import asyncio import discord from discord.ext import commands from .utils import checks import youtube_dl import math import functools import datetime if not discord.opus.is_loaded(): discord.opus.load_opus('/usr/lib64/') class VoicePlayer: # This does not need to match up too closely to the StreamPlayer that is "technically" used here # This is more of a placeholder, just to keep the information that will be requested # Before the video is actually downloaded, which happens in our audio player task # For example, is_done() will not exist on this object, which could be called later # However, it should not ever be, as we overwrite this object with the StreamPlayer in our audio task def __init__(self, song, **kwargs): self.url = song self.views = kwargs.get('view_count') self.is_live = bool(kwargs.get('is_live')) self.likes = kwargs.get('likes') self.dislikes = kwargs.get('dislikes') self.duration = kwargs.get('duration') self.uploader = kwargs.get('uploader') if 'twitch' in song: self.title = kwargs.get('description') self.description = None else: self.title = kwargs.get('title') self.description = kwargs.get('description') date = kwargs.get('upload_date') if date: try: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%M%d').date() except ValueError: date = None self.upload_date = date class VoiceEntry: def __init__(self, message, player): self.requester = = self.player = player def __str__(self): fmt = '*{0.title}* uploaded by {0.uploader} and requested by {1.display_name}' duration = self.player.duration if duration: fmt += ' [length: {0[0]}m {0[1]}s]'.format(divmod(round(duration, 0), 60)) return fmt.format(self.player, self.requester) class VoiceState: def __init__(self, bot): self.current = None self.voice = None = bot self.play_next_song = asyncio.Event() # This is the queue that holds all VoiceEntry's self.songs = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=10) self.required_skips = 0 # a set of user_ids that voted self.skip_votes = set() # Our actual task that handles the queue system self.audio_player = self.opts = { 'default_search': 'auto', 'quiet': True } self.volume = 50 def is_playing(self): # If our VoiceClient or current VoiceEntry do not exist, then we are not playing a song if self.voice is None or self.current is None: return False # If they do exist, check if the current player has finished player = self.current.player try: return not player.is_done() except AttributeError: return False @property def player(self): return self.current.player def skip(self): # Make sure we clear the votes, before stopping the player # When the player is stopped, our toggle_next method is called, so the next song can be played self.skip_votes.clear() if self.is_playing(): self.player.stop() def toggle_next(self): # Set the Event so that the next song in the queue can be played async def audio_player_task(self): while True: # At the start of our task, clear the Event, so we can wait till it is next set self.play_next_song.clear() # Clear the votes skip that were for the last song self.skip_votes.clear() # Set current to none while we are waiting for the next song in the queue # If we don't do this and we hit the end of the queue # our current song will remain the song that just finished self.current = None # Now wait for the next song in the queue self.current = await self.songs.get() # Tell the channel that requested the new song that we are now playing try: await, 'Now playing ' + str(self.current)) except discord.Forbidden: pass # Create the player object; this automatically creates the ffmpeg player self.current.player = await self.voice.create_ytdl_player(self.current.player.url, ytdl_options=self.opts, after=self.toggle_next) # Now we can start actually playing the song self.current.player.start() self.current.player.volume = self.volume / 100 # Wait till the Event has been set, before doing our task again await self.play_next_song.wait() class Music: """Voice related commands. Works in multiple servers at once. """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.voice_states = {} self.opts = { 'format': 'webm[abr>0]/bestaudio/best', 'prefer_ffmpeg': True, 'default_search': 'auto', 'quiet': True } # We want to create our own YoutubeDL object to avoid downloading a video when first searching it # We will download the actual video, in our audio_player_task, for which we can just use create_ytdl_player self.ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(self.opts) def get_voice_state(self, server): state = self.voice_states.get( # Internally handle creating a voice state if there isn't a current state # This can be used for example, in case something is skipped when not being connected # We create the voice state when checked # This only creates the state, we are still not playing anything, which can then be handled separately if state is None: state = VoiceState( self.voice_states[] = state return state async def create_voice_client(self, channel): # First join the channel and get the VoiceClient that we'll use to save per server try: voice = await except asyncio.TimeoutError: await "Sorry, I couldn't connect! This can sometimes be caused by the server region you are in. " "You can either try again, or try to change the server's region and see if that fixes the issue") return state = self.get_voice_state(channel.server) state.voice = voice def __unload(self): # If this is unloaded, cancel all players and disconnect from all channels for state in self.voice_states.values(): try: state.audio_player.cancel() if state.voice: except: pass async def on_voice_state_update(self, before, after): state = self.get_voice_state(after.server) if state.voice is None: return voice_channel = if voice_channel != before.voice.voice_channel and voice_channel != after.voice.voice_channel: return num_members = len(voice_channel.voice_members) state.required_skips = math.ceil((num_members + 1) / 3) @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def join(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.Channel): """Joins a voice channel.""" try: await self.create_voice_client(channel) # Check if the channel given was an actual voice channel except discord.InvalidArgument: await'This is not a voice channel...') # Check if we failed to join a channel, which means we are already in a channel. # move_channel needs to be used if we are already in a channel except discord.ClientException: state = self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server) await state.voice.move_to(channel) await'Ready to play audio in ' + else: await'Ready to play audio in ' + @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def summon(self, ctx): """Summons the bot to join your voice channel.""" # This method will be invoked by other commands, so we should return True or False instead of just returning # First check if the author is even in a voice_channel summoned_channel = if summoned_channel is None: await'You are not in a voice channel.') return False # Check if we're in a channel already, if we are then we just need to move channels # Otherwse, we need to create an actual voice state state = self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server) try: if state.voice is None: state.voice = await else: await state.voice.move_to(summoned_channel) # Weird timeout error usually caused by the region someone is in except asyncio.TimeoutError: await "Sorry, I couldn't connect! This can sometimes be caused by the server region you are in. " "You can either try again, or try to change the server's region and see if that fixes the issue") return False # Sometimes the VoiceClient object gets stuck, if it does disconnect and have them try again except discord.ClientException: await await"Sorry, the voice client got stuck when trying to join the channel, please try again") return False # Return true so that we can invoke this, and ensure we succeeded return True @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def play(self, ctx, *, song: str): """Plays a song. If there is a song currently in the queue, then it is queued until the next song is done playing. This command automatically searches as well from YouTube. The list of supported sites can be found here: """ state = self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server) # First check if we are connected to a voice channel at all, if not summon to the channel the author is in # Since summon checks if the author is in a channel, we don't need to handle that here, just return if it failed if state.voice is None: success = await ctx.invoke(self.summon) if not success: return # If the queue is full, we ain't adding anything to it if state.songs.full(): await"The queue is currently full! You'll need to wait to add a new song") return author_channel = my_channel = # To try to avoid some abuse, ensure the requester is actually in our channel if my_channel != author_channel: await"You are not currently in the channel; please join before trying to request a song.") return # Create the player, and check if this was successful # Here all we want is to get the information of the player try: func = functools.partial(self.ytdl.extract_info, song, download=False) info = await, func) if "entries" in info: info = info['entries'][0] player = VoicePlayer(song, **info) # player = await state.voice.create_ytdl_player(song, ytdl_options=state.opts, after=state.toggle_next) except youtube_dl.DownloadError: fmt = "Sorry, either I had an issue downloading that video, or that's not a supported URL!" await, fmt) return except IndexError: fmt = "Sorry, but there's no result with that search time! Try something else" await, fmt) return # Now we can create a VoiceEntry and queue it entry = VoiceEntry(ctx.message, player) await state.songs.put(entry) try: await'Enqueued ' + str(entry)) except discord.Forbidden: pass @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(kick_members=True) async def volume(self, ctx, value: int): """Sets the volume of the currently playing song.""" state = self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server) if value > 200: await"Sorry but the max volume is 200") return state.volume = value if state.is_playing(): player = state.player player.volume = value / 100 await'Set the volume to {:.0%}'.format(player.volume)) @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(kick_members=True) async