from discord.ext import commands import discord from . import utils import asyncio import rethinkdb as r class Tags: """This class contains all the commands for custom tags""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command(no_pm=True) @utils.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def tags(self, ctx): """Prints all the custom tags that this server currently has EXAMPLE: !tags RESULT: All tags setup on this server""" tags = await utils.get_content('tags', str( if tags and len(tags['tags']) > 0: entries = [t['trigger'] for t in tags['tags']] pages = utils.Pages(, message=ctx.message, entries=entries) await pages.paginate() else: await ctx.send("There are no tags setup on this server!"), no_pm=True) @utils.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def tag(self, ctx, *, tag: str): """This can be used to call custom tags The format to call a custom tag is !tag EXAMPLE: !tag butts RESULT: Whatever you setup for the butts tag!!""" tags = await utils.get_content('tags', str( if tags: for t in tags['tags']: if t['trigger'] == tag: await ctx.send(t['result']) return await ctx.send("There is no tag called {}".format(tag)) else and len(tags['tags']) > 0: await ctx.send("There are no tags setup on this server!") @tag.command(name='add', aliases=['create', 'setup'], no_pm=True) @utils.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def add_tag(self, ctx): """Use this to add a new tag that can be used in this server EXAMPLE: !tag add RESULT: A follow-along in order to create a new tag""" def check(m): return == and == and len(m.content) > 0 my_msg = await ctx.send("Ready to setup a new tag! What do you want the trigger for the tag to be?") try: msg = await"message", check=check, timeout=60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long!") return trigger = msg.content try: await my_msg.delete() await msg.delete() except discord.Forbidden: pass my_msg = await ctx.send("Alright, your new tag can be called with {}!\n\nWhat do you want to be displayed with this tag?".format(trigger)) try: msg = await"message", check=check, timeout=60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long!") return result = msg.content try: await my_msg.delete() await msg.delete() except discord.Forbidden: pass # The different DB settings tag = { 'author': str(, 'trigger': trigger, 'result': result } entry = { 'server_id': str(, 'tags': [tag] } key = str( if not await utils.add_content('tags', entry): await utils.update_content('tags', {'tags': r.row['tags'].append(tag)}, key) await ctx.send("I have just setup a new tag for this server! You can call your tag with {}".format(trigger)) @tag.command(name='edit', no_pm=True) @utils.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def edit_tag(self, ctx, *, tag: str) """This will allow you to edit a tag that you have created EXAMPLE: !tag edit this tag RESULT: I'll ask what you want the new result to be""" key = str( tags = await utils.get_content('tags', key) def check(m): return == and == and len(m.content) > 0 if tags and len(tags['tags']) > 0: for i, t in enumerate(tags['tags']): if t['trigger'] == tag: if t['author'] == str( my_msg = await ctx.send("Alright, what do you want the new result for the tag {} to be".format(tag)) try: msg = await"message", check=check, timeout=60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long!") return new_tag = t.copy() new_tag['result'] = msg.content tags['tags'][i] = new_tag try: await my_msg.delete() await msg.delete() except discord.Forbidden: pass await utils.update_content('tags', tags, key) await ctx.send("Alright, the tag {} has been updated".format(tag)) return else: await ctx.send("You can't edit someone else's tag!") return else: await ctx.send("There are no tags setup on this server!") @tag.command(name='delete', aliases=['remove', 'stop'], no_pm=True) @utils.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def del_tag(self, ctx, *, tag: str): """Use this to remove a tag from use for this server Format to delete a tag is !tag delete EXAMPLE: !tag delete stupid_tag RESULT: Deletes that stupid tag""" key = str( tags = await utils.get_content('tags', key) if tags and len(tags['tags']) > 0: for t in tags['tags']: if t['trigger'] == tag: if or str( == t['author']: tags['tags'].remove(t) await utils.update_content('tags', tags, key) await ctx.send("I have just removed the tag {}".format(tag)) else: await ctx.send("You don't own that tag! You can't remove it!") return else: await ctx.send("There are no tags setup on this server!") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Tags(bot))