from discord.ext import commands from collections import defaultdict import utils import discord import re import asyncio import random class Raffle(commands.Cog): """Used to hold custom raffles""" raffles = defaultdict(list) def create_raffle(self, ctx, title, num): raffle = GuildRaffle(ctx, title, num) self.raffles[].append(raffle) raffle.start() @commands.command(name="raffles") @commands.guild_only() @utils.can_run(send_messages=True) async def _raffles(self, ctx): """Used to print the current running raffles on the server EXAMPLE: !raffles RESULT: A list of the raffles setup on this server""" raffles = self.raffles[] if len(raffles) == 0: await ctx.send("There are currently no raffles setup on this server!") return embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Raffles in {}") for num, raffle in enumerate(raffles): embed.add_field( name=f"Raffle {num + 1}", value=f"Title: {raffle.title}\n" f"Total Entrants: {len(raffle.entrants)}\n" f"Ends in {raffle.remaining}", inline=False ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.guild_only() @utils.can_run(send_messages=True) async def raffle(self, ctx, raffle_id: int): """Used to enter a raffle running on this server If there is more than one raffle running, provide an ID of the raffle you want to enter EXAMPLE: !raffle 1 RESULT: You've entered the first raffle!""" try: raffle = self.raffles[][raffle_id - 1] except IndexError: await ctx.send(f"I could not find a raffle for ID {raffle_id}") await self._raffles.invoke(ctx) else: if raffle.enter( await ctx.send(f"You have just joined the raffle {raffle['title']}") else: await ctx.send("You have already entered this raffle!") @raffle.command(name='create', aliases=['start', 'begin', 'add']) @commands.guild_only() @utils.can_run(kick_members=True) async def raffle_create(self, ctx): """This is used in order to create a new server raffle EXAMPLE: !raffle create RESULT: A follow-along for setting up a new raffle""" author = channel = await ctx.send( "Ready to start a new raffle! Please respond with the title you would like to use for this raffle!") check = lambda m: == author and == channel try: msg = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long! >:c") return title = msg.content fmt = "Alright, your new raffle will be titled:\n\n{}\n\nHow long would you like this raffle to run for? " \ "The format should be [number] [length] for example, `2 days` or `1 hour` or `30 minutes` etc. " \ "The minimum for this is 10 minutes, and the maximum is 3 days" await ctx.send(fmt.format(title)) # Our check to ensure that a proper length of time was passed def check(m): if == author and == channel: return"\d+ (minutes?|hours?|days?)", m.content.lower()) is not None else: return False try: msg = await'message', timeout=120, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long! >:c") return # Lets get the length provided, based on the number and type passed num, term ="(\d+) (minutes?|hours?|days?)", msg.content.lower()).groups() # This should be safe to convert, we already made sure with our check earlier this would match num = int(num) # Now lets ensure this meets our min/max if "minute" in term: num = num * 60 elif "hour" in term: num = num * 60 * 60 elif "day" in term: num = num * 24 * 60 * 60 if not 60 < num < 259200: await ctx.send( "Length provided out of range! The minimum for this is 10 minutes, and the maximum is 3 days") return self.create_raffle(ctx, title, num) await ctx.send("I have just saved your new raffle!") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Raffle(bot)) class GuildRaffle: def __init__(self, ctx, title, expires): self._ctx = ctx self.title = title self.expires = expires self.entrants = set() self.task = None @property def guild(self): return self._ctx.guild @property def db(self): return def start(self): self.task =, self.end_raffle()) @property def remaining(self): minutes, seconds = divmod(self.task.when(), 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) days, hours = divmod(hours, 24) return f"{days} days, {hours} hours, {minutes} minutes, {seconds} seconds" def enter(self, entrant): self.entrants.add(entrant) async def end_raffle(self): entrants = {e for e in self.entrants if self.guild.get_member(} query = """ SELECT COALESCE(raffle_alerts, default_alerts) AS channel, FROM guilds WHERE id = $1 AND COALESCE(raffle_alerts, default_alerts) IS NOT NULL """ channel = None result = await self.db.fetch(query, if result: channel = self.guild.get_channel(result['channel']) if channel is None: return if entrants: winner = random.SystemRandom().choice(self.entrants) await channel.send(f"The winner of the raffle `{self.title}` is {winner.mention}! Congratulations!") else: await channel.send( f"There were no entrants to the raffle `{self.title}`, who are in this server currently!" )