[ { "vocabulary": "あ", "reading": "a", "meaning": "Ah; oh" }, { "vocabulary": "ああ", "reading": "aa", "meaning": "ah; yes" }, { "vocabulary": "アフリカ", "reading": "afurika", "meaning": "Africa" }, { "vocabulary": "上がる", "reading": "あがる", "meaning": "to rise" }, { "vocabulary": "挨拶", "reading": "あいさつ", "meaning": "to greet" }, { "vocabulary": "味", "reading": "あじ", "meaning": "flavor; taste​; uniqueness; attractiveness; experience" }, { "vocabulary": "アジア", "reading": "ajia", "meaning": "Asia" }, { "vocabulary": "赤ちゃん", "reading": "あかちゃん", "meaning": "baby; infant" }, { "vocabulary": "赤ん坊", "reading": "あかんぼう", "meaning": "baby; infant" }, { "vocabulary": "アクセサリー", "reading": "akusesarii", "meaning": "accessory" }, { "vocabulary": "アメリカ", "reading": "amerika", "meaning": "America" }, { "vocabulary": "アナウンサー", "reading": "anaunsaa", "meaning": "announcer" }, { "vocabulary": "あんな", "reading": "anna", "meaning": "such" }, { "vocabulary": "案内", "reading": "あんない", "meaning": "to guide" }, { "vocabulary": "安心", "reading": "あんしん", "meaning": "peace of mind" }, { "vocabulary": "安全", "reading": "あんぜん", "meaning": "safety; security​" }, { "vocabulary": "アルバイト", "reading": "arubaito", "meaning": "part-time job" }, { "vocabulary": "アルコール", "reading": "arukooru", "meaning": "alcohol" }, { "vocabulary": "浅い", "reading": "あさい", "meaning": "shallow" }, { "vocabulary": "遊び", "reading": "あそび", "meaning": "playing" }, { "vocabulary": "集まる", "reading": "あつまる", "meaning": "to gather; to collect; to assemble" }, { "vocabulary": "集める", "reading": "あつめる", "meaning": "to collect; to assemble; to gather" }, { "vocabulary": "謝る", "reading": "あやまる", "meaning": "to apologize" }, { "vocabulary": "倍", "reading": "ばい", "meaning": "double" }, { "vocabulary": "番組", "reading": "ばんぐみ", "meaning": "program (e.g. TV)" }, { "vocabulary": "場所", "reading": "ばしょ", "meaning": "place" }, { "vocabulary": "ベル", "reading": "beru", "meaning": "bell" }, { "vocabulary": "美術館", "reading": "びじゅつかん", "meaning": "art gallery; art museum" }, { "vocabulary": "びっくり", "reading": "bikkuri", "meaning": "to be surprised" }, { "vocabulary": "ビル", "reading": "biru", "meaning": "building" }, { "vocabulary": "僕", "reading": "ぼく", "meaning": "I (used by males)" }, { "vocabulary": "貿易", "reading": "ぼうえき", "meaning": "trade" }, { "vocabulary": "部長", "reading": "ぶちょう", "meaning": "manager; head (chief, director) of a section or department" }, { "vocabulary": "ぶどう", "reading": "budou", "meaning": "grapes" }, { "vocabulary": "文学", "reading": "ぶんがく", "meaning": "literature" }, { "vocabulary": "文化", "reading": "ぶんか", "meaning": "culture" }, { "vocabulary": "文法", "reading": "ぶんぽう", "meaning": "grammar" }, { "vocabulary": "ちゃん", "reading": "chan", "meaning": "suffix for familiar female person" }, { "vocabulary": "チェック", "reading": "chekku", "meaning": "to check" }, { "vocabulary": "血", "reading": "ち", "meaning": "blood" }, { "vocabulary": "力", "reading": "ちから", "meaning": "energy; force; strength; might; power" }, { "vocabulary": "地理", "reading": "ちり", "meaning": "geography" }, { "vocabulary": "中学校", "reading": "ちゅうがっこう", "meaning": "junior high school; middle school" }, { "vocabulary": "注意", "reading": "ちゅうい", "meaning": "caution" }, { "vocabulary": "注射", "reading": "ちゅうしゃ", "meaning": "injection" }, { "vocabulary": "駐車場", "reading": "ちゅうしゃじょう", "meaning": "parking lot" }, { "vocabulary": "大分", "reading": "だいぶ", "meaning": "considerably; greatly; a lot​" }, { "vocabulary": "大学生", "reading": "だいがくせい", "meaning": "university student; college student" }, { "vocabulary": "大事", "reading": "だいじ", "meaning": "important; serious; crucial" }, { "vocabulary": "大体", "reading": "だいたい", "meaning": "roughly" }, { "vocabulary": "暖房", "reading": "だんぼう", "meaning": "heating" }, { "vocabulary": "男性", "reading": "だんせい", "meaning": "man; male" }, { "vocabulary": "できるだけ", "reading": "dekiru dake", "meaning": "as much as possible" }, { "vocabulary": "電報", "reading": "でんぽう", "meaning": "telegram" }, { "vocabulary": "電灯", "reading": "でんとう", "meaning": "electric light" }, { "vocabulary": "どんどん", "reading": "dondon", "meaning": "rapidly; more and more" }, { "vocabulary": "泥棒", "reading": "どろぼう", "meaning": "thief" }, { "vocabulary": "動物園", "reading": "どうぶつえん", "meaning": "zoo; zoological gardens" }, { "vocabulary": "道具", "reading": "どうぐ", "meaning": "tool" }, { "vocabulary": "枝", "reading": "えだ", "meaning": "branch" }, { "vocabulary": "遠慮", "reading": "えんりょ", "meaning": "reserve; refraining" }, { "vocabulary": "選ぶ", "reading": "えらぶ", "meaning": "to choose" }, { "vocabulary": "エスカレーター", "reading": "esukareetaa", "meaning": "escalator" }, { "vocabulary": "ファックス", "reading": "fakkusu", "meaning": "fax" }, { "vocabulary": "不便", "reading": "ふべん", "meaning": "inconvenience" }, { "vocabulary": "増える", "reading": "ふえる", "meaning": "to increase" }, { "vocabulary": "深い", "reading": "ふかい", "meaning": "deep" }, { "vocabulary": "復習", "reading": "ふくしゅう", "meaning": "review (of learned material); revision" }, { "vocabulary": "複雑", "reading": "ふくざつ", "meaning": "complexity; complication" }, { "vocabulary": "踏む", "reading": "ふむ", "meaning": "to step