[ { "vocabulary": " 浴びる", "meaning": "to bathe, to shower" }, { "vocabulary": " 危ない", "meaning": "dangerous" }, { "vocabulary": " あっち ", "meaning": "over there" }, { "vocabulary": " あちら", "meaning": "there" }, { "vocabulary": " 上げる", "meaning": "to raise; to elevate" }, { "vocabulary": " 赤", "meaning": "red; crimson; scarlet​" }, { "vocabulary": " 赤い", "meaning": "red; crimson; scarlet​" }, { "vocabulary": " 明るい", "meaning": "bright; light" }, { "vocabulary": " 開ける", "meaning": "to open (a door, etc.); to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package); to unlock" }, { "vocabulary": " 秋", "meaning": "autumn; fall" }, { "vocabulary": " 開く", "meaning": "to open (e.g. doors, business, etc)" }, { "vocabulary": " 甘い", "meaning": "sweet; sweet-tasting; sugary; naive; indulgent" }, { "vocabulary": " 飴", "meaning": "candy" }, { "vocabulary": " 雨", "meaning": "rain" }, { "vocabulary": " あなた", "meaning": "you" }, { "vocabulary": " 姉", "meaning": "older sister; elder sister​" }, { "vocabulary": " 兄", "meaning": "elder brother; older brother​" }, { "vocabulary": " あの", "meaning": "that" }, { "vocabulary": " 青", "meaning": "blue; azure" }, { "vocabulary": " 青い", "meaning": "blue; azure" }, { "vocabulary": " アパート", "meaning": "apartment" }, { "vocabulary": " 洗う", "meaning": "to wash" }, { "vocabulary": " あれ", "meaning": "that" }, { "vocabulary": " ある", "meaning": "to be, to have" }, { "vocabulary": " 歩く", "meaning": "to walk" }, { "vocabulary": " 朝", "meaning": "morning" }, { "vocabulary": " 朝ご飯", "meaning": "breakfast" }, { "vocabulary": " 明後日", "meaning": "day after tomorrow" }, { "vocabulary": " 足", "meaning": "foot; leg; paw; arm" }, { "vocabulary": " 明日", "meaning": "tomorrow" }, { "vocabulary": " 遊ぶ", "meaning": "to play; to enjoy oneself" }, { "vocabulary": " あそこ", "meaning": "over there" }, { "vocabulary": " 頭", "meaning": "head" }, { "vocabulary": " 新しい", "meaning": "new; novel; fresh; recent; latest" }, { "vocabulary": " 暖かい", "meaning": "warm" }, { "vocabulary": " 後", "meaning": "behind; after; remainder; left; also" }, { "vocabulary": " 厚い", "meaning": "thick" }, { "vocabulary": " 暑い", "meaning": "hot; sultry" }, { "vocabulary": " 熱い", "meaning": "hot" }, { "vocabulary": " 会う", "meaning": "to meet; to encounter; to see" }, { "vocabulary": " 晩ご飯", "meaning": "dinner; evening meal" }, { "vocabulary": " 番号", "meaning": "number" }, { "vocabulary": " バス", "meaning": "bus" }, { "vocabulary": " バター ", "meaning": "butter​" }, { "vocabulary": " ベッド", "meaning": "bed" }, { "vocabulary": " 勉強", "meaning": "to study" }, { "vocabulary": " 便利", "meaning": "convenient; handy; useful" }, { "vocabulary": " ボールペン", "meaning": "ball-point pen" }, { "vocabulary": " ボタン", "meaning": "button" }, { "vocabulary": " 帽子", "meaning": "hat; cap" }, { "vocabulary": " 文章", "meaning": "sentence" }, { "vocabulary": " 豚肉 ", "meaning": "pork" }, { "vocabulary": " 病院", "meaning": "hospital" }, { "vocabulary": " 病気", "meaning": "illness; disease; sickness" }, { "vocabulary": " 茶色", "meaning": "brown" }, { "vocabulary": " 茶碗", "meaning": "rice bowl; tea cup; teacup" }, { "vocabulary": " 父", "meaning": "father" }, { "vocabulary": " 違う", "meaning": "to differ" }, { "vocabulary": " 小さい", "meaning": "small; little; tiny" }, { "vocabulary": " 小さな", "meaning": "small; little; tiny​" }, { "vocabulary": " 近い", "meaning": "near; close" }, { "vocabulary": " 地下鉄", "meaning": "subway; underground train" }, { "vocabulary": " 地図", "meaning": "map" }, { "vocabulary": " ちょっと", "meaning": "a little" }, { "vocabulary": " 丁度", "meaning": "exactly" }, { "vocabulary": " 台所", "meaning": "kitchen" }, { "vocabulary": " 大学", "meaning": "university; college" }, { "vocabulary": " 大丈夫", "meaning": "OK; okay; alright; problem free" }, { "vocabulary": " 大好き", "meaning": "love; like; like very much" }, { "vocabulary": " だんだん", "meaning": "gradually" }, { "vocabulary": " 誰", "meaning": "who" }, { "vocabulary": " 誰か ", "meaning": "someone; somebody" }, { "vocabulary": " 出す", "meaning": "to take out; to get out; to put out; to reveal" }, { "vocabulary": " 出口", "meaning": "exit; gateway; way out" }, { "vocabulary": " 出かける", "meaning": "to go out; to leave; to depart" }, { "vocabulary": " 電気", "meaning": "electricity" }, { "vocabulary": " 電車", "meaning": "train; electric train" }, { "vocabulary": " 電話", "meaning": "telephone (call / device)l; phone call" }, { "vocabulary": " デパート", "meaning": "department store" }, { "vocabulary": " 出る", "meaning": "to leave; to