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import discord
import utils
from asyncpg import UniqueViolationError
from discord.ext import commands
valid_perms = [p for p in dir(discord.Permissions) if isinstance(getattr(discord.Permissions, p), property)]
class Admin:
"""These are commands that allow more intuitive configuration, that don't fit into the config command"""
async def disable(self, ctx, *, command):
"""Disables the use of a command on this server"""
if command == "disable" or command == "enable":
await ctx.send("You cannot disable `{}`".format(command))
cmd = ctx.bot.get_command(command)
if cmd is None:
await ctx.send("No command called `{}`".format(command))
await ctx.bot.db.execute(
"INSERT INTO restrictions (source, destination, from_to, guild) VALUES ($1, 'everyone', 'from', $2)",
except UniqueViolationError:
await ctx.send(f"{cmd.qualified_name} is already disabled")
await ctx.send(f"{cmd.qualified_name} is now disabled")
async def enable(self, ctx, *, command):
"""Enables the use of a command on this server"""
cmd = ctx.bot.get_command(command)
if cmd is None:
await ctx.send("No command called `{}`".format(command))
query = f"""
DELETE FROM restrictions WHERE
source=$1 AND
from_to='from' AND
destination='everyone' AND
await ctx.bot.db.execute(query, cmd.qualified_name, ctx.guild.id)
await ctx.send(f"{cmd.qualified_name} is no longer disabled")
async def notify(self, ctx, role: discord.Role, *, message):
Notify everyone in "role" with "message"
This sets the role to mentionable, mentions the role, then sets it back
if not ctx.me.guild_permissions.manage_roles:
await ctx.send("I do not have permissions to edit roles (this is required to complete this command)")
await role.edit(mentionable=True)
except discord.Forbidden:
await ctx.send("I do not have permissions to edit that role. "
"(I either don't have manage roles permissions, or it is higher on the hierarchy)")
fmt = f"{role.mention}\n{message}"
await ctx.send(fmt)
await role.edit(mentionable=False)
await ctx.message.delete()
async def restrictions(self, ctx):
"""Used to list all the current restrictions set
EXAMPLE: !restrictions
RESULT: All the current restrictions"""
restrictions = await ctx.bot.db.fetch(
"SELECT source, destination, from_to FROM restrictions WHERE guild=$1",
entries = []
for restriction in restrictions:
# Check whether it's from or to to change what the format looks like
dest = restriction["destination"]
if dest != "everyone":
dest = await utils.convert(ctx, restriction["destination"])
# If it doesn't exist, don't add it
if dest:
entries.append(f"{restriction['source']} {'from' if restriction['from_to'] == 'from' else 'to'} {dest}")
if entries:
# Then paginate
pages = utils.Pages(ctx, entries=entries)
await pages.paginate()
except utils.CannotPaginate as e:
await ctx.send(str(e))
await ctx.send("There are no restrictions!")
