import asyncio import asyncpg from collections import defaultdict from . import config class Cache: """A class to hold the entires that are called on every message/command""" def __init__(self, db): self.db = db self.prefixes = {} self.ignored = defaultdict(dict) self.custom_permissions = defaultdict(dict) self.restrictions = defaultdict(dict) async def setup(self): # Make sure db is setup first await self.db.setup() await self.load_prefixes() await self.load_custom_permissions() await self.load_restrictions() await self.load_ignored() async def load_ignored(self): query = """ SELECT id, ignored_channels, ignored_members FROM guilds WHERE array_length(ignored_channels, 1) > 0 OR array_length(ignored_members, 1) > 0 """ rows = await self.db.fetch(query) for row in rows: self.ignored[row['id']]['members'] = row['ignored_members'] self.ignored[row['id']]['channels'] = row['ignored_channels'] async def load_prefixes(self): query = """ SELECT id, prefix FROM guilds WHERE prefix IS NOT NULL """ rows = await self.db.fetch(query) for row in rows: self.prefixes[row['id']] = row['prefix'] def update_prefix(self, guild, prefix): self.prefixes[] = prefix async def load_custom_permissions(self): query = """ SELECT guild, command, permission FROM custom_permissions WHERE permission IS NOT NULL """ rows = await self.db.fetch(query) for row in rows: self.custom_permissions[row['guild']][row['command']] = row['permission'] def update_custom_permission(self, guild, command, permission): self.custom_permissions[][command.qualified_name] = permission async def load_restrictions(self): query = """ SELECT guild, source, from_to, destination FROM restrictions """ rows = await self.db.fetch(query) for row in rows: opt = {"source": row['source'], "destination": row['destination']} from_restrictions = self.restrictions[row['guild']].get(row['from_to'], []) from_restrictions.append(opt) self.restrictions[row['guild']][row['from_to']] = from_restrictions def add_restriction(self, guild, from_to, restriction): restrictions = self.restrictions[].get(from_to, []) restrictions.append(restriction) self.restrictions[][from_to] = restrictions def remove_restriction(self, guild, from_to, restriction): restrictions = self.restrictions[].get(from_to, []) if restriction in restrictions: restrictions.remove(restriction) self.restrictions[][from_to] = restrictions class DB: def __init__(self): self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.opts = config.db_opts self.cache = {} self._pool = None async def connect(self): self._pool = await asyncpg.create_pool(**self.opts) async def setup(self): await self.connect() async def _query(self, call, query, *args, **kwargs): """this will acquire a connection and make the call, then return the result""" async with self._pool.acquire() as connection: async with connection.transaction(): return await getattr(connection, call)(query, *args, **kwargs) async def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): return await self._query("execute", *args, **kwargs) async def fetch(self, *args, **kwargs): return await self._query("fetch", *args, **kwargs) async def fetchrow(self, *args, **kwargs): return await self._query("fetchrow", *args, **kwargs) async def fetchval(self, *args, **kwargs): return await self._query("fetchval", *args, **kwargs) async def upsert(self, table, data): keys = values = "" for num, k in enumerate(data.keys()): if num > 0: keys += ", " values += ", " keys += k values += f"${num}" query = f"INSERT INTO {table} ({keys}) VALUES ({values}) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE" return await self.execute(query, *data.values())