exit; to appear; to go out" }, { "vocabulary": " ドア", "meaning": "door" }, { "vocabulary": " どっち", "meaning": "which; which one" }, { "vocabulary": " どちら", "meaning": "which of two" }, { "vocabulary": " どこ", "meaning": "where; what place​" }, { "vocabulary": " どなた", "meaning": "who" }, { "vocabulary": " どの", "meaning": "which" }, { "vocabulary": " どれ", "meaning": "which (of three or more)​" }, { "vocabulary": " どう", "meaning": "how; in what way; how about​" }, { "vocabulary": " 動物", "meaning": "animal" }, { "vocabulary": " どうも", "meaning": "thank you; thanks" }, { "vocabulary": " どうぞ", "meaning": "please" }, { "vocabulary": " 土曜日", "meaning": "Saturday" }, { "vocabulary": " 絵", "meaning": "picture" }, { "vocabulary": " ええ ", "meaning": "yes; that is correct; right" }, { "vocabulary": " 映画", "meaning": "movie; film" }, { "vocabulary": " 映画館", "meaning": "movie theater; cinema" }, { "vocabulary": " 英語", "meaning": "English language" }, { "vocabulary": " 駅", "meaning": "station" }, { "vocabulary": " 鉛筆", "meaning": "pencil" }, { "vocabulary": " エレベーター", "meaning": "elevator" }, { "vocabulary": " フィルム", "meaning": "film" }, { "vocabulary": " フォーク ", "meaning": "fork" }, { "vocabulary": " 吹く", "meaning": "to blow (of the wind)" }, { "vocabulary": " 服", "meaning": "clothes" }, { "vocabulary": " 降る", "meaning": "to fall" }, { "vocabulary": " 古い", "meaning": "old (not used for people)" }, { "vocabulary": " 二人", "meaning": "two people; pair; couple" }, { "vocabulary": " 二つ", "meaning": "two; 2" }, { "vocabulary": " 太い", "meaning": "fat; thick" }, { "vocabulary": " 二日", "meaning": "the second day of the month / 2 days" }, { "vocabulary": " 封筒", "meaning": "envelope" }, { "vocabulary": " 冬", "meaning": "winter" }, { "vocabulary": " 外国", "meaning": "foreign country" }, { "vocabulary": " 外国人", "meaning": "foreigner; foreign citizen; foreign national; alien; non-Japanese" }, { "vocabulary": " 学校", "meaning": "school" }, { "vocabulary": " 学生", "meaning": "student" }, { "vocabulary": " 玄関", "meaning": "entrance" }, { "vocabulary": " 元気", "meaning": "lively; full of spirit; energetic; healthy" }, { "vocabulary": " 月曜日", "meaning": "Monday" }, { "vocabulary": " 銀行", "meaning": "bank" }, { "vocabulary": " ギター", "meaning": "guitar" }, { "vocabulary": " 五", "meaning": "five; 5" }, { "vocabulary": " 午後", "meaning": "afternoon; p.m." }, { "vocabulary": " ご飯", "meaning": "cooked rice, meal" }, { "vocabulary": " 午前", "meaning": "morning; a.m." }, { "vocabulary": " グラム ", "meaning": "gram" }, { "vocabulary": " 牛肉", "meaning": "beef" }, { "vocabulary": " 牛乳", "meaning": "(cow's) milk" }, { "vocabulary": " 歯", "meaning": "tooth" }, { "vocabulary": " 八", "meaning": "eight: 8" }, { "vocabulary": " 葉書", "meaning": "postcard" }, { "vocabulary": " 母", "meaning": "mother" }, { "vocabulary": " はい", "meaning": "yes; that is correct​" }, { "vocabulary": " 入る", "meaning": "to enter; to go into" }, { "vocabulary": " 灰皿", "meaning": "ashtray" }, { "vocabulary": " 始まる", "meaning": "to begin" }, { "vocabulary": " 初めて", "meaning": "for the first time" }, { "vocabulary": " 箱", "meaning": "box; crate" }, { "vocabulary": " 履く", "meaning": "to wear, to put on trousers" }, { "vocabulary": " 半", "meaning": "half; semi-; half-past" }, { "vocabulary": " 花", "meaning": "flower" }, { "vocabulary": " 鼻", "meaning": "nose" }, { "vocabulary": " 話", "meaning": " talk; speech; chat; conversation​" }, { "vocabulary": " 話す", "meaning": "to speak; to talk; to converse" }, { "vocabulary": " 半分", "meaning": "half" }, { "vocabulary": " ハンカチ", "meaning": "handkerchief​" }, { "vocabulary": " 晴れ", "meaning": "clear weather" }, { "vocabulary": " 晴れる", "meaning": "to be sunny" }, { "vocabulary": " 貼る ", "meaning": "to stick; to paste" }, { "vocabulary": " 春", "meaning": "spring; springtime" }, { "vocabulary": " 箸", "meaning": "chopsticks" }, { "vocabulary": " 橋", "meaning": "bridge" }, { "vocabulary": " 走る", "meaning": "to run" }, { "vocabulary": " 二十歳", "meaning": "20 years old; twenty years old" }, { "vocabulary": " 働く", "meaning": "to work" }, { "vocabulary": " 二十日", "meaning": "twentieth day of the month / 20 days" }, { "vocabulary": " 早い", "meaning": "fast; early" }, { "vocabulary": " 速い", "meaning": "fast; quick; hasty; brisk" }, { "vocabulary": " 辺", "meaning": "area" }, { "vocabulary": " 下手", "meaning": "unskillful; poor; awkward​" }, { "vocabulary": " 部屋", "meaning": "room" }, { "vocabulary": " 左", "meaning": "left; left hand side" }, { "vocabulary": " 