from discord.ext import commands import discord from . import utils import re import asyncio class Roles: """Class to handle management of roles on the server""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot['roles'], invoke_without_command=True, no_pm=True) @utils.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def role(self, ctx): """This command can be used to modify the roles on the server. Pass no subcommands and this will print the roles currently available on this server EXAMPLE: !role RESULT: A list of all your roles""" # Simply get a list of all roles in this server and send them server_roles = [ for role in ctx.message.guild.roles if not role.is_everyone] await ctx.send("Your server's roles are: ```\n{}```".format("\n".join(server_roles))) @role.command(name='remove', no_pm=True) @utils.custom_perms(manage_roles=True) async def remove_role(self, ctx): """Use this to remove roles from a number of members EXAMPLE: !role remove @Jim @Bot @Joe RESULT: A follow-along to remove the role(s) you want to, from these 3 members""" # No use in running through everything if the bot cannot manage roles if not await ctx.send("I can't manage roles in this server, do you not trust me? :c") return check = lambda m: == and == server_roles = [role for role in ctx.message.guild.roles if not role.is_everyone] # First get the list of all mentioned users members = ctx.message.mentions # If no users are mentioned, ask the author for a list of the members they want to remove the role from if len(members) == 0: await ctx.send("Please provide the list of members you want to remove a role from") try: msg = await'message', check=check, timeout=60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long. I'm impatient, don't make me wait") return if len(msg.mentions) == 0: await ctx.send("I cannot remove a role from someone if you don't provide someone...") return # Override members if everything has gone alright, and then continue members = msg.mentions # This allows the user to remove multiple roles from the list of users, if they want. await ctx.send("Alright, please provide the roles you would like to remove from this member. " "Make sure the roles, if more than one is provided, are separate by commas. " "Here is a list of this server's roles:" "```\n{}```".format("\n".join([ for r in server_roles]))) try: msg = await'message', check=check, timeout=60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long. I'm impatient, don't make me wait") return # Split the content based on commas, using regex so we can split if a space was not provided or if it was role_names = re.split(', ?', msg.content) roles = [] # This loop is just to get the actual role objects based on the name for role in role_names: _role = discord.utils.get(server_roles, name=role) if _role is not None: roles.append(_role) # If no valid roles were given, let them know that and return if len(roles) == 0: await ctx.send("Please provide a valid role next time!") return # Otherwise, remove the roles from each member given for member in members: await, *roles) await ctx.send("I have just removed the following roles:```\n{}``` from the following members:" "```\n{}```".format("\n".join(role_names), "\n".join([m.display_name for m in members]))) @role.command(name='add', no_pm=True) @utils.custom_perms(manage_roles=True) async def add_role(self, ctx): """Use this to add a role to multiple members. Provide the list of members, and I'll ask for the role If no members are provided, I'll first ask for them EXAMPLE: !role add @Bob @Joe @jim RESULT: A follow along to add the roles you want to these 3""" # No use in running through everything if the bot cannot manage roles if not await ctx.send("I can't manage roles in this server, do you not trust me? :c") return check = lambda m: == and == # This is exactly the same as removing roles, except we call add_roles instead. server_roles = [role for role in ctx.message.guild.roles if not role.is_everyone] members = ctx.message.mentions if len(members) == 0: await ctx.send("Please provide the list of members you want to add a role to") try: msg = await'message', check=check, timeout=60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long. I'm impatient, don't make me wait") return if len(msg.mentions) == 0: await ctx.send("I cannot add a role to someone if you don't provide someone...") return members = msg.mentions await ctx.send("Alright, please provide the roles you would like to add to this member. " "Make sure the roles, if more than one is provided, are separate by commas. " "Here is a list of this server's roles:" "```\n{}```".format("\n".join([ for r in server_roles]))) try: msg = await'message', check=check, timeout=60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long. I'm impatient, don't make me wait") return role_names = re.split(', ?', msg.content) roles = [] for role in role_names: _role = discord.utils.get(server_roles, name=role) if _role is not None: roles.append(_role) if len(roles) == 0: await ctx.send("Please provide a valid role next time!") return for member in members: await member.add_roles(*roles) await ctx.send("I have just added the following roles:```\n{}``` to the following members:" "```\n{}```".format("\n".join(role_names), "\n".join([m.display_name for m in members]))) @role.command(name='delete', no_pm=True) @utils.custom_perms(manage_roles=True) async def delete_role(self, ctx, *, role: discord.Role = None): """This command can be used to delete one of the roles from the server EXAMPLE: !role delete StupidRole RESULT: No more role called StupidRole""" # No use in running through everything if the bot cannot manage roles