[ { "vocabulary": "明かり", "reading": "あかり", "meaning": "light; illumination; glow; gleam" }, { "vocabulary": "明ける", "reading": "あける", "meaning": "to dawn,to become daylight" }, { "vocabulary": "明らか", "reading": "あきらか", "meaning": "clear; obvious" }, { "vocabulary": "悪魔", "reading": "あくま", "meaning": "devil; demon; fiend; Satan" }, { "vocabulary": "暗記", "reading": "あんき", "meaning": "memorization; learning by heart" }, { "vocabulary": "新た", "reading": "あらた", "meaning": "new; fresh; novel" }, { "vocabulary": "有らゆる", "reading": "あらゆる", "meaning": "all; every​" }, { "vocabulary": "集まり", "reading": "あつまり", "meaning": "gathering; meeting; assembly; collection; attendance" }, { "vocabulary": "部分", "reading": "ぶぶん", "meaning": "portion; section; part" }, { "vocabulary": "分", "reading": "ぶん", "meaning": "part; segment; share; ration" }, { "vocabulary": "文明", "reading": "ぶんめい", "meaning": "civilization; culture" }, { "vocabulary": "分析", "reading": "ぶんせき", "meaning": "analysis" }, { "vocabulary": "分野", "reading": "ぶんや", "meaning": "field; sphere; realm; division; branch" }, { "vocabulary": "父親", "reading": "ちちおや", "meaning": "father" }, { "vocabulary": "地平線", "reading": "ちへいせん", "meaning": "horizon (related to land)​" }, { "vocabulary": "地位", "reading": "ちい", "meaning": "(social) position; status" }, { "vocabulary": "長期", "reading": "ちょうき", "meaning": "long-term" }, { "vocabulary": "中", "reading": "ちゅう", "meaning": "during; while; medium; middle" }, { "vocabulary": "中学", "reading": "ちゅうがく", "meaning": "junior high school; middle school" }, { "vocabulary": "昼食", "reading": "ちゅうしょく", "meaning": "lunch; midday meal" }, { "vocabulary": "大部分", "reading": "だいぶぶん", "meaning": "most part; greater part; majority" }, { "vocabulary": "駄目", "reading": "だめ", "meaning": "no good; cannot" }, { "vocabulary": "男子", "reading": "だんし", "meaning": "youth; young man" }, { "vocabulary": "出会い", "reading": "であい", "meaning": "meeting; rendezvous; encounter" }, { "vocabulary": "出会う", "reading": "であう", "meaning": "to meet (by chance); to come across; to run across; to encounter" }, { "vocabulary": "読書", "reading": "どくしょ", "meaning": "reading" }, { "vocabulary": "努力", "reading": "どりょく", "meaning": "effort; exertion; endeavor; hard work; striving" }, { "vocabulary": "同一", "reading": "どういつ", "meaning": "identical; same; one and the same; equal" }, { "vocabulary": "円", "reading": "えん", "meaning": "yen; Japanese monetary unit; circle" }, { "vocabulary": "不利", "reading": "ふり", "meaning": "disadvantage; handicap; unfavorable position" }, { "vocabulary": "不足", "reading": "ふそく", "meaning": "insufficiency; shortage; deficiency; lack; dearth" }, { "vocabulary": "再び", "reading": "ふたたび", "meaning": "again; once more; a second time" }, { "vocabulary": "外交", "reading": "がいこう", "meaning": "diplomacy" }, { "vocabulary": "外出", "reading": "がいしゅつ", "meaning": "going out; outing; leaving (one's home, office, etc.)" }, { "vocabulary": "学期", "reading": "がっき", "meaning": "school term; semester" }, { "vocabulary": "学", "reading": "がく", "meaning": "learning; education; study of" }, { "vocabulary": "学問", "reading": "がくもん", "meaning": "scholarship; study; learning" }, { "vocabulary": "学者", "reading": "がくしゃ", "meaning": "scholar" }, { "vocabulary": "学習", "reading": "がくしゅう", "meaning": "study; learning; tutorial" }, { "vocabulary": "議長", "reading": "ぎちょう", "meaning": "chairman; president; moderator" }, { "vocabulary": "議会", "reading": "ぎかい", "meaning": "congress; parliament; diet; legislative