東", "meaning": "east" }, { "vocabulary": " 飛行機", "meaning": "airplane; aircraft" }, { "vocabulary": " 引く", "meaning": "to pull" }, { "vocabulary": " 弾く", "meaning": "to play" }, { "vocabulary": " 低い", "meaning": "short,low" }, { "vocabulary": " 暇", "meaning": "free time" }, { "vocabulary": " 広い", "meaning": "spacious; vast; wide" }, { "vocabulary": " 昼", "meaning": "noon; midday; daytime; lunch" }, { "vocabulary": " 昼ご飯", "meaning": "lunch" }, { "vocabulary": " 人", "meaning": "person; human" }, { "vocabulary": " 一人", "meaning": "one person​; alone; single" }, { "vocabulary": " 一つ", "meaning": "one thing; only" }, { "vocabulary": " ほか", "meaning": "other (place, thing, person); the rest" }, { "vocabulary": " 本", "meaning": "book; volume; script" }, { "vocabulary": " 本棚", "meaning": "bookshelf; bookcase" }, { "vocabulary": " 本当", "meaning": "truth; reality; actuality; fact" }, { "vocabulary": " 欲しい", "meaning": "want" }, { "vocabulary": " 細い", "meaning": "thin; slender" }, { "vocabulary": " ホテル", "meaning": "hotel" }, { "vocabulary": " 百", "meaning": "100; hundred" }, { "vocabulary": " 一", "meaning": "one; best; first; foremost; start" }, { "vocabulary": " 一番", "meaning": "number one; first; 1st, first place​; best; most​" }, { "vocabulary": " 一日", "meaning": "one day, all day" }, { "vocabulary": " 家", "meaning": "house, residence, family" }, { "vocabulary": " いかが", "meaning": "how; in what way; how about​" }, { "vocabulary": " 池", "meaning": "pond" }, { "vocabulary": " 行く", "meaning": "to go; to move" }, { "vocabulary": " いくら", "meaning": "how much?; how many?​" }, { "vocabulary": " いくつ ", "meaning": "how many?,how old?" }, { "vocabulary": " 今", "meaning": "now; the present time; soon" }, { "vocabulary": " 意味", "meaning": "meaning; significance; sense" }, { "vocabulary": " 妹", "meaning": "younger sister" }, { "vocabulary": " 犬", "meaning": "dog" }, { "vocabulary": " 入れる", "meaning": "to put in; to let in; to take in; to bring in; to insert; to install" }, { "vocabulary": " 入口", "meaning": "entrance; entry; gate" }, { "vocabulary": " 色", "meaning": "colour; color" }, { "vocabulary": " 色々 ", "meaning": "various" }, { "vocabulary": " 居る ", "meaning": "to be, to have" }, { "vocabulary": " 要る", "meaning": "to be needed" }, { "vocabulary": " 医者", "meaning": "(medical) doctor; physician" }, { "vocabulary": " 忙しい", "meaning": "busy" }, { "vocabulary": " 一緒", "meaning": "together; at the same time; same; identical" }, { "vocabulary": " 椅子", "meaning": "chair" }, { "vocabulary": " 痛い", "meaning": "painful; sore​" }, { "vocabulary": " いつ ", "meaning": "when" }, { "vocabulary": " 五日", "meaning": "the fifth day of the month / 5 days" }, { "vocabulary": " 五つ", "meaning": "five; 5" }, { "vocabulary": " 言う", "meaning": "to say; to call" }, { "vocabulary": " 嫌", "meaning": "unpleasant" }, { "vocabulary": " じゃあ", "meaning": "then; well; so; well then" }, { "vocabulary": " 字引", "meaning": "dictionary" }, { "vocabulary": " 自分", "meaning": "myself; yourself; oneself; himself; herself; i; me" }, { "vocabulary": " 自動車", "meaning": "automobile; motorcar; motor vehicle; car" }, { "vocabulary": " 時間", "meaning": "time; hour(s)" }, { "vocabulary": " 辞書", "meaning": "dictionary" }, { "vocabulary": " 自転車", "meaning": "bicycle" }, { "vocabulary": " 丈夫", "meaning": "strong, durable" }, { "vocabulary": " 上手", "meaning": "skillful; skilled; proficient; good (at)" }, { "vocabulary": " 授業", "meaning": "lesson; class work" }, { "vocabulary": " 十", "meaning": "ten; 10" }, { "vocabulary": " かばん", "meaning": "bag; basket​" }, { "vocabulary": " 花瓶", "meaning": "a vase" }, { "vocabulary": " 角", "meaning": "a corner; angle​" }, { "vocabulary": " 帰る", "meaning": "to go back​" }, { "vocabulary": " 返す", "meaning": "to return something" }, { "vocabulary": " 鍵", "meaning": "key" }, { "vocabulary": " 階段", "meaning": "stairs; stairway; staircase" }, { "vocabulary": " 買い物", "meaning": "shopping; purchased goods" }, { "vocabulary": " 会社", "meaning": "company; corporation" }, { "vocabulary": " 掛かる", "meaning": "to take (a resource, e.g. time or money)" }, { "vocabulary": " 掛ける", "meaning": "to hang up; to make (a call)​;" }, { "vocabulary": " 書く", "meaning": "to write; to compose; to pen; to draw" }, { "vocabulary": " カメラ", "meaning": "camera" }, { "vocabulary": " 紙", "meaning": "paper" }, { "vocabulary": " 漢字", "meaning": "kanji" }, { "vocabulary": " カップ", "meaning": "cup" }, { "vocabulary": " 体", "meaning": "body" }, { "vocabulary": " 