed. I will now greet bots like normal members."
async def welcomeset_leave(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Change settings for leave notices."""
async def welcomeset_leave_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None):
"""Turns leave notices on or off.
If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped.
await self.__toggle(ctx, on_off, 'leave')
async def welcomeset_leave_toggledelete(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None):
"""Turns deletion of previous leave notice on or off.
If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped.
await self.__toggledelete(ctx, on_off, 'leave')
async def welcomeset_leave_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Manage leave message formats."""
async def welcomeset_leave_msg_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg_format: str):
"""Add a new leave message format to be chosen.
Allows for the following customizations:
`{member}` is the member who left
`{server}` is the server
For example:
{member.name}... Why did you leave???
{server.name} has lost a member! {member.name}#{member.discriminator} - {member.id}
Someone has left... Aww... Bye :(
await self.__msg_add(ctx, msg_format, 'leave')
async def welcomeset_leave_msg_del(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Delete an existing leave message format from the list."""
await self.__msg_del(ctx, 'leave')
async def welcomeset_leave_msg_list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Lists the available leave message formats."""
await self.__msg_list(ctx, 'leave')
async def welcomeset_ban(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Change settings for ban notices."""
async def welcomeset_ban_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None):
"""Turns ban notices on or off.
If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped.
await self.__toggle(ctx, on_off, 'ban')
async def welcomeset_ban_toggledelete(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None):
"""Turns deletion of previous ban notice on or off.
If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped.
await self.__toggledelete(ctx, on_off, 'ban')
async def welcomeset_ban_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Manage ban message formats."""
async def welcomeset_ban_msg_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg_format: str):
"""Add a new ban message format to be chosen.
Allows for the following customizations:
`{member}` is the banned member
`{server}` is the server
For example:
{member.name} was banned... What did you do???
A member of {server.name} has been banned! {member.name}#{member.discriminator} - {member.id}
Someone has been banned. Good riddance!
await self.__msg_add(ctx, msg_format, 'ban')
async def welcomeset_ban_msg_del(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Delete an existing ban message format from the list."""
await self.__msg_del(ctx, 'ban')
async def welcomeset_ban_msg_list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Lists the available ban message formats."""
await self.__msg_list(ctx, 'ban')
async def welcomeset_unban(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Change settings for unban notices."""
async def welcomeset_unban_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None):
"""Turns unban notices on or off.
If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped.
await self.__toggle(ctx, on_off, 'unban')
async def welcomeset_unban_toggledelete(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None):
"""Turns deletion of previous unban notice on or off.
If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped.
await self.__toggledelete(ctx, on_off, 'unban')
async def welcomeset_unban_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Manage unban message formats."""
async def welcomeset_unban_msg_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg_format: str):
"""Add a new unban message format to be chosen.
Allows for the following customizations:
`{member}` is the unbanned member
`{server}` is the server
For example:
{member.name} was unbanned... Did you learn your lesson???
A member of {server.name} has been unbanned! {member.name}#{member.discriminator} - {member.id}
Someone has been unbanned. Don't waste your second chance!
await self.__msg_add(ctx, msg_format, 'unban')
async def welcomeset_unban_msg_del(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Delete an existing unban message format from the list."""
await self.__msg_del(ctx, 'unban')
async def welcomeset_unban_msg_list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Lists the available unban message formats."""
await self.__msg_list(ctx, 'unban')
async def on_member_join(self, member: discord.Member):
"""Listens for member joins."""
guild = member.guild
guild_settings = self.config.guild(guild)
if await guild_settings.enabled() and await guild_settings.join.enabled():
# join notice should be sent
message_format = None
if member.bot:
# bot
message_format = await guild_settings.join.bot()
# only increment when it isn't a bot
await self.__increment_count(guild, 'join')
whisper_type = await guild_settings.join.whisper.state()
if whisper_type != 'off':
await self.__dm_user(member)
if whisper_type == 'fall':
message_format = await self.config.guild(member.guild).join.whisper.message()
await self.__handle_event(guild, member, 'join', message_format=message_format)
if whisper_type == 'only' or whisper_type == 'fall':
# we're done here
await self.__handle_event(guild, member, 'join', message_format=message_format)
async def on_member_remove(self, member: discord.Member):
"""Listens for member leaves."""
await self.__handle_event(member.guild, member, 'leave')
async def on_member_ban(self, guild: discord.Guild, member: discord.Member):
"""Listens for user bans."""
await self.__handle_event(guild, member, 'ban')
async def on_member_unban(self, guild: discord.Guild, user: discord.User):
"""Listens for user unbans."""
await self.__handle_event(guild, user, 'unban')
# concrete handlers for settings changes and events
async def __toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool, event: str):
"""Handler for setting toggles."""
guild = ctx.guild
target_state = on_off if on_off is not None else not (await self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).enabled())
await self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).enabled.set(target_state)
await ctx.send(
("{} notices are now {}."
"").format(event.capitalize(), ENABLED if target_state else DISABLED)
async def __toggledelete(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool, event: str):
"""Handler for setting delete toggles."""
guild = ctx.guild
target_state = on_off if on_off is not None else not (await self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).delete())
await self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).delete.set(target_state)
await ctx.send(
("Deletion of previous {} notice is now {}."