on" }, { "vocabulary": "舟", "reading": "ふね", "meaning": "ship" }, { "vocabulary": "降り出す", "reading": "ふりだす", "meaning": "to start to rain" }, { "vocabulary": "布団", "reading": "ふとん", "meaning": "Japanese bedding, futon" }, { "vocabulary": "太る", "reading": "ふとる", "meaning": "to become fat" }, { "vocabulary": "普通", "reading": "ふつう", "meaning": "usually" }, { "vocabulary": "ガラス", "reading": "garasu", "meaning": "a glass" }, { "vocabulary": "ガソリン", "reading": "gasorin", "meaning": "gasoline; petrol" }, { "vocabulary": "ガソリンスタンド", "reading": "gasorin sutando", "meaning": "petrol station" }, { "vocabulary": "ガス", "reading": "gasu", "meaning": "petrol" }, { "vocabulary": "原因", "reading": "げんいん", "meaning": "cause" }, { "vocabulary": "下宿", "reading": "げしゅく", "meaning": "lodging" }, { "vocabulary": "技術", "reading": "ぎじゅつ", "meaning": "art,technology,skill" }, { "vocabulary": "ごちそう", "reading": "gochisou", "meaning": "a feast" }, { "vocabulary": "ごみ", "reading": "gomi", "meaning": "rubbish" }, { "vocabulary": "ご覧になる", "reading": "ごらんになる", "meaning": "(respectful) to see" }, { "vocabulary": "ご主人", "reading": "ごしゅじん", "meaning": "your husband; her husband" }, { "vocabulary": "ご存じ", "reading": "ごぞんじ", "meaning": "knowing" }, { "vocabulary": "具合", "reading": "ぐあい", "meaning": "condition; health" }, { "vocabulary": "葉", "reading": "は", "meaning": "leaves; leaf" }, { "vocabulary": "拝見", "reading": "はいけん", "meaning": "seeing; looking at​" }, { "vocabulary": "歯医者", "reading": "はいしゃ", "meaning": "dentist" }, { "vocabulary": "はっきり", "reading": "hakkiri", "meaning": "clearly" }, { "vocabulary": "運ぶ", "reading": "はこぶ", "meaning": "to carry" }, { "vocabulary": "花見", "reading": "はなみ", "meaning": "cherry blossom viewing; flower viewing" }, { "vocabulary": "ハンドバッグ", "reading": "handobaggu", "meaning": "handbag" }, { "vocabulary": "反対", "reading": "はんたい", "meaning": "opposition" }, { "vocabulary": "払う", "reading": "はらう", "meaning": "to pay" }, { "vocabulary": "発音", "reading": "はつおん", "meaning": "pronunciation" }, { "vocabulary": "林", "reading": "はやし", "meaning": "woods; forest" }, { "vocabulary": "恥ずかしい", "reading": "はずかしい", "meaning": "embarrassed" }, { "vocabulary": "変", "reading": "へん", "meaning": "strange; peculiar; weird" }, { "vocabulary": "返事", "reading": "へんじ", "meaning": "reply; answer; response" }, { "vocabulary": "火", "reading": "ひ", "meaning": "fire" }, { "vocabulary": "酷い", "reading": "ひどい", "meaning": "terrible; awful​" }, { "vocabulary": "冷える", "reading": "ひえる", "meaning": "to grow cold" }, { "vocabulary": "髭", "reading": "ひげ", "meaning": "beard" }, { "vocabulary": "非常に", "reading": "ひじょうに", "meaning": "extremely" }, { "vocabulary": "光", "reading": "ひかり", "meaning": "light" }, { "vocabulary": "光る", "reading": "ひかる", "meaning": "to shine" }, { "vocabulary": "引き出し", "reading": "ひきだし", "meaning": "drawer" }, { "vocabulary": "引き出す", "reading": "ひきだす", "meaning": "to withdraw" }, { "vocabulary": "引っ越す", "reading": "ひっこす", "meaning": "to move house" }, { "vocabulary": "飛行場", "reading": "ひこうじょう", "meaning": "airfield; airport" }, { "vocabulary": "開く", "reading": "ひらく", "meaning": "to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack" }, { "vocabulary": "拾う", "reading": "ひろう", "meaning": "to pick up" }, { "vocabulary": "昼間", "reading": "ひるま", "meaning": "daytime; during the day" }, { "vocabulary": "昼休み", "reading": "ひるやすみ", "meaning": "lunch break; noon recess; noon rest period" }, { "vocabulary": "久しぶり", "reading": "ひさしぶり", "meaning": "after a long time" }, { "vocabulary": "褒める", "reading": "ほめる", "meaning": "to praise" }, { "vocabulary": "翻訳", "reading": "ほんやく", "meaning": "translation" }, { "vocabulary": "星", "reading": "ほし", "meaning": "star" }, { "vocabulary": "ほとんど", "reading": "hotondo", "meaning": "mostly" }, { "vocabulary": "法律", "reading": "ほうりつ", "meaning": "law" }, { "vocabulary": "放送", "reading": "ほうそう", "meaning": "to broadcast" }, { "vocabulary": "一度", "reading": "いちど", "meaning": "once; one time; on one occasion" }, { "vocabulary": "以外", "reading": "いがい", "meaning": "with the exception of; excepting" }, { "vocabulary": "医学", "reading": "いがく", "meaning": "medical science; medicine" }, { "vocabulary": "いじめる", "reading": "ijimeru", "meaning": "to tease" }, { "vocabulary": "以上", "reading": "いじょう", "meaning": "... and more; ... and upwards​" }, { "vocabulary": "以下", "reading": "いか", "meaning": "not exceeding" }, { "vocabulary": "意見", "reading": "いけん", "meaning": "opinion; view; comment" }, { "vocabulary": "生き物", "reading": "いきもの", "meaning": "living thing" }, { "vocabulary": "生きる", "reading": "いきる", "meaning": "to live" }, { "vocabulary": "以内", "reading": "いない", "meaning": "within" }, { "vocabulary": "田舎", "reading": "いなか", "meaning": "countryside" }, { "vocabulary": "祈る", "reading": "いのる", "meaning": "to pray" }, { "vocabulary": "いっぱい", "reading": "ippai", "meaning": "full" }, { "vocabulary": "色んな", "reading": "いろんな", "meaning": "various" }, { "vocabulary": "石", "reading": "いし", "meaning": "stone" }, { "vocabulary": "急ぐ", "reading": "いそぐ", "meaning": "to hurry; to rush; to hasten; to make something happen sooner" }, { "vocabulary": "一生懸命", "reading": "いっしょうけんめい", "meaning": "very hard; with utmost