辛い", "meaning": "spicy" }, { "vocabulary": " カレー ", "meaning": "curry" }, { "vocabulary": " カレンダー", "meaning": "calendar" }, { "vocabulary": " 借りる", "meaning": "to borrow" }, { "vocabulary": " 軽い", "meaning": "light" }, { "vocabulary": " 傘", "meaning": "umbrella" }, { "vocabulary": " 貸す", "meaning": "to lend; to loan" }, { "vocabulary": " 方", "meaning": "way of doing something" }, { "vocabulary": " 家庭", "meaning": "household" }, { "vocabulary": " 買う", "meaning": "to buy; to purchase" }, { "vocabulary": " 川", "meaning": "river; stream​" }, { "vocabulary": " 可愛い", "meaning": "cute" }, { "vocabulary": " 火曜日", "meaning": "Tuesday" }, { "vocabulary": " 風邪 ", "meaning": "a cold" }, { "vocabulary": " 風", "meaning": "wind" }, { "vocabulary": " 家族", "meaning": "family; members of a family" }, { "vocabulary": " 警官", "meaning": "policeman; police officer" }, { "vocabulary": " 結婚", "meaning": "marriage" }, { "vocabulary": " 結構", "meaning": "splendid, enough" }, { "vocabulary": " 今朝", "meaning": "this morning" }, { "vocabulary": " 消す", "meaning": "to erase, to turn off power" }, { "vocabulary": " 木", "meaning": "tree; shrub; bush; wood; timber" }, { "vocabulary": " 消える ", "meaning": "to disappear" }, { "vocabulary": " 黄色い", "meaning": "yellow" }, { "vocabulary": " 聞く", "meaning": "to hear; to listen (to music); to ask; to learn of" }, { "vocabulary": " 昨日", "meaning": "yesterday" }, { "vocabulary": " 金曜日", "meaning": "Friday" }, { "vocabulary": " 切符", "meaning": "ticket" }, { "vocabulary": " 嫌い", "meaning": "hate" }, { "vocabulary": " 綺麗", "meaning": "pretty; lovely; beautiful" }, { "vocabulary": " キログラム", "meaning": "kilogram" }, { "vocabulary": " キロメートル", "meaning": "kilometer" }, { "vocabulary": " 切る", "meaning": "to cut" }, { "vocabulary": " 着る", "meaning": "to wear" }, { "vocabulary": " 喫茶店", "meaning": "coffee shop; tearoom; cafe" }, { "vocabulary": " 北", "meaning": "north" }, { "vocabulary": " 汚い", "meaning": "dirty" }, { "vocabulary": " 切手", "meaning": "stamp (postage)" }, { "vocabulary": " こっち", "meaning": "this person or way" }, { "vocabulary": " こちら ", "meaning": "this way; this direction​" }, { "vocabulary": " 子供", "meaning": "child" }, { "vocabulary": " 声", "meaning": "voice" }, { "vocabulary": " ここ", "meaning": "here; this place" }, { "vocabulary": " 九日", "meaning": "ninth day of the month / 9 days" }, { "vocabulary": " 九つ", "meaning": "nine; 9" }, { "vocabulary": " 困る", "meaning": "to be troubled" }, { "vocabulary": " 今晩", "meaning": "tonight; this evening" }, { "vocabulary": " 今月", "meaning": "this month" }, { "vocabulary": " こんな ", "meaning": "such; like this​" }, { "vocabulary": " この ", "meaning": "this​" }, { "vocabulary": " 今週", "meaning": "this week" }, { "vocabulary": " コーヒー ", "meaning": "Coffee" }, { "vocabulary": " コート", "meaning": "coat" }, { "vocabulary": " コピー", "meaning": "copy; photocopy" }, { "vocabulary": " コップ", "meaning": "glass (drinking vessel); tumbler​" }, { "vocabulary": " これ ", "meaning": "this" }, { "vocabulary": " 答える", "meaning": "to answer" }, { "vocabulary": " 言葉", "meaning": "word; words" }, { "vocabulary": " 今年", "meaning": "this year" }, { "vocabulary": " 交番", "meaning": "police box" }, { "vocabulary": " 紅茶", "meaning": "black tea" }, { "vocabulary": " 公園", "meaning": "park" }, { "vocabulary": " 交差点", "meaning": "intersection" }, { "vocabulary": " 口", "meaning": "mouth, opening" }, { "vocabulary": " 果物", "meaning": "fruit" }, { "vocabulary": " 下さい", "meaning": "please" }, { "vocabulary": " 曇り", "meaning": "cloudiness; cloudy weather" }, { "vocabulary": " 曇る", "meaning": "to become cloudy, to become dim" }, { "vocabulary": " 国", "meaning": "country; state; region" }, { "vocabulary": " 暗い", "meaning": "dark; gloomy; murky" }, { "vocabulary": " クラス ", "meaning": "class" }, { "vocabulary": " 黒", "meaning": "black" }, { "vocabulary": " 黒い", "meaning": "black" }, { "vocabulary": " 来る", "meaning": "to come" }, { "vocabulary": " 車", "meaning": "car; automobile; vehicle" }, { "vocabulary": " 薬", "meaning": "medicine" }, { "vocabulary": " 靴", "meaning": "shoes" }, { "vocabulary": " 靴下", "meaning": "socks" }, { "vocabulary": " 去年", "meaning": "last year" }, { "vocabulary": " 今日", "meaning": "today; this day" }, { "vocabulary": " 兄弟", "meaning": "siblings; brothers and sisters​; mate" }, { "vocabulary": " 教室", "meaning": "classroom" }, { "vocabulary": " 九", "meaning": "nine; 9" }, { "vocabulary": " マッチ", "meaning": "match" }, { "vocabulary": " 町", "meaning": "town; block; neighborhood" }, { "vocabulary": " 