import discord from discord.ext import commands from .utils import checks from .utils import config import subprocess import os import glob import random import re import calendar import pendulum import datetime class Core: """Core commands, these are the miscallaneous commands that don't fit into other categories'""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command() @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def calendar(self, month: str=None, year: int=None): """Provides a printout of the current month's calendar Provide month and year to print the calendar of that year and month""" # calendar takes in a number for the month, not the words, so we need this dictionary to transform the word to the number months = { "january": 1, "february": 2, "march": 3, "april": 4, "may": 5, "june": 6, "july": 7, "august": 8, "september": 9, "october": 10, "november": 11, "december": 12 } # In month was not passed, use the current month if month is None: month = else: month = months.get(month.lower()) if month is None: await"Please provide a valid Month!") return # If year was not passed, use the current year if year is None: year = # Here we create the actual "text" calendar that we are printing cal = calendar.TextCalendar().formatmonth(year, month) await"```\n{}```".format(cal)) @commands.command() @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def info(self): """This command can be used to print out some of my information""" # fmt is a dictionary so we can set the key to it's output, then print both # The only real use of doing it this way is easier editing if the info in this command is changed fmt = {} all_members = list( # We can pretty safely assume that the author is going to be in at least one channel with the bot # So find the author based on that list authors = [] for author_id in config.owner_ids: authors.append(discord.utils.get(all_members, id=author_id).name) fmt['Official Bot Server'] = config.dev_server fmt['Author'] = ", ".join(authors) fmt['Uptime'] = (pendulum.utcnow() - fmt['Total Servers'] = len( fmt['Total Members'] = len(all_members) fmt['Description'] = information = "\n".join("{}: {}".format(key, result) for key, result in fmt.items()) await"```\n{}```".format(information)) @commands.command() @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def uptime(self): """Provides a printout of the current bot's uptime""" await"Uptime: ```\n{}```".format((pendulum.utcnow() - @commands.command(aliases=['invite']) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def addbot(self): """Provides a link that you can use to add me to a server""" perms = discord.Permissions.none() perms.read_messages = True perms.send_messages = True perms.manage_roles = True perms.ban_members = True perms.kick_members = True perms.manage_messages = True perms.embed_links = True perms.read_message_history = True perms.attach_files = True app_info = await await"Use this URL to add me to a server that you'd like!\n{}" .format(discord.utils.oauth_url(, perms))) @commands.command(pass_context=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def doggo(self, ctx): """Use this to print a random doggo image. Doggo is love, doggo is life.""" # Find a random image based on how many we currently have f = glob.glob('images/doggo*')[random.SystemRandom().randint(0, len(glob.glob('images/doggo*')) - 1)] with open(f, 'rb') as f: await @commands.command(pass_context=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def snek(self, ctx): """Use this to print a random snek image. Sneks are o3o""" # Find a random image based on how many we currently have f = glob.glob('images/snek*')[random.SystemRandom().randint(0, len(glob.glob('images/snek*')) - 1)] with open(f, 'rb') as f: await @commands.command() @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def joke(self): """Prints a random riddle""" # Use the fortune riddles command because it's funny, I promise fortune_command = "/usr/bin/fortune riddles" fortune = subprocess.check_output(fortune_command.split()).decode("utf-8") await @commands.command(pass_context=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def roll(self, ctx, notation: str="d6"): """Rolls a die based on the notation given Format should be #d#""" # Use regex to get the notation based on what was provided try: # We do not want to try to convert the dice, because we want d# to be a valid notation dice ="(\d*)d(\d*)", notation).group(1) num = int("(\d*)d(\d*)", notation).group(2)) # Check if something like ed3 was provided, or something else entirely was provided except (AttributeError, ValueError): await"Please provide the die notation in #d#!") return # Dice will be None if d# was provided, assume this means 1d# dice = dice or 1 # Since we did not try to convert to int before, do it now after we have it set dice = int(dice) if dice > 10: await"I'm not rolling more than 10 dice, I have tiny hands") return if num > 100: await"What die has more than 100 sides? Please, calm down") return value_str = ", ".join(str(random.SystemRandom().randint(1, num)) for i in range(0, int(dice))) if dice == 1: fmt = '{} has rolled a {2} sided die and got the number {3}!' else: fmt = '{} has rolled {1}, {2} sided dice and got the numbers {3}!' await, dice, num, value_str)) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Core(bot))