import asyncio import discord import utils from utils import Deck, Suit, Face from discord.ext import commands card_map = { "2": "two", "3": "three", "4": "four", "5": "five", "6": "six", "7": "seven", "8": "eight", "9": "nine", "10": "ten" } class Player: def __init__(self, member, game): self.discord_member = member = game = member.dm_channel if is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(self.set_channel()) self.hand_message = None self.table_message = None self.hand = Deck(prefill=False, spades_high=True) = 0 self.points = 0 self.tricks = 0 self.played_card = None self._messages_to_clean = [] @property def bid_num(self): if == "moon": return 13 elif == "nil": return 0 return async def send_message(self, content=None, embed=None, delete=True): """A convenience method to send the message to the player, then add it to the list of messages to delete""" _msg = await self.discord_member.send(content, embed=embed) if delete: self._messages_to_clean.append(_msg) return _msg async def set_channel(self): = await self.discord_member.create_dm() async def show_hand(self): embed = discord.Embed(title="Hand") diamonds = [] hearts = [] clubs = [] spades = [] for card in sorted(self.hand): if card.suit == diamonds.append(str(card.face_short)) if card.suit == Suit.hearts: hearts.append(str(card.face_short)) if card.suit == Suit.clubs: clubs.append(str(card.face_short)) if card.suit == Suit.spades: spades.append(str(card.face_short)) if diamonds: embed.add_field(name="Diamonds", value=", ".join(diamonds), inline=False) if hearts: embed.add_field(name="Hearts", value=", ".join(hearts), inline=False) if clubs: embed.add_field(name="Clubs", value=", ".join(clubs), inline=False) if spades: embed.add_field(name="Spades", value=", ".join(spades), inline=False) if self.hand_message: await self.hand_message.edit(embed=embed) else: self.hand_message = await self.discord_member.send(embed=embed) async def show_table(self): embed = discord.Embed(title="Table") if embed.add_field(name="Round suit",, inline=False) else: embed.add_field(name="Round suit",, inline=False) winning_card = if winning_card: embed.add_field(name="Winning card", value=str(winning_card), inline=False) for num, p in enumerate( fmt = "{} ({}/{} tricks): {}".format( p.discord_member.display_name, p.tricks, p.bid_num, p.played_card ) embed.add_field(name="Player {}".format(num + 1), value=fmt, inline=False) if self.table_message: await self.table_message.edit(embed=embed) else: self.table_message = await self.discord_member.send(embed=embed) async def get_bid(self): await self.send_message( content="It is your turn to bid. Please provide 1-12, nil, or moon depending on the bid you want. " "Please note you have 3 minutes to bid, any longer and you will be removed from the game.") = 0 def check(m): possible = ['nil', 'moon', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13'] return == \ and == \ and m.content.strip().lower() in possible msg = await'message', check=check) content = msg.content.strip().lower() if content == '0': = 'nil' elif content == '13': = 'moon' elif content.isdigit(): = int(content) else: = content await self.send_message(content="Thank you for your bid! Please wait while I get the other players' bids...") return async def play(self): fmt = "It is your turn to play, provide your response in the form '[value] of [face]' such as Ace of Spades. " fmt += "Your hand can be found above when you bid earlier." await self.send_message(content=fmt) await'message', check=self.play_check) await self.send_message(content="You have played...please wait for the other players") async def clean_messages(self): for msg in self._messages_to_clean: await msg.delete() self._messages_to_clean = [] def play_check(self, message): if != or != return False if " of " not in message.content: return False try: parts = message.content.partition('of') face = parts[0].split()[-1].lower() suit = parts[2].split()[0].lower() face = card_map.get(face, face) suit = getattr(Suit, suit) face = getattr(Face, face) card = self.hand.get_card(suit, face) if card is not None and, card): self.played_card = card self.hand.pluck(card=card) return True else: return False except (IndexError, AttributeError): return False def score(self): if == 'nil': if self.tricks == 0: self.points += 100 else: self.points -= 100 elif == 'moon': if self.tricks == 13: self.points += 200 else: self.points -= 200 else: if self.tricks >= self.points += * 10 self.points += self.tricks - else: self.points -= * 10 = 0 self.tricks = 0 def has_suit(self, face): for card in self.hand: if face == card.suit: return True return False def has_only_spades(self): for card in self.hand: if card.suit != Suit.spades: return False return True class Round: def __init__(self): self.spades_broken = False = Deck(prefill=False, spades_high=True) self.suit = None def can_play(self, player, card): if == 0: if card.suit != Suit.spades: return True else: return self.spades_broken or player.has_only_spades() else: if card.suit == self.suit: return True else: return not player.has_suit(self.suit) def play(self, card): # Set the suit if == 0: self.suit = card.suit # This will override the deck, and set it to the round's deck (this is what we want) card.deck = if card.suit == Suit.spades: self.spades_broken = True @property def winning_card(self): cards = sorted([ card for card in if card.suit == self.suit or card.suit == Suit.spades], reverse=True ) try: return cards[0] except IndexError: return None def reset(self): list( self.suit = None class Game: def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.players = [] self.deck = Deck(spades_high=True) self.deck.shuffle() self.round = Round() self.started = False self.card_count = 13 self.score_limit = 250 async def start(self): self.started = True special_bids = ['nil', 'moon', 'misdeal'] fmt = "All 4 players have joined, and your game of Spades has started!