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mirror of synced 2024-09-28 07:21:16 +12:00

190 lines
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import utils
from discord.ext import commands
import discord
from osuapi import OsuApi, AHConnector
# https://github.com/ppy/osu-api/wiki
BASE_URL = 'https://osu.ppy.sh/api/'
class Osu:
"""View OSU stats"""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.api = OsuApi(utils.osu_key, connector=AHConnector())
self.osu_users = {}
async def get_user(self, member, username):
"""A function used to get and save user data in cache"""
user = self.osu_users.get(member.id)
if user is None:
user = await self.get_user_from_api(username)
if user is not None:
self.osu_users[member.id] = user
return user
if user.username.lower() == username.lower():
return user
user = await self.get_user_from_api(username)
if user is not None:
self.osu_users[member.id] = user
return user
async def get_user_from_api(self, username):
"""A simple helper function to parse the list given and handle failures"""
user = await self.api.get_user(username)
return user[0]
except IndexError:
return None
async def get_users(self):
"""A task used to 'cache' all member's and their Osu profile's"""
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
query = "SELECT id, osu FROM users WHERE osu IS NOT NULL;"
rows = await self.bot.db.fetch(query)
for row in rows:
user = await self.get_user_from_api(row['osu'])
if user:
self.osu_users[row['id']] = user
async def osu(self, ctx, member: discord.Member = None):
"""Provides basic information about a specific user
EXAMPLE: !osu @Person
RESULT: Informationa bout that person's osu account"""
if member is None:
member = ctx.message.author
user = self.osu_users.get(member.id)
if user is None:
await ctx.send("I do not have {}'s Osu user saved!".format(member.display_name))
e = discord.Embed(title='Osu profile for {}'.format(user.username))
e.add_field(name='Rank', value="{:,}".format(user.pp_rank))
e.add_field(name='Level', value=user.level)
e.add_field(name='Performance Points', value="{:,}".format(user.pp_raw))
e.add_field(name='Accuracy', value="{:.2%}".format(user.accuracy / 100))
e.add_field(name='SS Ranks', value="{:,}".format(user.count_rank_ss))
e.add_field(name='S Ranks', value="{:,}".format(user.count_rank_s))
e.add_field(name='A Ranks', value="{:,}".format(user.count_rank_a))
e.add_field(name='Country', value=user.country)
e.add_field(name='Country Rank', value="{:,}".format(user.pp_country_rank))
e.add_field(name='Playcount', value="{:,}".format(user.playcount))
e.add_field(name='Ranked Score', value="{:,}".format(user.ranked_score))
e.add_field(name='Total Score', value="{:,}".format(user.total_score))
await ctx.send(embed=e)
@osu.command(name='add', aliases=['create', 'connect'])
async def osu_add(self, ctx, *, username):
"""Links an osu account to your discord account
EXAMPLE: !osu add username
RESULT: Links your username to your account, and allows stats to be pulled from it"""
author = ctx.message.author
user = await self.get_user(author, username)
if user is None:
await ctx.send("I couldn't find an osu user that matches {}".format(username))
await ctx.send("I have just saved your Osu user {}".format(author.display_name))
update = {
"id": author.id,
"osu": user.username
await self.bot.db.upsert("users", update)
@osu.command(name='score', aliases=['scores'])
async def osu_scores(self, ctx, *data):
"""Find the top x osu scores for a provided member
Note: You can only get the top 50 songs for a user
EXAMPLE: !osu scores @Person 5
RESULT: The top 5 maps for the user @Person"""
# Set the defaults before we go through our passed data to figure out what we want
limit = 5
member = ctx.message.author
# Only loop through the first 2....we care about nothing after that
for piece in data[:2]:
# First lets try to convert to an int, for limit
limit = int(piece)
# Since Osu's API returns no information about the beatmap on scores
# We also need to call it to get the beatmap...in order to not get rate limited
# Lets limit this to 50
if limit > 50:
limit = 50
elif limit < 1:
limit = 5
except Exception:
converter = commands.converter.MemberConverter()
member = await converter.convert(ctx, piece)
except commands.converter.BadArgument:
user = self.osu_users.get(member.id)
if user is None:
await ctx.send("I don't have that user's Osu account saved!")
scores = await self.api.get_user_best(user.username, limit=limit)
entries = []
if len(scores) == 0:
await ctx.send("Sorry, but I can't find any scores for you {}!".format(member.display_name))
for i in scores:
m = await self.api.get_beatmaps(beatmap_id=i.beatmap_id)
m = m[0]
entry = {
'title': 'Top {} Osu scores for {}'.format(limit, member.display_name),
'fields': [
{'name': 'Artist', 'value': m.artist},
{'name': 'Title', 'value': m.title},
{'name': 'Creator', 'value': m.creator},
{'name': 'CS (Circle Size)', 'value': m.diff_size},
{'name': 'AR (Approach Rate)', 'value': m.diff_approach},
{'name': 'HP (Health Drain)', 'value': m.diff_drain},
{'name': 'OD (Overall Difficulty)', 'value': m.diff_overall},
{'name': 'Length', 'value': m.total_length},
{'name': 'Score', 'value': i.score},
{'name': 'Max Combo', 'value': i.maxcombo},
{'name': 'Hits',
'value': "{}/{}/{}/{} (300/100/50/misses)".format(i.count300, i.count100, i.count50, i.countmiss),
"inline": False},
{'name': 'Perfect', 'value': "Yes" if i.perfect else "No"},
{'name': 'Rank', 'value': i.rank},
{'name': 'PP', 'value': i.pp},
{'name': 'Mods', 'value': str(i.enabled_mods)},
{'name': 'Date', 'value': str(i.date)}
pages = utils.DetailedPages(self.bot, message=ctx.message, entries=entries)
await pages.paginate()
except utils.CannotPaginate as e:
await ctx.send(str(e))
def setup(bot):