from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands.cooldowns import BucketType import discord from utils import checks import re import asyncio class Game: def __init__(self, word): self.word = word # This converts everything but spaces to a blank self.blanks = "".join( letter if not"[a-zA-Z0-9]", letter) else "_" for letter in word ) self.failed_letters = [] self.guessed_letters = [] self.fails = 0 def guess_letter(self, letter): # No matter what, add this to guessed letters so we only have to do one check if a letter was already guessed self.guessed_letters.append(letter) if letter.lower() in self.word.lower(): # Replace every occurence of the guessed letter, with the correct letter # Use the one in the word instead of letter, due to capitalization self.blanks = "".join( word_letter if letter.lower() == word_letter.lower() else self.blanks[i] for i, word_letter in enumerate(self.word) ) return True else: self.fails += 1 self.failed_letters.append(letter) return False def guess_word(self, word): if word.lower() == self.word.lower(): self.blanks = self.word return True else: self.fails += 1 return False def win(self): return self.word == self.blanks def failed(self): return self.fails == 7 def __str__(self): # Here's our fancy formatting for the hangman picture # Each position in the hangman picture is either a space, or part of the man, based on how many fails there are man = " ——\n" man += " | |\n" man += " {} |\n".format("o" if self.fails > 0 else " ") man += " {}{}{} |\n".format( "/" if self.fails > 1 else " ", "|" if self.fails > 2 else " ", "\\" if self.fails > 3 else " ", ) man += " {} |\n".format("|" if self.fails > 4 else " ") man += " {} {} |\n".format( "/" if self.fails > 5 else " ", "\\" if self.fails > 6 else " " ) man += " |\n" man += " ———————\n" fmt = "```\n{}```".format(man) # Then just add the guesses and the blanks to the string fmt += "```\nGuesses: {}\nWord: {}```".format( ", ".join(self.failed_letters), " ".join(self.blanks) ) return fmt class Hangman(commands.Cog): """Pretty self-explanatory""" games = {} pending_games = [] def create(self, word, ctx): # Create a new game, then save it as the server's game game = Game(word)[] = game = return game["hm"], invoke_without_command=True) @commands.guild_only() @commands.cooldown(1, 7, BucketType.user) @checks.can_run(send_messages=True) async def hangman(self, ctx, *, guess): """Makes a guess towards the server's currently running hangman game EXAMPLE: !hangman e (or) !hangman The Phrase! RESULT: Hopefully a win!""" game = if not game: ctx.command.reset_cooldown(ctx) await ctx.send("There are currently no hangman games running!") return if == await ctx.send("You cannot guess on your own hangman game!") return # Check if we are guessing a letter or a phrase. Only one letter can be guessed at a time # So if anything more than one was provided, we're guessing at the phrase # We're creating a fmt variable, so that we can add a message for if a guess was correct or not # And also add a message for a loss/win if len(guess) == 1: if guess.lower() in game.guessed_letters: ctx.command.reset_cooldown(ctx) await ctx.send("That letter has already been guessed!") # Return here as we don't want to count this as a failure return if game.guess_letter(guess): fmt = "That's correct!" else: fmt = "Sorry, that letter is not in the phrase..." else: if game.guess_word(guess): fmt = "That's correct!" else: fmt = "Sorry that's not the correct phrase..." if fmt += " You guys got it! The phrase was `{}`".format(game.word) del[] elif game.failed(): fmt += " Sorry, you guys failed...the phrase was `{}`".format(game.word) del[] else: fmt += str(game) await ctx.send(fmt) @hangman.command(name="create", aliases=["start"]) @commands.guild_only() @checks.can_run(send_messages=True) async def create_hangman(self, ctx): """This is used to create a new hangman game A predefined phrase will be randomly chosen as the phrase to use EXAMPLE: !hangman start RESULT: This is pretty obvious .-.""" # Only have one hangman game per server, since anyone # In a server (except the creator) can guess towards the current game if is not None: await ctx.send("Sorry but only one Hangman game can be running per server!") return if in self.pending_games: await ctx.send( "Someone has already started one, and I'm now waiting for them..." ) return try: msg = await "Please respond with a phrase you would like to use for your hangman game in **{}**\n\nPlease keep " "phrases less than 31 characters".format( ) except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send( "I can't message you {}! Please allow DM's so I can message you and ask for the hangman phrase you " "want to use!".format( ) return await ctx.send( "I have DM'd you {}, please respond there with the phrase you would like to setup".format( ) ) def check(m): return == and len(m.content) <= 30 self.pending_games.append( try: msg = await"message", check=check, timeout=60) except asyncio.TimeoutError: self.pending_games.remove( await ctx.send( "You took too long! Please look at your DM's as that's where I'm asking for the phrase you want to use" ) return else: self.pending_games.remove( forbidden_phrases = ["stop", "delete", "remove", "end", "create", "start"] if msg.content in forbidden_phrases: await ctx.send( "Detected forbidden hangman phrase; current forbidden phrases are: \n{}".format( "\n".join(forbidden_phrases) ) ) return game = self.create(msg.content, ctx) # Let them know the game has started, then print the current game so that the blanks are shown await ctx.send( "Alright, a hangman game has just started, you can start guessing now!\n{}".format( str(game) ) ) @hangman.command(name="delete", aliases=["stop", "remove", "end"]) @commands.guild_only() @checks.can_run(kick_members=True) async def stop_game(self, ctx): """Force stops a game of hangman This should realistically only be used in a situation like one player leaves Hopefully a moderator will not abuse it, but there's not much we can do to avoid that EXAMPLE: !hangman stop RESULT: No more men being hung""" if is None: await ctx.send("There are no Hangman games running on this server!") return del[] await ctx.send( "I have just stopped the game of Hangman, a new should be able to be started now!" ) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Hangman(bot))