\n" fmt += "Rules for this game can be found here: " fmt += "Special actions/bids allowed are: `{}`\n".format(", ".join(special_bids)) fmt += "Players are:\n" + "\n".join(p.discord_member.display_name for p in self.players) fmt += "\n\nPlease wait while all players bid...then the first round will begin" for p in self.players: await p.discord_member.send(fmt) await self.game_task() async def game_task(self): winner = None # some while loop, while no one has won yet while winner is None: await self.play_round() winner = self.get_winner() await self.new_round() async def play_round(self): # For clarities sake, I want to send when it starts, immediately # then follow through with the hand and betting when it's their turn for p in self.players: await p.show_hand() await p.show_table() await p.get_bid() self.order_turns(self.get_highest_bidder()) # Bids are complete, time to start the game await self.clean_messages() fmt = "Alright, everyone has bid, the bids are:\n{}".format( "\n".join("{}: {}".format(p.discord_member.display_name, for p in self.players)) for p in self.players: await p.send_message(content=fmt) # Once bids are done, we can play the actual round for i in range(self.card_count): # Wait for each player to play for p in self.players: await # Update everyone's table once each person has finished await self.update_table() # Get the winner after the round, increase their tricks winner = self.get_round_winner() winning_card = winner.played_card winner.tricks += 1 # Order players based off the winner self.order_turns(winner) # Reset the round await self.reset_round() fmt = "{} won with a {}".format(winner.discord_member.display_name, winning_card) for p in self.players: await p.send_message(content=fmt) async def update_table(self): for p in self.players: await p.show_table() async def clean_messages(self): for p in self.players: await p.clean_messages() async def reset_round(self): self.round.reset() await self.clean_messages() # First loop through to set everyone's card to None for p in self.players: p.played_card = None # Now we can show the table correctly, since everyone's card is set correctly for p in self.players: await p.show_hand() await p.show_table() def get_highest_bidder(self): highest_bid = -1 highest_player = None for player in self.players: print(player.bid_num, player.discord_member.display_name) if player.bid_num > highest_bid: highest_player = player print(highest_player.discord_member.display_name) return highest_player def order_turns(self, player): index = self.players.index(player) self.players = self.players[index:] + self.players[:index] def get_round_winner(self): winning_card = self.round.winning_card for p in self.players: if winning_card == p.played_card: return p def get_winner(self): for p in self.players: if p.points >= self.score_limit: return p async def new_round(self): score_msg = discord.Embed(title="Table scores") for p in self.players: p.score() p.played_card = None p.hand_message = None p.table_message = None score_msg.add_field( name="Player {}".format(p.discord_member.display_name), value="{}/{}".format(p.points, self.score_limit), inline=False ) # We should do this after scoring, so a separate loop is needed here for that for p in self.players: await p.send_message(embed=score_msg) # Round the round's reset information (this is the one run after each round of cards...this won't do everything) self.round.reset() # This is the only extra thing needed to fully reset the round itself self.round.spades_broken = False # Set the deck back and shuffle it self.deck.refresh() self.deck.shuffle() # This is all we want to do here, this is just preparing for the new round...not actually starting it def deal(self): for _ in range(self.card_count): for p in self.players: card = list(self.deck.draw()) p.hand.insert(card) def join(self, member): p = Player(member, self) self.players.append(p) class Spades: def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.pending_game = None = [] def get_game(self, member): # Simply loop through each game's players, find the one that matches and return it for g, _ in for p in g.players: if == return g if self.pending_game: for p in self.pending_game.players: if == return self.pending_game def join_game(self, author): # First check if there's a pending game if self.pending_game: # If so add the player to it self.pending_game.join(author) # If we've hit 4 players, we want to start the game, add it to our list of games, and wipe our pending game if len(self.pending_game.players) == 2: task =, task)) self.pending_game = None # If there's no pending game, start a pending game else: g = Game( g.join(author) self.pending_game = g def __unload(self): # Simply cancel every task for _, task in task.cancel() @commands.command() @utils.can_run(send_messages=True) async def spades(self, ctx): """Used to join a spades games. This can be used in servers, or in PM, however it will be handled purely via PM. There are no teams in this version of spades, and blind nil/moon bids are not allowed. The way this is handled is for each person joining, there is a pending game ready to start...once 4 people have joined the "lobby" the game will start. EXAMPLE: !spades RESULT: You've joined the spades lobby!""" author = game = self.get_game(author) if game: if game.started: await ctx.send("You are already in a game! Check your PM's if you are confused") else: await ctx.send("There are {} players in your lobby".format(len(game.players))) return # Before we add the player to the game, we need to ensure we can PM this user # So lets do this backwards, confirm the user has joined the game, *then* join the game try: await author.send("You have joined a spades lobby! Please wait for more people to join, " "before the game can start") if ctx.guild: await ctx.send("Check your PM's {}. I have sent you information about your spades lobby".format( author.display_name)) self.join_game(author) except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send("This game is ran through PM's only! " "Please enable your PM's on this server if you want to play!") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Spades(bot))