Commands ======== This provides information on each command available to Bonfire. .. note:: By default the prefix used is either `?` or `!`, both work. However, this can be changed using the command 'prefix'. Due to this, only the command name will be what is labeled when described. For example, if your prefix has been set to > and the command is `example` then it will be labeled as `example` in the documentation, however you would call the command using `>example`. .. note:: Command usability is based on permissions, to run a command you need to have a certain permission. Each command will label what permission is required, by default, to run the command. You can manage custom permissions for a server with the command `perms`. Core ---- .. data:: help This command is used in order to bring up information about commands. It can be used in a few ways, by itsself to bring up an interactive list of all the commands. You can run also run it on another command, for example `help help` to provide more information no that command. You can also run `help 5` to bring up the 5th page of the interactive menu. - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: motd This command can be used to print the current MOTD (Message of the day). This will most likely not be updated every day, however messages will still be pushed to this every now and then. The MOTD will be used as a sort of message board, and any updates to this will provide information about Bonfire. - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: calendar Provides a printout of the current month's calendar Provide month and year to print the calendar of that year and month - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: info Used to print out some information such as the total amount of servers Bonfire is on, amount of members, uptime, amount of different games running, etc. - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: uptime Provides a printout of the current bot's uptime - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: addbot Provides a link that can be used to add Bonfire to a server .. note:: You need to have manage server permissions in a server to add a bot to that server - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases: `invite` .. data:: doggo Prints a random doggo image - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: snek Prints a random snek image - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: joke Prints a random joke - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: roll Rolls a die based on the notation given. Notation needs to be in #d#, for example 5d5. You can ignore the first number, and only 1 die will be rolled, for example d50 - Default permissions required: send_messages - Maximum number of dice (first number): 10 - Maximum number of sides (second number): 100 Links ----- .. data:: google Searches google for a provided query - Default permissions required: send_message - Aliases: `g` - Safe search will be turned on or off based on whether the channel used is a nsfw channel or not .. data:: youtube Searched youtube for a provided query - Default permissions required: send_message - Aliases: `yt` .. data:: wiki Pulls the top match for a specific term from wikipedia, and returns the result - Default permissions required: send_message .. data:: urban Pulls the top definition for a term - Default permissions required: send_message .. data:: derpi Provides an image from derpibooru. Provide search times, separated by commands, to search for an image. Provide no search time and a completely random image will be pulled - Default permissions required: send_message - If this is used in a nsfw channel this will query for suggestive/explicit pics. Otherwise It will pull a safe picture .. data:: e621 Provides an image from e621. Provide search times, separated by commands, to search for an image. - Default permissions required: send_message - If this is used in a nsfw channel this will query for suggestive/explicit pics. Otherwise It will pull a safe picture Interaction ----------- .. data:: hug Causes Bonfire to hug a person - Default permissions required: send_message .. data:: avatar Posts the full image of a provided person's avatar - Default permissions required: send_message .. data:: battle Challenges the provided player to a battle - Default permissions required: send_message - Cooldown, per member, for 3 minutes .. data:: accept Accepts the challenger's battle - Default permissions required: send_message .. data:: decline Declines the challenger's battle - Default permissions required: send_message .. data:: boop Boops the provided person - Default permissions required: send_message Music ----- .. data:: progress Prints the progress of the curent song - Default permissions required: send_message .. data:: join Causes Bonfire to join the provided channel - Default permissions required: send_message .. data:: summon Causes Bonfire to join the channel you are in - Default permissions required: send_message .. data:: play Plays a song; you can provide a link to a song or search terms, and youtube will be searched. - Default permissions required: send_message - Playlists, live streams, and soundcloud cannot be used - 10 songs can be queued at a time .. data:: volume Sets the volume of the bot to a provided number - Default permissions required: kick_members - The number needs to be between 0 and 200 .. data:: pause Pauses the current song - Default permissions required: kick_members .. data:: resume Resumes the current song - Default permissions required: kick_members .. data:: stop Stops playing songs, and causes Bonfire to leave her voice channel - Default permissions required: kick_members .. data:: eta Provides an ETA on when your next song will play - Default permissions required: send_message .. data:: queue Prints out the songs currently in the queue - Default permissions required: send_message .. data:: skip Vote to skip a song. The song requester can automatically skip. approximately 1/3 of the members in the voice channel are required to vote to skip for the song to be skipped. - Default permissions required: send_message .. data:: modskip Force skips a song - Default permissions required: kick_members .. data:: playing Displays some