from discord.ext import commands from asyncpg import UniqueViolationError import utils import discord valid_perms = [p for p in dir(discord.Permissions) if isinstance(getattr(discord.Permissions, p), property)] class ConfigException(Exception): pass class WrongSettingType(ConfigException): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message class MessageFormatError(ConfigException): def __init__(self, original, keys): self.original = original self.keys = keys class GuildConfiguration: """Handles configuring the different settings that can be used on the bot""" def _str_to_bool(self, opt, setting): setting = setting.title() if setting.title() not in ["True", "False"]: raise WrongSettingType( f"The {opt} setting requires either 'True' or 'False', not {setting}" ) return setting.title() == "True" async def _get_channel(self, ctx, setting): converter = commands.converter.TextChannelConverter() return await converter.convert(ctx, setting) async def _set_db_guild_opt(self, opt, setting, ctx): try: return await"INSERT INTO guilds (id, {opt}) VALUES ($1, $2)",, setting) except UniqueViolationError: return await"UPDATE guilds SET {opt} = $1 WHERE id = $2", setting, # These are handles for each setting type async def _handle_set_birthday_notifications(self, ctx, setting): opt = "birthday_notifications" setting = self._str_to_bool(opt, setting) return await self._set_db_guild_opt(opt, setting, ctx) async def _handle_set_welcome_notifications(self, ctx, setting): opt = "welcome_notifications" setting = self._str_to_bool(opt, setting) return await self._set_db_guild_opt(opt, setting, ctx) async def _handle_set_goodbye_notifications(self, ctx, setting): opt = "goodbye_notifications" setting = self._str_to_bool(opt, setting) return await self._set_db_guild_opt(opt, setting, ctx) async def _handle_set_colour_roles(self, ctx, setting): opt = "colour_roles" setting = self._str_to_bool(opt, setting) return await self._set_db_guild_opt(opt, setting, ctx) async def _handle_set_include_default_battles(self, ctx, setting): opt = "include_default_battles" setting = self._str_to_bool(opt, setting) return await self._set_db_guild_opt(opt, setting, ctx) async def _handle_set_include_default_hugs(self, ctx, setting): opt = "include_default_hugs" setting = self._str_to_bool(opt, setting) return await self._set_db_guild_opt(opt, setting, ctx) async def _handle_set_welcome_msg(self, ctx, setting): try: setting.format(member='test', server='test') except KeyError as e: raise MessageFormatError(e, ["member", "server"]) else: return await self._set_db_guild_opt("welcome_msg", setting, ctx) async def _handle_set_goodbye_msg(self, ctx, setting): try: setting.format(member='test', server='test') except KeyError as e: raise MessageFormatError(e, ["member", "server"]) else: return await self._set_db_guild_opt("goodbye_msg", setting, ctx) async def _handle_set_prefix(self, ctx, setting): if len(setting) > 20: raise WrongSettingType("Please keep the prefix under 20 characters") if setting.lower().strip() == "none": setting = None result = await self._set_db_guild_opt("prefix", setting, ctx) # We want to update our cache for prefixes, setting) return result async def _handle_set_default_alerts(self, ctx, setting): channel = await self._get_channel(ctx, setting) return await self._set_db_guild_opt("default_alerts",, ctx) async def _handle_set_welcome_alerts(self, ctx, setting): channel = await self._get_channel(ctx, setting) return await self._set_db_guild_opt("welcome_alerts",, ctx) async def _handle_set_goodbye_alerts(self, ctx, setting): channel = await self._get_channel(ctx, setting) return await self._set_db_guild_opt("goodbye_alerts",, ctx) async def _handle_set_picarto_alerts(self, ctx, setting): channel = await self._get_channel(ctx, setting) return await self._set_db_guild_opt("picarto_alerts",, ctx) async def _handle_set_birthday_alerts(self, ctx, setting): channel = await self._get_channel(ctx, setting) return await self._set_db_guild_opt("birthday_alerts",, ctx) async def _handle_set_raffle_alerts(self, ctx, setting): channel = await self._get_channel(ctx, setting) return await self._set_db_guild_opt("raffle_alerts",, ctx) async def _handle_set_followed_picarto_channels(self, ctx, setting): user = await utils.request(f"{setting}") if user is None: raise WrongSettingType(f"Could not find a picarto user with the username {setting}") query = """ UPDATE guilds SET followed_picarto_channels = array_append(followed_picarto_channels, $1) WHERE id=$2 AND NOT $1 = ANY(followed_picarto_channels); """ return await, setting, async def _handle_set_ignored_channels(self, ctx, setting): channel = await self._get_channel(ctx, setting) query = """ UPDATE guilds SET ignored_channels = array_append(ignored_channels, $1) WHERE id=$2 AND NOT $1 = ANY(ignored_channels); """ return await,, async def _handle_set_ignored_members(self, ctx, setting): # We want to make it possible to have members that aren't in the server ignored # So first check if it's a digit (the id) if not setting.isdigit(): converter = commands.converter.MemberConverter() member = await converter.convert(ctx, setting) setting = query = """ UPDATE guilds SET ignored_members = array_append(ignored_members, $1) WHERE id=$2 AND NOT $1 = ANY(ignored_members); """ return await, setting, async def _handle_set_rules(self, ctx, setting): query = """ UPDATE guilds SET rules = array_append(rules, $1) WHERE id=$2 AND NOT $1 = ANY(rules); """ return await, setting, async def _handle_set_assignable_roles(self, ctx, setting): converter = commands.converter.RoleConverter() role = await converter.convert(ctx, setting) query = """ UPDATE guilds SET assignable_roles = array_append(assignable_roles, $1) WHERE id=$2 AND NOT $1 = ANY(assignable_roles); """ return await,, async def _handle_set_custom_battles(self, ctx, setting): try: setting.format(loser="player1", winner="player2") except KeyError as e: raise MessageFormatError(e, ["loser", "winner"]) else: query = """ UPDATE guilds SET custom_battles = array_append(custom_battles, $1) WHERE id=$2 AND NOT $1 = ANY(custom_battles); """ return await, setting, async def _handle_set_custom_hugs(self, ctx, setting): try: setting.format(user="user") except KeyError as e: raise MessageFormatError(e, ["user"]) else: query = """ UPDATE guilds SET custom_hugs = array_append(custom_hugs, $1) WHERE id=$2 AND NOT $1 = ANY(custom_hugs); """ return await, setting, async def _handle_remove_birthday_notifications(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("birthday_notifications", False, ctx) async def _handle_remove_welcome_notifications(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("welcome_notifications", False, ctx) async def _handle_remove_goodbye_notifications(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("goodbye_notifications", False, ctx) async def _handle_remove_colour_roles(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("colour_roles", False, ctx) async def _handle_remove_include_default_battles(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("include_default_battles", False, ctx) async def _handle_remove_include_default_hugs(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("include_default_hugs", False, ctx) async def _handle_remove_welcome_msg(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("welcome_msg", None, ctx) async def _handle_remove_goodbye_msg(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("goodbye_msg", None, ctx) async def _handle_remove_prefix(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("prefix", None, ctx) async def _handle_remove_default_alerts(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("default_alerts", None, ctx) async def _handle_remove_welcome_alerts(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("welcome_alerts", None, ctx) async def _handle_remove_goodbye_alerts(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("goodbye_alerts", None, ctx) async def _handle_remove_picarto_alerts(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("picarto_alerts", None, ctx) async def _handle_remove_birthday_alerts(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("birthday_alerts", None, ctx) async def _handle_remove_raffle_alerts(self, ctx, setting=None): return await self._set_db_guild_opt("raffle_alerts", None, ctx) async def _handle_remove_followed_picarto_channels(self, ctx, setting=None): if setting is None: raise WrongSettingType("Specifying which channel you want to remove is required") query = """ UPDATE guilds SET followed_picarto_channels = array_remove(followed_picarto_channels, $1) WHERE id=$2 """ return await, setting, async def _handle_remove_ignored_channels(self, ctx, setting=None): if setting is None: raise WrongSettingType("Specifying which channel you want to remove is required") channel = await self._get_channel(ctx, setting) query = """ UPDATE guilds SET ignored_channels = array_remove(ignored_channels, $1) WHERE id=$2 """ return await,, async def _handle_remove_ignored_members(self, ctx, setting=None): if setting is None: raise WrongSettingType("Specifying which channel you want to remove is required") # We want to make it possible to have members that aren't in the server ignored # So first check if it's a digit (the id) if not setting.isdigit(): converter = commands.converter.MemberConverter() member = await converter.convert(ctx, setting) setting = query = """ UPDATE guilds SET ignored_members = array_remove(ignored_members, $1) WHERE id=$2 """ return await, setting, async def _handle_remove_rules(self, ctx, setting=None): if setting is None or not setting.isdigit(): raise WrongSettingType("Please provide the number of the rule you want to remove") query = """ UPDATE guilds SET rules = array_remove(rules, rules[$1]) WHERE id=$2 """ return await, setting, async def _handle_remove_assignable_roles(self, ctx, setting=None): if setting is None: raise WrongSettingType("Specifying which channel you want to remove is required") if not setting.isdigit(): converter = commands.converter.RoleConverter() role = await converter.convert(ctx, setting) setting = query = """ UPDATE guilds SET assignable_roles = array_remove(assignable_roles, $1) WHERE id=$2 """ return await, setting, async def _handle_remove_custom_battles(self, ctx, setting=None): if setting is None or not setting.isdigit(): raise WrongSettingType("Please provide the number of the custom battle you want to remove") query = """ UPDATE guilds SET custom_battles = array_remove(custom_battles, rules[$1]) WHERE id=$2 """ return