effort" }, { "vocabulary": "頂く", "reading": "いただく", "meaning": "(humble) to receive" }, { "vocabulary": "致す", "reading": "いたす", "meaning": "(humble) to do" }, { "vocabulary": "糸", "reading": "いと", "meaning": "thread" }, { "vocabulary": "ジャム", "reading": "jamu", "meaning": "jam" }, { "vocabulary": "字", "reading": "じ", "meaning": "character" }, { "vocabulary": "時代", "reading": "じだい", "meaning": "period" }, { "vocabulary": "事故", "reading": "じこ", "meaning": "accident" }, { "vocabulary": "事務所", "reading": "じむしょ", "meaning": "office" }, { "vocabulary": "神社", "reading": "じんじゃ", "meaning": "Shinto shrine" }, { "vocabulary": "人口", "reading": "じんこう", "meaning": "population" }, { "vocabulary": "人生", "reading": "じんせい", "meaning": "human life" }, { "vocabulary": "地震", "reading": "じしん", "meaning": "earthquake" }, { "vocabulary": "辞典", "reading": "じてん", "meaning": "dictionary" }, { "vocabulary": "自由", "reading": "じゆう", "meaning": "freedom" }, { "vocabulary": "女性", "reading": "じょせい", "meaning": "woman; female" }, { "vocabulary": "準備", "reading": "じゅんび", "meaning": "to prepare" }, { "vocabulary": "十分", "reading": "じゅうぶん", "meaning": "enough; sufficient; plenty; adequate; satisfactory" }, { "vocabulary": "柔道", "reading": "じゅうどう", "meaning": "judo" }, { "vocabulary": "住所", "reading": "じゅうしょ", "meaning": "address" }, { "vocabulary": "カーテン", "reading": "kaaten", "meaning": "curtain" }, { "vocabulary": "壁", "reading": "かべ", "meaning": "wall" }, { "vocabulary": "課長", "reading": "かちょう", "meaning": "section manager; section chief" }, { "vocabulary": "帰り", "reading": "かえり", "meaning": "return; coming back" }, { "vocabulary": "変える", "reading": "かえる", "meaning": "to change; to transform" }, { "vocabulary": "科学", "reading": "かがく", "meaning": "science" }, { "vocabulary": "鏡", "reading": "かがみ", "meaning": "mirror" }, { "vocabulary": "海岸", "reading": "かいがん", "meaning": "coast" }, { "vocabulary": "会議", "reading": "かいぎ", "meaning": "meeting; conference; session; assembly" }, { "vocabulary": "会議室", "reading": "かいぎしつ", "meaning": "conference room; conference hall; council room" }, { "vocabulary": "会場", "reading": "かいじょう", "meaning": "assembly hall; meeting place; venue; grounds" }, { "vocabulary": "会話", "reading": "かいわ", "meaning": "conversation" }, { "vocabulary": "火事", "reading": "かじ", "meaning": "fire" }, { "vocabulary": "格好", "reading": "かっこう", "meaning": "appearance" }, { "vocabulary": "構う", "reading": "かまう", "meaning": "to mind" }, { "vocabulary": "髪", "reading": "かみ", "meaning": "hair" }, { "vocabulary": "噛む", "reading": "かむ", "meaning": "to bite,to chew" }, { "vocabulary": "家内", "reading": "かない", "meaning": "(my) wife; inside the home; one's family" }, { "vocabulary": "必ず", "reading": "かならず", "meaning": "always; certainly" }, { "vocabulary": "悲しい", "reading": "かなしい", "meaning": "sad" }, { "vocabulary": "考える", "reading": "かんがえる", "meaning": "to think" }, { "vocabulary": "看護婦", "reading": "かんごふ", "meaning": "female nurse" }, { "vocabulary": "関係", "reading": "かんけい", "meaning": "relationship" }, { "vocabulary": "彼女", "reading": "かのじょ", "meaning": "she; her​" }, { "vocabulary": "簡単", "reading": "かんたん", "meaning": "simple; easy" }, { "vocabulary": "彼", "reading": "かれ", "meaning": "he; him​; his" }, { "vocabulary": "彼ら", "reading": "かれら", "meaning": "they; them" }, { "vocabulary": "形", "reading": "かたち", "meaning": "shape" }, { "vocabulary": "片付ける", "reading": "かたづける", "meaning": "to tidy up" }, { "vocabulary": "硬い", "reading": "かたい", "meaning": "hard" }, { "vocabulary": "勝つ", "reading": "かつ", "meaning": "to win" }, { "vocabulary": "乾く", "reading": "かわく", "meaning": "to get dry" }, { "vocabulary": "代わり", "reading": "かわり", "meaning": "instead; in place" }, { "vocabulary": "変わる", "reading": "かわる", "meaning": "to change" }, { "vocabulary": "通う", "reading": "かよう", "meaning": "to commute" }, { "vocabulary": "飾る", "reading": "かざる", "meaning": "to decorate" }, { "vocabulary": "毛", "reading": "け", "meaning": "hair or fur" }, { "vocabulary": "ケーキ", "reading": "keeki", "meaning": "cake" }, { "vocabulary": "怪我", "reading": "けが", "meaning": "to injure" }, { "vocabulary": "計画", "reading": "けいかく", "meaning": "to plan" }, { "vocabulary": "経験", "reading": "けいけん", "meaning": "to experience" }, { "vocabulary": "警察", "reading": "けいさつ", "meaning": "police" }, { "vocabulary": "経済", "reading": "けいざい", "meaning": "finance, economy" }, { "vocabulary": "見物", "reading": "けんぶつ", "meaning": "sightseeing; visit" }, { "vocabulary": "喧嘩", "reading": "けんか", "meaning": "to quarrel" }, { "vocabulary": "研究", "reading": "けんきゅう", "meaning": "research" }, { "vocabulary": "研究室", "reading": "けんきゅうしつ", "meaning": "laboratory" }, { "vocabulary": "消しゴム", "reading": "keshigomu", "meaning": "eraser" }, { "vocabulary": "景色", "reading": "けしき", "meaning": "scenery" }, { "vocabulary": "気", "reading": "き", "meaning": "spirit" }, { "vocabulary": "厳しい", "reading": "きびしい", "meaning": "strict" }, { "vocabulary": "気分", "reading": "きぶん", "meaning": "feeling; mood" }, { "vocabulary": "機会", "reading": "きかい", "meaning": "chance; opportunity" }, { "vocabulary": "危険", "reading": "きけん", "meaning": "danger" }, { "vocabulary": "聞こえる", "reading": "きこえる", "meaning": "to