async def restrict(self, ctx, *options):
This is an intuitive command to restrict something to/from something
The format is `!restrict what from/to who/where`
For example, `!restrict command to role` will require a user to have `role`
to be able to run `command`
`!restrict command to channel` will only allow `command` to be ran in `channel`
EXAMPLE: !restrict boop from @user
RESULT: This user can no longer use the boop command
# First make sure we're given three options
if len(options) != 3:
await ctx.send("You need to provide 3 options! Such as `command from @User`")
elif ctx.message.mention_everyone:
await ctx.send("Please do not use this command to 'disable from everyone'. Use the `disable` command")
# Get the three arguments from this list, then make sure the 2nd is either from or to
arg1, arg2, arg3 = options
if arg2.lower() not in ['from', 'to']:
await ctx.send("The 2nd option needs to be either \"to\" or \"from\". Such as: `command from @user` "
"or `command to Role`")
# Try to convert the other arguments
arg2 = arg2.lower()
option1 = await utils.convert(ctx, arg1)
option2 = await utils.convert(ctx, arg3)
if option1 is None or option2 is None:
await ctx.send("Sorry, but I don't know how to restrict {} {} {}".format(arg1, arg2, arg3))
from_to = arg2
source = None
destination = None
overwrites = None
# The possible options:
# Member
# Role
# Command
# Text/Voice Channel
if isinstance(option1, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)):
# From:
# Users - Command can't be run by this person
# Channels - Command can't be ran in this channel
# Roles - Command can't be ran by anyone in this role (least likely, but still possible uses)
if arg2 == "from":
if isinstance(option2, (discord.Member, discord.Role, discord.TextChannel)):
source = option1.qualified_name
destination = str(option2.id)
# To:
# Channels - Command can only be run in this channel
# Roles - This role is required in order to run this command
if isinstance(option2, (discord.Role, discord.TextChannel)):
source = option1.qualified_name
destination = str(option2.id)
elif isinstance(option1, discord.Member):
# From:
# Channels - Setup an overwrite for this channel so that they cannot read it
# Command - Command cannot be used by this user
if arg2 == "from":
if isinstance(option2, (discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel)):
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == option1, option2.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
ov = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False)
overwrites = {
'channel': option2,
option1: ov
elif isinstance(option2, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)):
source = option2.qualified_name
destination = str(option1.id)
elif isinstance(option1, (discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel)):
# From:
# Command - Command cannot be used in this channel
# Member - Setup an overwrite for this channel so that they cannot read it
# Role - Setup an overwrite for this channel so that this Role cannot read it
if arg2 == "from":
if isinstance(option2, (discord.Member, discord.Role)):
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == option2, option1.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
ov = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False)
overwrites = {
'channel': option1,
option2: ov
elif isinstance(option2, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)) \
and isinstance(option1, discord.TextChannel):
source = option2.qualified_name
destination = str(option1.id)
# To:
# Command - Command can only be used in this channel
# Role - Setup an overwrite so only this role can read this channel
if isinstance(option2, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)) \
and isinstance(option1, discord.TextChannel):
source = option2.qualified_name
destination = str(option1.id)
elif isinstance(option2, (discord.Member, discord.Role)):
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == option2, option1.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
ov = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True)
ov2 = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == ctx.message.guild.default_role,
if ov2:
ov2 = ov2[1]
ov2 = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False)
overwrites = {
'channel': option1,
option2: ov,
ctx.message.guild.default_role: ov2
elif isinstance(option1, discord.Role):
# From:
# Command - No one with this role can run this command
# Channel - Setup an overwrite for this channel so that this Role cannot read it
if arg2 == "from":
if isinstance(option2, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)):
source = option2.qualified_name
destination = option1.id
elif isinstance(option2, (discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel)):
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == option1, option2.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
ov = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False)
overwrites = {
'channel': option2,
option1: ov
