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mirror of synced 2024-09-28 07:21:16 +12:00
2019-01-28 23:45:15 -06:00

440 lines
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from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands.cooldowns import BucketType
from collections import defaultdict
import utils
import discord
import random
import functools
battle_outcomes = \
["A meteor fell on {loser}, {winner} is left standing and has been declared the victor!",
"{loser} was shot through the heart, and {winner} is to blame",
"{winner} has bucked {loser} into a tree, even Big Mac would be impressed at that kick!",
"As they were battling, {loser} was struck by lightning! {winner} you lucked out this time!",
"{loser} tried to dive at {winner} while fighting, somehow they missed and landed in quicksand."
"Try paying more attention next time {loser}",
"{loser} got a little...heated during the battle and ended up getting set on fire. "
"{winner} wins by remaining cool",
"Princess Celestia came in and banished {loser} to the moon. Good luck getting into any battles up there",
"{loser} took an arrow to the knee, they are no longer an adventurer. Keep on adventuring {winner}",
"Common sense should make it obvious not to get into battle with {winner}. Apparently {loser} didn't get the memo",
"{winner} had a nice cup of tea with {loser} over their conflict, and mutually agreed that {winner} was Best Pony",
"{winner} and {loser} had an intense staring contest. "
"Sadly, {loser} forgot to breathe and lost much morethan the staring contest",
"It appears {loser} is actually a pacifist, they ran away screaming and crying. "
"Maybe you should have thought of that before getting in a fight?",
"A bunch of parasprites came in and ate up the jetpack while {loser} was flying with it. Those pesky critters...",
"{winner} used their charm to seduce {loser} to surrender.",
"{loser} slipped on a banana peel and fell into a pit of spikes. That's actually impressive.",
"{winner} realized it was high noon, {loser} never even saw it coming.",
"{loser} spontaneously combusted...lol rip",
"after many turns {winner} summons exodia and {loser} is sent to the shadow realm",
"{winner} and {loser} sit down for an intense game of chess, "
"in the heat of the moment {winner} forgot they were playing a "
"game and summoned a real knight",
"{winner} challenges {loser} to rock paper scissors, "
"unfortunately for {loser}, {winner} chose scissors and stabbed them",
"{winner} goes back in time and becomes {loser}'s best friend, winning without ever throwing a punch",
"{loser} trips down some stairs on their way to the battle with {winner}",
"{winner} books {loser} a one way ticket to Flugendorf prison",
"{loser} was already dead",
"{loser} was crushed under the weight of expectations",
"{loser} was wearing a redshirt and it was their first day",
"{winner} and {loser} were walking along when suddenly {loser} "
"got kidnapped by a flying monkey; hope they had water with them",
"{winner} brought an army to a fist fight, {loser} never saw their opponent once",
"{winner} used multiple simultaneous devestating defensive deep strikes to overwhelm {loser}",
"{winner} and {loser} engage in a dance off; {winner} wiped the floor with {loser}",
"{loser} tried to hide in the sand to catch {winner} off guard, "
"unfortunately looks like a Giant Antlion had the same "
"idea for him",
"{loser} was busy playing trash videogames the night before the fight and collapsed before {winner}",
"{winner} threw a sick meme and {loser} totally got PRANK'D",
"{winner} and {loser} go on a skiing trip together, turns out {loser} forgot how to pizza french-fry",
"{winner} is the cure and {loser} is the disease....well {loser} was the disease",
"{loser} talked their mouth off at {winner}...literally...",
"Looks like {loser} didn't put enough points into kazoo playing, who knew they would have needed it",
"{loser} was too scared by the illuminati and extra-dimensional talking horses to show up",
"{loser} didn't press x enough to not die",
"{winner} and {loser} go fishing to settle their debate, "
"{winner} caught a sizeable fish and {loser} caught a boot older than time",
"{winner} did a hero landing and {loser} was so surprised they gave up immediately"]
hugs = \
["*hugs {user}.*",
"*tackles {user} for a hug.*",
"*drags {user} into her dungeon where hugs ensue*",
"*pulls {user} to the side for a warm hug*",
"*goes out to buy a big enough blanket to embrace {user}*",
"*hard codes an electric hug to {user}*",
"*hires mercenaries to take {user} out....to a nice dinner*",
"*pays $10 to not touch {user}*",
"*clones herself to create a hug pile with {user}*",
"*orders an airstrike of hugs {user}*",
"*glomps {user}*",
"*hears a knock at her door, opens it, finds {user} and hugs them excitedly*",
"*goes in for a punch but misses and ends up hugging {user}*",
"*hugs {user} from behind*",
"*denies a hug from {user}*",
"*does a hug to {user}*",
"*lets {user} cuddle nonchalantly*",
"*cuddles {user}*",
"*burrows underground and pops up underneath {user} she hugs their legs.*",
"*approaches {user} after having gone to the gym for several months and almost crushes them.*"]
class Interaction:
"""Commands that interact with another user"""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.battles = defaultdict(list)
def get_receivers_battle(self, receiver):
for battle in self.battles.get(receiver.guild.id, []):
if battle.is_receiver(receiver):
return battle
def can_initiate_battle(self, player):
for battle in self.battles.get(player.guild.id, []):
if battle.is_initiator(player):
return False
return True
def can_receive_battle(self, player):
for battle in self.battles.get(player.guild.id, []):
if battle.is_receiver(player):
return False
return True
def start_battle(self, initiator, receiver):
battle = Battle(initiator, receiver)
return battle
# Handles removing the author from the dictionary of battles
def battling_off(self, battle):
for guild, battles in self.battles.items():
if battle in battles:
async def hug(self, ctx, user=None):
"""Makes me hug a person!