窓", "meaning": "window" }, { "vocabulary": " 前", "meaning": "previous; before; in front; ago" }, { "vocabulary": " 曲がる", "meaning": "to turn, to bend" }, { "vocabulary": " 毎朝", "meaning": "every morning" }, { "vocabulary": " 毎晩", "meaning": "every night" }, { "vocabulary": " 毎日", "meaning": "every day" }, { "vocabulary": " 毎週", "meaning": "every week" }, { "vocabulary": " 毎年", "meaning": "every year; yearly; annually" }, { "vocabulary": " 毎月", "meaning": "every month; monthly" }, { "vocabulary": " 万", "meaning": "10,000; ten thousand" }, { "vocabulary": " 万年筆", "meaning": "fountain pen" }, { "vocabulary": " 丸い", "meaning": "round,circular" }, { "vocabulary": " 真っ直ぐ", "meaning": "straight ahead,direct" }, { "vocabulary": " 待つ", "meaning": "to wait​" }, { "vocabulary": " 不味い", "meaning": "unpleasant" }, { "vocabulary": " 目", "meaning": "eye" }, { "vocabulary": " メートル", "meaning": "metre; meter" }, { "vocabulary": " 眼鏡", "meaning": "glasses" }, { "vocabulary": " 道", "meaning": "road; street" }, { "vocabulary": " 緑", "meaning": "green" }, { "vocabulary": " 磨く", "meaning": "to polish; to shine; to brush (e.g. teeth)" }, { "vocabulary": " 右", "meaning": " right; right hand side" }, { "vocabulary": " 短い", "meaning": "short" }, { "vocabulary": " 三日", "meaning": "the third day of the month / 3 days" }, { "vocabulary": " 耳", "meaning": "ear; hearing" }, { "vocabulary": " 南", "meaning": "south" }, { "vocabulary": " 皆さん", "meaning": "everyone" }, { "vocabulary": " みんな", "meaning": "all; everyone; everybody" }, { "vocabulary": " 見る", "meaning": "to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe" }, { "vocabulary": " 店", "meaning": "store; shop; establishment; restaurant" }, { "vocabulary": " 見せる", "meaning": "to show; to display" }, { "vocabulary": " 三つ", "meaning": "three; 3" }, { "vocabulary": " 水", "meaning": "water; fluid; liquid​" }, { "vocabulary": " 木曜日", "meaning": "Thursday" }, { "vocabulary": " 門", "meaning": "gate" }, { "vocabulary": " 問題", "meaning": "problem; question (e.g. on a test)" }, { "vocabulary": " 物", "meaning": "thing" }, { "vocabulary": " 持つ", "meaning": "to hold" }, { "vocabulary": " もっと ", "meaning": "more; longer; further" }, { "vocabulary": " もう一度", "meaning": "once more; again" }, { "vocabulary": " 六日", "meaning": "sixth day of the month / 6 days" }, { "vocabulary": " 向こう ", "meaning": "over there" }, { "vocabulary": " 村", "meaning": "village" }, { "vocabulary": " 六つ", "meaning": "six; 6" }, { "vocabulary": " 難しい", "meaning": "difficult" }, { "vocabulary": " 長い", "meaning": "long (distance)​; long (time); lengthy." }, { "vocabulary": " ナイフ", "meaning": "knife" }, { "vocabulary": " 中", "meaning": "inside; in; within; center" }, { "vocabulary": " 鳴く", "meaning": "animal noise. to chirp" }, { "vocabulary": " 無くす", "meaning": "to lose (something)" }, { "vocabulary": " 名前", "meaning": "name; full name; given name" }, { "vocabulary": " 七つ", "meaning": "seven; 7" }, { "vocabulary": " 何", "meaning": "what" }, { "vocabulary": " 七日", "meaning": "seventh day of the month / 7 days" }, { "vocabulary": " 並べる", "meaning": "to line up,to set up" }, { "vocabulary": " 並ぶ", "meaning": "to line up,to stand in a line" }, { "vocabulary": " 習う", "meaning": "to be taught; to learn (from a teacher)" }, { "vocabulary": " 夏", "meaning": "summer" }, { "vocabulary": " 夏休み", "meaning": "summer vacation; summer holiday" }, { "vocabulary": " 何故", "meaning": "why; how" }, { "vocabulary": " 猫", "meaning": "cat" }, { "vocabulary": " ネクタイ", "meaning": "tie; necktie" }, { "vocabulary": " 寝る", "meaning": "to sleep; to go to bed; to lie down" }, { "vocabulary": " 二", "meaning": "two; 2" }, { "vocabulary": " 日曜日", "meaning": "Sunday" }, { "vocabulary": " 賑やか", "meaning": "bustling,busy" }, { "vocabulary": " 日記", "meaning": "diary; journal" }, { "vocabulary": " 肉", "meaning": "meat" }, { "vocabulary": " 荷物", "meaning": "luggage; baggage" }, { "vocabulary": " 西", "meaning": "west" }, { "vocabulary": " 庭", "meaning": "garden" }, { "vocabulary": " 登る", "meaning": "to climb" }, { "vocabulary": " 飲み物", "meaning": "drink; beverage" }, { "vocabulary": " 飲む", "meaning": "to drink" }, { "vocabulary": " ノート", "meaning": "notebook" }, { "vocabulary": " 乗る", "meaning": "to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.)" }, { "vocabulary": " 脱ぐ", "meaning": "to take off clothes" }, { "vocabulary": " 温い", "meaning": "luke warm" }, { "vocabulary": " ニュース", "meaning": "news" }, { "vocabulary": " おばあさん", "meaning": "grandmother" }, { "vocabulary": " 