from discord.ext import commands import utils import discord class Tutorial: def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command() # @utils.can_run(send_messages=True) async def tutorial(self, ctx, *, cmd_or_cog = None): # The message we'll use to send output = "" # The list of commands we need to run through commands = [] if cmd_or_cog: cmd = # This should be a cog if cmd is None: cog = if cog is None: await ctx.send("Could not find a command or a cog for {}".format(cmd_or_cog)) return commands = set([ c for c in if c.cog_name == cmd_or_cog.title() ]) # Specific command else: commands = [cmd] # Use all commands else: commands = set( # Loop through all the commands that we want to use for command in commands: embed = self.generate_embed(command) # await await ctx.send(embed=embed) return def generate_embed(self, command): # Create the embed object opts = { "title": "`{}` command tutorial:\n\n".format(command.qualified_name), "colour": } embed = discord.Embed(**opts) if is not None: # Split into examples, results, and the description itself based on the string description, _, rest ='EXAMPLE:') example, _, rest = rest.partition('RESULT:') result, _, gif = rest.partition("GIF:") else: example = None result = None gif = None # Add a field for the aliases if command.aliases: embed.add_field( name="Aliases", value="\n".join(["\t{}".format(alias) for alias in command.aliases]), inline=False ) # Add any paramaters needed if command.clean_params: params = [] for key, value in command.clean_params.items(): # Get the parameter type, as well as the default value if it exists param_type, has_default, default_value = str(value).partition("=") try: # We want everything after the : param_type = param_type.split(":")[1] # Now we want to split based on . (for possible deep level types IE discord.member.Member) then get the last value param_type = param_type.split(".") param_type = param_type[len(param_type) - 1] # This could mean something like *param was provided as the parameter except IndexError: param_type = "str" # Start the string that we'll use as the param's info string = "{} (Type: {}".format(key, param_type) if default_value: string += ", Default: {}".format(default_value) # This is the = from the partition, if it exists, then there's a default...hence the name if has_default: string += ", optional)" else: string += ", required)" # Now push our string to the list of params params.append(string) name = "Paramaters" embed.add_field(name=name, value="\n".join(params), inline=False) # Set the description of the embed to the description if description: embed.description = description # Add these two in one embed if example and result: embed.add_field( name="Example", value="{}\n{}".format(example.strip(), result.strip()), inline=False ) try: can_run = [func for func in command.checks if "can_run" in func.__qualname__][0] perms = ",".join(attribute for attribute, setting in can_run.perms.items() if setting) embed.set_footer(text="Permissions required: {}".format(perms)) except IndexError: pass return embed def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Tutorial(bot))