from discord.ext import commands import collections import utils class Games(commands.Cog): def __init__(self): self.running_games = collections.defaultdict(dict) @commands.command(aliases=["word_chain", "しりとり", "シリトリ"]) @commands.max_concurrency(1, async def shiritori(self, ctx, *, word): """ Starts or play on a game of Shiritori, in which the last letter of the last word given has to be the first letter of the next word given. For example, if the word given is apple, then the next word can be elephant because apple ends in e and elephant begins in e The last player who entered a word cannot be the next person who enters a word The kana ん cannot be used, as no word in Japanese starts with this The word used cannot be a previously given word """ game = self.running_games["shiritori"].get( # Ensure only one game is happening at once if game is not None: if not in game["players"]: game["players"].append( else: self.running_games["shiritori"][] = { "players": [], "words_used": [], "last_letters": [], "last_author":, } game = self.running_games["shiritori"].get( def grab_letter(readings, last=True): readings = [reversed(word) if last else iter(word) for word in readings] letters = [] for reading in readings: for char in reading: if char.isalpha(): letters.append(char) break return letters # Don't allow last author to guess again if game["words_used"] and == game["last_author"]: return await ctx.send("You guessed last, someone else's turn") is_noun, readings = await utils.readings_for_word(word) # Only nouns can be used if not is_noun: self.running_games["shiritori"][] = None return await ctx.send( f"Game over! {} loses, only nouns can be used" ) # Grab the first letter of this new word and check it first_letters = grab_letter(readings, last=False) last_letters = grab_letter(readings, last=False) # Include extra check for if this is the first word if game["words_used"]: # Check if there's a match between first and last letters if not any(char in first_letters for char in game["last_letters"]): self.running_games["shiritori"][] = None return await ctx.send( f"Game over! {} loses, first letter of {word} did not match last letter used" ) # ん cannot be used if any(char in last_letters for char in ("ん", "ン")): self.running_games["shiritori"][] = None return await ctx.send( f"Game over! {} loses, last letter cannot be ん" ) # Cannot reuuse words if word in game["words_used"]: self.running_games["shiritori"][] = None return await ctx.send( f"Game over! {} loses, {word} has already been used" ) # If we're here, then the last letter used was valid, save stuff game["words_used"].append(word) game["last_letters"] = last_letters game["last_author"] = await ctx.message.add_reaction("✅") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Games())