assembly" }, { "vocabulary": "語学", "reading": "ごがく", "meaning": "study of foreign languages; linguistics" }, { "vocabulary": "激しい", "reading": "はげしい", "meaning": "violent; extreme; intense" }, { "vocabulary": "母親", "reading": "ははおや", "meaning": "mother" }, { "vocabulary": "博物館", "reading": "はくぶつかん", "meaning": "museum" }, { "vocabulary": "販売", "reading": "はんばい", "meaning": "sales; selling; marketing" }, { "vocabulary": "発明", "reading": "はつめい", "meaning": "invention" }, { "vocabulary": "外す", "reading": "はずす", "meaning": "to remove; to undo; to drop; to miss" }, { "vocabulary": "品", "reading": "ひん", "meaning": "elegance, article" }, { "vocabulary": "一言", "reading": "ひとこと", "meaning": "single word; a few words; brief comment" }, { "vocabulary": "一人一人", "reading": "ひとりひとり", "meaning": "one by one; each; one at a time" }, { "vocabulary": "本物", "reading": "ほんもの", "meaning": "genuine article; real thing; real deal​" }, { "vocabulary": "本人", "reading": "ほんにん", "meaning": "the person in question; the person themselves; said person" }, { "vocabulary": "一致", "reading": "いっち", "meaning": "agreement; union; match​; coincidence" }, { "vocabulary": "一時", "reading": "いちじ", "meaning": "one o'clock" }, { "vocabulary": "意外", "reading": "いがい", "meaning": "unexpected; surprising" }, { "vocabulary": "一家", "reading": "いっか", "meaning": "a family; a household; a home; one's family; whole family" }, { "vocabulary": "今に", "reading": "いまに", "meaning": "before long; even now" }, { "vocabulary": "今にも", "reading": "いまにも", "meaning": "at any moment; at any minute; on the verge of" }, { "vocabulary": "一般", "reading": "いっぱん", "meaning": "general; universal; ordinary; average; common" }, { "vocabulary": "一方", "reading": "いっぽう", "meaning": "one (esp. of two); one way; the other direction; although" }, { "vocabulary": "一生", "reading": "いっしょう", "meaning": "whole life; a lifetime; a generation" }, { "vocabulary": "一種", "reading": "いっしゅ", "meaning": "species; kind; variety" }, { "vocabulary": "一瞬", "reading": "いっしゅん", "meaning": "instant; moment; for an instant" }, { "vocabulary": "一層", "reading": "いっそう", "meaning": "much more; still more; all the more; single layer; sooner; preferably​" }, { "vocabulary": "一体", "reading": "いったい", "meaning": "(what) the heck; (why) in the world" }, { "vocabulary": "所謂", "reading": "いわゆる", "meaning": "what is called; as it is called; the so-called; so to speak​" }, { "vocabulary": "邪魔", "reading": "じゃま", "meaning": "hindrance" }, { "vocabulary": "化学", "reading": "かがく", "meaning": "chemistry" }, { "vocabulary": "会", "reading": "かい", "meaning": "meeting; assembly; party; association; club" }, { "vocabulary": "会員", "reading": "かいいん", "meaning": "member" }, { "vocabulary": "海外", "reading": "かいがい", "meaning": "foreign; abroad; overseas" }, { "vocabulary": "会合", "reading": "かいごう", "meaning": "meeting; assembly; gathering; association" }, { "vocabulary": "会計", "reading": "かいけい", "meaning": "finance; account; treasurer; bill" }, { "vocabulary": "開始", "reading": "かいし", "meaning": "start; commencement; beginning; initiation​" }, { "vocabulary": "科目", "reading": "かもく", "meaning": "(school) subject; curriculum; course" }, { "vocabulary": "権利", "reading": "けんり", "meaning": "right; privilege" }, { "vocabulary": "基本", "reading": "きほん", "meaning": "basics; fundamentals; basis; foundation" }, { "vocabulary": "記事", "reading": "きじ", "meaning": "article; news