"").format(event, ENABLED if target_state else DISABLED)
async def __msg_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, msg_format: str, event: str):
"""Handler for adding message formats."""
guild = ctx.guild
async with self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).messages() as messages:
await ctx.send(
("New message format for {} notices added."
async def __msg_del(self, ctx: commands.Context, event: str):
"""Handler for deleting message formats."""
guild = ctx.guild
async with self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).messages() as messages:
if len(messages) == 1:
await ctx.send(
("I only have one {} message format, so I can't let you delete it."
await self.__msg_list(ctx, event)
await ctx.send(
("Please enter the number of the {} message format you wish to delete."
num = await self.__get_number_input(ctx, len(messages))
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send(
("Okay, I won't remove any of the {} message formats."
removed = messages.pop(num - 1)
await ctx.send(
("Done. This {} message format was deleted:\n"
"").format(event, removed)
async def __msg_list(self, ctx: commands.Context, event: str):
"""Handler for listing message formats."""
guild = ctx.guild
msg = "{} message formats:\n".format(event.capitalize())
async with self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).messages() as messages:
for n, m in enumerate(messages, start=1):
msg += ' {}. {}\n'.format(n, m)
for page in pagify(msg, ['\n', ' '], shorten_by=20):
await ctx.send(box(page))
async def __handle_event(self, guild: discord.guild, user: Union[discord.Member, discord.User], event: str, *,
"""Handler for actual events."""
guild_settings = self.config.guild(guild)
if await guild_settings.enabled():
settings = await guild_settings.get_attr(event).all()
if settings['enabled']:
# notices for this event are enabled
if settings['delete'] and settings['last'] is not None:
# we need to delete the previous message
await self.__delete_message(guild, settings['last'])
# regardless of success, remove reference to that message
await guild_settings.get_attr(event).last.set(None)
# send a notice to the channel
new_message = await self.__send_notice(guild, user, event, message_format=message_format)
# store it for (possible) deletion later
await guild_settings.get_attr(event).last.set(new_message and new_message.id)
async def __get_channel(self, guild: discord.Guild) -> discord.TextChannel:
"""Gets the best text channel to use for event notices.
Order of priority:
1. User-defined channel
2. Guild's system channel (if bot can speak in it)
3. First channel that the bot can speak in
channel = None
channel_id = await self.config.guild(guild).channel()
if channel_id is not None:
channel = guild.get_channel(channel_id)
if channel is None or not self.__can_speak_in(channel):
channel = guild.system_channel
if channel is None or not self.__can_speak_in(channel):
for ch in guild.text_channels:
if self.__can_speak_in(ch):
channel = ch
return channel
async def __get_number_input(self, ctx: commands.Context, maximum: int, minimum: int=0) -> int:
"""Gets a number from the user, minimum < x <= maximum."""
author = ctx.author
channel = ctx.channel
def check(m: discord.Message):
num = None
num = int(m.content)
except ValueError:
return num is not None \
and minimum < num <= maximum \
and m.author == author \
and m.channel == channel
msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=15.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
return int(msg.content)
async def __delete_message(self, guild: discord.Guild, message_id: int):
"""Attempts to delete the message with the given ID."""
await (await (await self.__get_channel(guild)).fetch_message(message_id)).delete()
except discord.NotFound:
("Failed to delete message (ID {}): not found"
except discord.Forbidden:
("Failed to delete message (ID {}): insufficient permissions"
("Failed to delete message (ID {})"
async def __send_notice(self, guild: discord.guild, user: Union[discord.Member, discord.User], event: str, *,
message_format=None) -> Union[discord.Message, None]:
"""Sends the notice for the event."""
format_str = message_format or await self.__get_random_message_format(guild, event)
count = event == 'join' and await self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).counter()
plural = ''
if count and count != 1:
plural = 's'
channel = await self.__get_channel(guild)
return await channel.send(
format_str.format(member=user, server=guild, bot=user, count=count or '', plural=plural)
except discord.Forbidden:
("Failed to send {} message to channel ID {1.id} (server ID {2.id}): insufficient permissions"
"").format(event, channel, guild)
return None
("Failed to send {} message to channel ID {1.id} (server ID {2.id})"
"").format(event, channel, guild)
return None
async def __get_random_message_format(self, guild: discord.guild, event: str) -> str:
"""Gets a random message for event of type event."""
async with self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).messages() as messages:
return random.choice(messages)
async def __increment_count(self, guild: discord.Guild, event: str):
"""Increments the counter for <event>s today. Handles date changes."""
guild_settings = self.config.guild(guild)
if await guild_settings.date() is None:
await guild_settings.date.set(self.__today())
if self.__today() > await guild_settings.date():
await guild_settings.date.set(self.__today())
await guild_settings.get_attr(event).counter.set(0)
count = await guild_settings.get_attr(event).counter()
await guild_settings.get_attr(event).counter.set(count + 1)
async def __dm_user(self, member: discord.Member):
"""Sends a DM to the user with a filled-in message_format."""
message_format = await self.config.guild(member.guild).join.whisper.message()
await member.send(message_format.format(member=member, server=member.guild))
except discord.Forbidden:
("Failed to send DM to member ID {0.id} (server ID {1.id}): insufficient permissions"
"").format(member, member.guild)
raise WhisperError("Error.")
("Failed to send DM to member ID {0.id} (server ID {1.id})"
"").format(member, member.guild)
raise WhisperError("Error.")
def __can_speak_in(channel: discord.TextChannel) -> bool:
"""Indicates whether the bot has permission to speak in channel."""
return channel.permissions_for(channel.guild.me).send_messages
def __today() -> int:
"""Gets today's date in ordinal form."""
return date.today().toordinal()