from discord.ext import commands from .utils import config from .utils import checks import aiohttp import asyncio import discord import json import re import rethinkdb as r import traceback import logging log = logging.getLogger() class Twitch: """Class for some twitch integration You can add or remove your twitch stream for your user I will then notify the server when you have gone live or offline""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.key = config.twitch_key self.params = {'client_id': self.key} self.headers = {"User-Agent": config.user_agent, "Client-ID": self.key} async def channel_online(self, channel: str): # Check a specific channel's data, and get the response in text format url = "{}".format(channel) with aiohttp.ClientSession() as s: async with s.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=self.params) as response: result = await response.text() # For some reason Twitch's API call is not reliable, sometimes it returns stream as None # That is what we're checking specifically, sometimes it doesn't exist in the returned JSON at all # Sometimes it returns something that cannot be decoded with JSON # In either error case, just assume they're offline, the next check will most likely work try: data = json.loads(result) return data['stream'] is not None except (KeyError, json.JSONDecodeError): return False async def check_channels(self): await # Loop through as long as the bot is connected try: while not twitch = await config.get_content('twitch', {'notifications_on': 1}) # Online/offline is based on whether they are set to such, in the config file # This means they were detected as online/offline before and we check for a change online_users = {data['member_id']: data for data in twitch if data['live']} offline_users = {data['member_id']: data for data in twitch if not data['live']} for m_id, result in offline_users.items(): # Get their url and their user based on that url url = result['twitch_url'] user ="(?<*)", url).group(1) # Check if they are online right now if await self.channel_online(user): for server_id in result['servers']: # Get the channel to send the message to, based on the saved alert's channel server = if server is None: continue server_alerts = await config.get_content('server_alerts', {'server_id': server_id}) channel_id = server_id if len(server_alerts) > 0: channel_id = server_alerts[0].get('channel_id') channel = # Get the member that has just gone live member = discord.utils.get(server.members, id=m_id) fmt = "{} has just gone live! View their stream at {}".format(member.display_name, url) await, fmt) await config.update_content('twitch', {'live': 1}, {'member_id': m_id}) for m_id, result in online_users.items(): # Get their url and their user based on that url url = result['twitch_url'] user ="(?<*)", url).group(1) # Check if they are online right now if not await self.channel_online(user): for server_id in result['servers']: # Get the channel to send the message to, based on the saved alert's channel server = if server is None: continue server_alerts = await config.get_content('server_alerts', {'server_id': server_id}) channel_id = server_id if len(server_alerts) > 0: channel_id = server_alerts[0].get('channel_id') channel = # Get the member that has just gone live member = discord.utils.get(server.members, id=m_id) fmt = "{} has just gone offline! Catch them next time they stream at {}".format( member.display_name, url) await, fmt) await config.update_content('twitch', {'live': 0}, {'member_id': m_id}) await asyncio.sleep(30) except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() fmt = "{}\n{0.__class__.__name__}: {0}".format(tb, e) log.error(fmt), invoke_without_command=True, pass_context=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def twitch(self, ctx, *, member: discord.Member = None): """Use this command to check the twitch info of a user""" if member is None: member = result = await config.get_content('twitch', {'member_id':}) if result is None: await"{} has not saved their twitch URL yet!".format( return result = result[0] url = result['twitch_url'] user ="(?<*)", url).group(1) twitch_url = "{}?client_id={}".format(user, self.key) with aiohttp.ClientSession() as s: async with s.get(twitch_url) as response: data = await response.json() fmt = "Username: {}".format(data['display_name']) fmt += "\nStatus: {}".format(data['status']) fmt += "\nFollowers: {}".format(data['followers']) fmt += "\nURL: {}".format(url) await"```\n{}```".format(fmt)) @twitch.command(name='add', pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def add_twitch_url(self, ctx, url: str): """Saves your user's twitch URL""" # This uses a lookbehind to check if exists in the url given # If it does, it matches and sets the url as that # Then (in the else) add https://www. to that # Otherwise if it doesn't match, we'll hit an AttributeError due to .group(0) # This means that the url was just given as a user (or something complete invalid) # So set URL as[url] # Even if this was invalid such as # For example, our next check handles that try: url ="((?<=://)?*)", url).group(0) except AttributeError: url = "{}".format(url) else: url = "https://www.{}".format(url) # Try to find the channel provided, we'll get a 404 response if it does not exist with aiohttp.ClientSession() as s: async with s.get(url) as response: if not response.status == 200: await"That twitch user does not exist! " "What would be the point of adding a nonexistant twitch user? Silly") return r_filter = {'member_id':} entry = {'twitch_url': url, 'servers': [], 'notifications_on': 1, 'live': 0, 'member_id':} update = {'twitch_url': url} # Check to see if this user has already saved a twitch URL # If they have, update the URL, otherwise create a new entry # Assuming they're not live, and notifications should be on if not await config.add_content('twitch', entry, r_filter): await config.update_content('twitch', update, r_filter) await"I have just saved your twitch url {}".format( @twitch.command(name='remove', aliases=['delete'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def remove_twitch_url(self, ctx): """Removes your twitch URL""" # Just try to remove it, if it doesn't exist, nothing is going to happen r_filter = {'member_id':} await config.remove_content('twitch', r_filter) await"I am no longer saving your twitch URL {}".format(, no_pm=True, invoke_without_command=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def notify(self, ctx): """This can be used to modify notification settings for your twitch user Call this command by itself to add 'this' server as one that will be notified when you on/offline""" r_filter = {'member_id':} result = await config.get_content('twitch', r_filter) # Check if this user is saved at all if result is None: await "I do not have your twitch URL added {}. You can save your twitch url with !twitch add".format( # Then check if this server is already added as one to notify in elif in result[0]['servers']: await"I am already set to notify in this server...") else: await config.update_content('twitch', {'servers': r.row['servers'].append(}, r_filter) @notify.command(name='on', aliases=['start,yes'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def notify_on(self, ctx): """Turns twitch notifications on""" r_filter = {'member_id':} if await config.update_content('twitch', {"notifications_on": 1}, r_filter): await"I will notify if you go live {}, you'll get a bajillion followers I promise c:".format( else: await"I can't notify if you go live if I don't know your twitch URL yet!") @notify.command(name='off', aliases=['stop,no'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def notify_off(self, ctx): """Turns twitch notifications off""" r_filter = {'member_id':} if await config.update_content('twitch', {"notifications_on": 1}, r_filter): await "I will not notify if you go live anymore {}, " "are you going to stream some lewd stuff you don't want people to see?~".format( else: await "I mean, I'm already not going to notify anyone, because I don't have your twitch URL saved...") def setup(bot): t = Twitch(bot) bot.loop.create_task(t.check_channels()) bot.add_cog(Twitch(bot))