story; report; account" }, { "vocabulary": "気味", "reading": "きみ", "meaning": "sensation; feeling​; tendency" }, { "vocabulary": "記念", "reading": "きねん", "meaning": "commemoration; celebration; honoring the memory of something" }, { "vocabulary": "気に入る", "reading": "きにいる", "meaning": "to like; to take a liking to" }, { "vocabulary": "記入", "reading": "きにゅう", "meaning": "entry; filling in; filling out" }, { "vocabulary": "記憶", "reading": "きおく", "meaning": "memory; recollection; remembrance" }, { "vocabulary": "記者", "reading": "きしゃ", "meaning": "reporter; journalist" }, { "vocabulary": "期待", "reading": "きたい", "meaning": "expectation; anticipation; hope" }, { "vocabulary": "国家", "reading": "こっか", "meaning": "state; country; nation" }, { "vocabulary": "国会", "reading": "こっかい", "meaning": "National Diet; legislative assembly of Japan; parliament; congress" }, { "vocabulary": "国境", "reading": "こっきょう", "meaning": "national border" }, { "vocabulary": "国語", "reading": "こくご", "meaning": "national language" }, { "vocabulary": "国民", "reading": "こくみん", "meaning": "people (of a country); nation; citizen; national" }, { "vocabulary": "今後", "reading": "こんご", "meaning": "from now on; hereafter" }, { "vocabulary": "今回", "reading": "こんかい", "meaning": "now; this time; lately" }, { "vocabulary": "今日", "reading": "こんにち", "meaning": "today; this day" }, { "vocabulary": "転ぶ", "reading": "ころぶ", "meaning": "to fall down; to fall over" }, { "vocabulary": "高速", "reading": "こうそく", "meaning": "high-speed; rapid; express" }, { "vocabulary": "訓練", "reading": "くんれん", "meaning": "training; drill; practice; discipline" }, { "vocabulary": "教科書", "reading": "きょうかしょ", "meaning": "textbook; coursebook; schoolbook" }, { "vocabulary": "協力", "reading": "きょうりょく", "meaning": "cooperation; collaboration" }, { "vocabulary": "強力", "reading": "きょうりょく", "meaning": "powerful; strong" }, { "vocabulary": "急激", "reading": "きゅうげき", "meaning": "sudden; abrupt; rapid; sharp; drastic; radical" }, { "vocabulary": "急に", "reading": "きゅうに", "meaning": "swiftly; rapidly; quickly; immediately; hastily" }, { "vocabulary": "吸収", "reading": "きゅうしゅう", "meaning": "absorption; suction; attraction" }, { "vocabulary": "急速", "reading": "きゅうそく", "meaning": "rapid (e.g. progress)" }, { "vocabulary": "真面目", "reading": "まじめ", "meaning": "serious; earnest" }, { "vocabulary": "真っ赤", "reading": "まっか", "meaning": "bright red; deep red; flushed (of face)" }, { "vocabulary": "学ぶ", "reading": "まなぶ", "meaning": "to study (in depth); to learn; to take lessons in" }, { "vocabulary": "万一", "reading": "まんいち", "meaning": "emergency; unlikely event​; by some chance; by some possibility" }, { "vocabulary": "満足", "reading": "まんぞく", "meaning": "satisfaction; contentment;​ sufficient; enough" }, { "vocabulary": "明確", "reading": "めいかく", "meaning": "clear; precise; definite; distinct" }, { "vocabulary": "飯", "reading": "めし", "meaning": "cooked rice; meal" }, { "vocabulary": "味方", "reading": "みかた", "meaning": "friend; ally; supporter; taking sides