from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands.cooldowns import BucketType from .utils import config from .utils import checks import discord import random def battling_off(player_id): battling = config.get_content('battling') or {} # Create a new dictionary, exactly the way the last one was setup, but don't include any that have the player's ID provided battling = {p1: p2 for p1, p2 in battling.items() if not p2 == player_id and not p1 == player_id} config.save_content('battling', battling) def user_battling(ctx, player2=None): battling = config.get_content('battling') # If no one is battling, obviously the user is not battling if battling is None: return False # Check if the author is battling if in battling.values() or in battling.keys(): return True # Check if the player2 was provided, if they are check if they're in the list if player2 and ( in battling.values() or in battling.keys()): return True # If neither are found, no one is battling return False def update_battle_records(winner, loser): # We're using the Harkness scale to rate # battles = config.get_content('battle_records') if battles is None: battles = { "1-0", "0-1"} # Start ratings at 1000 if they have no rating winner_stats = battles.get( or {} winner_rating = winner_stats.get('rating') or 1000 loser_stats = battles.get( or {} loser_rating = loser_stats.get('rating') or 1000 # The scale is based off of increments of 25, increasing the change by 1 for each increment # That is all this loop does, increment the "change" for every increment of 25 # The change caps off at 300 however, so break once we are over that limit difference = abs(winner_rating - loser_rating) rating_change = 0 count = 25 while count <= difference: if count > 300: break rating_change += 1 count += 25 # 16 is the base change, increased or decreased based on whoever has the higher current rating if winner_rating > loser_rating: winner_rating += 16 - rating_change loser_rating -= 16 - rating_change else: winner_rating += 16 + rating_change loser_rating -= 16 + rating_change # Just increase wins/losses for each person, making sure it's at least 0 winner_wins = winner_stats.get('wins') or 0 winner_losses = winner_stats.get('losses') or 0 loser_wins = loser_stats.get('wins') or 0 loser_losses = loser_stats.get('losses') or 0 winner_wins += 1 loser_losses += 1 # Now save the new wins, losses, and ratings winner_stats = {'wins': winner_wins, 'losses': winner_losses, 'rating': winner_rating} loser_stats = {'wins': loser_wins, 'losses': loser_losses, 'rating': loser_rating} battles[] = winner_stats battles[] = loser_stats return config.save_content('battle_records', battles) class Interaction: """Commands that interact with another user""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot, no_pm=True, invoke_without_command=True) @commands.cooldown(1, 180, BucketType.user) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def battle(self, ctx, player2: discord.Member): """Challenges the mentioned user to a battle""" if == await"Why would you want to battle yourself? Suicide is not the answer") return if == await"I always win, don't even try it.") return if user_battling(ctx, player2): await"You or the person you are trying to battle is already in a battle!") return # Add the author and player provided in a new battle battling = config.get_content('battling') or {} battling[] = ctx.message.mentions[0].id config.save_content('battling', battling) fmt = "{0.mention} has challenged you to a battle {1.mention}\n!accept or !decline" # Add a call to turn off battling, if the battle is not accepted/declined in 3 minutes config.loop.call_later(180, battling_off, await, player2)) await @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def accept(self, ctx): """Accepts the battle challenge""" # Ensure that the author is actually in a battle, otherwise they can't accept one if not user_battling(ctx): await"You are not currently in a battle!") return # This is an extra check to make sure that the author is the one being BATTLED # And not the one that started the battle battling = config.get_content('battling') or {} p1 = [p1_id for p1_id, p2_id in battling.items() if p2_id ==] if len(p1) == 0: await"You are not currently being challenged to a battle!") return battleP1 = discord.utils.find(lambda m: == p1[0], ctx.message.server.members) battleP2 = # Get a random win message from our list fmt = config.battleWins[random.SystemRandom().randint(0, len(config.battleWins) - 1)] # Due to our previous check, the ID should only be in the dictionary once, in the current battle we're checking battling_off( # Randomize the order of who is printed/sent to the update system # All we need to do is change what order the challengers are printed/added as a paramater if random.SystemRandom().randint(0, 1): await, battleP2.mention)) update_battle_records(battleP1, battleP2) else: await, battleP1.mention)) update_battle_records(battleP2, battleP1) await @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def decline(self, ctx): """Declines the battle challenge""" if not user_battling(ctx): await"You are not currently in a battle!") return # This is an extra check to make sure that the author is the one being BATTLED # And not the one that started the battle battling = config.get_content('battling') or {} p1 = [p1_id for p1_id, p2_id in battling.items() if p2_id ==] if len(p1) == 0: await"You are not currently being challenged to a battle!") return battleP1 = discord.utils.find(lambda m: == p1[0], ctx.message.server.members) battleP2 = # There's no need to update the stats for the members if they declined the battle battling_off( await"{0} has chickened out! What a loser~".format(battleP2.mention, battleP1.mention)) await @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @commands.cooldown(1, 180, BucketType.user) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def boop(self, ctx, boopee: discord.Member): """Boops the mentioned person""" if == await"You can't boop yourself! Silly...") return if == await"Why the heck are you booping me? Get away from me >:c") return boops = config.get_content('boops') or {} # This is only used to print the amount of times they've booped someone, set to 1 for the first time someone was booped amount = 1 # Get all the booped stats for the author booper_boops = boops.get( # If the author does not exist in the dictionary, then he has never booped someone # Create a new dictionary with the amount if booper_boops is None: boops[] = { 1} # If the booper has never booped the member provided, still add that user to the dictionary with the amount of 1 to start it off elif booper_boops.get( is None: booper_boops[] = 1 boops[] = booper_boops # Otherwise increment how many times they've booped that user else: amount = booper_boops.get( + 1 booper_boops[] = amount boops[] = booper_boops config.save_content('boops', boops) fmt = "{0.mention} has just booped you {1.mention}! That's {2} times now!" await, boopee, amount)) await def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Interaction(bot))