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2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import escape, italics, pagify, box
from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
import random
from random import randint
from random import choice
from enum import Enum
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
import datetime
import time
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import os
import json
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
class RolePlay(commands.Cog):
2020-02-02 20:13:29 +13:00
def __init__(self, bot):
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
mass_mentions = True
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=3674895735)
self.default_guild = {
"slap_items": [
"a floppy disk",
"a book",
"a nuke",
"a loaf of bread",
"my hand",
"a pack of ramen",
"lotsa spaghetti",
"a brick",
"a slice of cheese",
"my foot",
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
"high_iq_msgs": [
"that's pretty big.",
"someone here is actually smart.",
"thats a dab.",
"you must of watched Rick and Morty.",
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
"low_iq_msgs": [
"you must have a lot of trouble in life.",
"awww you're special aren't you.",
"god I'm sorry (not).",
"I didn't know people could have IQ that low.",
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
2020-02-02 20:13:29 +13:00
# remove commands we are replacing
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
2020-02-10 12:28:06 +13:00
def get_user_and_intensity(self, guild: discord.Guild, target: str):
user = None
2020-02-10 12:28:06 +13:00
intensity = 1
if "<@!" == target[:3] and ">" == target[-1]:
user = guild.get_member(int(target[3:-1]))
2020-02-10 12:28:06 +13:00
# try with no intensity specified
if not user:
user = guild.get_member_named(target)
2020-02-10 12:28:06 +13:00
# has intensity
if not user:
2020-02-10 12:28:06 +13:00
args = target.split(" ")
intensity = int(args[-1])
name = " ".join(args[:-1])
user = guild.get_member_named(name)
if not user:
if "<@!" == name[:3] and ">" == name[-1]:
user = guild.get_member(int(name[3:-1]))
return user, intensity
2020-02-10 12:28:06 +13:00
@commands.command(usage="<hug_target> <intensity>")
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
2020-02-10 12:28:06 +13:00
async def hug(self, ctx, *, hug_target: str):
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
"""Hugs a user with optional intensity!
Example: .hug *username* 4
Up to 10 intensity levels."""
2020-02-10 12:28:06 +13:00
user, intensity = self.get_user_and_intensity(ctx.guild, hug_target)
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
if user is not None:
name = italics(user.display_name)
if intensity <= 0:
msg = "(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ" + name
elif intensity <= 3:
msg = "(っ´▽`)っ" + name
elif intensity <= 6:
msg = "╰(*´︶`*)╯" + name
elif intensity <= 9:
msg = "(つ≧▽≦)つ" + name
elif intensity >= 10:
msg = "(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ{} ⊂(´・ω・`⊂)".format(name)
await ctx.send(msg)
await ctx.send("Member not found.")
async def slap(self, ctx, *, user: discord.Member = None):
"""Slap a user"""
guild = ctx.guild
slap_items = await self.config.guild(guild).slap_items()
botid =
if user is None:
user =
await ctx.send("Don't make me slap you instead " + user.display_name)
elif == botid:
user =
botname =
await ctx.send(
"`-" + botname + " slaps " + user.display_name + " multiple times with " + (choice(slap_items) + "-`")
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
await ctx.send("`-slaps " + user.display_name + " with " + (choice(slap_items) + "-`"))
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
async def _add_slap(self, ctx, *, slap_item):
"""Adds an item to use for slaps!"""
guild = ctx.guild
slap_items = await self.config.guild(guild).slap_items()
if slap_item not in slap_items:
async with self.config.guild(guild).slap_items() as current_slaps:
await ctx.send("Item '{}' added to the server's slap items list.".format(slap_item))
await ctx.send("Item '{}' is already in the server's slap item list.".format(slap_item))
async def _remove_slap(self, ctx, slap_item: str = ""):
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
"""Removes item to use for slaps!"""
guild = ctx.guild
slap_items = await self.config.guild(guild).slap_items()
if slap_item in slap_items:
async with self.config.guild(guild).slap_items() as current_slaps:
await ctx.send("Item '{}' deleted from the server's slap items list.".format(slap_item))
await ctx.send("Item '{}' does not exist in the server's slap items list.".format(slap_item))
async def _list_slap(self, ctx):
"""Prints list of slaps"""
guild = ctx.guild
slap_items = await self.config.guild(guild).slap_items()
msg = ""
for item in slap_items:
msg += "+ {}\n".format(item)
pages = pagify(msg) # pages is an iterator of pages
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
for page in pages:
await ctx.send(box(page, lang="diff"))
async def _import_slap(self, ctx, path_to_import):
"""Imports slaps from jsons.