EXAMPLE: !hug @Someone
RESULT: I hug the shit out of that person"""
if ctx.message.mention_everyone:
await ctx.send("Your arms aren't big enough")
if user is None:
user = ctx.author
converter = commands.converter.MemberConverter()
user = await converter.convert(ctx, user)
except commands.converter.BadArgument:
await ctx.send("Error: Could not find user: {}".format(user))
settings = await self.bot.db.fetchrow(
"SELECT custom_hugs, include_default_hugs FROM guilds WHERE id = $1",
msgs = hugs
if settings:
custom_msgs = settings["custom_hugs"]
default_on = settings["include_default_hugs"]
if custom_msgs:
if default_on or default_on is None:
msgs += custom_msgs
msgs = custom_msgs
# Otherwise we simply just want to use the default, no matter what the default setting is
fmt = random.SystemRandom().choice(msgs)
await ctx.send(fmt.format(user=user.display_name))
@commands.cooldown(1, 20, BucketType.user)
async def battle(self, ctx, player2=None):
"""Challenges the mentioned user to a battle
EXAMPLE: !battle @player2
RESULT: A battle to the death"""
# First check if everyone was mentioned
if ctx.message.mention_everyone:
await ctx.send("You want to battle {} people? Good luck with that...".format(
len(ctx.channel.members) - 1)
# Then check if nothing was provided
if player2 is None:
await ctx.send("Who are you trying to battle...?")
# Otherwise, try to convert to an actual member
converter = commands.converter.MemberConverter()
player2 = await converter.convert(ctx, player2)
except commands.converter.BadArgument:
await ctx.send("Error: Could not find user: {}".format(player2))
# Then check if the person used is the author
if ctx.author.id == player2.id:
await ctx.send("Why would you want to battle yourself? Suicide is not the answer")
# Check if the person battled is me
if self.bot.user.id == player2.id:
await ctx.send("I always win, don't even try it.")
# Next two checks are to see if the author or person battled can be battled
if not self.can_initiate_battle(ctx.author):
await ctx.send("You are already battling someone!")
if not self.can_receive_battle(player2):
await ctx.send("{} is already being challenged to a battle!".format(player2))
# Add the author and player provided in a new battle
battle = self.start_battle(ctx.author, player2)
fmt = f"{ctx.author.mention} has challenged you to a battle {player2.mention}\n" \
f"{ctx.prefix}accept or {ctx.prefix}decline"
# Add a call to turn off battling, if the battle is not accepted/declined in 3 minutes
part = functools.partial(self.battling_off, battle)
self.bot.loop.call_later(180, part)
await ctx.send(fmt)
async def accept(self, ctx):
"""Accepts the battle challenge
EXAMPLE: !accept
RESULT: Hopefully the other person's death"""
# This is a check to make sure that the author is the one being BATTLED
# And not the one that started the battle
battle = self.get_receivers_battle(ctx.author)
if battle is None:
await ctx.send("You are not currently being challenged to a battle!")
if ctx.guild.get_member(battle.initiator.id) is None:
await ctx.send("The person who challenged you to a battle has apparently left the server....why?")