information about the current song playing - Default permissions required: send_message Moderator Utilities ------------------- .. data:: nickname Changes Bonfire's nickname on the server - Default permissions required: kick_members - Aliases `nick` .. data:: kick Kicks a member from the server - Default permissions required: kick_members .. data:: ban Bans a member from the server. For this you can provide a member, or their ID. This is useful in cases where you want to ban someone preemptively from the server - Default permissions required: ban_members .. data:: unban Unbans a member from the server; the ID must be provided to unban a member. - Default permissions required: ban_members .. data:: alerts This is used to set a certain channel as the server's notifications channel. Notifications such as someone going live on twitch or picarto go to this channel. - Default permissions required: kick_members .. data:: usernotify Turns user notification on or off for the server; provide either on or off to change this. This will set the channel that the command is ran in as the channel for these notifications - Default permissions required: kick_members .. data:: nsfw add Adds the current channel as a nsfw channel - Default permissions required: kick_members .. data:: nsfw remove Removes the current channel as a nsfw channel - Default permissions required: kick_members - Aliases `delete` .. data:: say Causes the bot to say whatever you provide - Default permissions required: kick_members .. data:: perms Prints a message providing all possible permissions. This can be used to help with custom permission settings. - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: perms add Sets custom permissions for a provided command. Format must be 'perms add ' If you want to open the command to everyone, provide 'none' as the permission - Default permissions required: manage_server - Aliases `setup, create` .. data:: perms remove Removes the custom permissions setup on a command - Default permissions required: manage_server - Aliases `delete` .. data:: prefix Used to setup a custom prefix for this server - Default permissions required: manage_server .. data:: purge Purges the channel of a specified number of messages. By default this is 100 - Default permissions required: manage_messages .. data:: prune Prunes the channel from specified members, based on the number provided. The number must be provided by the members. If no members are provided, Bonfire's messages are assumed - Default permissions required: manage_messages .. data:: rules Prints out the rules setup on the server. By default will print out all rules; if you provide a number it will print that rule - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `rule` .. data:: rules add Adds the specified rule to the list of server's rules. - Default permissions required: manage_server - Aliases `rules create, rule create, rule add` .. data:: rules remove Deletes a specified rule from the server; the rule deleted needs to be specified by the number. - Default permissions required: manage_server - Aliases `rules delete, rule delete, rules remove` Stats ----- .. data:: serverinfo Provide 'me' to print a leaderboard for your own usageProvides some information about the server - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: command stats This command can be used to view some usage stats about a specific command - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: command leaderboard This command can be used to print a leaderboard of commands. Provide 'server' to print a leaderboard for this server. Provide 'me' to print a leaderboard for your own usage - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: mostboops Shows you the person you have booped the most, as well as how many times - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: listboops Provides a list of all the users you have booped and the amount of times - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: leaderboard Provides a leaderboard of this server's battle records - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: stats Provides battle stats about the person provided, defaulting to you - Default permissions required: send_messages Blackjack --------- .. data:: blackjack Starts a game of blackjack; if a game is already running joins the current game of blackjack. This is to be played like normal blackjack, and the rest of the usage for this is prompt based. Bonfire will prompt at different stages of the game (i.e. hit or stand, what do you want to bet, etc.) - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: blackjack leave Leaves the current game of blackjack - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: blackjack stop Stops the current game of blackjack. .. note:: Think of this as a completely normal table of blackjack, the person who started the game cannot end it, it will continue even if they leave, as long as their are players. That is why this is restricted to someone who can manage the server, as it should only be used in case people have gone afk and the game is still running, which can get annoying. - Default permissions required: manage_server DeviantArt ---------- .. data:: da sub This can be used to add a feed to your notifications. Provide a username, and when posts are made from this user, you will be notified. - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `add, subscribe` .. data:: da unsub This command can be used to unsubscribe from the specified user - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `delete, remove, unsubscribe` Hangman ------- .. data:: hangman Makes a guess towards the server's currently running hangman game. A letter or the phrase can be guessed - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `hm` .. data:: hangman start Starts a new game of hangman. A predefined phrase will be randomly chosen as the phrase to use - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `hangman create, hm start, hm create` .. data:: hangman stop Force stops a game of hangman. - Default permissions required: kick_members - Aliases `hangman delete, hangman end, hangman remove, hm stop, hm delete, hm remove, hm end` Overwatch --------- .. data:: ow stats Provides a basic overview of a member's