import asyncio from discord.ext import commands import discord from . import utilities loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() def should_ignore(ctx): if ctx.message.guild is None: return False ignored =[] if not ignored: return False return in ignored['members'] or in ignored['channels'] async def check_not_restricted(ctx): # Return true if this is a private channel, we'll handle that in the registering of the command if type( is discord.DMChannel: return True # First get all the restrictions restrictions =[] # Now lets check the "from" restrictions for from_restriction in restrictions.get('from', []): # Get the source and destination # Source should ALWAYS be a command in this case source = from_restriction.get('source') destination = from_restriction.get('destination') # Special check for what the "disable" command produces if destination == "everyone" and ctx.command.qualified_name == source: return False # Convert destination to the object we want destination = await utilities.convert(ctx, destination) # If we couldn't find the destination, just continue with other restrictions # Also if this restriction we're checking isn't for this command if destination is None or source != ctx.command.qualified_name: continue # This means that the type of restriction we have is `command from channel` # Which means we do not want commands to be ran in this channel if destination == return False # This type is `command from Role` meaning anyone with this role can't run this command elif destination in return False # This is `command from Member` meaning this user specifically cannot run this command elif destination == return False # If we are here, then there are no blacklists stopping this from running # Now for the to restrictions this is a little different, we need to make a whitelist and # see if our current channel is in this whitelist, as well as any whitelisted roles are in the author's roles # Only if there is no whitelist, do we want to blanket return True to_restrictions = restrictions.get('to', []) if len(to_restrictions) == 0: return True # Otherwise there is a whitelist, and we need to start it whitelisted_channels = [] whitelisted_roles = [] for to_restriction in to_restrictions: # Get the source and destination # Source should ALWAYS be a command in this case source = to_restriction.get('source') destination = to_restriction.get('destination') # Convert destination to the object we want destination = await utilities.convert(ctx, destination) # If we couldn't find the destination, just continue with other restrictions # Also if this restriction we're checking isn't for this command if destination is None or source != ctx.command.qualified_name: continue # Append to our two whitelists depending on what type this is if isinstance(destination, discord.TextChannel): whitelisted_channels.append(destination) elif isinstance(destination, discord.Role): whitelisted_roles.append(destination) if whitelisted_channels: if not in whitelisted_channels: return False if whitelisted_roles: if not any(x in for x in whitelisted_roles): return False # If we have passed all of these, then we are allowed to run this command # This looks like a whole lot, but all of these lists will be very tiny in almost all cases # And only delving deep into the specific lists that may be large, will we finally see "large" lists # Which means this still will not be slow in other cases return True def has_perms(ctx, **perms): # Return true if this is a private channel, we'll handle that in the registering of the command if type( is discord.DMChannel: return True # Get the member permissions so that we can compare guild_perms = channel_perms = # Currently the library doesn't handle administrator lets do this manually if guild_perms.administrator: return True # Next, set the default permissions if one is not used, based on what was passed # This will be overriden later, if we have custom permissions required_perm = discord.Permissions.none() for perm, setting in perms.items(): setattr(required_perm, perm, setting) required_perm_value =[].get(ctx.command.qualified_name) if required_perm_value: required_perm = discord.Permissions(required_perm_value) # Now just check if the person running the command has these permissions return guild_perms >= required_perm or channel_perms >= required_perm def can_run(**kwargs): async def predicate(ctx): # Next check if it requires any certain permissions if kwargs and not has_perms(ctx, **kwargs): return False # Next...check custom restrictions if not await check_not_restricted(ctx): return False # Then if the user/channel should be ignored if should_ignore(ctx): return False # Otherwise....we're good return True predicate.perms = kwargs return commands.check(predicate)