def pause(self, ctx): """Pauses the currently played song.""" state = self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server) if state.is_playing(): state.player.pause() @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(kick_members=True) async def resume(self, ctx): """Resumes the currently played song.""" state = self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server) if state.is_playing(): state.player.resume() @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(kick_members=True) async def stop(self, ctx): """Stops playing audio and leaves the voice channel. This also clears the queue. """ server = ctx.message.server state = self.get_voice_state(server) # Stop playing whatever song is playing. if state.is_playing(): player = state.player player.stop() # This will stop cancel the audio event we're using to loop through the queue # Then erase the voice_state entirely, and disconnect from the channel try: state.audio_player.cancel() del self.voice_states[] await state.voice.disconnect() except: pass @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def eta(self, ctx): """Provides an ETA on when your next song will play""" # Note: There is no way to tell how long a song has been playing, or how long there is left on a song # That is why this is called an "ETA" state = self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server) author = if not state.is_playing(): await'Not playing any music right now...') return queue = state.songs._queue if len(queue) == 0: await"Nothing currently in the queue") return # Start off by adding the length of the current song count = state.current.player.duration found = False # Loop through the songs in the queue, until the author is found as the requester # The found bool is used to see if we actually found the author, or we just looped through the whole queue for song in queue: if song.requester == author: found = True break count += song.player.duration # This is checking if nothing from the queue has been added to the total # If it has not, then we have not looped through the queue at all # Since the queue was already checked to have more than one song in it, this means the author is next if count == state.current.player.duration: await"You are next in the queue!") return if not found: await"You are not in the queue!") return await"ETA till your next play is: {0[0]}m {0[1]}s".format(divmod(round(count, 0), 60))) @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def queue(self, ctx): """Provides a printout of the songs that are in the queue""" state = self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server) if not state.is_playing(): await'Not playing any music right now...') return # Asyncio provides no non-private way to access the queue, so we have to use _queue queue = state.songs._queue if len(queue) == 0: fmt = "Nothing currently in the queue" else: fmt = "\n\n".join(str(x) for x in queue) await"Current songs in the queue:```\n{}```".format(fmt)) @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def queuelength(self, ctx): """Prints the length of the queue""" await"There are a total of {} songs in the queue" .format(str(self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server).songs.qsize()))) @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def skip(self, ctx): """Vote to skip a song. The song requester can automatically skip. approximately 1/3 of the members in the voice channel are required to vote to skip for the song to be skipped. """ state = self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server) if not state.is_playing(): await'Not playing any music right now...') return # Check if the person requesting a skip is the requester of the song, if so automatically skip voter = if voter == state.current.requester: await'Requester requested skipping song...') state.skip() # Otherwise check if the voter has already voted elif not in state.skip_votes: state.skip_votes.add( total_votes = len(state.skip_votes) # Now check how many votes have been made, if 3 then go ahead and skip, otherwise add to the list of votes if total_votes >= state.required_skips: await'Skip vote passed, skipping song...') state.skip() else: await'Skip vote added, currently at [{}/{}]'.format(total_votes, state.required_skips)) else: await'You have already voted to skip this song.') @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(kick_members=True) async def modskip(self, ctx): """Forces a song skip, can only be used by a moderator""" state = self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server) if not state.is_playing(): await'Not playing any music right now...') return state.skip() await'Song has just been skipped.') @commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def playing(self, ctx): """Shows info about the currently played song.""" state = self.get_voice_state(ctx.message.server) if not state.is_playing(): await'Not playing anything.') else: skip_count = len(state.skip_votes) await'Now playing {} [skips: {}/{}]'.format(state.current, skip_count, state.required_skips)) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Music(bot))