from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands.cooldowns import BucketType from .utils import checks import re class Game: def __init__(self, word, creator): self.word = word self.creator = creator # This converts everything but spaces to a blank # TODO: Only convert [a-zA-Z0-9] self.blanks = "".join(letter if not"[a-zA-Z0-9]", letter) else "_" for letter in word) self.failed_letters = [] self.guessed_letters = [] self.fails = 0 def guess_letter(self, letter): # No matter what, add this to guessed letters so we only have to do one check if a letter was already guessed self.guessed_letters.append(letter) if letter.lower() in self.word.lower(): # Replace every occurence of the guessed letter, with the correct letter # Use the one in the word instead of letter, due to capitalization self.blanks = "".join( word_letter if letter.lower() == word_letter.lower() else self.blanks[i] for i, word_letter in enumerate(self.word)) return True else: self.fails += 1 self.failed_letters.append(letter) return False def guess_word(self, word): if word.lower() == self.word.lower(): self.blanks = self.word return True else: self.fails += 1 return False def win(self): return self.word == self.blanks def failed(self): return self.fails == 7 def __str__(self): # Here's our fancy formatting for the hangman picture # Each position in the hangman picture is either a space, or part of the man, based on how many fails there are man = " ——\n" man += " | |\n" man += " {} |\n".format("o" if self.fails > 0 else " ") man += " {}{}{} |\n".format("/" if self.fails > 1 else " ", "|" if self.fails > 2 else " ", "\\" if self.fails > 3 else " ") man += " {} |\n".format("|" if self.fails > 4 else " ") man += " {} {} |\n".format("/" if self.fails > 5 else " ", "\\" if self.fails > 6 else " ") man += " |\n" man += " ———————\n" fmt = "```\n{}```".format(man) # Then just add the guesses and the blanks to the string fmt += "```\nGuesses: {}\nWord: {}```".format(", ".join(self.failed_letters), " ".join(self.blanks)) return fmt class Hangman: def __init__(self, bot): = bot = {} def create(self, word, ctx): # Create a new game, then save it as the server's game game = Game(word,[] = game return game['hm'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True, invoke_without_command=True) @commands.cooldown(1, 30, BucketType.user) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def hangman(self, ctx, *, guess): """Makes a guess towards the server's currently running hangman game""" game = if not game: await"There are currently no hangman games running!") return # This check is here in case we failed in creating the hangman game # It is easier to make this check here, instead of throwing try except's around the creation # As there are multiple places we can fail...if we can't send a message/PM a user if game == "placeholder":[] = None await"Sorry but the attempt to setup a game on this server failed!\n" "This is most likely due to me not being able to PM the user who created the game\n" "Make sure you allow this feature if you want to be able to create a hangman game") return if == game.creator: await"You can't guess at your own hangman game! :S") return # Check if we are guessing a letter or a phrase. Only one letter can be guessed at a time # So if anything more than one was provided, we're guessing at the phrase # We're creating a fmt variable, so that we can add a message for if a guess was correct or not # And also add a message for a loss/win if len(guess) == 1: if guess in game.guessed_letters: await"That letter has already been guessed!") # Return here as we don't want to count this as a failure return if game.guess_letter(guess): fmt = "That's correct!" else: fmt = "Sorry, that letter is not in the phrase..." else: if game.guess_word(guess): fmt = "That's correct!" else: fmt = "Sorry that's not the correct phrase..." if fmt += " You guys got it! The word was `{}`".format(game.word) del[] elif game.failed(): fmt += " Sorry, you guys failed...the word was `{}`".format(game.word) del[] else: fmt += str(game) await @hangman.command(name='create', aliases=['start'], no_pm=True, pass_context=True) @checks.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def create_hangman(self, ctx): """This is used to create a new hangman game Due to the fact that I might not be able to delete a message, I will PM you and ask for the phrase you want. The phrase needs to be under 30 characters""" # Only have one hangman game per server, since anyone # In a server (except the creator) can guess towards the current game if is not None: await"Sorry but only one Hangman game can be running per server!") return # Make sure the phrase is less than 30 characters check = lambda m: len(m.content) < 30 # Doing this so that while we wait for the phrase, another one cannot be started.[] = "placeholder" # We want to send this message instead of just PM'ing the creator # As some people have PM's turned off/ don't pay attention to them await "I have just PM'd you {}, please respond there with the phrase you want to start a new" " hangman game with".format( # The only reason we save this variable, is so that we can retrieve # The PrivateChannel for it, for use in our wait_for_message command _msg = await"Please respond with the phrase you would like to use for your new hangman game\n" "Please note that it must be under 30 characters long") msg = await,, check=check) if not msg: await"Sorry, you took too long.") del[] return else: game = self.create(msg.content, ctx) # Let them know the game has started, then print the current game so that the blanks are shown await "Alright, a hangman game has just started, you can start guessing now!\n{}".format(str(game))) @hangman.command(name='delete', aliases=['stop', 'remove', 'end'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @checks.custom_perms(kick_members=True) async def stop_game(self, ctx): """Force stops a game of hangman This should realistically only be used in a situation like one player leaves Hopefully a moderator will not abuse it, but there's not much we can do to avoid that""" if is None: await"There are no Hangman games running on this server!") return del[] await"I have just stopped the game of Hangman, a new should be able to be started now!") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Hangman(bot))