import aiohttp import asyncio import discord import traceback import logging from discord.ext import commands from . import utils log = logging.getLogger() class Deviantart: def __init__(self, bot): self.base_url = "" = bot self.headers = {"User-Agent": utils.user_agent} self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession() self.token = None self.params = None bot.loop.create_task(self.token_task()) bot.loop.create_task(self.post_task()) async def token_task(self): while True: expires_in = await self.get_token() await asyncio.sleep(expires_in) async def post_task(self): await asyncio.sleep(5) # Lets start the task a few seconds after, to ensure our token gets set while True: await self.check_posts() await asyncio.sleep(300) async def get_token(self): # We need a token to create requests, it doesn't seem this token goes away # To get this token, we need to make a request and retrieve that url = '' params = {'client_id': utils.da_id, 'client_secret': utils.da_secret, 'grant_type': 'client_credentials'} data = await utils.request(url, payload=params) self.token = data.get('access_token', None) self.params = {'access_token': self.token} # Make sure we refresh our token, based on when they tell us it expires # Ensure we call it a few seconds earlier, to give us enough time to set the new token # If there was an issue, lets call this in a minute again return data.get('expires_in', 65) - 5 async def check_posts(self): content = await utils.get_content('deviantart') # People might sub to the same person, so lets cache every person and their last update cache = {} if not content: return try: for entry in content: user = discord.utils.get(, id=entry['member_id']) # If the bot is not in the server with the member, we might not be able to find this user. if user is None: continue params = self.params.copy() # Now loop through the subscriptions for da_name in entry['subbed']: # Check what the last updated content we sent to this user was # Since we cannot go back in time, if this doesn't match the last uploaded from the user # Assume we need to notify the user of this post last_updated_id = entry['last_updated'].get(da_name, None) # Check if this user has been requested already, if so we don't need to make another request result = cache.get(da_name, None) if result is None: params['username'] = da_name data = await utils.request(self.base_url, payload=params) if data is None: continue elif not data['results']: continue result = data['results'][0] cache[da_name] = result # This means that our last update to this user, for this author, is not the same if last_updated_id != result['deviationid']: # First lets check if the last updated ID was None, if so...then we haven't alerted them yet # We don't want to alert them in this case # We just want to act like the artist's most recent update was the last notified # So just notify the user if this is not None if last_updated_id is not None: fmt = "There has been a new post by an artist you are subscribed to!\n\n" \ "**Title:** {}\n**User:** {}\n**URL:** {}".format( result['title'], result['author']['username'], result['url']) await user.send(fmt) # Now we can update the user's last updated for this DA # We want to do this whether or not our last if statement was met update = {'last_updated': {da_name: result['deviationid']}} await utils.update_content('deviantart', update, except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() fmt = "{1}\n{0.__class__.__name__}: {0}".format(tb, e) log.error(fmt) @utils.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def da(self, ctx): """This provides a sort of 'RSS' feed for subscribed to artists. Subscribe to artists, and I will PM you when new posts come out from these artists""" pass @da.command(name='sub', aliases=['add', 'subscribe']) @utils.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def da_sub(self, ctx, *, username): """This can be used to add a feed to your notifications. Provide a username, and when posts are made from this user, you will be notified EXAMPLE: !da sub MyFavoriteArtistEva<3 RESULT: Notifications of amazing pics c:""" key = content = await utils.get_content('deviantart', key) # TODO: Ensure the user provided is a real user if content is None: entry = {'member_id':, 'subbed': [username], 'last_updated': {}} await utils.add_content('deviantart', entry) await ctx.send("You have just subscribed to {}!".format(username)) elif content['subbed'] is None or username not in content['subbed']: if content['subbed'] is None: sub_list = [username] else: content['subbed'].append(username) sub_list = content['subbed'] await utils.update_content('deviantart', {'subbed': sub_list}, key) await ctx.send("You have just subscribed to {}!".format(username)) else: await ctx.send("You are already subscribed to that user!") @da.command(pass_context=True, name='unsub', aliases=['delete', 'remove', 'unsubscribe']) @utils.custom_perms(send_messages=True) async def da_unsub(self, ctx, *, username): """This command can be used to unsub from the specified user EXAMPLE: !da unsub TheArtistWhoBetrayedMe RESULT: No more pics from that terrible person!""" key = content = await utils.get_content('deviantart', key) if content is None or content['subbed'] is None: await ctx.send("You are not subscribed to anyone at the moment!") elif username in content['subbed']: content[0]['subbed'].remove(username) await utils.update_content('deviantart', {'subbed': content[0]['subbed']}, key) await ctx.send("You have just unsubscribed from {}!".format(username)) else: await ctx.send("You are not subscribed to that user!") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Deviantart(bot))