stats. By default the member used is the author; to lookup hero specific stats, provide the hero after the member to look up. - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: ow add Saves your provided battletag to your user, for lookup later. Format for a battletag is Username#1234 - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: ow delete Unlinks your saved battletag from your user - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `ow remove` Roles --------- .. data:: role This command can be used to print the current roles available on the server. - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `roles` .. data:: role remove This command is used to remove a role, or multiple roles from one or more users. Run the command and Bonfire will prompt you to provide what's needed to remove the roles - Default permissions required: manage_roles - Aliases `roles remove` .. data:: role add This command can be used to add a role or more to one or more users. Run the command and Bonfire will prompt you to provide what's needed to add the roles. - Default permissions required: manage_roles - Aliases `roles add` .. data:: role delete This command can be used to delete one of the roles from the server. Provide the role name that you would like to remove from the server. - Default permissions required: manage_roles - Aliases `roles delete` .. data:: role create This command can be used to create a role. There will be prompts as Bonfire asks how you would like this role to be setup. - Default permissions required: manage_roles - Aliases `roles create` Raffles ------- .. data:: raffles Prints out a list of the current running raffles. - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: raffle Enters a raffle setup on the server. Provide the number assigned to a raffle. - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: raffle create Sets up a new raffle, this will prompt the user for everything Bonfire needs to setup a raffle. - Default permissions required: kick_members - Aliases `raffle start, raffle begin, raffle add` Tictactoe --------- .. data:: tictactoe Plays on the current running tictactoe board. Obviously it needs to be your turn, a play is contrived of one or more of the options `right, left, top, bottom, middle`. - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `tic, tac, toe` .. data:: tictactoe start Starts a game of tictactoe with the provided player. - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `tictactoe create, tictactoe challenge, tic start, tic create, tic challenge, tac start, tac create, tac challenge, toe start, toe create, toe challenge .. data:: tictactoe stop Force stops a game of tictactoe - Default permissions required: kick_members - Aliases `tictactoe delete, tictactoe remove, tictactoe end, tic delete, tic stop, tic end, tic remove, tac delete, tac stop, tac end, tac remove, toe delete, toe stop, toe end, toe remove Tags ---- .. data:: tags Prints out the tags setup on the server - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: tag Calls a tag setup for this server, whatever is provided after the command is the tag that is called. - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: tag add Adds a tag to the server - Default permissions required: kick_members - Aliases `tag create, tag start` .. data:: tag remove Removes a tag from the server - Default permissions required: kick_members - Aliases `tag remove, tag stop` Strawpoll --------- .. data:: strawpolls This command can be used to show a strawpoll setup on this server. Provide the poll ID to get information on a single poll, by default this will show all polls setup on the server. - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `strawpoll, poll, polls` .. data:: strawpoll create Creates a strawpoll assigned to this server. - Default permissions required: kick_members - Aliases `strawpoll setup, strawpoll add, strawpolls create, strawpolls add, strawpolls setup, poll create, poll setup, poll add, polls create, poll setup, poll add` .. data:: strawpoll remove Removes a strawpoll from the server, based on the ID provided - Default permissions required: kick_members - Aliases `strawpoll delete, strawpoll stop, strawpolls delete, strawpolls stop, strawpolls remove, poll delete, poll remove, poll stop, polls delete, polls remove, polls stop` Picarto ------- .. data:: picarto This command can be used to view Picarto stats about a member that has their Picarto stream linked to their account - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: picarto add This command links a picarto user to your discord user. - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: picarto remove This command unlinks the picarto user currently linked to your acount - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `picarto delete` .. data:: picarto notify Adds the current server as one set to be notified if you go live on Picarto - Default permissions required: send_messages .. data:: picarto notify on Turns on picarto notifications, if you go live there will be notifications sent to the servers you've set - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `picarto notify start, picarto notify yes` .. data:: picarto notify off Turns off picarto notifications for your user - Default permissions required: send_messages - Aliases `picarto notify stop, picarto notify no` Owner ----- .. note:: All commands in this module can only be ran by the owner .. data:: motd_push Pushes a new message to the motd, which can be called with `motd` .. data:: debug Used to evaluate code live. Code in between single \` will be executed in an eval statement, so setting a variable for use will not work. Code in a code block (three \` symbols around newline separated commands) will be executed using an exec statement, useful for more complicated evaluation of code. When using exec, there is an internal static method called `r` which is used to send a message to the channel the command is ran in. .. data:: shutdown Shuts the bot down .. data:: name Changes the name assigned to the bot .. data:: status Changes the bot's playing status .. data:: load Loads a cog/module (these are found in the cogs folder) .. data:: unload Unloads a cog/module .. data:: reload Unloads then loads a cog/module