Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-09-28 07:21:16 +12:00

117 lines
4.6 KiB

import asyncio
import discord
import traceback
import utils
BASE_URL = 'https://api.picarto.tv/v1'
def produce_embed(*channels):
description = ""
# Loop through each channel and produce the information that will go in the description
for channel in channels:
url = f"https://picarto.tv/{channel.get('name')}"
description = f"""{description}\n\n**Title:** [{channel.get("title")}]({url})
**Channel:** [{channel.get("name")}]({url})
**Adult:** {"Yes" if channel.get("adult") else "No"}
**Gaming:** {"Yes" if channel.get("gaming") else "No"}
**Commissions:** {"Yes" if channel.get("commissions") else "No"}"""
return discord.Embed(title="Channels that have gone online!", description=description.strip())
class Picarto:
"""Pretty self-explanatory"""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.task = self.bot.loop.create_task(self.picarto_task())
self.channel_info = {}
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
async def get_online_users(self):
# This method is in place to just return all online users so we can compare against it
url = BASE_URL + '/online'
payload = {
'adult': 'true',
'gaming': 'true'
channel_info = {}
channels = await utils.request(url, payload=payload)
if channels:
for channel in channels:
name = channel["name"]
previous = self.channel_info.get(name)
# There are three statuses, on, remained, and off
# On means they were off previously, but are now online
# Remained means they were on previous, and are still on
# Off means they were on preivous, but are now offline
# If they weren't included in the online channels...well they're off
if previous is None:
channel_info[name] = channel
channel_info[name]["status"] = "on"
elif previous["status"] in ["on", "remaining"]:
channel_info[name] = channel
channel_info[name]["status"] = "remaining"
# After loop has finished successfully, we want to override the statuses of the channels
self.channel_info = channel_info
def produce_embed(self, *channels):
description = ""
# Loop through each channel and produce the information that will go in the description
for channel in channels:
url = f"https://picarto.tv/{channel.get('name')}"
description = f"""{description}\n\n**Title:** [{channel.get("title")}]({url})
**Channel:** [{channel.get("name")}]({url})
**Adult:** {"Yes" if channel.get("adult") else "No"}
**Gaming:** {"Yes" if channel.get("gaming") else "No"}
**Commissions:** {"Yes" if channel.get("commissions") else "No"}"""
return discord.Embed(title="Channels that have gone online!", description=description.strip())
async def picarto_task(self):
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
while not self.bot.is_closed():
await self.check_channels()
await asyncio.sleep(30)
except Exception as error:
with open("error_log", 'a') as f:
traceback.print_tb(error.__traceback__, file=f)
print('{0.__class__.__name__}: {0}'.format(error), file=f)
await asyncio.sleep(30)
async def check_channels(self):
query = """
id, followed_picarto_channels, COALESCE(picarto_alerts, default_alerts) AS channel
COALESCE(picarto_alerts, default_alerts) IS NOT NULL
# Recheck who is currently online
await self.get_online_users()
# Now get all guilds and their picarto channels they follow and loop through them
results = await self.bot.db.fetch(query) or []
for result in results:
# Get all the channels that have gone online
gone_online = [
for name in result["followed_picarto_channels"]
if self.channel_info.get(name, {}).get("status", "off") == "on"
# If they've gone online, produce the embed for them and send it
if gone_online:
embed = produce_embed(*gone_online)
channel = self.bot.get_channel(result["channel"])
if channel is not None:
await channel.send(embed=embed)
except (discord.Forbidden, discord.HTTPException, AttributeError):
def setup(bot):