be heard; to be audible; to be said" }, { "vocabulary": "決まる", "reading": "きまる", "meaning": "to be decided" }, { "vocabulary": "決める", "reading": "きめる", "meaning": "to decide" }, { "vocabulary": "君", "reading": "きみ", "meaning": "You" }, { "vocabulary": "気持ち", "reading": "きもち", "meaning": "feeling" }, { "vocabulary": "着物", "reading": "きもの", "meaning": "kimono; Japanese traditional clothing" }, { "vocabulary": "近所", "reading": "きんじょ", "meaning": "neighbourhood" }, { "vocabulary": "絹", "reading": "きぬ", "meaning": "silk" }, { "vocabulary": "季節", "reading": "きせつ", "meaning": "season" }, { "vocabulary": "汽車", "reading": "きしゃ", "meaning": "train" }, { "vocabulary": "規則", "reading": "きそく", "meaning": "rule" }, { "vocabulary": "子", "reading": "こ", "meaning": "child" }, { "vocabulary": "心", "reading": "こころ", "meaning": "heart" }, { "vocabulary": "国際", "reading": "こくさい", "meaning": "international" }, { "vocabulary": "細かい", "reading": "こまかい", "meaning": "small, fine" }, { "vocabulary": "米", "reading": "こめ", "meaning": "(husked grains of) rice" }, { "vocabulary": "込む", "reading": "こむ", "meaning": "to be crowded" }, { "vocabulary": "今度", "reading": "こんど", "meaning": "this time; next time" }, { "vocabulary": "この間", "reading": "このあいだ", "meaning": "the other day; recently" }, { "vocabulary": "このごろ", "reading": "kono goro", "meaning": "these days; nowadays" }, { "vocabulary": "コンピュータ", "reading": "konpyuuta", "meaning": "computer" }, { "vocabulary": "コンサート", "reading": "konsaato", "meaning": "concert" }, { "vocabulary": "今夜", "reading": "こんや", "meaning": "this evening; tonigh" }, { "vocabulary": "これから", "reading": "korekara", "meaning": "after this" }, { "vocabulary": "故障", "reading": "こしょう", "meaning": "to break-down" }, { "vocabulary": "答え", "reading": "こたえ", "meaning": "response" }, { "vocabulary": "小鳥", "reading": "ことり", "meaning": "small bird" }, { "vocabulary": "こう", "reading": "kou", "meaning": "this way" }, { "vocabulary": "校長", "reading": "こうちょう", "meaning": "principal; headmaster" }, { "vocabulary": "講堂", "reading": "こうどう", "meaning": "auditorium" }, { "vocabulary": "郊外", "reading": "こうがい", "meaning": "suburb; residential area on the outskirt of a city" }, { "vocabulary": "講義", "reading": "こうぎ", "meaning": "lecture" }, { "vocabulary": "工業", "reading": "こうぎょう", "meaning": "industry" }, { "vocabulary": "工場", "reading": "こうじょう", "meaning": "factory" }, { "vocabulary": "高校", "reading": "こうこう", "meaning": "senior high school; high school​" }, { "vocabulary": "高校生", "reading": "こうこうせい", "meaning": "high school student" }, { "vocabulary": "公務員", "reading": "こうむいん", "meaning": "government worker" }, { "vocabulary": "高等学校", "reading": "こうとうがっこう", "meaning": "high school" }, { "vocabulary": "交通", "reading": "こうつう", "meaning": "traffic" }, { "vocabulary": "怖い", "reading": "こわい", "meaning": "frightening" }, { "vocabulary": "壊れる", "reading": "こわれる", "meaning": "to be broken" }, { "vocabulary": "壊す", "reading": "こわす", "meaning": "to break" }, { "vocabulary": "首", "reading": "くび", "meaning": "neck" }, { "vocabulary": "下さる", "reading": "くださる", "meaning": "(respectful) to give" }, { "vocabulary": "雲", "reading": "くも", "meaning": "cloud" }, { "vocabulary": "君", "reading": "くん", "meaning": "suffix for familiar young male" }, { "vocabulary": "比べる", "reading": "くらべる", "meaning": "to compare" }, { "vocabulary": "暮れる", "reading": "くれる", "meaning": "to get dark" }, { "vocabulary": "草", "reading": "くさ", "meaning": "grass" }, { "vocabulary": "空気", "reading": "くうき", "meaning": "air" }, { "vocabulary": "空港", "reading": "くうこう", "meaning": "airport" }, { "vocabulary": "客", "reading": "きゃく", "meaning": "guest; customer" }, { "vocabulary": "教育", "reading": "きょういく", "meaning": "education" }, { "vocabulary": "教会", "reading": "きょうかい", "meaning": "church; congregation; Christian church" }, { "vocabulary": "興味", "reading": "きょうみ", "meaning": "interest (in something); curiosity (about something); zest (for)" }, { "vocabulary": "競争", "reading": "きょうそう", "meaning": "competition" }, { "vocabulary": "急", "reading": "きゅう", "meaning": "sudden; abrupt; unexpected" }, { "vocabulary": "急行", "reading": "きゅうこう", "meaning": "hurrying (to somewhere); rushing; hastening" }, { "vocabulary": "間違える", "reading": "まちがえる", "meaning": "to make a mistake (in)" }, { "vocabulary": "参る", "reading": "まいる", "meaning": "(humble) to go; to come" }, { "vocabulary": "負ける", "reading": "まける", "meaning": "to lose" }, { "vocabulary": "漫画", "reading": "まんが", "meaning": "comic" }, { "vocabulary": "間に合う", "reading": "まにあう", "meaning": "to be in time (for)" }, { "vocabulary": "真ん中", "reading": "まんなか", "meaning": "middle; centre; center" }, { "vocabulary": "周り", "reading": "まわり", "meaning": "around" }, { "vocabulary": "回る", "reading": "まわる", "meaning": "to go around" }, { "vocabulary": "まず", "reading": "mazu", "meaning": "first of all" }, { "vocabulary": "召し上がる", "reading": "めしあがる", "meaning": "to eat; to drink​" }, { "vocabulary": "珍しい", "reading": "めずらしい", "meaning": "unusual; rare" }, { "vocabulary": "見える", "reading": "みえる", "meaning": "to be seen; to be in sight; to look; to