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2019-05-30 09:04:01 +12:00
# Brandons209's Cogs
## Cogs for discord's [Red-Bot](
2020-01-28 22:30:49 +13:00
Thank you for taking a look at my cogs, most of these are rewrites of other cogs, with a few of my own.
##### Activitylog
Full V2 port with most of the cog rewritten from [calebj]( This is an all in one logger for all sorts of discord messages and events.
- Track messages, attachments, voice channel states, audit log entries, DMs, and also who deletes messages and performs other audit log actions.
- Customizable log file rotation.
- Global/per guild/per channel logging preferences
- Pull logs for a channel or audit logs, with customizable time ranges either in specifying exact dates or an interval from the current time.
- Track user statistics (how many messages sent, how many bot commands, how long in voice chats) per guild.
- Track username changes globally.
- Upgraded userinfo command that includes user stats and number of bans, mutes, and kicks.
#### AdminCustom
Will be changed to standalone admin-extension, currently outdated.
#### Events
Made for a friend, pretty messy. Send custom events and log time since that event.
#### Pony
Search derpibooru for pony images. Ported from [Alzarath](
- Filter by tags.
- Verbose mode.
- Get random and latest image results.
2020-01-28 22:30:49 +13:00
#### Punish
Port from [calebj]( punish cog. Functionality mostly retained. Allows adding a custom Punished role to a user to lock them out of all channels in your server except a designated one.
- Set roles to remove when punishing to bypass per channel overrides on some roles.
- Customize overrides for the punish role.
- Creates modlog cases for punishments.
- Log cases created/updated when manually adding or removing role without the command.
#### ReactPoll
Modifed from [flapjax]( Uses base of v2 version ported to v3, with the added functionality of watching reactions on polls to enforce one vote per user and no custom reactions adding. Also supports saving polls to disk incase bot shutdowns during poll.
#### Roleplay
Assorted roleplay commands. Uses ASCII art.
- Improved hug, don't need to @ a user nor use quotes if their name has spaces.
- Slap.
- IQ test.
- Army (for [Champions of Equestria use only](
- Boop.
- Bap.
- Improved Flip.
#### Welcome
Modified from [tmerc](, adding a nicely formatted role list as an option for messages. Feature submitted to tmerc.