from discord.ext import commands import utils def to_keycap(c): return '\N{KEYCAP TEN}' if c == 10 else str(c) + '\u20e3' class Poll: def __init__(self, message): self.message = message @property def guild(self): return self.message.guild @property def creator(self): return @property def options(self): return self.message.reactions async def update_message(self): self.message = await async def remove_other_reaction(self, reaction, member): """Ensures that this is the only reaction set for this user""" for r in self.options: if r.emoji == reaction.emoji: continue users = await r.users().flatten() if in [ for x in users]: await self.message.remove_reaction(r, member) class Polls(commands.Cog): """Create custom polls that can be tracked through reactions""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.polls = [] async def create_poll(self, ctx, content): question, *options = content.split("\n") if len(options) == 0 or len(options) > 10: await ctx.send("Please provide between 1-10 options") else: fmt = "{} asked: {}\n".format(, question) fmt += "\n".join( "{}: {}".format(to_keycap(i + 1), opt) for i, opt in enumerate(options) ) msg = await ctx.send(fmt) for i, _ in enumerate(options): await msg.add_reaction(to_keycap(i + 1)) p = Poll(msg) await p.update_message() self.polls.append(p) def get_poll(self, message): for p in self.polls: if == return p @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_reaction_add(self, reaction, user): if == return poll = self.get_poll(reaction.message) if poll: await poll.remove_other_reaction(reaction, user) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @utils.can_run(send_messages=True) async def poll(self, ctx, *, question): """Sets up a poll based on the question that you have provided. Provide the question on the first line and the options on the following lines EXAMPLE: !poll This is my poll Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 RESULT: A new poll people can vote on""" await self.create_poll(ctx, question) await ctx.message.delete() def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Polls(bot))