seem" }, { "vocabulary": "港", "reading": "みなと", "meaning": "harbour" }, { "vocabulary": "味噌", "reading": "みそ", "meaning": "fermented condiment made from soybeans" }, { "vocabulary": "見つかる", "reading": "みつかる", "meaning": "to be found; to be discovered" }, { "vocabulary": "見つける", "reading": "みつける", "meaning": "to discover; to find; to come across; to detect; to spot" }, { "vocabulary": "都", "reading": "みやこ", "meaning": "capital" }, { "vocabulary": "湖", "reading": "みずうみ", "meaning": "lake" }, { "vocabulary": "戻る", "reading": "もどる", "meaning": "to turn back" }, { "vocabulary": "木綿", "reading": "もめん", "meaning": "cotton (material)" }, { "vocabulary": "森", "reading": "もり", "meaning": "forest" }, { "vocabulary": "もし", "reading": "moshi", "meaning": "if; in case; supposing" }, { "vocabulary": "申し上げる", "reading": "もうしあげる", "meaning": "to say; to offer" }, { "vocabulary": "申す", "reading": "もうす", "meaning": "to be called; to say" }, { "vocabulary": "もうすぐ", "reading": "mousugu", "meaning": "soon" }, { "vocabulary": "迎える", "reading": "むかえる", "meaning": "to go out to meet" }, { "vocabulary": "昔", "reading": "むかし", "meaning": "olden days, former" }, { "vocabulary": "向かう", "reading": "むかう", "meaning": "to head towards" }, { "vocabulary": "無理", "reading": "むり", "meaning": "impossible" }, { "vocabulary": "虫", "reading": "むし", "meaning": "insect" }, { "vocabulary": "息子", "reading": "むすこ", "meaning": "son" }, { "vocabulary": "娘", "reading": "むすめ", "meaning": "daughter" }, { "vocabulary": "投げる", "reading": "なげる", "meaning": "to throw or cast away" }, { "vocabulary": "泣く", "reading": "なく", "meaning": "to weep" }, { "vocabulary": "無くなる", "reading": "なくなる", "meaning": "to disappear; to get lost" }, { "vocabulary": "亡くなる", "reading": "なくなる", "meaning": "to die" }, { "vocabulary": "生", "reading": "なま", "meaning": "raw" }, { "vocabulary": "直る", "reading": "なおる", "meaning": "to be fixed,to be repaired" }, { "vocabulary": "治る", "reading": "なおる", "meaning": "to be cured; to heal" }, { "vocabulary": "慣れる", "reading": "なれる", "meaning": "to get used to" }, { "vocabulary": "鳴る", "reading": "なる", "meaning": "to sound" }, { "vocabulary": "なるほど", "reading": "naruhodo", "meaning": "now I understand" }, { "vocabulary": "寝坊", "reading": "ねぼう", "meaning": "sleeping in late; oversleeping" }, { "vocabulary": "値段", "reading": "ねだん", "meaning": "price; cost" }, { "vocabulary": "眠い", "reading": "ねむい", "meaning": "sleepy" }, { "vocabulary": "眠る", "reading": "ねむる", "meaning": "to sleep" }, { "vocabulary": "熱", "reading": "ねつ", "meaning": "fever" }, { "vocabulary": "苦い", "reading": "にがい", "meaning": "bitter" }, { "vocabulary": "逃げる", "reading": "にげる", "meaning": "to escape" }, { "vocabulary": "二階建て", "reading": "にかいだて", "meaning": "two-storied building" }, { "vocabulary": "人形", "reading": "にんぎょう", "meaning": "doll" }, { "vocabulary": "匂い", "reading": "におい", "meaning": "a smell" }, { "vocabulary": "似る", "reading": "にる", "meaning": "to be similar" }, { "vocabulary": "喉", "reading": "のど", "meaning": "throat" }, { "vocabulary": "残る", "reading": "のこる", "meaning": "to remain" }, { "vocabulary": "乗り換える", "reading": "のりかえる", "meaning": "to change between buses or trains" }, { "vocabulary": "乗り物", "reading": "のりもの", "meaning": "vehicle" }, { "vocabulary": "濡れる", "reading": "ぬれる", "meaning": "to get wet" }, { "vocabulary": "塗る", "reading": "ぬる", "meaning": "to paint; to plaster" }, { "vocabulary": "盗む", "reading": "ぬすむ", "meaning": "to steal" }, { "vocabulary": "入学", "reading": "にゅうがく", "meaning": "entry to school or university; enrollment" }, { "vocabulary": "入院", "reading": "にゅういん", "meaning": "hospitalization" }, { "vocabulary": "落ちる", "reading": "おちる", "meaning": "to fall or drop" }, { "vocabulary": "踊り", "reading": "おどり", "meaning": "a dance" }, { "vocabulary": "驚く", "reading": "おどろく", "meaning": "to be surprised" }, { "vocabulary": "踊る", "reading": "おどる", "meaning": "to dance" }, { "vocabulary": "お出でになる", "reading": "おいでになる", "meaning": "(respectful) to be" }, { "vocabulary": "お祝い", "reading": "おいわい", "meaning": "congratulation" }, { "vocabulary": "お嬢さん", "reading": "おじょうさん", "meaning": "(another's) daughter" }, { "vocabulary": "可笑しい", "reading": "おかしい", "meaning": "strange or funny" }, { "vocabulary": "行う", "reading": "おこなう", "meaning": "to do" }, { "vocabulary": "怒る", "reading": "おこる", "meaning": "to be angry" }, { "vocabulary": "起こす", "reading": "おこす", "meaning": "to wake" }, { "vocabulary": "億", "reading": "おく", "meaning": "one hundred million" }, { "vocabulary": "屋上", "reading": "おくじょう", "meaning": "rooftop​" }, { "vocabulary": "遅れる", "reading": "おくれる", "meaning": "to be late" }, { "vocabulary": "贈り物", "reading": "おくりもの", "meaning": "present; gift" }, { "vocabulary": "送る", "reading": "おくる", "meaning": "to send" }, { "vocabulary": "お祭り", "reading": "おまつり", "meaning": "festival" }, { "vocabulary": "お見舞い", "reading": "おみまい", "meaning": "visiting ill or distressed people" }, { "vocabulary": "お土産", "reading": "おみやげ", "meaning": "souvenir" }, { "vocabulary": "おもちゃ", "reading": "omocha", "meaning": "toy" }, { "vocabulary": "思い出す", "reading": "おもいだす", "meaning": "to remember" }, { "vocabulary": "表", "reading": "おもて", "meaning": "the