from cogs.utils import config from discord.ext import commands from .utils import checks from lxml import etree import aiohttp import re import discord import pendulum from fuzzywuzzy import process base_url = "" app_id_map = {"portal 2": 620, "portal": 400, "gmod": 4000, "garry's mod": 4000, "team fortress 2": 440, "tf2": 440, "csgo": 430, "counter strike: global offensive": 430, "css": 240, "counter strike: source": 240, "cs": 10, "counter strike": 10, "dota 2": 570, "skyrim": 72850, "oblivion": 22330, "starbound": 211820, "terraria": 105600, "l4d": 500, "left 4 dead": 500, "l4d2": 550, "left 4 dead 2": 550, "xcom 2": 268500, "xcom": 200510, "ds2": 236430, "dark souls 2": 236430, "ds3": 374320, "dark souls 3": 374320, "unturned": 304930, "dead island": 91310, "dead island 2": 268150, "don't starve": 219740, "don't starve together": 322330, "undertale": 391540, "amnesia": 57300, "borderlands 2": 49520, "borderlands": 8980, "soma": 282140, "stanley parable": 221910, "fallout": 38400, "fallout 2": 38410, "fallout 3": 22300, "fallout 4": 377160, "fallout new vegas": 22490 } def get_app_id(game: str): best_match = process.extractOne(game, app_id_map.keys()) if best_match[1] > 80: return app_id_map.get(best_match[0]) else: return None class Steam: def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Bonfire/1.0.0"} self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession() self.key = config.steam_key async def find_id(self, user: str): # Get the profile link based on the user provided, and request the xml data for it url = '{}/?xml=1'.format(user) async with self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers) as response: data = await response.text() # Remove the xml version content, it breaks etree.fromstring data = re.sub('<\?xml.*\?>', '', data) tree = etree.fromstring(data) # Try to find the steam ID, it will be the first item in the list, so try to convert to an int # If it can't be converted to an int, we know that this profile doesn't exist # The text will be "The specified profile could not be found." but we don't care about the specific text # Through testing, it appears even if a profile is private, the steam ID is still public try: return int(tree[0].text) except ValueError: return None, invoke_without_command=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def steam(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, *option: str): """Handles linking/looking information for a certain user Call this command by itself with a user, to view some information about that user's steam account, if it is linked Option can be achievements, games, info and will default to info""" # First make sure the person requested isn't the bot # Need to keep up the bot's sassy attitude, right? if member == await "I don't play video games anymore, I crushed everyone so badly I made everyone cry last time.") return # Get the user's steam id if it exists try: steam_id = config.get_content('steam_users').get('steam_id') except AttributeError: await"Sorry, but I don't have that user's steam account saved!") return # Set the url based on which option is provided # If no option is provided, we'll hit the IndexError, assume info for that try: if option[0] == "info": url = "{}/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/?key={}&steamids={}".format(base_url, self.key, steam_id) elif option[0] == "achievements": # Attempt to convert the given argument to an int # If we can't convert, then an app_id wasn't given, try to find it based on our map of games # If the option list doesn't have an index of 1, then no game was given try: game = " ".join(option[1:]) if game == "": await"Please provide a game you would like to get the achievements for!") return app_id = int(option[1]) except ValueError: app_id = get_app_id(game.lower()) if app_id is None: await"Sorry, I couldn't find a close match for the game {}".format(game)) return url = "{}/ISteamUserStats/GetPlayerAchievements/v0001/?key={}&steamid={}&appid={}".format(base_url, self.key, steam_id, app_id) elif option[0] == "games": await"Currently disabled, only achievements and info are available as options") return except IndexError: option = ['info'] url = "{}/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/?key={}&steamids={}".format(base_url, self.key, steam_id) # Make the request and get the data in json response, all url's we're using will give a json response try: async with self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers) as response: data = await response.json() except: await"Sorry, I failed looking up that user's information. I'll