Specifiy the **path** to the json to import slaps from.
*i.e.: /path/containing/json/*"""
bot =
guild = ctx.guild
path_to_slaps = os.path.join(path_to_import, "items.json")
with open(path_to_slaps) as raw_slaps:
import_slaps = json.load(raw_slaps)
await self.config.guild(guild).slap_items.set(import_slaps)
await ctx.send("Slaps imported.")
except FileNotFoundError:
await ctx.send("Invalid path to json file.")
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
await ctx.send("Invalid or malformed json file.")
async def iq(self, ctx, *users: discord.Member):
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
Gets IQ of a user. Use multiple users to compare IQs
if not users:
guild = ctx.guild
high_iq_msgs = await self.config.guild(guild).high_iq_msgs()
2020-02-09 13:54:20 +13:00
low_iq_msgs = await self.config.guild(guild).low_iq_msgs()
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
state = random.getstate()
iqs = {}
msg = ""
for user in users:
if == 216319397944492033 or == 213027180865781761 or == 559915721627402241:
iqs[user] = "0"
iqs[user] = "{}".format(random.randint(0, 250))
iqs = sorted(iqs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
for user, iq in iqs:
msg += "{}'s iq is {}, {}\n".format(
2020-02-09 13:54:20 +13:00
user.display_name, iq, choice(high_iq_msgs) if int(iq) > 130 else choice(low_iq_msgs)
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
await ctx.send(msg)
async def _list_iq(self, ctx):
"""Prints a list of all IQ phrases."""
guild = ctx.guild
high_iq_msgs = await self.config.guild(guild).high_iq_msgs()
low_iq_msgs = await self.config.guild(guild).low_iq_msgs()
msg1 = "HIGH IQ PHRASES:\n"
msg2 = "LOW IQ PHRASES:\n"
for high_phrase in high_iq_msgs:
msg1 += "+ {}\n".format(high_phrase)
high_pages = pagify(msg1) # pages is an iterator of pages
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
for low_phrase in low_iq_msgs:
msg2 += "+ {}\n".format(low_phrase)
low_pages = pagify(msg2) # pages is an iterator of pages
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
for high_page in high_pages:
await ctx.send(box(high_page, lang="diff"))
for low_page in low_pages:
await ctx.send(box(low_page, lang="diff"))
async def _addhigh_iq(self, ctx, *, new_high_iq_msg: str):
"""Adds a postive phrase for high IQ results!"""
guild = ctx.guild
high_iq_msgs = await self.config.guild(guild).high_iq_msgs()
if new_high_iq_msg not in high_iq_msgs:
async with self.config.guild(guild).high_iq_msgs() as current_hi_iq_msgs:
await ctx.send("Phrase '{}' added to the server's High IQ list.".format(new_high_iq_msg))
await ctx.send("Phrase '{}' is already in the server's High IQ list.".format(new_high_iq_msg))
async def _addlow_iq(self, ctx, *, new_low_iq_msg: str):
"""Adds a derogatory phrase for low IQ results!"""
guild = ctx.guild
low_iq_msgs = await self.config.guild(guild).low_iq_msgs()
if new_low_iq_msg not in low_iq_msgs:
async with self.config.guild(guild).low_iq_msgs() as current_low_iq_msgs:
await ctx.send("Phrase '{}' added to the server's Low IQ list. Heh, nice one.".format(new_low_iq_msg))
await ctx.send("Phrase '{}' is already in the server's Low IQ list.".format(new_low_iq_msg))
async def _removehigh_iq(self, ctx, high_phrase: str = ""):
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
"""Removes phrases for high IQ's!"""