伯母さん", "meaning": "aunt; old lady" }, { "vocabulary": " お弁当", "meaning": "lunch box; Japanese box lunch" }, { "vocabulary": " 覚える", "meaning": "to remember" }, { "vocabulary": " お茶", "meaning": "tea" }, { "vocabulary": " お風呂", "meaning": "bath" }, { "vocabulary": " 美味しい", "meaning": "delicious" }, { "vocabulary": " 伯父さん", "meaning": "uncle; old man; mister" }, { "vocabulary": " お母さん", "meaning": "mother; mom; mum; ma" }, { "vocabulary": " お金", "meaning": "money" }, { "vocabulary": " お菓子", "meaning": "confections; sweets; candy" }, { "vocabulary": " 起きる", "meaning": "to get up; to wake up" }, { "vocabulary": " 置く", "meaning": "to put; to place​" }, { "vocabulary": " 奥さん", "meaning": "wife; your wife; his wife" }, { "vocabulary": " お巡りさん", "meaning": "police officer (friendly term for policeman)" }, { "vocabulary": " 重い", "meaning": "heavy" }, { "vocabulary": " 面白い", "meaning": "interesting" }, { "vocabulary": " 同じ", "meaning": "same" }, { "vocabulary": " お腹", "meaning": "stomach" }, { "vocabulary": " お姉さん", "meaning": "elder sister; young lady; miss; ma'am" }, { "vocabulary": " 音楽", "meaning": "music" }, { "vocabulary": " お兄さん", "meaning": "older brother; elder brother; young man; buddy" }, { "vocabulary": " 女", "meaning": "woman; female sex" }, { "vocabulary": " 女の子", "meaning": "girl; daughter; young women" }, { "vocabulary": " 多い", "meaning": "many; numerous; a lot; large quantity; frequent" }, { "vocabulary": " 大きい", "meaning": "big; large; great; important" }, { "vocabulary": " 大きな", "meaning": "big; large; great​" }, { "vocabulary": " 大勢", "meaning": "crowd of people; great number of people" }, { "vocabulary": " 降りる", "meaning": "to get off" }, { "vocabulary": " お酒", "meaning": "alcohol" }, { "vocabulary": " お皿", "meaning": "plate, dish" }, { "vocabulary": " 教える", "meaning": " to teach" }, { "vocabulary": " 遅い", "meaning": "slow; time-consuming; late" }, { "vocabulary": " 押す", "meaning": "to push; to press​" }, { "vocabulary": " お手洗い", "meaning": "toilet; restroom; lavatory; bathroom" }, { "vocabulary": " 男", "meaning": "man; male" }, { "vocabulary": " 男の子", "meaning": "boy; male child; baby boy" }, { "vocabulary": " 大人", "meaning": "adult" }, { "vocabulary": " 一昨日", "meaning": "day before yesterday" }, { "vocabulary": " 一昨年", "meaning": "year before last" }, { "vocabulary": " お父さん", "meaning": "father; dad; papa; pa; pop; daddy" }, { "vocabulary": " 弟", "meaning": "younger brother" }, { "vocabulary": " 終る", "meaning": "to finish; to end" }, { "vocabulary": " 泳ぐ", "meaning": "to swim" }, { "vocabulary": " パーティー", "meaning": "party" }, { "vocabulary": " パン ", "meaning": "bread" }, { "vocabulary": " ページ", "meaning": "page" }, { "vocabulary": " ペン", "meaning": "pen" }, { "vocabulary": " ペット", "meaning": "pet" }, { "vocabulary": " ポケット", "meaning": "pocket" }, { "vocabulary": " ポスト", "meaning": "post" }, { "vocabulary": " プール", "meaning": "swimming pool" }, { "vocabulary": " 来月", "meaning": "next month" }, { "vocabulary": " 来年", "meaning": "next year" }, { "vocabulary": " 来週", "meaning": "next week" }, { "vocabulary": " ラジオ", "meaning": "radio" }, { "vocabulary": " 零", "meaning": "zero" }, { "vocabulary": " 冷蔵庫", "meaning": "refrigerator" }, { "vocabulary": " レコード", "meaning": "record" }, { "vocabulary": " 練習", "meaning": "practice; practicing" }, { "vocabulary": " レストラン", "meaning": "restaurant" }, { "vocabulary": " 立派", "meaning": "splendid" }, { "vocabulary": " 六", "meaning": "six; 6" }, { "vocabulary": " 廊下", "meaning": "corridor; hallway; passageway" }, { "vocabulary": " 旅行", "meaning": "travel; trip; journey; excursion; tour" }, { "vocabulary": " 料理", "meaning": "cuisine" }, { "vocabulary": " 両親", "meaning": "parents; both parents" }, { "vocabulary": " 留学生", "meaning": "overseas student; exchange student" }, { "vocabulary": " さあ ", "meaning": "well…" }, { "vocabulary": " 財布", "meaning": "purse; wallet" }, { "vocabulary": " 魚", "meaning": "fish" }, { "vocabulary": " 先", "meaning": "previous; prior; first; earlier" }, { "vocabulary": " 咲く", "meaning": "to bloom" }, { "vocabulary": " 作文", "meaning": "writing; composition" }, { "vocabulary": " 寒い", "meaning": "cold" }, { "vocabulary": " 三", "meaning": "three; 3" }, { "vocabulary": " 散歩", "meaning": "walk; stroll" }, { "vocabulary": " 再来年", "meaning": "year after next" }, { "vocabulary": " 差す", "meaning": "to stretch out hands, to raise an umbrella" }, { "vocabulary": " 砂糖", "meaning": "sugar" }, { "vocabulary": " 