try better next time ;-;") return if option[0] == "info": data = data['response']['players'][0] # We need to take into account private profiles, so first add public stuff # This maps the number that's returned, to what it means status_map = {0: "Offline", 1: "Online", 2: "Busy", 3: "Away", 4: "Snooze", 5: "Looking to trade", 6: "Looking to play"} # This is an epoch timestamp for when the user last was "Online" # Why this is called 'lastlogoff' I'll never know, ask Steam last_seen_date = pendulum.from_timestamp(data.get('lastlogoff')) # We want the difference between now and then, to see when they were actually last Online # Instead of printing the exact time they were online last_seen_delta = pendulum.utcnow() - last_seen_date fmt = {"URL": data.get('profileurl'), "Display Name": data.get('personaname'), "Online status": status_map[data.get('personastate')], "Last seen": "{} ago".format(last_seen_delta.in_words())} # Now check to see if things exist, and add them to the output if they do created_date_timestamp = data.get('timecreated') if created_date_timestamp: created_date = pendulum.from_timestamp(created_date_timestamp) fmt["Signup Date"] = created_date.to_date_string() # Going to add if value in here just in case, to ensure no blank content is printed fmt_string = "\n".join("{}: {}".format(key, value) for key, value in fmt.items() if value) await"```\n{}```".format(fmt_string)) elif option[0] == 'achievements': # First ensure that the profile is not private, and the user has played it before if not data['playerstats']['success']: if data['playerstats']['error'] == "Requested app has no stats": await"{} has no achievements on the game {}".format(member.display_name, game)) elif data['playerstats']['error'] == "Profile is not public": await "Sorry, {} has a private steam account! I cannot lookup their achievements!".format( member.display_name)) return # Get all achievements for this game, making sure they actually exist try: all_achievements = data['playerstats']['achievements'] except KeyError: await"Sorry, the game {} has no achievements!".format(game)) return # Now get all achievements that the user has achieved successful_achievements = [data for data in all_achievements if data['achieved'] == 1] await"{} has achieved {}/{} achievements on the game {}".format(member.display_name, len(successful_achievements), len(all_achievements), game)) @steam.command(name='add', aliases=['link', 'create'], pass_context=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def add_steam(self, ctx, profile: str): """This command can be used to link a steam profile to your user""" # Attempt to find the user/steamid based on the url provided # If a url is not provided that matches, assume they provided just the user/id try: user ="((?<=://)?|profile)/)+(.*)", profile).group(3) except AttributeError: user = profile # To look up userdata, we need the steam ID. Try to convert to an int, if we can, it's the steam ID # If we can't convert to an int, use our method to find the steam ID for a certain user try: steam_id = int(user) except ValueError: steam_id = await self.find_id(user) if steam_id is None: await"Sorry, couldn't find that Steam user!") return # Save the author's steam ID, ensuring to only overwrite the steam id if they already exist author = steam_users = config.get_content('steam_users') or {} if steam_users.get( steam_users[]['steam_id'] = steam_id else: steam_users[] = {'steam_id': steam_id} config.save_content('steam_users', steam_users) await "I have just saved your steam account, you should now be able to view stats for your account!") @commands.command(pass_context=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def csgo(self, ctx, member: discord.Member = None): """This command can be used to lookup csgo stats for a user""" member = member or try: steam_id = config.get_content('steam_users').get('steam_id') except AttributeError: await"Sorry, but I don't have that user's steam account saved!") return url = "{}/ISteamUserStats/GetUserStatsForGame/v0002/?key={}&appid=730&steamid={}".format(base_url, self.key, steam_id) async with self.session.get(url, headers=self.headers) as response: data = await response.json() stuff_to_print = ['total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'total_wins', 'total_mvps'] stats = "\n".join( "{}: {}".format(d['name'], d['value']) for d in data['playerstats']['stats'] if d['name'] in stuff_to_print) await "CS:GO Stats for user {}: \n```\n{}```".format(member.display_name, stats.title().replace("_", " "))) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Steam(bot))