import asyncio import discord class CannotPaginate(Exception): pass class Pages: """Implements a paginator that queries the user for the pagination interface. Pages are 1-index based, not 0-index based. If the user does not reply within 2 minutes, the pagination interface exits automatically. """ def __init__(self, bot, *, message, entries, per_page=10): = bot self.entries = entries self.message = message = self.per_page = per_page pages, left_over = divmod(len(self.entries), self.per_page) if left_over: pages += 1 self.maximum_pages = pages self.embed = discord.Embed() self.paginating = len(entries) > per_page self.reaction_emojis = [ ('\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}', self.first_page), ('\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE}', self.previous_page), ('\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE}', self.next_page), ('\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR}', self.last_page), ('\N{INPUT SYMBOL FOR NUMBERS}', self.numbered_page ), ('\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}', self.stop_pages), ('\N{INFORMATION SOURCE}', self.show_help), ] server = self.message.server if server is not None: self.permissions = else: self.permissions = if not self.permissions.embed_links: raise CannotPaginate('Bot does not have embed links permission.') def get_page(self, page): base = (page - 1) * self.per_page return self.entries[base:base + self.per_page] async def show_page(self, page, *, first=False): self.current_page = page entries = self.get_page(page) p = [] for t in enumerate(entries, 1 + ((page - 1) * self.per_page)): p.append('%s. %s' % t) self.embed.set_footer(text='Page %s/%s (%s entries)' % (page, self.maximum_pages, len(self.entries))) if not self.paginating: self.embed.description = '\n'.join(p) return await, embed=self.embed) if not first: self.embed.description = '\n'.join(p) await, embed=self.embed) return # verify we can actually use the pagination session if not self.permissions.add_reactions: raise CannotPaginate('Bot does not have add reactions permission.') if not self.permissions.read_message_history: raise CannotPaginate('Bot does not have Read Message History permission.') p.append('') p.append('Confused? React with \N{INFORMATION SOURCE} for more info.') self.embed.description = '\n'.join(p) self.message = await, embed=self.embed) for (reaction, _) in self.reaction_emojis: if self.maximum_pages == 2 and reaction in ('\u23ed', '\u23ee'): # no |<< or >>| buttons if we only have two pages # we can't forbid it if someone ends up using it but remove # it from the default set continue await, reaction) async def checked_show_page(self, page): if page != 0 and page <= self.maximum_pages: await self.show_page(page) async def first_page(self): """goes to the first page""" await self.show_page(1) async def last_page(self): """goes to the last page""" await self.show_page(self.maximum_pages) async def next_page(self): """goes to the next page""" await self.checked_show_page(self.current_page + 1) async def previous_page(self): """goes to the previous page""" await self.checked_show_page(self.current_page - 1) async def show_current_page(self): if self.paginating: await self.show_page(self.current_page) async def numbered_page(self): """lets you type a page number to go to""" to_delete = [] to_delete.append(await, 'What page do you want to go to?')) msg = await,, check=lambda m: m.content.isdigit(), timeout=30.0) if msg is not None: page = int(msg.content) to_delete.append(msg) if page != 0 and page <= self.maximum_pages: await self.show_page(page) else: to_delete.append(await'Invalid page given. (%s/%s)' % (page, self.maximum_pages))) await asyncio.sleep(5) else: to_delete.append(await, 'Took too long.')) await asyncio.sleep(5) try: await except Exception: pass async def show_help(self): """shows this message""" e = discord.Embed() messages = ['Welcome to the interactive paginator!\n'] messages.append('This interactively allows you to see pages of text by navigating with ' \ 'reactions. They are as follows:\n') for (emoji, func) in self.reaction_emojis: messages.append('%s %s' % (emoji, func.__doc__)) e.description = '\n'.join(messages) e.colour = 0x738bd7 # blurple e.set_footer(text='We were on page %s before this message.' % self.current_page) await, embed=e) async def go_back_to_current_page(): await asyncio.sleep(60.0) await self.show_current_page() async def stop_pages(self): """stops the interactive pagination session""" await self.paginating = False def react_check(self, reaction, user): if user is None or != return False for (emoji, func) in self.reaction_emojis: if reaction.emoji == emoji: self.match = func return True return False async def paginate(self, start_page=1): """Actually paginate the entries and run the interactive loop if necessary.""" await self.show_page(start_page, first=True) while self.paginating: react = await, check=self.react_check, timeout=120.0) if react is None: self.paginating = False try: await except: pass finally: break try: await, react.reaction.emoji, react.user) except: pass # can't remove it so don't bother doing so await self.match()