# To:
# Command - You have to have this role to run this command
# Channel - Setup an overwrite so you have to have this role to read this channel
if isinstance(option2, (discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel)):
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == option1, option2.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
ov = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True)
ov2 = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == ctx.message.guild.default_role,
if ov2:
ov2 = ov2[1]
ov2 = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False)
overwrites = {
'channel': option2,
option1: ov,
ctx.message.guild.default_role: ov2
elif isinstance(option2, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)):
source = option2.qualified_name
destination = str(option1.id)
if source is not None and destination is not None:
await ctx.bot.db.execute(
"INSERT INTO restrictions (guild, source, destination, from_to) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)",
except UniqueViolationError:
# If it's already inserted, then nothing needs to be updated
# It just meansthis particular restriction is already set
elif overwrites:
channel = overwrites.pop('channel')
for target, setting in overwrites.items():
await channel.set_permissions(target, overwrite=setting)
await ctx.send("Sorry but I don't know how to restrict {} {} {}".format(arg1, arg2, arg3))
await ctx.send("I have just restricted {} {} {}".format(arg1, arg2, arg3))
async def unrestrict(self, ctx, *options):
This is an intuitive command to unrestrict something to/from something
The format is `!restrict what from/to who/where`
For example, `!unrestrict command to role` will remove the restriction on this command, requiring role
EXAMPLE: !unrestrict boop from @user
RESULT: The restriction on this user to use boop has been lifted
# First make sure we're given three options
if len(options) != 3:
await ctx.send("You need to provide 3 options! Such as `command from @User`")
# Get the three arguments from this list, then make sure the 2nd is either from or to
arg1, arg2, arg3 = options
if arg2.lower() not in ['from', 'to']:
await ctx.send("The 2nd option needs to be either \"to\" or \"from\". Such as: `command from @user` "
"or `command to Role`")
# Try to convert the other arguments
arg2 = arg2.lower()
option1 = await utils.convert(ctx, arg1)
option2 = await utils.convert(ctx, arg3)
if option1 is None or option2 is None:
await ctx.send("Sorry, but I don't know how to unrestrict {} {} {}".format(arg1, arg2, arg3))
# First check if this is a blacklist/whitelist (by checking if we are unrestricting commands)
if any(isinstance(x, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)) for x in [option1, option2]):
# The source should always be the command, so just set this based on which order is given (either is
# allowed)
if isinstance(option1, (commands.core.Command, commands.core.Group)):
source = option1.qualified_name
destination = str(option2.id)
source = option2.qualified_name
destination = str(option1.id)
# Now just try to remove it
await ctx.bot.db.execute("""
source=$1 AND
destination=$2 AND
from_to=$3 AND
guild=$4""", source, destination, arg2, ctx.guild.id)
# If this isn't a blacklist/whitelist, then we are attempting to remove an overwrite
# Get the source and destination based on whatever order is provided
if isinstance(option1, (discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel)):
source = option2
destination = option1
source = option1
destination = option2
# See if it's the blacklist that we're removing from
if arg2 == "from":
# Get overwrites if they exist
# If it doesn't, there's nothing to do here
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == source, destination.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
await destination.set_permissions(source, overwrite=ov)
ov = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == source, destination.overwrites)
ov2 = discord.utils.find(lambda t: t[0] == ctx.message.guild.default_role, destination.overwrites)
if ov:
ov = ov[1]
await destination.set_permissions(source, overwrite=ov)
if ov2:
ov2 = ov2[1]
await destination.set_permissions(source, overwrite=ov2)
await ctx.send("I have just unrestricted {} {} {}".format(arg1, arg2, arg3))
async def perms(self, ctx, *, command: str):
"""This command can be used to print the current allowed permissions on a specific command
This supports groups as well as subcommands; pass no argument to print a list of available permissions
EXAMPLE: !perms help
RESULT: Hopefully a result saying you just need send_messages permissions; otherwise lol
this server's admin doesn't like me """
cmd = ctx.bot.get_command(command)
if cmd is None:
# If a command wasn't provided, see if a user was
converter = commands.converter.MemberConverter()
member = await converter.convert(ctx, command)
# If we failed to convert, just mention that an invalid command was provided
except commands.converter.BadArgument:
await ctx.send("That is not a valid command!")
