from . import utils from discord.ext import commands import discord BASE_URL = "" # This is a list of the possible things that we may want to retrieve from the stats # The API returns something if it exists, and leaves it out of the data returned entirely if it does not # For example if you have not won with a character, wins will not exist in the list # This sets an easy way to use list comprehension later, to print all possible things we want, if it exists check_g_stats = ["eliminations", "deaths", 'kpd', 'wins', 'losses', 'time_played', 'cards', 'damage_done', 'healing_done', 'multikills'] check_o_stats = ['wins'] class Overwatch: """Class for viewing Overwatch stats""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot async def ow(self): """Command used to lookup information on your own user, or on another's When adding your battletag, it is quite picky, use the exact format user#xxxx Multiple names with the same username can be used, this is why the numbers are needed Capitalization also matters""" pass @ow.command(name="stats") @utils.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def ow_stats(self, ctx, user: discord.Member = None, hero: str = ""): """Prints out a basic overview of a member's stats Provide a hero after the member to get stats for that specific hero EXAMPLE: !ow stats @OtherPerson Junkrat RESULT: Whether or not you should unfriend this person because they're a dirty rat""" await user = user or ow_stats = await utils.get_content('overwatch', if ow_stats is None: await ctx.send("I do not have this user's battletag saved!") return # This API sometimes takes a while to look up information, so send a message saying we're processing bt = ow_stats[0]['battletag'] if hero == "": # If no hero was provided, we just want the base stats for a player url = BASE_URL + "{}/stats".format(bt) data = await utils.request(url) region = [x for x in data.keys() if data[x] is not None][0] stats = data[region]['stats']['quickplay'] output_data = [(k.title().replace("_", " "), r) for k, r in stats['game_stats'].items() if k in check_g_stats] else: # If there was a hero provided, search for a user's data on that hero hero = hero.lower().replace('-', '') url = BASE_URL + "{}/heroes".format(bt) data = await utils.request(url) region = [x for x in data.keys() if data[x] is not None][0] stats = data[region]['heroes']['stats']['quickplay'].get(hero) if stats is None: fmt = "I couldn't find data with that hero, make sure that is a valid hero, " \ "otherwise {} has never used the hero {} before!".format(user.display_name, hero) await ctx.send(fmt) return # Same list comprehension as before output_data = [(k.title().replace("_", " "), r) for k, r in stats['general_stats'].items() if k in check_g_stats] for k, r in stats['hero_stats'].items(): output_data.append((k.title().replace("_", " "), r)) try: banner = await utils.create_banner(user, "Overwatch", output_data) await ctx.send(file=banner) except (FileNotFoundError, discord.Forbidden): fmt = "\n".join("{}: {}".format(k, r) for k, r in output_data) await ctx.send("Overwatch stats for {}: ```py\n{}```".format(, fmt)) @ow.command(pass_context=True, name="add") @utils.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def add(self, ctx, bt: str): """Saves your battletag for looking up information EXAMPLE: !ow add Username#1234 RESULT: Your battletag is now saved""" await # Battletags are normally provided like name#id # However the API needs this to be a -, so repliace # with - if it exists bt = bt.replace("#", "-") key = # This API sometimes takes a while to look up information, so send a message saying we're processing await ctx.send("Looking up your profile information....") # All we're doing here is ensuring that the status is 200 when looking up someone's general information # If it's not, let them know exactly how to format their tag url = BASE_URL + "{}/stats".format(bt) data = await utils.request(url) if data is None: await ctx.send("Profile does not exist! Battletags are picky, " "format needs to be `user#xxxx`. Capitalization matters") return # Now just save the battletag entry = {'member_id':, 'battletag': bt} update = {'battletag': bt} # Try adding this first, if that fails, update the saved entry if not await utils.add_content('overwatch', entry): await utils.update_content('overwatch', update, key) await ctx.send("I have just saved your battletag {}".format( @ow.command(pass_context=True, name="delete", aliases=['remove']) @utils.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def delete(self, ctx): """Removes your battletag from the records EXAMPLE: !ow delete RESULT: Your battletag is no longer saved""" if await utils.remove_content('overwatch', await ctx.send("I no longer have your battletag saved {}".format( else: await ctx.send("I don't even have your battletag saved {}".format( def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Overwatch(bot))