with; supporting" }, { "vocabulary": "魅力", "reading": "みりょく", "meaning": "charm; fascination; glamour; attraction; appeal" }, { "vocabulary": "木曜", "reading": "もくよう", "meaning": "Thursday" }, { "vocabulary": "半ば", "reading": "なかば", "meaning": "middle; half; semi; halfway; partly" }, { "vocabulary": "熱心", "reading": "ねっしん", "meaning": "enthusiastic; eager" }, { "vocabulary": "日本", "reading": "にほん", "meaning": "Japan" }, { "vocabulary": "能力", "reading": "のうりょく", "meaning": "ability; faculty" }, { "vocabulary": "入場", "reading": "にゅうじょう", "meaning": "entrance; admission; entering" }, { "vocabulary": "お昼", "reading": "おひる", "meaning": "lunch; midday; daytime" }, { "vocabulary": "収める", "reading": "おさめる", "meaning": "to supply; to dedicate; to make an offering; to pay" }, { "vocabulary": "連続", "reading": "れんぞく", "meaning": "continuation; succession; series" }, { "vocabulary": "利益", "reading": "りえき", "meaning": "profit; gains; benefit" }, { "vocabulary": "利口", "reading": "りこう", "meaning": "clever; intelligent; wise; bright; sharp" }, { "vocabulary": "留学", "reading": "りゅうがく", "meaning": "studying abroad" }, { "vocabulary": "作品", "reading": "さくひん", "meaning": "work of art; performance" }, { "vocabulary": "左右", "reading": "さゆう", "meaning": "left and right" }, { "vocabulary": "成長", "reading": "せいちょう", "meaning": "growth; development; growing up; becoming an adult" }, { "vocabulary": "製品", "reading": "せいひん", "meaning": "manufactured goods; finished goods; product" }, { "vocabulary": "青年", "reading": "せいねん", "meaning": "youth; young man" }, { "vocabulary": "刺激", "reading": "しげき", "meaning": "stimulus; impetus; incentive; encouragement; motivation; provocation; excitement; thrill" }, { "vocabulary": "資本", "reading": "しほん", "meaning": "funds; capital" }, { "vocabulary": "品", "reading": "しな", "meaning": "article; item; thing; goods; stock; quality" }, { "vocabulary": "身長", "reading": "しんちょう", "meaning": "body height; stature" }, { "vocabulary": "進学", "reading": "しんがく", "meaning": "entering a higher-level school (often university)" }, { "vocabulary": "新鮮", "reading": "しんせん", "meaning": "fresh" }, { "vocabulary": "支店", "reading": "してん", "meaning": "branch office; branch store​" }, { "vocabulary": "使用", "reading": "しよう", "meaning": "use; application; employment; utilization." }, { "vocabulary": "食品", "reading": "しょくひん", "meaning": "food; food products" }, { "vocabulary": "書物", "reading": "しょもつ", "meaning": "book; volume" }, { "vocabulary": "書類", "reading": "しょるい", "meaning": "document; official papers" }, { "vocabulary": "書斎", "reading": "しょさい", "meaning": "study; library; den; home office; reading room" }, { "vocabulary": "商売", "reading": "しょうばい", "meaning": "trade; business; commerce; transaction; occupation" }, { "vocabulary": "奨学金", "reading": "しょうがくきん", "meaning": "scholarship; stipend; student loan" }, { "vocabulary": "正午", "reading": "しょうご", "meaning": "midday" }, { "vocabulary": "商品", "reading": "しょうひん", "meaning": "commodity; article of commerce; goods; stock; merchandise" }, { "vocabulary": "少女", "reading": "しょうじょ", "meaning": "little girl; maiden; young lady" }, { "vocabulary": "証明", "reading": "しょうめい", "meaning": "proof; verification; certification" }, { "vocabulary": "少年", "reading": "しょうねん", "meaning": "boy; juvenile; young boy; youth; lad" }, { "vocabulary": "少々", "reading": "しょうしょう", "meaning": "just a minute; small quantity" }, { "vocabulary": "招待", "reading": "しょうたい", "meaning": "invitation" }, { "vocabulary": "週", "reading": "しゅう", "meaning": "week" }, { "vocabulary": "集中", "reading": "しゅうちゅう", "meaning": "concentration; focusing; centralization; integration" }, { "vocabulary": "集団", "reading": "しゅうだん", "meaning": "group; mass" }, { "vocabulary": "収穫", "reading": "しゅうかく", "meaning": "harvest; crop; fruits (of one's labors)" }, { "vocabulary": "週間", "reading": "しゅうかん", "meaning": "week" }, { "vocabulary": "週刊", "reading": "しゅうかん", "meaning": "weekly publication" }, { "vocabulary": "収入", "reading": "しゅうにゅう", "meaning": "income; receipts; revenue; salary" }, { "vocabulary": "速度", "reading": "そくど", "meaning": "speed; velocity; pace; rate" }, { "vocabulary": "少しも", "reading": "すこしも", "meaning": "anything of; not one bit (with negative sentence)" }, { "vocabulary": "大半", "reading": "たいはん", "meaning": "majority; more than half; most; largely; mainly" }, { "vocabulary": "大会", "reading": "たいかい", "meaning": "convention; rally; conference; tournament;" }, { "vocabulary": "大した", "reading": "たいした", "meaning": "considerable; great; important; significant; a big deal" }, { "vocabulary": "単なる", "reading": "たんなる", "meaning": "mere; simple; sheer" }, { "vocabulary": "多少", "reading": "たしょう", "meaning": "more or less; somewhat; a little; a few; some" }, { "vocabulary": "手品", "reading": "てじな", "meaning": "magic trick; illusion" }, { "vocabulary": "哲学", "reading": "てつがく", "meaning": "philosophy" }, { "vocabulary": "徹夜", "reading": "てつや", "meaning": "staying up all night" }, { "vocabulary": "土地", "reading": "とち", "meaning": "plot of land; lot; soil" }, { "vocabulary": "都会", "reading": "とかい", "meaning": "(big) city" }, { "vocabulary": "取れる", "reading": "とれる", "meaning": "to come off; to be removed; to be obtainable" }, { "vocabulary": "取り上げる", "reading": "とりあげる", "meaning": "to pick up" }, { "vocabulary": "図書", "reading": "としょ", "meaning": "books" }, { "vocabulary": "通学", "reading": "つうがく", "meaning": "commuting to school; school commute" }, { "vocabulary": "受け取る", "reading": "うけとる", "meaning": "to receive; to understand" }, { "vocabulary": "上手い", "reading": "うまい", "meaning": "skillful; delicious" }, { "vocabulary": "運転", "reading": "うんてん", "meaning": "operation; driving" }, { "vocabulary": "売れる", "reading": "うれる", "meaning": "to sell (well)" }, { "vocabulary": "分ける", "reading": "わける", "meaning": "to divide; to split; to part; to separate" }, { "vocabulary": "悪口", "reading": "わるぐち", "meaning": "slander; bad-mouthing; abuse; insult; speaking ill (of)" }, { "vocabulary": "夜明け", "reading": "よあけ", "meaning": "dawn; daybreak" }, { "vocabulary": "余分", "reading": "よぶん", "meaning": "extra; excess; surplus" }, { "vocabulary": "読み", "reading": "よみ", "meaning": "reading (of a kanji, situation, etc)" }, { "vocabulary": "夜中", "reading": "よなか", "meaning": "middle of the night; dead of night" }, { "vocabulary": "宜しい", "reading": "よろしい", "meaning": "(respectful) OK; all right" }, { "vocabulary": "唯一", "reading": "ゆいいつ", "meaning": "only; sole; unique" }, { "vocabulary": "輸入", "reading": "ゆにゅう", "meaning": "import; importation; introduction" }, { "vocabulary": "輸出", "reading": "ゆしゅつ", "meaning": "export; exportation​" }, { "vocabulary": "夕べ", "reading": "ゆうべ", "meaning": "evening / last night; yesterday evening" }, { "vocabulary": "有利", "reading": "ゆうり", "meaning": "advantageous; favorable; profitable" }, { "vocabulary": "全国", "reading": "ぜんこく", "meaning": "the whole country" }, { "vocabulary": "随分", "reading": "ずいぶん", "meaning": "very; extremely; surprisingly; considerably; awfully" } ]