await, setting, async def _handle_remove_custom_hugs(self, ctx, setting=None): if setting is None or not setting.isdigit(): raise WrongSettingType("Please provide the number of the custom hug you want to remove") query = """ UPDATE guilds SET custom_hugs = array_remove(custom_hugs, rules[$1]) WHERE id=$2 """ return await, setting, async def __after_invoke(self, ctx): """Here we will facilitate cleaning up settings, will remove channels/roles that no longer exist, etc.""" pass @commands.guild_only() @utils.can_run(manage_guild=True) async def config(self, ctx, *, opt=None): """Handles the configuration of the bot for this server""" if opt: setting = await"SELECT * FROM guilds WHERE id=$1", if setting and opt in setting: setting = await utils.convert(ctx, str(setting[opt])) or setting[opt] await ctx.send(f"{opt} is set to:\n{setting}") return settings = await"SELECT * FROM guilds WHERE id=$1", # For convenience, if it's None, just create it and return the default values if settings is None: await"INSERT INTO guilds (id) VALUES ($1)", settings = await"SELECT * FROM guilds WHERE id=$1", alerts = {} # This is dirty I know, but oh well... for alert_type in ["default", "welcome", "goodbye", "picarto", "birthday", "raffle"]: channel = ctx.guild.get_channel(settings.get(f"{alert_type}_alerts")) name = if channel else None alerts[alert_type] = name fmt = f""" **Notification Settings** birthday_notifications *Notify on the birthday that users in this guild have saved* **{settings.get("birthday_notifications")}** welcome_notifications *Notify when someone has joined this guild* **{settings.get("welcome_notifications")}** goodbye_notifications *Notify when someone has left this guild **{settings.get("goodbye_notifications")}** welcome_msg *A message that can be customized and used when someone joins the server* **{"Set" if settings.get("welcome_msg") is not None else "Not set"}** goodbye_msg *A message that can be customized and used when someone leaves the server* **{"Set" if settings.get("goodbye_msg") is not None else "Not set"}** **Alert Channels** default_alerts *The channel to default alert messages to* **{alerts.get("default_alerts")}** welcome_alerts *The channel to send welcome alerts to (when someone joins the server)* **{alerts.get("welcome_alerts")}** goodbye_alerts *The channel to send goodbye alerts to (when someone leaves the server)* **{alerts.get("goodbye_alerts")}** picarto_alerts *The channel to send Picarto alerts to (when a channel the server follows goes on/offline)* **{alerts.get("picarto_alerts")}** birthday_alerts *The channel to send birthday alerts to (on the day of someone's birthday)* **{alerts.get("birthday_alerts")}** raffle_alerts *The channel to send alerts for server raffles to* **{alerts.get("raffle_alerts")}** **Misc Settings** followed_picarto_channels *Channels for the bot to "follow" and notify this server when they go live* **{len(settings.get("followed_picarto_channels"))}** ignored_channels *Channels that the bot ignores* **{len(settings.get("ignored_channels"))}** ignored_members *Members that the bot ignores* **{len(settings.get("ignored_members"))}** rules *Rules for this server* **{len(settings.get("rules"))}** assignable_roles *Roles that can be self-assigned by users* **{len(settings.get("assignable_roles"))}** custom_battles *Possible outcomes to battles that can be received on this server* **{len(settings.get("custom_battles"))}** custom_hugs *Possible outcomes to hugs that can be received on this server* **{len(settings.get("custom_hugs"))}** """.strip() embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Configuration for {}", description=fmt) embed.set_image(url=ctx.guild.icon_url) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @config.command(name="set", aliases=["add"]) @commands.guild_only() @utils.can_run(manage_guild=True) async def _set_setting(self, ctx, option, *, setting): """Sets one of the configuration settings for this server""" try: coro = getattr(self, f"_handle_set_{option}") except AttributeError: await ctx.send(f"{option} is not a valid config option. Use {ctx.prefix}config to list all config options") else: try: await coro(ctx, setting=setting) except WrongSettingType as exc: await ctx.send(exc.message) except MessageFormatError as exc: fmt = f""" Failed to parse the format string provided, possible keys are: {', '.join(k for k in exc.keys)} Extraneous args provided: {', '.join(k for k in exc.original.args)} """ await ctx.send(fmt) except commands.BadArgument: pass else: await ctx.send(f"{option} has succesfully been set to {setting}") @config.command(name="unset", aliases=["remove"]) @commands.guild_only() @utils.can_run(manage_guild=True) async def _remove_setting(self, ctx, option, *, setting=None): """Unsets/removes an option from one of the settings.""" try: coro = getattr(self, f"_handle_remove_{option}") except AttributeError: await ctx.send(f"{option} is not a valid config option. Use {ctx.prefix}config to list all config options") else: try: await coro(ctx, setting=setting) except WrongSettingType as exc: await ctx.send(exc.message) except commands.BadArgument: pass else: await ctx.send(f"{option} has succesfully been unset") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(GuildConfiguration())