front" }, { "vocabulary": "オートバイ", "reading": "ootobai", "meaning": "motorcycle" }, { "vocabulary": "お礼", "reading": "おれい", "meaning": "thanks" }, { "vocabulary": "折れる", "reading": "おれる", "meaning": "to break or be folded" }, { "vocabulary": "下りる", "reading": "おりる", "meaning": "to get off" }, { "vocabulary": "折る", "reading": "おる", "meaning": "to break or to fold" }, { "vocabulary": "押し入れ", "reading": "おしいれ", "meaning": "closet" }, { "vocabulary": "仰る", "reading": "おっしゃる", "meaning": "(respectful) to say" }, { "vocabulary": "お宅", "reading": "おたく", "meaning": "your home" }, { "vocabulary": "音", "reading": "おと", "meaning": "sound; note" }, { "vocabulary": "落とす", "reading": "おとす", "meaning": "to drop" }, { "vocabulary": "お釣り", "reading": "おつり", "meaning": "change (for a purchase)​" }, { "vocabulary": "夫", "reading": "おっと", "meaning": "husband" }, { "vocabulary": "終わり", "reading": "おわり", "meaning": "the end" }, { "vocabulary": "親", "reading": "おや", "meaning": "parents" }, { "vocabulary": "泳ぎ方", "reading": "およぎかた", "meaning": "way of swimming" }, { "vocabulary": "パート", "reading": "paato", "meaning": "part; part time" }, { "vocabulary": "パソコン", "reading": "pasokon", "meaning": "personal computer" }, { "vocabulary": "ピアノ", "reading": "piano", "meaning": "piano" }, { "vocabulary": "プレゼント", "reading": "purezento", "meaning": "present; gift" }, { "vocabulary": "冷房", "reading": "れいぼう", "meaning": "air conditioning" }, { "vocabulary": "レジ", "reading": "reji", "meaning": "cashier​" }, { "vocabulary": "歴史", "reading": "れきし", "meaning": "history" }, { "vocabulary": "連絡", "reading": "れんらく", "meaning": "to contact; to get in touch​" }, { "vocabulary": "レポート", "reading": "repooto", "meaning": "report" }, { "vocabulary": "利用", "reading": "りよう", "meaning": "use; utilization; application" }, { "vocabulary": "理由", "reading": "りゆう", "meaning": "reason" }, { "vocabulary": "留守", "reading": "るす", "meaning": "absence" }, { "vocabulary": "旅館", "reading": "りょかん", "meaning": "traditional inn; Japanese-style lodging" }, { "vocabulary": "両方", "reading": "りょうほう", "meaning": "both sides" }, { "vocabulary": "寂しい", "reading": "さびしい", "meaning": "lonely" }, { "vocabulary": "下がる", "reading": "さがる", "meaning": "to get down" }, { "vocabulary": "探す", "reading": "さがす", "meaning": "to look for" }, { "vocabulary": "下げる", "reading": "さげる", "meaning": "to lower" }, { "vocabulary": "最後", "reading": "さいご", "meaning": "end; last" }, { "vocabulary": "最近", "reading": "さいきん", "meaning": "recently" }, { "vocabulary": "最初", "reading": "さいしょ", "meaning": "beginning; first" }, { "vocabulary": "坂", "reading": "さか", "meaning": "slope; hill" }, { "vocabulary": "盛ん", "reading": "さかん", "meaning": "popularity; prosperous" }, { "vocabulary": "昨夜", "reading": "さくや", "meaning": "last night" }, { "vocabulary": "サンダル", "reading": "sandaru", "meaning": "sandal" }, { "vocabulary": "サンドイッチ", "reading": "sandoicchi", "meaning": "sandwich" }, { "vocabulary": "産業", "reading": "さんぎょう", "meaning": "industry" }, { "vocabulary": "サラダ", "reading": "sarada", "meaning": "salad" }, { "vocabulary": "再来月", "reading": "さらいげつ", "meaning": "month after next" }, { "vocabulary": "再来週", "reading": "さらいしゅう", "meaning": "week after next" }, { "vocabulary": "差し上げる", "reading": "さしあげる", "meaning": "to give" }, { "vocabulary": "騒ぐ", "reading": "さわぐ", "meaning": "to make noise,to be excited" }, { "vocabulary": "触る", "reading": "さわる", "meaning": "to touch" }, { "vocabulary": "生物", "reading": "せいぶつ", "meaning": "living thing" }, { "vocabulary": "政治", "reading": "せいじ", "meaning": "politics" }, { "vocabulary": "生活", "reading": "せいかつ", "meaning": "to live" }, { "vocabulary": "生命", "reading": "せいめい", "meaning": "life" }, { "vocabulary": "生産", "reading": "せいさん", "meaning": "production" }, { "vocabulary": "西洋", "reading": "せいよう", "meaning": "the west; Western countries" }, { "vocabulary": "世界", "reading": "せかい", "meaning": "the world" }, { "vocabulary": "席", "reading": "せき", "meaning": "seat" }, { "vocabulary": "線", "reading": "せん", "meaning": "line" }, { "vocabulary": "背中", "reading": "せなか", "meaning": "back (of body)" }, { "vocabulary": "先輩", "reading": "せんぱい", "meaning": "senior" }, { "vocabulary": "戦争", "reading": "せんそう", "meaning": "war" }, { "vocabulary": "説明", "reading": "せつめい", "meaning": "explanation" }, { "vocabulary": "社長", "reading": "しゃちょう", "meaning": "company president; manager; director" }, { "vocabulary": "社会", "reading": "しゃかい", "meaning": "society; public; community; the world" }, { "vocabulary": "市", "reading": "し", "meaning": "city" }, { "vocabulary": "試合", "reading": "しあい", "meaning": "match,game" }, { "vocabulary": "叱る", "reading": "しかる", "meaning": "to scold" }, { "vocabulary": "仕方", "reading": "しかた", "meaning": "way; method" }, { "vocabulary": "試験", "reading": "しけん", "meaning": "examination" }, { "vocabulary": "しっかり", "reading": "shikkari", "meaning": "firmly; steadily" }, { "vocabulary": "島", "reading": "しま", "meaning": "island" }, { "vocabulary": "市民", "reading": "市民", "meaning": "citizen" }, { "vocabulary": "品物", "reading": "しなもの", "meaning": "goods; article; thing" }, { "vocabulary": "新聞社", "reading": "しんぶんしゃ", "meaning": "newspaper