import json from discord.ext import commands from utils import ( conjugator, checks, request, Pages, CannotPaginate, FlashCard, FlashCardDisplay, ) class Japanese(commands.Cog): """A cog that provides some useful japanese tools""" def __init__(self): # Load the verbs with open("utils/japanese_verbs.json") as f: verbs = json.load(f) for key, value in verbs.items(): if value == 1: verbs[key] = conjugator.GodanVerbs(key) if value == 2: verbs[key] = conjugator.IchidanVerbs(key) if value == 3: verbs[key] = conjugator.IrregularVerbs(key) self.verbs = verbs # Load the JLPT vocab for i in range(2, 6): with open(f"utils/japanese_vocabulary_n{i}.json") as f: n = json.load(f) count = 0 # Will be a list of flash card packs packs = [] # A list of flash cards pack = [] for card in n: # Add the card to the pack pack.append(FlashCard(card["vocabulary"], None, card["meaning"])) count += 1 # Limit each pack to 50 cards if count == 50: count = 0 packs.append(pack.copy()) pack = [] # Now that the loading is done, set it setattr(self, f"n{i}_packs", packs) @commands.command(aliases=["活用", "かつよう", "katsuyou"]) @checks.can_run(send_messages=True) async def conjugate(self, ctx, verb): """Conjugate the provided verb. Provide the verb in dictionary form EXAMPLE: !conjugate 食べる RESULT: A menu providing common conjugations for 食べる """ verb = self.verbs.get(verb) if verb is None: return await ctx.send(f"Sorry, I don't know {verb}") await verb.display(ctx) @checks.can_run(send_messages=True) async def anime(self, ctx): pass @anime.command(name="planning") @checks.can_run(send_messages=True) async def anime_planning(self, ctx, *, username): """Searches a user's planning list (ON ANILIST), and provides the top results based on the anime's average score EXAMPLE: !anime planning User! RESULT: Top results of User!'s planning list based on anime's average score """ query = """ query ($name: String) { MediaListCollection(userName:$name, type:ANIME, status:PLANNING, sort:MEDIA_POPULARITY_DESC) { lists { status entries { media { title { english romaji } averageScore status } } } } } """ url = "" payload = {"query": query, "variables": {"name": username}} response = await request(url, method="POST", json_data=payload) # Anilist API is broken and doesn't filter correctly, guess we have to do that ourselves data = [] try: for x in response["data"]["MediaListCollection"]["lists"]: data.extend( [ { "title": r["media"]["title"]["english"] if r["media"]["title"]["english"] else r["media"]["title"]["romaji"], "score": r["media"]["averageScore"], } for r in x["entries"] if r["media"]["status"] == "FINISHED" ] ) except TypeError: return await ctx.send("Can't find an anilist with that username!") # Filtering done, sort it data = sorted( data, key=lambda n: n["score"], reverse=True, ) # And convert to a string output = [f"**Score**: {x['score']} | **Title**: {x['title']}" for x in data] try: pages = Pages(ctx, entries=output, per_page=7) await pages.paginate() except CannotPaginate as e: await ctx.send(str(e)) @commands.command() @commands.max_concurrency(1, @checks.can_run(send_messages=True) async def jlpt(self, ctx, level=None, pack: int = 0): """ Runs a "flash card" pack for the JLPT level specified. This has N2-N5 available and there are 50 cards per pack, per level. EXAMPLE: !jlpt n5 1 RESULT: Starts a flash card game of 50 cards from the JLPT n5 vocab list """ if level not in ("n2", "n3", "n4", "n5"): return await ctx.send("JLPT level options are n2, n3, n4, or n5") packs = getattr(self, f"{level}_packs") if pack > len(packs) or pack < 1: return await ctx.send(f"The JLPT {level} has {len(packs)} packs available") pack = packs[pack - 1] await FlashCardDisplay(pack).start(ctx, wait=True) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Japanese())