import datetime import traceback import asyncio from collections import deque from itertools import islice from random import shuffle from .source import YoutubeDLSource from .entry import URLPlaylistEntry, get_header from .exceptions import ExtractionError, WrongEntryTypeError, LiveStreamError from .event_emitter import EventEmitter class Playlist(EventEmitter): """ A playlist is manages the list of songs that will be played. """ def __init__(self, bot): super().__init__() = bot self.loop = bot.loop self.downloader = bot.downloader self.entries = deque() def __iter__(self): return iter(self.entries) def shuffle(self): shuffle(self.entries) def clear(self): self.entries.clear() @property def count(self): if self.entries: return len(self.entries) else: return 0 async def add_entry(self, song_url, **meta): """Adds a song to this playlist""" entry = YoutubeDLSource(self, song_url) await entry.prepare() self.entries.append(entry) return entry async def import_from(self, playlist_url, requester): """ Imports the songs from `playlist_url` and queues them to be played. Returns a list of `entries` that have been enqueued. """ try: info = await self.downloader.safe_extract_info(self.loop, playlist_url, download=False) except Exception as e: raise ExtractionError('Could not extract information from {}\n\n{}'.format(playlist_url, e)) if not info: raise ExtractionError('Could not extract information from %s' % playlist_url) if info.get('playlist') is None: raise WrongEntryTypeError('This is not a playlist!') # Once again, the generic extractor fucks things up. if info.get('extractor', None) == 'generic': url_field = 'url' else: url_field = 'webpage_url' yield len(info['entries']) for items in info['entries']: if items: entry = YoutubeDLSource(self, items[url_field]) try: await entry.prepare() except: yield False else: entry.requester = requester self.entries.append(entry) yield True else: yield False async def async_process_youtube_playlist(self, playlist_url, **meta): """ Processes youtube playlists links from `playlist_url` in a questionable, async fashion. :param playlist_url: The playlist url to be cut into individual urls and added to the playlist :param meta: Any additional metadata to add to the playlist entry """ try: info = await self.downloader.safe_extract_info(self.loop, playlist_url, download=False, process=False) except Exception as e: raise ExtractionError('Could not extract information from {}\n\n{}'.format(playlist_url, e)) if not info: raise ExtractionError('Could not extract information from %s' % playlist_url) gooditems = [] baditems = 0 for entry_data in info['entries']: if entry_data: baseurl = info['webpage_url'].split('playlist?list=')[0] song_url = baseurl + 'watch?v=%s' % entry_data['id'] try: entry, elen = await self.add_entry(song_url, **meta) gooditems.append(entry) except ExtractionError: baditems += 1 except Exception as e: baditems += 1 else: baditems += 1 return gooditems async def async_process_sc_bc_playlist(self, playlist_url, **meta): """ Processes soundcloud set and bancdamp album links from `playlist_url` in a questionable, async fashion. :param playlist_url: The playlist url to be cut into individual urls and added to the playlist :param meta: Any additional metadata to add to the playlist entry """ try: info = await self.downloader.safe_extract_info(self.loop, playlist_url, download=False, process=False) except Exception as e: raise ExtractionError('Could not extract information from {}\n\n{}'.format(playlist_url, e)) if not info: raise ExtractionError('Could not extract information from %s' % playlist_url) gooditems = [] baditems = 0 for entry_data in info['entries']: if entry_data: song_url = entry_data['url'] try: entry, elen = await self.add_entry(song_url, **meta) gooditems.append(entry) except ExtractionError: baditems += 1 except Exception as e: baditems += 1 else: baditems += 1 return gooditems def _add_entry(self, entry): self.entries.append(entry) async def next_entry(self): """Get the next song in the playlist; this class will wait until the next song is ready""" entry = self.peek() # While we have an entry available while entry: # Check if we are ready or if we've errored, either way we'll pop it from the deque if entry.ready or entry.error: return self.entries.popleft() # Otherwise, wait a second and check again else: await asyncio.sleep(1) # If we've reached here, we have no entries return None def peek(self): """ Returns the next entry that should be scheduled to be played. """ if self.entries: return self.entries[0] def count_for_user(self, user): return sum(1 for e in self.entries if e.meta.get('author', None) == user)