company" }, { "vocabulary": "親切", "reading": "しんせつ", "meaning": "kindness" }, { "vocabulary": "失敗", "reading": "しっぱい", "meaning": "failure" }, { "vocabulary": "調べる", "reading": "しらべる", "meaning": "to investigate" }, { "vocabulary": "知らせる", "reading": "しらせる", "meaning": "to notify" }, { "vocabulary": "下着", "reading": "したぎ", "meaning": "underwear" }, { "vocabulary": "食料品", "reading": "しょくりょうひん", "meaning": "food; groceries" }, { "vocabulary": "小学校", "reading": "しょうがっこう", "meaning": "elementary school" }, { "vocabulary": "生じる", "reading": "しょうじる", "meaning": "to produce" }, { "vocabulary": "紹介", "reading": "しょうかい", "meaning": "introduction" }, { "vocabulary": "将来", "reading": "しょうらい", "meaning": "future" }, { "vocabulary": "小説", "reading": "しょうせつ", "meaning": "novel" }, { "vocabulary": "趣味", "reading": "しゅみ", "meaning": "hobby; pastime; preference" }, { "vocabulary": "習慣", "reading": "しゅうかん", "meaning": "habit; custom; cultural practice." }, { "vocabulary": "祖母", "reading": "そぼ", "meaning": "grandmother" }, { "vocabulary": "育てる", "reading": "そだてる", "meaning": "to rear,to bring up" }, { "vocabulary": "祖父", "reading": "そふ", "meaning": "grandfather" }, { "vocabulary": "ソフト", "reading": "sofuto", "meaning": "soft" }, { "vocabulary": "そんな", "reading": "sonna", "meaning": "that sort of" }, { "vocabulary": "それで", "reading": "sore de", "meaning": "because of that" }, { "vocabulary": "それほど", "reading": "sore hodo", "meaning": "to that extent" }, { "vocabulary": "そろそろ", "reading": "sorosoro", "meaning": "gradually; soon" }, { "vocabulary": "卒業", "reading": "そつぎょう", "meaning": "graduation" }, { "vocabulary": "相談", "reading": "そうだん", "meaning": "to discuss" }, { "vocabulary": "素晴らしい", "reading": "すばらしい", "meaning": "wonderful" }, { "vocabulary": "滑る", "reading": "すべる", "meaning": "to slide; to slip" }, { "vocabulary": "凄い", "reading": "すごい", "meaning": "terrific" }, { "vocabulary": "水道", "reading": "すいどう", "meaning": "water supply" }, { "vocabulary": "水泳", "reading": "すいえい", "meaning": "swimming" }, { "vocabulary": "すっかり", "reading": "sukkari", "meaning": "completely" }, { "vocabulary": "空く", "reading": "すく", "meaning": "to be hungry" }, { "vocabulary": "スクリーン", "reading": "sukuriin", "meaning": "screen" }, { "vocabulary": "隅", "reading": "すみ", "meaning": "corner; nook" }, { "vocabulary": "済む", "reading": "すむ", "meaning": "to finish" }, { "vocabulary": "砂", "reading": "すな", "meaning": "sand" }, { "vocabulary": "すり", "reading": "suri", "meaning": "pickpocket" }, { "vocabulary": "スーツケース", "reading": "sustsukeesu", "meaning": "suitcase" }, { "vocabulary": "進む", "reading": "すすむ", "meaning": "to make progress" }, { "vocabulary": "ステーキ", "reading": "suteeki", "meaning": "steak" }, { "vocabulary": "ステレオ", "reading": "sutereo", "meaning": "stereo" }, { "vocabulary": "捨てる", "reading": "すてる", "meaning": "to throw away" }, { "vocabulary": "数学", "reading": "すうがく", "meaning": "mathematics; arithmetic" }, { "vocabulary": "スーツ", "reading": "suutsu", "meaning": "suit" }, { "vocabulary": "正しい", "reading": "ただしい", "meaning": "right; correct" }, { "vocabulary": "退院", "reading": "たいいん", "meaning": "leaving hospital; discharge from hospital" }, { "vocabulary": "台風", "reading": "たいふう", "meaning": "typhoon" }, { "vocabulary": "タイプ", "reading": "taipu", "meaning": "type,style" }, { "vocabulary": "たいてい", "reading": "taitei", "meaning": "usually" }, { "vocabulary": "たまに", "reading": "tamani", "meaning": "occasionally" }, { "vocabulary": "棚", "reading": "たな", "meaning": "shelves" }, { "vocabulary": "誕生", "reading": "たんじょう", "meaning": "birth" }, { "vocabulary": "楽しみ", "reading": "たのしみ", "meaning": "looking forward to​" }, { "vocabulary": "倒れる", "reading": "たおれる", "meaning": "to fall (over, down)" }, { "vocabulary": "足りる", "reading": "たりる", "meaning": "to be sufficient; to be enough" }, { "vocabulary": "足す", "reading": "たす", "meaning": "to add (numbers / something)" }, { "vocabulary": "畳", "reading": "たたみ", "meaning": "Japanese straw mat" }, { "vocabulary": "建てる", "reading": "たてる", "meaning": "to build" }, { "vocabulary": "訪ねる", "reading": "たずねる", "meaning": "to visit" }, { "vocabulary": "尋ねる", "reading": "たずねる", "meaning": "to ask" }, { "vocabulary": "手袋", "reading": "てぶくろ", "meaning": "glove" }, { "vocabulary": "丁寧", "reading": "ていねい", "meaning": "polite" }, { "vocabulary": "テキスト", "reading": "tekisuto", "meaning": "text; textbook" }, { "vocabulary": "適当", "reading": "てきとう", "meaning": "suitable" }, { "vocabulary": "点", "reading": "てん", "meaning": "point; dot" }, { "vocabulary": "店員", "reading": "てんいん", "meaning": "employee (of a store); shop assistant; clerk" }, { "vocabulary": "テニス", "reading": "tenisu", "meaning": "tennis" }, { "vocabulary": "天気予報", "reading": "てんきよほう", "meaning": "weather forecast" }, { "vocabulary": "展覧会", "reading": "てんらんかい", "meaning": "exhibition" }, { "vocabulary": "寺", "reading": "てら", "meaning": "temple" }, { "vocabulary": "手伝う", "reading": "てつだう", "meaning": "to help; to assist; to aid​" }, { "vocabulary": "途中", "reading": "とちゅう", "meaning": "on the way" }, { "vocabulary": "届ける", "reading": "とどける", "meaning": "to send​" }, { "vocabulary": "特急", "reading": "とっきゅう", "meaning": "limited express (train, faster than an