# Otherwise iterate through the permissions and their values, only including ones that are on
perms = [p for p, value in member.guild_permissions if value]
# Create an embed with their colour
embed = discord.Embed(colour=member.colour)
# Set the author to this user
embed.set_author(name=str(member), icon_url=member.avatar_url)
# Then add their permissions in one field
embed.add_field(name="Allowed permissions", value="\n".join(perms))
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
result = await ctx.bot.db.fetchrow(
"SELECT permission FROM custom_permissions WHERE guild = $1 AND command = $2",
perms_value = result["permission"] if result else None
if perms_value is None:
# If we don't find custom permissions, get the required permission for a command
# based on what we set in utils.can_run, if can_run isn't found, we'll get an IndexError
can_run = [func for func in cmd.checks if "can_run" in func.__qualname__][0]
except IndexError:
# Loop through and check if there is a check called is_owner
# If we loop through and don't find one, this means that the only other choice is to be
# Able to manage the server (for the utils on perm commands)
for func in cmd.checks:
if "is_owner" in func.__qualname__:
await ctx.send("You need to own the bot to run this command")
await ctx.send("You are required to have `manage_guild` permissions to run `{}`".format(
# Perms will be an attribute if can_run is found no matter what, so no need to check this
perms = "\n".join(attribute for attribute, setting in can_run.perms.items() if setting)
await ctx.send(
"You are required to have `{}` permissions to run `{}`".format(perms, cmd.qualified_name))
# Permissions are saved as bit values, so create an object based on that value
# Then check which permission is true, that is our required permission
# There's no need to check for errors here, as we ensure a permission is valid when adding it
permissions = discord.Permissions(perms_value)
needed_perm = [perm[0] for perm in permissions if perm[1]][0]
await ctx.send("You need to have the permission `{}` "
"to use the command `{}` in this server".format(needed_perm, command))
@perms.command(name="add", aliases=["setup,create"])
async def add_perms(self, ctx, *, msg: str):
"""Sets up custom permissions on the provided command
Format must be 'perms add <command> <permission>'
If you want to open the command to everyone, provide 'none' as the permission
EXAMPLE: !perms add skip ban_members
RESULT: No more random people voting to skip a song"""
# Since subcommands exist, base the last word in the list as the permission, and the rest of it as the command
command, _, permission = msg.rpartition(" ")
if command == "":
await ctx.send("Please provide the permissions you want to setup, the format for this must be in:\n"
"`perms add <command> <permission>`")
cmd = ctx.bot.get_command(command)
if cmd is None:
await ctx.send(
"That command does not exist! You can't have custom permissions on a non-existant command....")
# If a user can run a command, they have to have send_messages permissions; so use this as the base
if permission.lower() == "none":
permission = "send_messages"
# Convert the string to an int value of the permissions object, based on the required permission
# If we hit an attribute error, that means the permission given was not correct
perm_obj = discord.Permissions.none()
setattr(perm_obj, permission, True)
except AttributeError:
await ctx.send("{} does not appear to be a valid permission! Valid permissions are: ```\n{}```"
.format(permission, "\n".join(valid_perms)))
perm_value = perm_obj.value
# Two cases I use should never have custom permissions setup on them, is_owner for obvious reasons
# The other case is if I'm using the default has_permissions case
# Which means I do not want to check custom permissions at all
# Currently the second case is only on adding and removing permissions, to avoid abuse on these
for check in cmd.checks:
if "is_owner" == check.__name__ or "has_permissions" in str(check):
await ctx.send("This command cannot have custom permissions setup!")
await ctx.bot.db.execute(
"INSERT INTO custom_permissions (guild, command, permission) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)",
await ctx.send("I have just added your custom permissions; "
"you now need to have `{}` permissions to use the command `{}`".format(permission, command))
@perms.command(name="remove", aliases=["delete"])
async def remove_perms(self, ctx, *, command: str):
"""Removes the custom permissions setup on the command specified
EXAMPLE: !perms remove play
RESULT: Freedom!"""
cmd = ctx.bot.get_command(command)
if cmd is None:
await ctx.send(
"That command does not exist! You can't have custom permissions on a non-existant command....")
await ctx.bot.db.execute(
"DELETE FROM custom_permissions WHERE guild=$1 AND command=$2", ctx.guild.id, cmd.qualified_name
await ctx.send("I have just removed the custom permissions for {}!".format(cmd))
async def nickname(self, ctx, *, name=None):
"""Used to set the nickname for Bonfire (provide no nickname and it will reset)
EXAMPLE: !nick Music Bot
RESULT: My nickname is now Music Bot"""
await ctx.message.guild.me.edit(nick=name)
except discord.HTTPException:
await ctx.send("Sorry but I can't change my nickname to {}".format(name))
await ctx.send("\N{OK HAND SIGN}")
def setup(bot):