guild = ctx.guild
high_iq_msgs = await self.config.guild(guild).high_iq_msgs()
if high_phrase in high_iq_msgs:
async with self.config.guild(guild).high_iq_msgs() as current_phrases:
await ctx.send("Phrase '{}' deleted from the server's high IQ messages.".format(high_phrase))
elif high_phrase == "":
if self.default_guild["high_iq_msgs"] != high_iq_msgs:
await self.config.guild(guild).high_iq_msgs.set(self.default_guild["high_iq_msgs"])
await ctx.send("Reverted the server to the default high IQ messages.")
await ctx.send("Server is already using the default high IQ messages.")
await ctx.send("Phrase '{}' does not exist in the server's high IQ messages.".format(high_phrase))
async def _removelow_iq(self, ctx, low_phrase: str = ""):
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
"""Removes phrases for low IQ's!"""
guild = ctx.guild
low_iq_msgs = await self.config.guild(guild).low_iq_msgs()
if low_phrase in low_iq_msgs:
async with self.config.guild(guild).low_iq_msgs() as current_phrases:
await ctx.send("Phrase '{}' deleted from the server's low IQ messages.".format(low_phrase))
elif low_phrase == "":
if self.default_guild["low_iq_msgs"] != low_iq_msgs:
await self.config.guild(guild).low_iq_msgs.set(self.default_guild["low_iq_msgs"])
await ctx.send("Reverted the server to the default low IQ messages.")
await ctx.send("Server is already using the default low IQ messages.")
await ctx.send("Phrase '{}' does not exist in the server's low IQ messages.".format(low_phrase))
@commands.cooldown(1, 6, commands.BucketType.guild)
async def army(self, ctx, horses: int):
Summon an army of Aurelias. Max 20
army_emoji = "<a:trottingaurelia:568577886164877312>"
if horses > 20:
await ctx.send("Too many Aurelias!")
msg = ""
if horses == 1:
largest_factor = 1
largest_factor = [x for x in range(1, horses) if horses % x == 0][-1]
# largest_factor = [x for x in largest_factor if x <= 15][-1]
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
if largest_factor == 1:
largest_factor = horses
rows = 1
rows = horses // largest_factor
rows = rows if rows > 0 else 1
for _ in range(rows):
for _ in range(largest_factor):
msg += "{} ".format(army_emoji)
msg += "\n"
if len(msg) + len(army_emoji) + 20 > 2000:
await ctx.send(msg)
msg = ""
if msg != "":
await ctx.send(msg)
2020-02-10 12:28:06 +13:00
@commands.command(usage="<boop_target> <intensity>")
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
2020-02-10 12:28:06 +13:00
async def boop(self, ctx, *, boop_target: str):
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
Boops a user. 10 intensity levels.
2020-02-10 12:28:06 +13:00
user, intensity = self.get_user_and_intensity(ctx.guild, boop_target)
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
if user is not None:
name = italics(user.display_name)
if intensity <= 3:
msg = "/) {}".format(name)
elif intensity <= 6:
msg = "**/)** {}".format(name)
elif intensity <= 9:
msg = "**__/)__** {}".format(name)
elif intensity >= 10:
msg = "**__/)__** {} **__(\\\__**".format(name)
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
await ctx.send(msg)
await ctx.send("Can't boop what I can't see!")
async def bap(self, ctx, *, user: discord.Member):
Baps a user
if ==
await ctx.send(":newspaper2: :newspaper2: :newspaper2: " + italics(
await ctx.send(":newspaper2: " + italics(user.display_name))
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
async def flip(self, ctx, *, user: discord.Member = None):
"""Flip a coin... or a user.
Defaults to a coin.
if user is not None:
msg = ""
if ==
user =
2020-02-02 20:13:29 +13:00
msg = "Nice try. You think this is funny?\n How about *this* instead:\n\n"
2019-10-30 14:24:04 +13:00
char = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
tran = "ɐqɔpǝɟƃɥᴉɾʞlɯuodbɹsʇnʌʍxʎz"
table = str.maketrans(char, tran)
name = user.display_name.translate(table)
char = char.upper()
tran = "∀qƆpƎℲפHIſʞ˥WNOԀQᴚS┴∩ΛMX⅄Z"
table = str.maketrans(char, tran)
name = name.translate(table)
await ctx.send(msg + "(╯°□°)╯︵ " + name[::-1])
2020-02-02 20:13:29 +13:00
await ctx.send("*flips a coin and... " + choice(["HEADS!*", "TAILS!*"]))