express)" }, { "vocabulary": "床屋", "reading": "とこや", "meaning": "barber" }, { "vocabulary": "特別", "reading": "とくべつ", "meaning": "special; particular; extraordinary; exceptional" }, { "vocabulary": "特に", "reading": "とくに", "meaning": "particularly; especially; in particular; expressly" }, { "vocabulary": "泊まる", "reading": "とまる", "meaning": "to stay at" }, { "vocabulary": "止める", "reading": "とめる", "meaning": "to stop something" }, { "vocabulary": "遠く", "reading": "とおく", "meaning": "distant" }, { "vocabulary": "通る", "reading": "とおる", "meaning": "to go through" }, { "vocabulary": "取り替える", "reading": "とりかえる", "meaning": "to exchange; to swap; to replace" }, { "vocabulary": "到頭", "reading": "とうとう", "meaning": "finally, after all" }, { "vocabulary": "続ける", "reading": "つづける", "meaning": "to continue; to keep up; to keep on" }, { "vocabulary": "続く", "reading": "つづく", "meaning": "to continue" }, { "vocabulary": "都合", "reading": "つごう", "meaning": "convenience" }, { "vocabulary": "捕まえる", "reading": "つかまえる", "meaning": "to catch" }, { "vocabulary": "漬ける", "reading": "つける", "meaning": "to soak; to pickle" }, { "vocabulary": "月", "reading": "つき", "meaning": "moon" }, { "vocabulary": "付く", "reading": "つく", "meaning": "to be attached" }, { "vocabulary": "妻", "reading": "つま", "meaning": "(humble) wife" }, { "vocabulary": "連れる", "reading": "つれる", "meaning": "to take (someone) with one" }, { "vocabulary": "釣る", "reading": "つる", "meaning": "to fish" }, { "vocabulary": "伝える", "reading": "つたえる", "meaning": "to report; to tell" }, { "vocabulary": "包む", "reading": "つつむ", "meaning": "to wrap" }, { "vocabulary": "腕", "reading": "うで", "meaning": "arm" }, { "vocabulary": "植える", "reading": "うえる", "meaning": "to plant; to grow" }, { "vocabulary": "動く", "reading": "うごく", "meaning": "to move" }, { "vocabulary": "伺う", "reading": "うかがう", "meaning": "to visit" }, { "vocabulary": "受ける", "reading": "うける", "meaning": "to take a lesson or test" }, { "vocabulary": "受付", "reading": "うけつけ", "meaning": "reception (desk); information desk​" }, { "vocabulary": "生まれ", "reading": "うまれ", "meaning": "birth" }, { "vocabulary": "運転手", "reading": "うんてんしゅ", "meaning": "driver; chauffeur" }, { "vocabulary": "裏", "reading": "うら", "meaning": "reverse side" }, { "vocabulary": "嬉しい", "reading": "うれしい", "meaning": "happy" }, { "vocabulary": "売り場", "reading": "うりば", "meaning": "selling area" }, { "vocabulary": "嘘", "reading": "うそ", "meaning": "a lie" }, { "vocabulary": "打つ", "reading": "うつ", "meaning": "to hit" }, { "vocabulary": "美しい", "reading": "うつくしい", "meaning": "beautiful" }, { "vocabulary": "移る", "reading": "うつる", "meaning": "to move house or transfer" }, { "vocabulary": "写す", "reading": "うつす", "meaning": "to copy or photograph" }, { "vocabulary": "ワープロ", "reading": "waapuro", "meaning": "word processor" }, { "vocabulary": "別れる", "reading": "わかれる", "meaning": "to separate" }, { "vocabulary": "沸かす", "reading": "わかす", "meaning": "to boil; to heat" }, { "vocabulary": "沸く", "reading": "わく", "meaning": "to boil" }, { "vocabulary": "笑う", "reading": "わらう", "meaning": "to laugh; to smile" }, { "vocabulary": "割れる", "reading": "われる", "meaning": "to break" }, { "vocabulary": "割合", "reading": "わりあい", "meaning": "rate; ratio" }, { "vocabulary": "忘れ物", "reading": "わすれもの", "meaning": "lost article" }, { "vocabulary": "焼ける", "reading": "やける", "meaning": "to burn; to be roasted" }, { "vocabulary": "焼く", "reading": "やく", "meaning": "to bake; to grill" }, { "vocabulary": "役に立つ", "reading": "やくにたつ", "meaning": "to be helpful" }, { "vocabulary": "約束", "reading": "やくそく", "meaning": "promise" }, { "vocabulary": "止む", "reading": "やむ", "meaning": "to stop" }, { "vocabulary": "やっぱり", "reading": "yappari", "meaning": "as I thought" }, { "vocabulary": "優しい", "reading": "やさしい", "meaning": "kind" }, { "vocabulary": "痩せる", "reading": "やせる", "meaning": "to become thin" }, { "vocabulary": "柔らかい", "reading": "やわらかい", "meaning": "soft" }, { "vocabulary": "汚れる", "reading": "よごれる", "meaning": "to get dirty" }, { "vocabulary": "喜ぶ", "reading": "よろこぶ", "meaning": "to be delighted" }, { "vocabulary": "寄る", "reading": "よる", "meaning": "to visit; to drop by" }, { "vocabulary": "予習", "reading": "よしゅう", "meaning": "preparation for a lesson" }, { "vocabulary": "予定", "reading": "よてい", "meaning": "plan" }, { "vocabulary": "用", "reading": "よう", "meaning": "business; task; errand; use; purpose" }, { "vocabulary": "用意", "reading": "ようい", "meaning": "preparation; arrangements; provision; getting ready" }, { "vocabulary": "用事", "reading": "ようじ", "meaning": "tasks; things to do; errand; business (to take care of)" }, { "vocabulary": "予約", "reading": "よやく", "meaning": "reservation" }, { "vocabulary": "湯", "reading": "ゆ", "meaning": "hot water" }, { "vocabulary": "指", "reading": "ゆび", "meaning": "finger" }, { "vocabulary": "指輪", "reading": "ゆびわ", "meaning": "finger ring" }, { "vocabulary": "夢", "reading": "ゆめ", "meaning": "dream" }, { "vocabulary": "揺れる", "reading": "ゆれる", "meaning": "to shake" }, { "vocabulary": "残念", "reading": "ざんねん", "meaning": "regrettable; unfortunate" }, { "vocabulary": "全然", "reading": "ぜんぜん", "meaning": "not entirely (used in a negative sentence)" } ]