背", "meaning": "height; stature; back; spine" }, { "vocabulary": " 背広", "meaning": "business suit" }, { "vocabulary": " セーター", "meaning": "sweater; jumper" }, { "vocabulary": " 生徒", "meaning": "pupil; student" }, { "vocabulary": " 石鹼", "meaning": "soap" }, { "vocabulary": " 狭い", "meaning": "narrow" }, { "vocabulary": " 千", "meaning": "1,000; thousand" }, { "vocabulary": " 先月", "meaning": "last month" }, { "vocabulary": " 先生", "meaning": "teacher; instructor; master" }, { "vocabulary": " 先週", "meaning": "last week" }, { "vocabulary": " 洗濯", "meaning": "washing; laundry" }, { "vocabulary": " 写真", "meaning": "photograph; photo" }, { "vocabulary": " シャツ", "meaning": "shirt" }, { "vocabulary": " シャワー ", "meaning": "shower" }, { "vocabulary": " 四", "meaning": "four; 4" }, { "vocabulary": " 七", "meaning": "seven; 7" }, { "vocabulary": " 仕事", "meaning": "work; job; business" }, { "vocabulary": " 閉まる", "meaning": "to close, to be closed" }, { "vocabulary": " 締める", "meaning": "to tie; to fasten; to tighten​" }, { "vocabulary": " 閉める", "meaning": "to close; to shut" }, { "vocabulary": " 新聞", "meaning": "newspaper" }, { "vocabulary": " 死ぬ", "meaning": "to die" }, { "vocabulary": " 塩", "meaning": "salt" }, { "vocabulary": " 白", "meaning": "white; innocence; innocent person" }, { "vocabulary": " 白い", "meaning": "white" }, { "vocabulary": " 知る", "meaning": "to know" }, { "vocabulary": " 下", "meaning": "below; down; under; bottom" }, { "vocabulary": " 質問", "meaning": "question; inquiry" }, { "vocabulary": " 静か ", "meaning": "quiet" }, { "vocabulary": " 食堂", "meaning": "cafeteria; dining room" }, { "vocabulary": " 醬油", "meaning": "soy sauce" }, { "vocabulary": " 宿題", "meaning": "homework; assignment; pending issue" }, { "vocabulary": " そば", "meaning": "near; beside" }, { "vocabulary": " そっち ", "meaning": "that way; ​over there" }, { "vocabulary": " そちら ", "meaning": "that way (distant from speaker, close to listener); you; your family" }, { "vocabulary": " そこ", "meaning": "that place​; there" }, { "vocabulary": " その", "meaning": "that" }, { "vocabulary": " 空", "meaning": "sky; the air" }, { "vocabulary": " それ", "meaning": "that" }, { "vocabulary": " それでは", "meaning": "in that situation" }, { "vocabulary": " 外", "meaning": "outside; exterior;" }, { "vocabulary": " 掃除", "meaning": "to clean, to sweep" }, { "vocabulary": " 直ぐに", "meaning": "immediately; right away; instantly​" }, { "vocabulary": " 水曜日", "meaning": "Wednesday" }, { "vocabulary": " スカート", "meaning": "skirt" }, { "vocabulary": " 好き", "meaning": "like" }, { "vocabulary": " 少し", "meaning": "a little (bit); small quantity; few; short distance" }, { "vocabulary": " 少ない", "meaning": "few; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom" }, { "vocabulary": " 住む", "meaning": "to live in; to reside; to inhabit; to dwell; to abide" }, { "vocabulary": " スポーツ ", "meaning": "sport; sports" }, { "vocabulary": " スプーン", "meaning": "spoon" }, { "vocabulary": " スリッパ", "meaning": "slipper; slippers" }, { "vocabulary": " ストーブ ", "meaning": "heater; stove" }, { "vocabulary": " 吸う", "meaning": "to smoke, to suck" }, { "vocabulary": " 座る", "meaning": "to sit" }, { "vocabulary": " 涼しい", "meaning": "refreshing, cool" }, { "vocabulary": " たばこ", "meaning": "tobacco; cigarette" }, { "vocabulary": " 食べ物", "meaning": "food" }, { "vocabulary": " 食べる", "meaning": "to eat" }, { "vocabulary": " 多分", "meaning": "perhaps; probably" }, { "vocabulary": " 大変 ", "meaning": "very; greatly; terribly; serious; difficult" }, { "vocabulary": " 大切", "meaning": "important; necessary; indispensable; beloved" }, { "vocabulary": " 大使館", "meaning": "embassy" }, { "vocabulary": " 高い", "meaning": "high; tall; expensive; above average" }, { "vocabulary": " 沢山", "meaning": "many" }, { "vocabulary": " タクシー", "meaning": "taxi" }, { "vocabulary": " 卵", "meaning": "eggs; egg" }, { "vocabulary": " 誕生日", "meaning": "birthday" }, { "vocabulary": " 頼む", "meaning": "to ask" }, { "vocabulary": " 楽しい", "meaning": "enjoyable; fun" }, { "vocabulary": " 縦", "meaning": "length,height" }, { "vocabulary": " 建物 ", "meaning": "building" }, { "vocabulary": " 立つ", "meaning": "to stand; to stand up​" }, { "vocabulary": " 手", "meaning": "hand; arm" }, { "vocabulary": " テーブル", "meaning": "table" }, { "vocabulary": " テープ ", "meaning": "tape" }, { "vocabulary": " テープレコーダー", "meaning": "tape recorder" }, { "vocabulary": " 手紙", "meaning": "Letter (message)​" }, { "vocabulary": " 天気", "meaning": "weather; the