# Lets get the settings
settings = await self.bot.db.fetchrow(
"SELECT custom_battles, include_default_battles FROM guilds WHERE id = $1",
msgs = battle_outcomes
if settings:
custom_msgs = settings["custom_battles"]
default_on = settings["include_default_battles"]
# if they exist, then we want to see if we want to use default as well
if custom_msgs:
if default_on or default_on is None:
msgs += custom_msgs
msgs = custom_msgs
fmt = random.SystemRandom().choice(msgs)
# Due to our previous checks, the ID should only be in the dictionary once, in the current battle we're checking
# Randomize the order of who is printed/sent to the update system
winner, loser = battle.choose()
member_list = [m.id for m in ctx.guild.members]
query = """
SELECT id, rank, battle_rating, battle_wins, battle_losses
ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY battle_rating DESC) as "rank",
id = any($1::bigint[]) AND
battle_rating IS NOT NULL
) AS sub
WHERE id = any($2)
results = await self.bot.db.fetch(query, member_list, [winner.id, loser.id])
old_winner = old_loser = None
for result in results:
if result['id'] == loser.id:
old_loser = result
old_winner = result
winner_rating, loser_rating, = utils.update_rating(
old_winner["battle_rating"] if old_winner else 1000,
old_loser["battle_rating"] if old_loser else 1000,
print(old_winner, old_loser)
update_query = """
battle_rating = $1,
battle_wins = $2,
battle_losses = $3
insert_query = """
users (id, battle_rating, battle_wins, battle_losses)
($1, $2, $3, $4)
if old_loser:
await self.bot.db.execute(
old_loser['battle_losses'] + 1,
await self.bot.db.execute(insert_query, loser.id, loser_rating, 0, 1)
if old_winner:
await self.bot.db.execute(
old_winner['battle_wins'] + 1,
old_winner['battle_losses'] ,
await self.bot.db.execute(insert_query, winner.id, winner_rating, 1, 0)
results = await self.bot.db.fetch(query, member_list, [winner.id, loser.id])
new_winner_rank = new_loser_rank = None
for result in results:
if result['id'] == loser.id:
new_loser_rank = result['rank']
new_winner_rank = result['rank']
fmt = fmt.format(winner=winner.display_name, loser=loser.display_name)
if old_winner:
fmt += "\n{} - Rank: {} ( +{} )".format(
winner.display_name, new_winner_rank, old_winner["rank"] - new_winner_rank
fmt += "\n{} - Rank: {}".format(winner.display_name, new_winner_rank)
if old_winner:
fmt += "\n{} - Rank: {} ( -{} )".format(
loser.display_name, new_loser_rank, new_loser_rank - old_winner["rank"]
fmt += "\n{} - Rank: {}".format(loser.display_name, new_loser_rank)
await ctx.send(fmt)
async def decline(self, ctx):
"""Declines the battle challenge
EXAMPLE: !decline
RESULT: You chicken out"""
# This is a check to make sure that the author is the one being BATTLED
# And not the one that started the battle
battle = self.get_receivers_battle(ctx.author)
if battle is None:
await ctx.send("You are not currently being challenged to a battle!")
await ctx.send("{} has chickened out! What a loser~".format(ctx.author.mention))
@commands.cooldown(1, 10, BucketType.user)
async def boop(self, ctx, boopee: discord.Member = None, *, message=""):
"""Boops the mentioned person
EXAMPLE: !boop @OtherPerson
RESULT: You do a boop o3o"""
booper = ctx.author
if boopee is None:
await ctx.send("You try to boop the air, the air boops back. Be afraid....")
# To keep formatting easier, keep it either "" or the message with a space in front
if message is not None:
message = " " + message
if boopee.id == booper.id:
await ctx.send("You can't boop yourself! Silly...")
if boopee.id == self.bot.user.id:
await ctx.send("Why the heck are you booping me? Get away from me >:c")
query = "SELECT amount FROM boops WHERE booper = $1 AND boopee = $2"
amount = await self.bot.db.fetchrow(query, booper.id, boopee.id)
if amount is None:
amount = 1
replacement_query = "INSERT INTO boops (booper, boopee, amount) VALUES($1, $2, $3)"
replacement_query = "UPDATE boops SET amount=$3 WHERE booper=$1 AND boopee=$2"
amount = amount['amount'] + 1
await ctx.send(f"{booper.mention} has just booped {boopee.mention}{message}! That's {amount} times now!")
await self.bot.db.execute(replacement_query, booper.id, boopee.id, amount)
class Battle:
def __init__(self, initiator, receiver):
self.initiator = initiator
self.receiver = receiver
self.rand = random.SystemRandom()
def is_initiator(self, player):
return player.id == self.initiator.id and player.guild.id == self.initiator.guild.id
def is_receiver(self, player):
return player.id == self.receiver.id and player.guild.id == self.receiver.guild.id
def is_battling(self, player):
return self.is_initiator(player) or self.is_receiver(player)
def choose(self):
"""Returns the two users in the order winner, loser"""
choices = [self.initiator, self.receiver]
return choices
def setup(bot):