import asyncio import aiohttp import traceback from discord.ext import commands from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode import utils class Spotify: """Pretty self-explanatory""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self._token = None self._client_id = utils.spotify_id or "" self._client_secret = utils.spotify_secret or "" self._authorization = "{}:{}".format(self._client_id, self._client_secret) self.headers = { "Authorization": "Basic {}".format( urlsafe_b64encode(self._authorization.encode()).decode() ) } self.task = async def api_token_task(self): while True: try: delay = await self.get_api_token() except Exception as error: delay = 2400 with open("error_log", 'a') as f: traceback.print_tb(error.__traceback__, file=f) print('{0.__class__.__name__}: {0}'.format(error), file=f) finally: await asyncio.sleep(delay) async def get_api_token(self): url = "" opts = {"grant_type": "client_credentials"} async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=self.headers) as session: response = await, data=opts) data = await response.json() self._token = data.get("access_token") return data.get("expires_in") @utils.can_run(send_messages=True) async def spotify(self, ctx, *, query): """Searches Spotify for a song, giving you the link you can use to listen in. Give the query to search for and it will search by title/artist for the best match EXAMPLE: !spotify Eminem RESULT: Some Eminem song""" # Setup the headers with the token that should be here headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self._token)} opts = {"q": query, "type": "track"} url = "" response = await utils.request(url, headers=headers, payload=opts) try: await ctx.send(response.get("tracks").get("items")[0].get("external_urls").get("spotify")) except (KeyError, AttributeError, IndexError): await ctx.send("Couldn't find a song for:\n{}".format(query)) @spotify.command() @utils.can_run(send_messages=True) async def playlist(self, ctx, *, query): """Searches Spotify for a playlist, giving you the link you can use to listen in. Give the query to search for and it will search for the best match EXAMPLE: !spotify Eminem RESULT: Some Eminem song""" # Setup the headers with the token that should be here headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self._token)} opts = {"q": query, "type": "playlist"} url = "" response = await utils.request(url, headers=headers, payload=opts) try: await ctx.send(response.get("playlists").get("items")[0].get("external_urls").get("spotify")) except (KeyError, AttributeError, IndexError): await ctx.send("Couldn't find a song for:\n{}".format(query)) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Spotify(bot))