elements" }, { "vocabulary": " テレビ", "meaning": "television; TV​" }, { "vocabulary": " テスト", "meaning": "examination; quiz; test" }, { "vocabulary": " 戸", "meaning": "Japanese style door" }, { "vocabulary": " 飛ぶ", "meaning": "to fly; to hop" }, { "vocabulary": " トイレ", "meaning": "toilet" }, { "vocabulary": " 時計", "meaning": "watch; clock; timepiece" }, { "vocabulary": " 時", "meaning": "time; moment; occasion; chance" }, { "vocabulary": " 時々", "meaning": "sometimes; at times" }, { "vocabulary": " 所", "meaning": "place" }, { "vocabulary": " 止まる", "meaning": "to stop; to come to a halt" }, { "vocabulary": " 友達", "meaning": " friend; companion" }, { "vocabulary": " 隣", "meaning": "next door to" }, { "vocabulary": " 遠い", "meaning": "far" }, { "vocabulary": " 十日", "meaning": "tenth day of the month / 10 days" }, { "vocabulary": " 鳥", "meaning": "bird" }, { "vocabulary": " 鶏肉", "meaning": "chicken meat" }, { "vocabulary": " 撮る", "meaning": "to take a photo or record a film" }, { "vocabulary": " 取る", "meaning": "to take; to pick up; to harvest; to earn; to win; to choose" }, { "vocabulary": " 年", "meaning": "year; age" }, { "vocabulary": " 図書館", "meaning": "library" }, { "vocabulary": " 次", "meaning": "next" }, { "vocabulary": " 一日", "meaning": "first day of the month" }, { "vocabulary": " 疲れる", "meaning": "to get tired" }, { "vocabulary": " 使う", "meaning": "to use" }, { "vocabulary": " つける", "meaning": "to turn on" }, { "vocabulary": " 着く", "meaning": "to arrive at" }, { "vocabulary": " 机", "meaning": "desk" }, { "vocabulary": " 作る", "meaning": "to make" }, { "vocabulary": " 詰まらない", "meaning": "boring" }, { "vocabulary": " 冷たい", "meaning": "cold to the touch" }, { "vocabulary": " 勤める", "meaning": "to work for someone" }, { "vocabulary": " 強い", "meaning": "powerful" }, { "vocabulary": " 上", "meaning": "above; up; over; top; surface" }, { "vocabulary": " 生まれる", "meaning": "to be born" }, { "vocabulary": " 海", "meaning": "sea" }, { "vocabulary": " 売る", "meaning": "to sell" }, { "vocabulary": " 煩い", "meaning": "noisy, annoying" }, { "vocabulary": " 後ろ", "meaning": "back; behind; rear" }, { "vocabulary": " 薄い", "meaning": "thin; weak" }, { "vocabulary": " 歌", "meaning": "song" }, { "vocabulary": " 歌う", "meaning": "to sing" }, { "vocabulary": " 上着", "meaning": "coat; tunic; jacket; outer garment" }, { "vocabulary": " ワイシャツ", "meaning": "shirt" }, { "vocabulary": " 若い", "meaning": "young" }, { "vocabulary": " 分かる", "meaning": "to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow" }, { "vocabulary": " 悪い", "meaning": "bad; poor; undesirable" }, { "vocabulary": " 忘れる", "meaning": "to forget" }, { "vocabulary": " 渡る", "meaning": "to go across" }, { "vocabulary": " 私", "meaning": "I; myself" }, { "vocabulary": " 渡す ", "meaning": "to hand over" }, { "vocabulary": " 山", "meaning": "mountain; hill" }, { "vocabulary": " 八百屋", "meaning": "greengrocer; fruit and vegetable shop; versatile" }, { "vocabulary": " やる", "meaning": "to do" }, { "vocabulary": " 野菜", "meaning": "vegetable" }, { "vocabulary": " 易しい", "meaning": "easy, simple" }, { "vocabulary": " 安い", "meaning": "cheap; inexpensive" }, { "vocabulary": " 休み", "meaning": "rest; vacation; holiday" }, { "vocabulary": " 休む", "meaning": "to be absent; to take a day off; to rest" }, { "vocabulary": " 八つ", "meaning": "eight: 8" }, { "vocabulary": " 呼ぶ", "meaning": "to call out, to invite" }, { "vocabulary": " 良い", "meaning": "good" }, { "vocabulary": " 四日", "meaning": "fourth day of the month / 4 days" }, { "vocabulary": " 横", "meaning": "beside,side,width" }, { "vocabulary": " よく", "meaning": "often, well" }, { "vocabulary": " 読む", "meaning": "to read; to guess; to predict; to read (someone's thoughts)" }, { "vocabulary": " 夜", "meaning": "evening; night" }, { "vocabulary": " 四つ", "meaning": "four; 4" }, { "vocabulary": " 洋服", "meaning": "western clothes" }, { "vocabulary": " 八日", "meaning": "eighth day of the month / 8 days" }, { "vocabulary": " 弱い", "meaning": "weak" }, { "vocabulary": " 雪", "meaning": "snow" }, { "vocabulary": " ゆっくり", "meaning": "slowly" }, { "vocabulary": " 昨夜", "meaning": "last night" }, { "vocabulary": " 郵便局 ", "meaning": "post office" }, { "vocabulary": " 夕方", "meaning": "evening; dusk" }, { "vocabulary": " 夕飯", "meaning": "evening meal" }, { "vocabulary": " 有名", "meaning": "famous" }, { "vocabulary": " 雑誌", "meaning": "magazine" }, { "vocabulary": " 全部", "meaning": "all" }, { "vocabulary": " ゼロ", "meaning": "zero" }, { "vocabulary": " ズボン", "meaning": "trousers; pants" } ]