if not await ctx.send("I can't delete roles in this server, do you not trust me? :c") return # If no role was given, get the current roles on the server and ask which ones they'd like to remove if role is None: server_roles = [role for role in ctx.message.guild.roles if not role.is_everyone] await ctx.send( "Which role would you like to remove from the server? Here is a list of this server's roles:" "```\n{}```".format("\n".join([ for r in server_roles]))) # For this method we're only going to delete one role at a time # This check attempts to find a role based on the content provided, if it can't find one it returns None # We can use that fact to simply use just that as our check def check(m): if == and == return discord.utils.get(server_roles, name=m.content) is not None else: return False try: msg = await'message', timeout=60, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long. I'm impatient, don't make me wait") return # If we have gotten here, based on our previous check, we know that the content provided is a valid role. # Due to that, no need for any error checking here role = discord.utils.get(server_roles, name=msg.content) await role.delete() await ctx.send("I have just removed the role {} from this server".format( @role.command(name='create', no_pm=True) @utils.custom_perms(manage_roles=True) async def create_role(self, ctx): """This command can be used to create a new role for this server A prompt will follow asking what settings you would like for this new role I'll then ask if you'd like to set anyone to use this role EXAMPLE: !role create RESULT: A follow along in order to create a new role""" # No use in running through everything if the bot cannot create the role if not await ctx.send("I can't create roles in this server, do you not trust me? :c") return # Save a couple variables that will be used repeatedly author = server = ctx.message.guild channel = # A couple checks that will be used in the wait_for_message's def num_seperated_check(m): if == author and == channel: return"(\d(, ?| )?|[nN]one)", m.content) is not None else: return False def yes_no_check(m): if == author and == channel: return"(yes|no)", m.content.lower()) is not None else: return False def members_check(m): if == author and == channel: return len(m.mentions) > 0 else: return False author_check = lambda m: == author and == channel # Start the checks for the role, get the name of the role first await ctx.send( "Alright! I'm ready to create a new role, please respond with the name of the role you want to create") try: msg = await'message', timeout=60.0, check=author_check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long. I'm impatient, don't make me wait") return name = msg.content # Print a list of all the permissions available, then ask for which ones need to be active on this new role all_perms = [p for p in dir(discord.Permissions) if isinstance(getattr(discord.Permissions, p), property)] fmt = "\n".join("{}) {}".format(i, perm) for i, perm in enumerate(all_perms)) await ctx.send("Sounds fancy! Here is a list of all the permissions available. Please respond with just " "the numbers, seperated by commas, of the permissions you want this role to have.\n" "```\n{}```".format(fmt)) # For this we're going to give a couple extra minutes before we timeout # as it might take a bit to figure out which permissions they want try: msg = await'message', timeout=180.0, check=num_seperated_check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long. I'm impatient, don't make me wait") return # Check if any integer's were provided that are within the length of the list of permissions num_permissions = [int(i) for i in re.split(' ?,?', msg.content) if i.isdigit() and int(i) < len(all_perms)] # Check if this role should be in a separate section on the sidebard, i.e. hoisted await ctx.send("Do you want this role to be in a separate section on the sidebar? (yes or no)") try: msg = await'message', timeout=60.0, check=yes_no_check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long. I'm impatient, don't make me wait") return hoist = True if msg.content.lower() == "yes" else False # Check if this role should be able to be mentioned await ctx.send("Do you want this role to be mentionable? (yes or no)") try: msg = await'message', timeout=60.0, check=yes_no_check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You took too long. I'm impatient, don't make me wait") return mentionable = True if msg.content.lower() == "yes" else False # Ready to actually create the role # First create a permissions object based on the numbers provided perms = discord.Permissions.none() for index in num_permissions: setattr(perms, all_perms[index], True) payload = { 'name': name, 'permissions': perms, 'hoist': hoist, 'mentionable': mentionable } # Create the role, and wait a second, sometimes it goes too quickly and we get a role with 'new role' to print role = await server.create_role(**payload) await asyncio.sleep(1) await ctx.send("We did it! You just created the new role {}\nIf you want to add this role" " to some people, mention them now".format( try: msg = await'message', timeout=60.0, check=members_check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: # There's no need to mention the users, so don't send a failure message if they didn't, just return return # Otherwise members were mentioned, add the new role to them now for member in msg.mentions: await member.add_roles(role) fmt = "\n".join(m.display_name for m in msg.mentions) await ctx.send("I have just added the role {} to: ```\n{}```".format(name, fmt)) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Roles(bot))